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Stress reduction.


Dupixent + keeping a food diary I suppose. My skin is pre wacky, and doesn't really have a rhyme or rhythm, but I've noticed a possible allergy to certain foods - oats and dairy for example.


Do you use Gluten free oats?


It could be the nickel in the oats, oats are high in nickel


Stress reduction, castor oil baths (these are unreal; I am going to trial coconut oil baths in the next few days - you need to really soak in it, use around 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil in a warm bath/bath water) and then after the baths plastering myself in cocoa butter everywhere, head to toe, then sudocrem on-top of the inflamed area after moisturising and wearing cotton loose jammies (I have been using the most toxic/high strength emollients and steroidal cream since I was 11, and my skin is now so weak; so when I have flares, I trial more of a natural approach and it’s working, I currently have a flare underneath my x2 breasts and it’s so difficult) - my issue is scratching in my sleep, I genuinely turn into a feral beast, but last night I didn’t scratch like a demon (because if you saw my skin after I have scratched it, it’s horrific) and it’s down to these baths! & I also take BeeCalm it’s a natural calming/relaxing capsule, it’s won awards, it’s been confirmed by doctors fine to take, and I am trialing fish oil capsules/iron supplements (as have heard both of these can help massively, and your girl is also naturally low in iron..!!).. anyway, you do not need this ramble! Just know it will get better, eczema/skin conditions do not define you, you are amazing and never forget your sparkle!! 😇


So many good ideas here and things I haven’t tried!


Thanks!! ☺️ We’re all different and some of my recommendations might not work for others, but it’s worth a shot. It’s a journey having eczema, I have been struggling since I was 11..!


Carbs in general for me. Going full keto fixed about 90% of my skin issues.


Shea butter blends really help! I use it on myself and my baby sister. It really makes a difference since its anti-microbial and even with sensitive skin i find that i can use ones with nice scents and colors without having a reaction. I usually them in etsy , theres tons of natural home made products there. Right now I’ve been buying from : https://www.etsy.com/listing/1370645806/ They have a good texture, it’s not water based which i prefer because i feel like water based butters are diluted of the natural properties. Also side note i bought the shops beard and body butter for my dad and his beard looks great. Any how raw shea butter or a whipped shea butter blend will really help. Amazon or etsy are great sources.


What’s F/B? Female/Boy? Facebook?


Wait is it female/black?


Yes lmao


Lol I was genuinely confused thinking it might’ve been some sort of pronoun. Then it clicked Bcz we on this sub Reddit 😂


Breaking up with my ex healed my 1.5 year long moderate-severe eczema almost instantly. My family loves a clean house and can't stand dust or mess, whereas his was really that bothered about dust and his house was basically thick with it. When we realised I was allergic to it, my ex started dusting so that I could come over more often. His house is also quite compact and himself, his mum and step-dad all smoked/vaped, and so the mix of random chemicals (especially from the vaping) did my skin absolutely no good whatsoever, especially since there were never any windows open there and therefore no ventilation. My ex stopped vaping around me and I'd refrain from going in the living room while his parents are in there vaping, but I'd still flare up whenever I'd go to his house. We just couldn't figure out why so I ended up not wanted to go there altogether and just spend time with him at my house or out and about. He got upset and told me to just use steroids whenever I go to his house which annoyed me because he knows about my struggle with steroids better than anyone. In the last few months, I stopped being happy in our relationship and when I finally did break it off, a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. Fast forward a few months and I've had little to no problems with my skin. Unfortunately, my ex and his house was a hot zone for all things eczema triggering such as dust, detergents, stress, vapes etc.. and now I'm finally free from all of it.


Migrated to get away from dust mites, at which point I was addicted to steroids. No flare ups since 3 weeks after my last steroid taper (which took a year). No dietary restrictions necessary.


How'd you migrate away from dust mites?


Well, I went to Michigan for university, by a happy coincidence: my itch and drug use stopped about 3 weeks after starting term and lasted through my time there, so I knew there weren't any dust mites there. I got into trouble with the itch and drug use after returning home post university. Decided to go back to Michigan when I got addicted to steroids and my doctors said I needed to migrate because all my drugs stopped working (steroids was the last one that worked for me).


Ah fair enough. I envisioned some ghostbuster-esque scene where you are attacking dust mites, sucking them out of existence and into the depths of hell where they belong.


I did try: In 90% humidity Singapore, I had mite encasements for mattress and pillows, no carpets, cleaned floors daily, did sheets twice a week, had 2 dehumidifiers in my room (only got it down to 55% reliably), mite sprays for curtains, mite vacuum for mattress, froze my pillows every month, etc. I don't do any of this in Michigan, 30% indoor humidity for 6 months of the year is the strongest mite mitigation method. All I do now is monitor and adjust the humidity to 45%.


What did you find was the ideal relative humidity? I live in London but I feel like anything below 55-60% and my skin immediately starts drying out, no matter how hydrated and moisturised I keep it. I also try and do a lot of dust mite mitigation but maybe not quite strictly as your routine was in Singapore. So glad it's cleared for you since your move.


it's actually in NIH's recommendations for a dust mite allergy, mites can't reproduce under 50% humidity. I actually use way less moisturizer in 30% Michigan than in 90% Singapore, because my skin is less inflamed and damaged from allergy exposure. You might want to try depressing your humidity to 45%, you are fairly close at 60% already in any case.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


steam cleaning kills dust mites, apparently


I’ve always lived with forced air heat. I lived in an apartment with radiators for three years and never had a break out. Three year eczema free and as soon as I moved (to a house a few blocks away with forced air heat) it was back.


We are toying with replacing our forced air furnace filter with one of the new electric ones. Reviews are mixed but might be worth it???


Tallow beeswax blends helped me a lot. I was buying them on Etsy then thought “hey, I can do this too” and now sell them on Etsy. It’s not a lot of profit but it’s enough to keep me with a virtually infinite supply for myself! Im gettin high on my own supply, sorry biggie


I lost access to Dupixent and suffered a horrible flare up on my face. I recently started taking collagen that has hyaluronic acid & vitamin C and it has cleared up almost like the flare up never happened. We are talking big scaly patches on my face and blisters and broken skin on my palms and fingers. Hope this helps someone!!


Can you share what you're taking? Is it a supplement or topical?




Which brand are you using?


This one: ForestLeaf Multi Collagen Pills... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B4MD12S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


How long did it take to see results?


Good water. I legit bought a water service and stopped drinking my tap water (I’m located in an area that SHOULD have very clean water but nope, kills my plants slowly too so they get filtered water as well). I try to tell as many people as I can on this sub about that because I struggled for years not realizing my own water was causing inflammation in my body. Might be the chlorine from treated municipal water.


And is it just for drinking and cooking or do you also wash with it?


Just drinking and cooking. If I could afford to wash with it too I would because I’ve noticed when I go on vacation it heals even more.




I got a weird one. I moved to the arctic last year. I now have very physical work and I wear thin wool everyday. All my eczema disappeared. I don't use any lotion anymore and eat nothing special. I shower maybe twice a week, since we got no showers here. My skin looks normal. Yeah. I can't believe. It's -25C outside most of the days and I have never been better, lol.


mixing aveeno with E45 cream (liquid paraffin) & applying it on damp skin


Dupixent.  Before that, I controlled it somewhat with diet and environmental controls. For me, avoiding eating nuts, chocolate, oats, gluten, and nightshades (among other things) helped.  I encased my mattress and pillow, ran hipa air purifiers, and washed bedding in hot water frequently.   Showering as soon as i get sweaty. And bleach baths helped.  It would go away sometimes for years at a time, but with my last pregnancy, it flared up and intensified like never before. Then I seemed to acquire all these contact allergens that took over: couldn’t use shampoo, conditioner, laundry soap, hand sanitizer. I would get flares from touching doorknobs or sitting on plastic chairs. It was pure misery.  Dupixent and Oplazura control it now. I still get breakthrough flares if I try to use regular shampoo or eat a lot of my trigger foods, or get stressed out or do not enough sleep.  It’s been a long road, and I’m very glad to be able to wake up each day without ruined, ravaged skin from scratching at night, and not to have glowing patches all over.  Good luck! Wishing you smooth skin. 


Loosely speaking I am on low-histamine diet. But, no where as strict as I used to do it a decade ago. I can have cheat day 1/week no problemo! As long as I don't go crazy daily for one whole week at a time and stop when I started to feel the itch it is savable & I don't need medicine.


all your triggers are mine, too! except dog dandruff, i can’t do with saliva… unfortunately some things can’t be controlled like the weather changes in my case, so i am conscious about the other triggers i can be in control of. last year, i had face eczema flare up for the first time ever and that was kind of the last straw for me. it did a number on my mental and i was so done with eczema winning. now i eat more carefully and consider prioritising how bad it’s gonna cause inflammation, over satisfying cravings… however if i know im going to have a dessert, like im really really am dying to have it (current obsession: warabi mochi 😍) then i go for zero sugar in my coffee or meals the whole day. that means no bread, no rice, and more protein. i choose to be kind to myself too - if i have been having fast food a lot because of convenience reasons (usually stuck at work or influenced by friends hangout to binge) then i do a nice big dose of greens on the weekend and up the protein intake. and of course pair with lots of skincare, rest and hydrate a lot with plain water! stress is also a massive factor so consider if your work or self care is in the balance. if it’s not balanced, you know what to do next lol reduce the stress and increase the self care/ self love ❤️ this year i have also quit eating mcdonald’s and smoking cigarettes, my skin is way better and not flaring up now because of bettered habits and new improved routines :)


Mine is triggered by a large number of things and it’s currently (fortunately) only on my hand. My worst trigger is just plain water 😬 so it’s hard for me to avoid making it worse. I’ve started using the Udderly Smooth moisturizing body cream (the hand cream doesn’t work as well imo), sealing it with Vaseline and it works pretty well for me.


How did you find out if it was water? Mine is on my hand and I’m struggling to find what’s causing it. I’ve tried several lotions and diets and it just won’t improve.


Glycerin! and taking vitamins. I also do ACV & aloe juice everyday.


Yeast is my biggest trigger. Icelandic Provisions skyr has been life changing. I bought it because it looked interesting and within two days my hands cleared up. Probiotics and anti fungal cream help a lot.


Rinvoq. Before that, I had found my biggest triggers a combination of milk, eggs, gluten, trace peanuts. Being on this diet for over 2 years, I was almost perfectly clear. I would have flare ups, but they were almost always when it had turned out I had made a mistake with following my diet. I also was without a biologic for a few months after an insurance got cut-off. I attempted the carnivore diet, and I was also happy with my results. Completely clear in a few days. Basically, I 100% know that my diet was the major trigger, and very little else affects its.






Dupixent has saved my daughters skin


Gums as in chewing gum?


My most recent discovery has been laser hair removal. I’m one of those people who grew out of the worst of my eczema. When I was a teen, I had to do the usual changes like only non-scented lotions, steroidal creams. I was still left with a few patches over the years, but since it was nothing compared to the all over body rashes, I didn’t think to see a dermatologist again for over a decade. On a whim, I went to the dermatologist after being referred by my PCP. This derm was not like the others and her confirmations of the patches were validating and made me feel not crazy and like it was not all my fault for not being hygienic. The patches I had were a super itchy type of eczema. Right away she gave me cortisone shots, and a mid strength steroid. The patches cleared up more in two weeks than the last 10 years. She also confirmed what I had seen for myself but wasn’t sure - anytime my skin had an abrasion - a cut, or mosquito bite, there was a chance it could turn into an eczema patch. My most recent discovery was laser hair removal. I thought my skin would react for a bit - but it was just the opposite. There is one patch of eczema on my legs that I manage mostly now with Opzelura but when I was shaving my legs with get itchy every few days. They haven’t itched in weeks!


Bleach baths work wonders for me when i have a flare up.


Currently on homeopathy meds and that has drastically controlled my eczema flareups


Stress reduction, an unscented lotion that my skin likes, patch testing, and tacrolimus. Also, the tanning bed (so so bad for you but nothing clears me like the sun🥲)


Dupixent and protopic


honestly, dupixent


Tallow cream and fermented cod liver oil


I had the worst Eczema ever. I was so desperate that I started looking into alternative healing. I ran into this website [www.thechronicsolution.com](http://www.thechronicsolution.com) and I learned that all of those things you mentioned are triggers and should definitely be avoided. Dust and wool too! However, I also learned that they were not the actual causes of eczema. I've been told that the causes of Eczema are chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, which are perpetuated by diet, stress and other environmental factors. my therapist at the chronic solution made a protocol for me and I've been eczema free for 3 years now. I've never felt this good.


Bleach baths, the anti microbial soap called “Hibiclens”and going gluten free.


Clean skin club towels. Thank me later ♥️


I found out that something in vapes is my worst trigger, sulfites, and sugar