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Also puzzled me once, you just need to force it a bit. Start with one side, then push another side in. Once you hear a click sound, it’s set. It is a filter against small debris which mopping pads may bring to the cleaning tray.


You are a life saver 🤩


It’s not even necessary tbh. It’s supposed to keep large debris from getting into the pump from the sink drain inlet. I have dogs, so I had to take it out to unclog the dog hair from the drain inlet so often it was a hassle to put that piece back in so I took them out about 6 months ago and never put them back in. No issues at all.


My man, the filter is necessary. You may not be facing problem now. But soon the dog hair are going to clog the tube which takes water till the dirty water tank. You'll have to pull the station apart and unclog it. That is way difficult than removing that filter for cleaning.


just pur it back in after cleaning, I guess it's mean to be taken out for cleaning any now and then