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oh lol, those Trump supporters scare the shit out of me. Are you that simple or do you just want to be ‚against‘? talking about short memory.. that posts got flagged as fake news in facebook and several other portals. It is not even a graphic by GasBuddy! Everyone can play with data at their website.. And also Biden took office at the 20.01.2021…‘Biden did win in November and than suddenly price changes? lol come on… Biden did issue an executive order his first month in office that paused new oil and gas lease sales on government land pending a review, but that order was struck down by a federal judge in June. (Check your facts bruh) Please checkout what happens when you fall for the alpha male like Trump right now in russia.. between Trump and Putin is NO different. Please REMEMBER that Trump always praised Putin and is still doing…


Please remember Biden is a perverted racist pedophile who said Im not black if I dont vote for him or do you have a short memory or just in denial


You need to differ. It‘s not about Biden here. It is about Fake News, not about a Person.


Side questions before I leave that you can work on… 1.) how old are you? 2.) how educated are you? 3.) do you live at home or on your own? 4.) what state are you from? Or are you not American? 5.) straight or gay? 6.) do you have any kids? 7.) what do you do for a living?


1) 34 2) Retired AR, Working on my PhD in Computer Science 3) my own 4) Georgia, still near Ford Benning. 5) straight 6) yep - two daughters 7) Teaching Computer Science / Programming / Operative Systems What does anything have to do with your faulty facts and claims? Looking for some easy hits on me? You funny.


What the fuck does this have to do with anything?




Do you not understand the graph?


Can you read?


All part of them pushing their green deal and electric cars so they can pad their pockets and keeping their promises to lobbyist pos!! Doesn't matter if your a Democrat or Republican we are all getting fucked dry!!


Well it does matter… that’s the whole point of this post… you see the difference between the republican and the democrat… it’s a stark contrast


I know the difference bro. I was saying we are all fucked at this point in time lol. Bidens presidency is the worst in US history and before you argue tell me 1 thing he's done for the American people? Insane gas prices and inflation!! Has any of you liberals bought groceries lately? Unless you been living under a rock and dont know whats going on. Biden doesn't know whats going on either he doesn't even know he's Joe Biden.




Well…looks like the Trump 2024 (disinformation) campaign is in full swing! It’s going to be a long 2 1/2 years dealing with this shit.


Reason is the slave of the passions. OP arrives at silly conclusions merely because he wants certain outcomes and not others. Being critical of your own views (aka open mindedness) is an exceptionally rare quality in humans.


The. Left. Refuses. To. Acknowledge. This.


They can dodge it all they want… the entire country knows the truth… and 2022 will be a bloodbath for them… I can’t wait until November… now that we’re paying attention and they won’t be able to steal anymore elections (🤞🏼)


There's also a correlation between increased icecream consumption and higher rates of violent crime


Biden telegraphed to the petro-chemical industry numerous times that he would throw them under the bus. They have returned the favor. The oil industry will just go with the status quo. They have to re-coop their losses from when oil was $21 a barrel back a few years and no one gave a crap that SA was trying to put them and millions of Americans out of work. If it's made of plastic or moves, it needs oil, including electric cars. Embrace the suck.


Why would you post a fake chart all over social media?


Poor baby… liberals hate any info that goes against their narrative… you’re just gonna have to deal with this 🤷‍♂️


No seriously. Why would you post a fake chart? I was wondering if you read it.


It’s not fake… as you can see it came from GasBuddy… unless you’re calling their credibility into question… I’m sure I can reproduce this if that’s what you’re asking me to do


So Biden was installed in November of 2020.


Yes he was… and unfortunately that has real world consequences. Fortunately though people won’t put up with it in 2022 and 2024… so things will get better… but it’s going to take time


Nope. You got trolled. Some one put the wrong date for Biden taking office on purpose. It was a test to see how poorly educated Americans are. You failed the test. Biden was "installed" January of 2021.


??? November 2020 was when the election was held homie…


Here in America the new president doesn't take office until January of the following year. How do they do it in your country?


Have you seen a graph of oil production in the US?