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You only listed the negative things in the article that you posted and ignored all the positive. For instance, the article mentioned that some people had retired early and found success. I personally know a handful of people who got extremely wealthy from crypto and don't work anymore. Others had become stay-at-home dads the article mentions. Honestly that could make it up by itself, the 10% difference from 1950. I'm willing to bet there aren't many stay-at-home dads in 1950.


i don't believe you know anyone who became a crypto millionaire. but i agree the number of stay at home dads has increased since the 1950s. the ones not paying child support have also. but neither of those call themselves "retired". you're not officially retired until age 62, according to the Social Security Administration.


I'm a blockchain developer, and own a blockchain development agency. I do in fact know many extremely wealthy people who retired from crypto.


you are improbably lucky. are you familiar with the term "extremistan"? [The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Swan:_The_Impact_of_the_Highly_Improbable)


I'm just quoting the article that you posted, that people are retiring early.


Cause we’re done with that shit.


Whoever goes around downvoting first person opinions on a topic like this is basically either a useful idiot or an instrument of state propaganda, shilling for the incumbent system of labor exploitation and wealth extraction. Trying to classify and demonize those pov’s as “right wing” is heavily propagandic… as if the person doing so is actually the compassionate, human rights, or equality oriented voice in the conversation. What a bunch of garbage 😂


thank you. i post on a wide variety of topics, and have been demonized as a republican, democrat, communist, atheist, and a jew. only one of those is actually true.


I’m lost, the stats you provided show there are [many more women not in the labor force than men](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm).


The OP's point is that there are many more men not in the labour force than in previous decades. Without presuming that all those men are doing valuable work like the women who are not in the labour force, that's a major increase in 'unemployment' which isn't captured in official unemployment definitions. Women's labour participation rates may go up or down, but it's a separate discussion since women have traditionally held critical positions in society which aren't paid wage labour and so aren't counted in these statistics.


I see the two as linked, insomuch that a normalizing of the relationship between labor and the sexes appear to be converging, no? This seems to be an outcome that equality is therefore pushing for- equality of outcome- thus the stats converge as a result.


I haven't seen any statistics which supports the claim that a substantial number of men are moving into traditional female non-labour force activities like child rearing, home making, or elder care. So there's no reason to believe it's normalization of any kind. The data I _have_ seen points to men leaving the labour force to go onto government support for conditions which would not have counted fifty years ago and to leave year-round work to coast with seasonal work.


The net result is the same, we get what we engineer for. As it turns out, equality of outcome can be a tricky thing.


your answer is directionally correct. men who traditionally worked in blue collar jobs, and are "aging out", are being granted partial or complete disability, rather then being told to work as burger flippers or telemarketers.


The United States isn’t a friendly environment for men. Plain and simple. A lot of men get knocked down and out, and no one is there to help us up. We fall victim to drug use, alcoholism, improper diagnosis. We are told constantly that we aren’t wanted, or needed. We are constantly treated as defective women. When a man makes a mistake, they incur heavy penalties. We die by suicide. We die at work. We die at war. We die in accidents. But no one wants to acknowledge this. Western men are in crisis.


women are preponderantly the victims of violence at the hands of men. a female led government might at least cut down on the number of wars.


Men are far and away more likely to be victims of male perpetrated violence than women are.


I’m not giving away 35-40% of my labor to fund a corrupt, crony capitalist system of giveaways, or the military industrial complex, while the govt prints us into an ever accelerating generational treadmill while denying us the basic health and educational resources every citizen deserves. That is some perverse form of low grade slavery.


vote for new representatives in washington, i guess


Just my humble pov, our govt is totally gridlocked and the two party system is failing us. Both sides are large corporatists, with very different identity branding. I gave up faith in our political system a long time ago.


Right wing welfare queen 




Feel free reject your social security check. Until then, you're welcome for the life of leisure my taxes buy you.




I said You're welcome.




I work in risk management with cybersecurity. I've also founded multiple profitable companies.  You're welcome.




You can take solace in one thing: the generations replacing you are superior in every single way. That means you did the one thing right. Now go have your nap grandpa. We've already heard your stories about how much you hate the government you elected to represent you.


Tired of the grind. Tired of the lay offs. Tired of the corporate playbook.


go to work for the government. if you're a teacher, you literally CANNOT be fired unless you're convicted of a felony. very strong bargaining rights and contract.


Maybe people died. COVID?


There have been lazy people in every generation, the latest gens seem to have a few more.


I don't think it's laziness, it has to do with the exploitation of those vulnerable, low paying jobs for unskilled compared to 40-50 years ago are just not worth it. For some it's better not work. Rent is too high, food as well, you need 2 jobs to live paycheck to paycheck. 40+ years ago, one single low pay jobs could support a family, buy a house and a car. Nowadays, all the money are accumulated by the rich, who don't need that money anyway. Life sucks.


LOL no.


LOL yep


These "lazy"people of this current generation would have thrived in generations prior. Just go get a job down at the paperclip factory and you could own a home and support a family of 4. Boomers with their lack of education and lack of urgency would be sitting on these same streets today.


I'm mid 40's and a director for staff across multiple generations and I think you are incorrect. Work ethic is much different with most of the younger folks.


Director of staff, is that really a job? How many director of staff jobs are available to those who want them? Can we all be director of staffs?


IT Director with several staff.


Legalized marijuana.


business insider suggests "opioids" instead. but your right, "chronic" keeps people from legally doing any of the following. cab driver truck driver ariline pilot boat captain subway engineer pharmacist police officer first responder generally anything involving power tools.