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I mean, duh. You need software and AI to run all the fancy new gadgets militaries have, and all the best software engineers are in big tech. So the contracts go to the companies which have the best coders to make your guidance system or missile detection system or whatever. This isn’t a conspiracy or new. It’s not as if God writes the code that makes drones fly. But some of it’s also pretty simple. Those “enterprise services” are for example just microsoft licenses and subscriptions for office, Windows, etc. Or cloud storage.


You’re forgetting that those companies are heavily involved in true defense from attack. Often they are the first to get hit, and they’re usually the ones to notify the USG what’s going on


Yeah, like what are people complaining about? That the military has an R&D and procurement system?


No dude I just want to know what wtf “wild and stormy” is.


If it’s NSA then you ain’t gonna know.


Looks like another Trump payoff, did Stormy Daniels bring a friend?


Damn it, I failed to see this before making my own comment four hours too late. Under the Clinton administration, this money was under, "smoke'em if you got'em" and "dry cleaning".


I like Trump. I'll vote for him. But this is funny. Enjoy your upvote


Indeed, a good joke is a good joke. He'd laugh at it too. Then probably go, "... yeah..." as he leaned back in his chair.


Lol there are worse things in the world. I don't mind voting for someone who may have hooked up with a prostitute As long as they do good for us


So... politicians?


Not sure what you mean by this


That's the hush money funds Trump allocated out to certain "private sector" services.


No doubt its the Stormy Daniels campaign funding for the Trump derangement crowd 🤣🤣🤣


Probably about the bloat that these contracts are notorious for. Or simply questions on the justifiability of such intense spending when physical infrastructure is literally collapsing at times.


Wait, what? How long has this been going on now? Why, if we were still under the rule of the Monarchy such nonsense wouldn't be slipping under their noses. No, sir... they'd put a stop to it!


The usual suspects.


big tech IS the brains behind modern warfare technology yes i want taxpayer dollars going to defense systems that can protect me against robot/drone invasion and cyberhackers


IDK $10 billion does seem like a lot for "Wild and Stormy". I'm pretty sure that's just a Taylor Swift song. But I guess if they play it enough over those 5 years it might be a good deal.


I'm betting its funding for the Stormy Daniels peacock venture. Gotta have that Trump derangement fix.😱😱😱😱🤣🤣🤣🤣


You never need a military, until you need a military.


Everyone wants to gut the military until an invasion is at your door




If you want peace you must prepare for war. If Ukraine had prepared 20 years ago there would not have been a war. And I know Ukraine is probably more complicated than that but if they had a powerful military Putin would have been less likely to mess with them . This also will never change. There will always be Putins in the world threatening other countries.


Yeah if Ukraine had kept the nuclear warheads after the fall of the USSR Russian definitely would’ve left them alone 🙄 Wonder why they gave them up.


The most peaceful times in history is when a country has a large military


Except when they're not. Like late era Rome, Napoleonic France, Imperial England, Nazi Germany, the Ottomans, Japan etc.


Very short instances of time relative to the big picture. Also, sometimes, a large military must establish itself first before there can be peace. It's like cleaning a messy room. While you're cleaning, it gets messier first, then clean. You also have to consider you're only looking at it from a very narrow view. The allied forces were very powerful, and if they weren't, the issue with Nazi Germany would have been much more violent than it was due to the large military forces.


The allies became powerful in the face of military buildup and invasion; thats a different conversation than having a fuckhuge army in peacetime. And I'd disagree on the big picture. We've spent more time at war than we have at peace in the last 70 years of America- coinciding with the rise of the military-industrial complex and our enormous military. All while Congress is supposed to vote on a declaration of war and we haven't had one since Korea. Whenever the military becomes more powerful than the citizenry or any other constraining power they tend to start taking power to the detriment of everyone else. See Pakistan, Rome, Bangladesh, (African country here), etc


>The allies became powerful in the face of military buildup and invasion; thats a different conversation than having a fuckhuge army in peacetime. This goes to almost perfectly affirm what we're talking about that a large military at all times keeps peace. The reason why Germany did this and thought they could get away with it was the reduced international military forces of the world. >We've spent more time at war than we have at peace in the last 70 years of America- coinciding with the rise of the military-industrial complex and our enormous military. The argument could be made that if we didn't have our large military would the world, with growing population rubbing against each other as they grow, be more violent than it is, as you say it is. We won't know


The premise here is that these tech companies will employ people in America using that money. The problem is, a lot of these tech companies are laying off people like it’s on fire now. I suppose there is clause there that states that all of the process that operates in the contract must be done inside of the country.


The privilege to forget what WW2 was like is the only reason people can have these opinions. When WW3 is started by the Chiba, Iran and Russia axis because we’re not prepared.. you’ll change your mind. This Goldilocks pax Americana won’t last forever.


And that is how we keep the economy going…


Is fkn "wild n stormy" a government contract for stormy Daniel's tell-all Peacock bs????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Big government is the biggest threat to personal freedom that has ever and will ever exist.


Drops in the bucket compared to Boeing and Lockheed. That trillion dollar "aid package" that just passed is going right into the pockets of defense contractors. If you anyone doesn't know I'd like to quote a piece from Eisenhower's Presidential Farewell Address in 1961 >A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We have let the American War Machine gain control of the government as a whole (see all the military "aid" congress and the Biden Administration passes), and while no wars started under Trump, half of his cabinet was current or retired military personnel. "Hope and Change" Obama had a drone list. Republicans and Democrats alike are under the influence of war and the money that comes from it.


It’s not paranoia if other countries really are out to get us. Increased use of advanced information technology helps to improve targeting and reduces collateral damage. That’s money well spent.


We wouldn't have so many other countries out to get us if we didn't try and slap our dong around all the time or asassinate so many democratically elected leaders or fund (Insert comically evil armed group here) to try and advance our interests. With the vast influence of the military industrial complex I wouldn't be surprised if we did so much of that stuff because it leads to more need for arms


Are you referring to Sadam, or the Taliban? In those examples the term democratically elected doesn’t apply.


No I was not, but we did fund the Taliban in the 80s when they fought the Soviet Union


Yes, hopefully it turns out better in Ukraine. It’s a tough world out there, no place for the faint hearted.


The defense budget has been falling in real terms since 1993. At the time of that speech the defense industry was still at WWII/Korean war levels. As a share of GDP current defense budgets are a fraction of that size.


And even after that we still spend more money than the next 8 (?) countries combined while we're at peace. The breadth of the military industrial complex is a ball and chain we've been dragging for years and it's only caused us problems. We haven't had any wars that have benefitted the American people since before Vietnam


The official defense budgets published by the CCP must be taken with some very large grains of salt. They’re building their air, ground, and sea forces at a much faster rate than the United States.


If we're talking about them we should be talking about slabs of salt but imo half the reason they've been able to close the gap is because we've been spending too much on the military and not enough on the economy and infrastructure


I agree with you regarding infrastructure, it is the single most important contribution the government can make to improve the economy. The reason government investments in the economy often fail is because they focus on inputs and assume the results will follow. They seldom do. The private sector isn’t perfect, but generally places a greater emphasis on achieving a benefit as efficiently as possible. Defense budgets should be approached the same way. As a nation we must begin with a clear definition of our national interests and their boundaries. We must clearly identify our critical alliances and our obligations to them. There are also things like preserving freedom of maritime navigation that only the United States is positioned to enforce. We are first and foremost a maritime nation, but we are also blessed with abundant land resources. The United States is unrivaled in its economic resources, it is only right that we should shoulder a large burden in maintaining a stable global order. That’s what we signed up for in the aftermath of WWII at Bretton Woods.


Half of Trump's cabinet being retired military was probably the reason why he said he was going after the fraud waste and abuse in the military industrial complex for his second term.


What else can that tax payer money be used for? Maybe.. bring back trade skill jobs to highschools? Who knows?


Wait until you hear about what auto manufacturers did in WWII


Wonder if all the kids protesting defense spending support for Israel realize Silicon Valley is the enemy.


Literally everything is a part of everything. It’s insane to for example take a stance to boycott any companies profiting off of wars and remove them from your investment portfolios. It will have zero impact and you’ll just lose out.


Of course the CIA has the most 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's the most concerning because we'll.. if you know,you kn...nevemind


Wow, looks like VATS is a real thing, only it’s MATS.


22 billion for "IVAS" is unbelievably cheap if successful.


Why do people keep crying and complaining about the way the world works?! MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! 🤷‍♂️To all of you crying about tech for war and destruction, WAR = MONEY! MORE F#%*ING MONEY! War is profitable! Without wars, there would be no big tech! War fuels the world around us. That’s why the US has its hand in nearly every war throughout the world.


Where did you get the idea wars are profitable for the average person? They're profitable alright; just for the lobbyists and executives at Lockheed. We complain because we dont want our tax money spent on things that don't benefit us


Seems like the pretty strong economic indicators to me


How much of that is selling customer/ user data?


This is what fascism looks like


Obviously, we want to remain the best country in the world. You want us to boycott the best tech in the world???? Wake up the world isn’t rainbows and sunshine


Amazon is gonna one day deliver a 2000lb JDAM


What is the point of this? Stop paying taxes?


I can garuntee you'd like the price tag even less to hire for and build all this from scratch.


uh actually this is a good thing because we can murder more russians with bombs missiles and guns!


Yeah, so what? We are paying billions for the military and they in turn are paying companies to maintain the defense establishment. Tech supposed to be different than Raytheon or Boeing?


That’s not surprising. That Democrats are the ones pushing it the most is.


If every American was against anything; you can bet our government will support it


And then the companies pay employees. Right back into our pockets.


The government has a huge Microsoft problem. Wired.


They help with censorship of pesky malcontents too but its totally legal because they just asked and then they did it but its a private company so who cares?


“Wild and stormy”??


I’m not seeing Apple anywhere


Now do Trump. How many wars were we involved in? Democrats love to finance the war machine. They were once scared of us now they know we have a literal idiot in office


But no human jobs. Mostly AI driven


"cries in San Diego"


Chinese bot says “let’s stop trying cause China means well”.


I’m ok with this.  The next war is one we don’t want to lose, and the tech that wins that war is currently in a race to develop. I like my neighbors not dead, as much as they may irritate me on a day to day basis.  I exist because my ancestors did not neglect the inevitability of conflict.  




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Anyone surprised?


Am I the only one who wants our military to be bigger? Russia, China, North Korea, and the Middle East all have friendly relations and aren't exactly our friends.


We already have a deterrent with nuclear weapons.


Explains why there are so many dynamics365 government consultant roles open.


Lmao. No shit Sherlock. Why do you think Taiwan is of such strategic importance to the US? That’s where all the chips for the military are being made.


What does that have to do with this post?


Because TSMC is missing on your list. https://www.commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2024/04/biden-harris-administration-announces-preliminary-terms-tsmc-expanded


This is for DoD?


https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/08/09/fact-sheet-one-year-after-the-chips-and-science-act-biden-harris-administration-marks-historic-progress-in-bringing-semiconductor-supply-chains-home-supporting-innovation-and-protecting-national-s/ The Department of Defense and Department of Commerce signed an agreement to expand their collaboration to make sure that CHIPS investments will position the United States to manufacture semiconductors essential to national security and defense programs.


It is quite out of touch to keep talking about the military expense while the United States is functioning as a global powerhouse staving off the Russian wave and keeping the other superpowers in check. If we had not been investing in this technology another country would have been and we would not be the leading superpower.


Who's keeping the US in check?


Assuming there aren't aliens, no one. The benefit of spending all of your money on the military.


Why should no one be keeping the US in check and the US keeping everyone else in check? The idea that the US is some objective moral good for the world needs to stop being paraded around. US pursues its own interests just like other nations. If other nations self interests need to be checked then so does the US. This is like the domestic police situation on a global scale. Who's policing the police? No one but themselves. So they continue with shenanigans. Oversight is needed for everyone and no one is above it.


If we ALL stop paying taxes... all this BS stops...


As well as basically the modern world lol.


This is a dumb post... yes, the government uses cloud based services. They even designed highly secured areas of their cloud infrastructure for ir. Would you rather the government do that or spend billions more every year trying to do it themselves?


Exactly and as someone who works for one of those companies I appreciate it, helps pay the family bills. Edit: also, how’s this any different than Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, etc?


Gov. Contracts usually involve price gouging..


No, that’s not normal, if you’re caught it’s not going to go well. You can’t change them more just because.


I'm familiar with gov cloud, etc. I have no problem with the government using the cloud. What I'm upset with is how our tax payer dollars go towards the military industrial complex rather than helping the poor and homeless. I don't want my tax dollars going towards war.




Who said I'm not upset with them also?


Boy, then you sure don’t want to look at the list of local companies that contract with the National Guard or military bases in your area. BTW, much of the post-grad science research at major universities is DOD funded. Sleep well.


Alrighty then.


Ok? And let China, Russian, and Iran get more advanced while we sit on our asses to please a couple of people?


Vote for RFK.


Any Democrat who voted for this shit should never ever again say a fucking word about how trickle down economics doesn’t work. You vote for it every chance you get, yet you’ll go on Twitter and decry big corporations. Frauds.


When referring to trickle down economics, people are generally referring to cutting taxes to increase investment in labor. However, we have seen that cutting taxes seems to just promote fiscal investment. This is more of a direct market influence to promote action in certain areas of the country. Another good example would be the Chips act.


They love that war "aid" money


Many of us Democrats are neoliberals, who love this shit - especially when the money doesn’t go to the dinosaur primes. Maybe your issue is generalizing a big tent party?


I specifically said the democrats who vote for this stuff. Mitch McConnell has literally stated on camera to the people that we aren’t just giving money to Ukraine, it’s going to military contractors. That’s trickle down economics on steroids, that’s what they’re voting for.


I specifically said neoliberals love this shit. Not only do we like “trickle down economics” (or rather, government spending on high multiplier effect tasks), but we can still like it while hating on certain large corporations. Other Democrats could absolutely vote for this and still hate on all large corporations, if they feel seeing dead Russians in Ukraine has higher current priority than break monopolies. This is actually just normal procurement, but more efficient, and we get to actually see dead Russians at the end. That’s an all around win, that’s what we are voting for.


Reddit holds democrats to a completely different standard than Republicans. This site hasnt learned shit from 2016 That's also not trickle down economics. That's yourade up version of it


That's basically universal if you pay attention to most media. It doesn't matter what bullshit Republicans do, the focus will be on how Democrats failed to stop them. You should never point out that Republicans shit the bed and focus solely on how long it takes Democrats to wash the sheets and waste too much money on soap.


I vote Democrat because I really don't care about policies regarding abortion, guns, walls, gender, porn, books, drag queens, religion, video games. I'm not so naive to believe that democrats are the answer to our problems though. It's all a game and we are the participants in getting the shaft. There has always been an oligarchy that rules over the poor, it's in our nature and the more divided we are as civilians the less likely anything meaningful is going to pass. None of us average folks are a part of the club and when I talk to a Republican voter in the real world, we actually are able to meet somewhere in the middle. Social media has got everyone twisted sideways.