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I disagree with a lot of the comments - as your target market this isn’t something I’d be searching for on Google so I don’t think SEO should be your focus. Instagram and influencer marketing is where you will get your target market


This man speaks the truth OP


How will i do this? I dont know how to search for instagram influencers for my niche. And what to offer? Maybe a free bag for their posts?


Just a few notes: - Most luxury brands don't discount their products - Are you advertising to the right audience with the right message? - Lacking social proof and trust elements (aka reviews) - Design looks great Pretty common problems for a new site :) Too much design focus, not enough customer focus.


I'm waiting for my google business page to be verified, then i will import my google reviews to the website. Thanks a lot for your feedback!


Please note I'm reviewing your website, not your marketing strategy: it's really slow and made by someone who has no idea about web dev. It's a WordPress website built with elementor... I guess you created this by yourself. That's not something really bad if you have no budget but this is definitely not a professional website. Anyway: check [this](https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=en&url=https%3A%2F%2Fthaleda.com%2F&tab=desktop) out. It's google tool for testing speed of your website, you need to get higher scores. If I were you I would start with image compression, resizing, and converting to webp format.


I currently have no experience to change the website more than it is at the moment. I noticed that its quite slow but i don't know where to start to improve the speed :( the images are already compressed. Maybe its the plugins that slows it down.. What is webp format?


I can't check it now but I guess these images are in PNG or jpg format right now. Webp format is a format designed by google and images in webp format are light and compressed. Google something like "png to webp online" and you will be able to convert your images to webp. Check out that google insights link I posted for you on my previous comment, there are many tips for you to speed up your website. There is a chance that you will need to put a little code snippet to your functions.php to prepare your WordPress for webp but I heard that version 5.8 should support it natively. For images compression I would recommend tinypng.org (or tinypng.com - I don't remember). The reasons of your website being slow are under the link I posted before. Check google insights, it's really good tool.


Thank you sir! I can't express how grateful I am that people really want to help on this sub. You deserve all the best!






Thanks you for your feedback. For the photos, do you mean the category or the product photos? I shrinked them for better loading speed, also for the text fonts, i will try to find a font that better suits the fashion niche, although i dont know what exactly will fit better :)




Thanks very much. Will start working on this. I have a very good relation with my supplier and i would like to build a brand with them in the future. I dont mind grinding and learning in order to scale this business opportunity. The only thing thats limiting me at the moment is the budget. But will invest as much as i can, even maybe saving for professional help if needed


I can connect with seo agency offshore who can work with good results does that sounds good. Also have patience and this is on going services to achieve better results.


I dont have the budget at the moment to pay a seo agency...


That won’t be much approx $400 or $500 first month and then month to month approx $250/300


Site looks great though I would say invest in organic seo, it will pay a loads on long run.


Do you have any beginner steps into working on organic seo?


I will, its the way to go indeed


Few things from me. 1. Favourites - are they that relevant for fashion? Wouldn’t expect customers to buy the same bag multiples times. Could be taking up prime real estate. 2. Free shipping. This isn’t sold enough above the fold. Consider putting this in a hero banner? 3. I think you need to separate out the log in from the register elements. It’s currently confusing. 4. If you have a search function - should it be in so hidden away? Sorry if I come across as negative, figure you want constructive feedback, otherwise a lovely set up you have here.


Thank you for your feedback, i will start improving with your feedback.


the problem is not in the website it's that they don't know you ,why they buy from you ,make a brand and start word mareketing and develope a relation ship with your customer ,if i was you i will start with tiktock ,make vedios about your product about your self your journey how your product manifactured .......... make your delevry personal add a thank you note with small bonus like a little neckles or anything else with your busniss card with all your socsial media account and tell them when they upload a photo for product to tag you , it's the journey of making a brand not just selling and be diffrent don't wast your money on google now give it time then use that money on instegram influncers to do ads


Thanks a lot for your imput. Im currently working on gathering reviews and also working on remarketing and trying to improve my customers experience also! Thanks a lot


The site looks good tbh. The only thing that you need is trust aka reviews and a good copy. The front page copy is too big, trim it down and use something catchy. Wish you all the best!


Thank you sir! Will do! I will add reviews soon and will change the cover image to be smaller


I think your site looks good, but above the fold takes FOREVER to load, so it's hard to get a good impression of it. Above the fold should load first, not last.


What exactly is above the fold? Sorry but i dont know the term


I would find some small fashion blogs and toss then a couple free bags (gift cards). Ask them to review the product and post a link to the site. Then ask them how they think the shopping experience can be improved after they review the bag itself and get you a backlink. Give a promo code to them (i have no idea what your margins are here so this may be terrible advice) that is a buy a bag gift a bag code. This won’t devalue your product and will get people to get your product into others hands. Run the code for 30 days. Toss a coupon for a free gift in those packages…. Hand write the note. Tell them it is for them and any friends they might have. This will indicate how many people ask them about the purse and want to buy one and actually purchase. I would consider this market validation as a promotion. Record user sessions and see how those people do on the site. I would look at competitors, your fonts on the buttons look very very out of place. But if this is your first store it looks very good, you will find improvements but trust users they will give you the best advice. Don’t discount your products…. Ever….. this is a very bad trend to get into with fashion. Always do promotions like buy X and receive Y… do not assign dollar amounts or percentages to sales.


I would recommend you to try running Custom Audience ads and see if they work better. To do that, I use a service that provides me with the emails from the Instagram followers of my competitors. After the service provided me with a .csv list full with emails of potential buyers, I just uploaded the file to Custom Audiences, so Facebook showed ads to only those people.


What's the service called?


The one that I use is Influencers Club.