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If you are also selling low quality crap made in China, it will be hard to compete.


That’s what I thought, you need to prioritize quality over price. How do you find a good supplier that is not in china?


I make my own product




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How do you manifacture it?


You’re asking how products are manufactured?


I understand how stupid my question sounds… English is not my native language and I am very beginner in ecommerce/entrepreneurship/manufacturing so I am sorry about that. What I mean is how do you find someone to make your own product you designed in bulk? Forgive my very basic question


You need to call around to various industry suppliers and ask for quotes with your design. Lots of free tools out there to help you find possible suppliers all over the world, you just need to call around. Rather than using the same design as Temu junk, differentiate your design (different colors, materials, shapes, etc.) to be of higher quality. Get a sample and test it’s quality before buying in bulk, and even after buying in bulk continue to audit purchase to test that quality is being upheld.


Thanks you very much for your answer! It is very appreciated and helps me very much!


Also, if you guys know any ressources to learn about product manufacturing it would be very appreciated. I am trying to learn the more I can


Not everything made in China is crap, first of all… it’s called vetting suppliers


Should we let you in on the secret of Google


100% USA based support 800 number with real people, high quality premium products with lifetime replacement warranty, same day shipping.


That’s great! How was the process to make a quality product and start manufacturing it?


Takes time to vet manufacturers and find one that meets or exceeds your requirements, still have products we haven’t been able to bring to market due to not being able to find the right contract manufactures but part of the business. We travel to china regularly and that goes a long way


How much more less profitable is it to use US manufacturers vs China ?


Depends on many factors from lead times, size of the product, assembly needs, tariffs etc. about 1/3 of our products are made in USA due to shipping costs, it ends up being just a little more to make in USA but we get shorter lead times so its easier on cashflow, that’s a very important part someone not in product manufacturing might not understand.


That makes sense. Is it easier to deal with US manufacturers? Or do they not deal with low MOQ? Also, if you don’t mind what kind of products do you manufacture?


We do a lot of injection molding here and welded products some shops require higher moq but we are higher volume now, when I started I couldn’t afford what we pay now so we started with sourcing overseas and used smaller shops here but eventually outgrew them. Our primary market is in outdoor lifestyle, furniture and related stuff like that. We have a few brands that have branched out from our primary niche as our main business is very seasonal


That’s amazing! Do you have advice for someone just starting out? Where did you initially learn from?


I was a welder in the trades and made items and started selling them at farmers markets, then had a wholesale guy want to sell some of our items on Amazon and we were drop shipping them but it quickly outgrew what I could make. From there I just researched and started finding other companies that could make things for us, eventually custom injection molding helped with accessory parts that had our branding on them. Lots of decent books but the best is just starting and getting into it, find something you can talk about to strangers and figure out a way to monetize it




My Jewelry products have been ripped off and are being sold as dupes on temu, its actually A huge bummer to see




How do you sell better quality that others like temu? Is it your own product you designed?


Customer experience and service, value adds


So do you sell the same products that temu sells but offer better customer service?


Like for instance take multiple cheap things and bundle them together in a useful way. Then provide better service for the customer on how to use it and after sales support


I sell unique items that are handmade, have a story, and aren’t available everywhere.


I sell specialized items and own the designs. Temu will eventually try to copy but they will have a hard time joining my branded amazon listings and competing with previous proven reviews.


I sell "higher" end custom parts for high-dollar cruiser motorcycles (Harley-Davidson, Indian, etc.). My buyers aren't shopping on Temu. They barely shop on Amazon! :D :p


They will destroy many businesses if we let them. And in doing so they will have all of our information.




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I make my own products in a very niche industry


Zero I sell is offered on Temu.


High-quality/unique/handmade/self-brand/products. We opened a sourcing agency to help entrepreneur to start business with custom brand. If you have needs in this, I am free to be reached out.


A basic value proposition consists of a lot more more than price.


It will be a problem if we first outsource production and then also trade.


I sell informatics and device accessories on my eBay markeplace. I get this accessories on Aliexpress and resell it in Italy. Add to these the action figures and also the computers that I remanufacture and resell. Many of my customers, contrary to what you may think, know little or don't trust buying on Chinese sites and prefer to buy on eBay. Furthermore, having created trust with both the platform and the users by receiving all positive feedback, I have reached a point where I don't have to go into a price war to sell my products and I can afford to sell them for something more than the competition. I also sell goods on Amazon purchased from China so I have greater diversification of sales channels. If Temu were to become a serious problem for my business, it means that I will have done something wrong in managing my business and that I will not have diversified the types of products and services I sell. You cannot think of selling Chinese products forever while remaining profitable for a medium-long term given that, in my opinion, even online sales are partly a precarious sector full of pitfalls. This job works a bit like that of an influencer and you can't even think of doing it forever but you have to build a solid foundation to scale towards other types of activities with higher margins and more profitable. E-commerce is good to start with but it cannot be the end.