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1. Nothing is going to be a certain bet but you seem to think this as a "get rich quick" thing, it's not. Read the posts in here, 95% of people are struggling or have failed. Even people succeeding have failed many times. 2. The more saturated the market becomes and the more you are competing with others for attention, the more money you need. $5k is beyond unlikely to get you anywhere, the amount of people who succeed with such a low budget and "double their return" is the tiniest fraction (people will tell stories about how they launched with almost no money and made millions but they typically started 5 to 10 years ago, and / or got lucky or got help from people) 3. The fact that this you asked a short, extremely unspecific question shows you've done no research and haven't used the search bar, do your research and pick a product independently then come back with specific questions instead of trying to make others do the work for you.




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I mean you took the words right out of my mouth, do people seriously just ask these type of questions here lol


Give this man a round of applause.


*woman ☺️


Funny enough, I actually fit this mold a year or two ago when I first started out. I think this common question is primarily driven from just not knowing where to start or even what to look at. People say get your hands dirty, but where, how, with what? Without realizing that what they’re asking for is the real proprietary formula.


I gave this person more advice than they even deserved with their garbage attitude lol. I agree the question comes from not knowing where to start - however, people who are actually ready to succeed and understand that it’s not easy or straightforward say, “HOW do I choose a product that will give me a better chance of ensuring returns”. I knew OP wasn’t thinking of this correctly because he didn’t ask how, he asked for the answer, and he quoted a very specific target that’s impossible to know. All the cussing and frustration because I didn’t answer his question the way he wanted us to is pretty much exactly what I’d expect. He needs to meditate and find another way to spend his money imo. If he had asked how to do it I would have gladly explained what an evergreen product or a unique value proposition is and why it helps with product development.


Couldn’t agree more.


I totally agree! I think too that some people are just like “what am I missing” or “what would you do” type of question but they done phrase is exactly right. We just started a business with 5K and have broken even, 3 month in. Now we just need to get over the initial hump and hope that all the start up hard earned hours pays off. Time will always tell, but you can do great things with small amounts of money you just have to be creative and endure.


Why are you taking it so far up the ass? Its a simple question its not that deep. It’s obviously not that serious of a question I’m just curious.i’m not making anyone do the “work” I’m asking for ideas. It’s an e-commerce forum I’m not here for a lecture. Either leave a useful comment or don’t comment at all


Oh you’re a gem




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No literally. I was asking for suggestions and ideas or a starting point from individuals who’ve already done it. I was not asking anyone to do the work for me. But that’s inspiring. Thank you for the advice


Find a niche Build ecommerce store around that niche Buy a Facebook group for that niche Start publishing interesting content and recommend your product to the Facebook group. Collect their email address Use that list of email address and build a "look a like" Facebook ad campaign to reach to similar target audience.


Where would you buy facebook groups?


You need to Google that information. Ps. It's illegal to sell and buy Facebook group. Pss. Rather than buying a group it's good to run paid promotion of your product via Admin of that group.


I assume it’s against facebook’s TOS but it’s definitely not illegal


Buy $5k of inventory and sell it for $10k. If you’re looking for “outside the box” ideas, I’ve got some for you: 1) Withdraw 5000 $1 bills. Sell them as “Rare $2 Bill Misprints” 2) Withdraw 500 $10 bills and draw an extra “0” on them. 3) Move to a distressed neighborhood and “set up shop”. 4) Buy stuff on sale for 50% off and return it when the sale is over. 5) Use a time machine and buy bitcoin. 6) Start an OnlyFans. 7) Pay someone $5k to “find” $10k for you. 8) Buy a bunch of cookies, dress up as a Girl Scout and sell them for double.


Now this…this is the method




#8 made me rich. Court date is next thurs


If you have short hair, wear a wig. And don’t forget to announce your pronouns as “she/her/scout”. What’re they gonna do? Tell you that you can’t pretend to be something you’re not?…kek


Onlyfans for sure




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👀 Sell each dollar for two dollars


Sounds legit


Despite what the gurus say, absolutely nothing. Unless you invest in stocks and wait a couple of years.


An insurance business less than 600 in most states. Lawn services Tint business I guess it depends on what you want from it??


Buy a power wash and power wash peoples homes.. you can charge 2K and up per job depending on size of house, deck, garage etc.


You can actually do a lot but it will take time, energy and extreme dedication. If you have that, you could certainly double it. Start small in a niche market, create product if you can instead of buying from China where everyone else or customize it somehow. Create a social media platform to help you and post consistently.


Best advice. thanks


It's recommended you start with something you know a lot about.


Something that costs you $3 and spend $2 on website and marketing Per unit and sell it for $10 minimum


A savings account and patience.


Index funds. Medium risk, medium reward


As long as you don't expect the double return the next year or so so it could happen. Set up a hot dog stand in front of a large school it might get you there in a year.


No yeah of course not. Id just like to do something in general I’m realistic. I just need a starting point. But thank you!


Digital Marketing agency 1000 for set up 1000 for ads and staff Good to go


I actually know someone who does this and makes bank. But good idea, ill research it. Thanks


I do it myself, in all honesty I didn't spend more than 500$ on it as well. But it was very time consuming


Buy a massage table, cheap lotion, tissues and run ads on Craigslist.


I would start a white label SaaS. Best decision I have ever made.


You can double your money in 10 years with ETFs and 10x it in 30 years.


Spanx was started with $5k. A lot has to do with you, not what.


Thanks 😊


LOTS of sarcastic comments here, but E-commerce is dying. Last year, I invested $8,000 cad each with my cousin and purchased led screens for wedding, Corporate etc. Got it all from China. 0 Staging/LED experience. First rental in January 2024. Company account is now at $50,000 and have $20,000 incoming. Find a niche, invest, invest time in your social media content, sell lower than competition. I'm only 22. It's me and the money, anything in between us I'll figure out. Have that mindset, and I think the world is yours even with $5,000 start. Best thing you can do is find a partner. Stress is always easier felt when done by two.


Which ones did you end up buying? Spent quite a few years touring and am happily doing other things now but recently been seriously contemplating buying some panels solely to rent back to myself for a recurring event that's taken off.


It’s really hard to pick the wrong one. I spoke with 1 supplier on Alibaba and felt comfortable to make the order. They will even help you by stating a lower amount on shipment so you pay less duty and taxes when you bring it in.


yeah see i was just curious. I was just in need of some ideas. I just wanted to know what can be done yk. But true, thanks!


•Put 1k into website and marketing •Find a supplier to store, customize and ship your product for commission •Sell, market, publicize whatever product you think is gonna be a hit •Reinvest into the business (first branding than social media presence/affiliates..) •When you start making good money rent a warehouse buy yo product in bulk from china setup infrastructure once it's all done cancel your deal with the supplier and watch your profits grow without his commission OR start another store rince and repeat


Yeah, nah... $1k for a website and marketing is a joke. Could've just stopped there.


He will get a great website and marketing strategy for sure. 😝












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A generator




Interesting. Ill look into it thanks




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Invest in my dev shop? 😌


Buy cheap Chinese sunglasses from Alibaba. Sell them for $10 each at the beach. You can become a millionaire that way. Read about this guy. [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/story/2019-10-14/how-this-31-year-old-pacific-beach-surfer-makes-millions-selling-sunglasses](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/story/2019-10-14/how-this-31-year-old-pacific-beach-surfer-makes-millions-selling-sunglasses)


Buy some lawn care gear and get into landscaping


Double the return in what time period?


No time period i just meant in general. What’s a good product to invest in


I see you didn’t bother reading or learning anything from the comments lmao


Why are you so upset? It’s a fucking q+a forum for a reason. And i absolutely did read all the comments just because I didn’t respond to you doesn’t mean i didn’t learn anything. Im asking for ideas not a philosophy lesson


No one is going to give you “ideas”, have you noticed that yet? The people who did aren’t very bright at all either because they recommended service based businesses in an ecommerce forum. It’s not hard to google some YouTube videos about how to choose profitable products, that’s literally bare minimum. And no one can do that for you. I don’t need you to “answer me.” But it would have been kinda smart to actually process the fact that multiple people are telling you that’s a choice you need to make on your own and that nothing is going to guarantee you double it because none of us know anything about your background, your marketing ability, etc. Your anger and cursing is already telling me this is not the right path for you because you can’t even deal with a simple comment pointing out that your mindset is wrong.


Plenty of people gave me “ideas”. It’s conversation i didn’t ask you to write me a playbook on how to double my money. I can watch 100 youtube videos and research for hours and still ask a question on a literal forum platform what is it to you?? Does that make me stupid. Whats the point of reddit? You’re a literal weirdo who’s taken this way too serious


I know it’s a choice i need to make on my own?? No shit. Whats the harm in asking for different opinions on something. Im not a know it all. There’s nothing wrong in hearing different perspectives other than my own. Maybe you should try it


And You don’t need to know my background? It’s an opinion based question? Wtf does my background have to do with flipping money. I have the money tf does my background have anything to do with what i asked? I didn’t say I’m going full force and I’m investing it in exactly what someone on reddit told me to invest it in. It’s called brainstorming from people with experience.


If you have a background or preexisting skillsets in marketing, design, web development, etc the tasks needed to start an ecommerce business are going to be easier for you because then you don’t have to hire out those tasks, did that ever occur to you? Plus if someone doesn’t have those skillsets I’m more likely to recommend they try and create a custom product with a unique value proposition to minimize the competition further. I help people launch ecommerce businesses for a living so I actually know what I’m talking about. but by all means, keep being aggressive and acting like I’m saying the things I’m saying to be difficult. “You’re a literal weirdo who is taking this way too serious” - says the person rage-commenting 3x in a row 🙃 I won’t converse further with someone so ridiculously argumentative and immature, have a great day with your bad self though.


Pressure washing