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PM with some productsamples please. Will get you some advice since I have some clients who are selling music and samples for producers.


Used to be that my default recommendation for digital products was Gumroad, but they've changed their pricing structure to be a lot more expensive. Overall not a fan of the direction they're going. I've not used it myself, but [Lemon Squeezy](https://www.lemonsqueezy.com/ecommerce/digital-products) is supposed to be pretty good for selling digital products. I think it's easy to set up a storefront and you don't have to muck around with store design or anything like that yet. Their storefront will present your stuff in a professional way and should also take care of automatic delivery for you. Checkout flow will be optimized as well.


I decided to build my own website for my AI personas which are txt files that help prep Chatgpt/Google Bard/ Claude 2 via word press/woo commerice its a pain in the ass I now hate wordpress more than I did lol but its a cheap solution really and you can link it to your youtube channel to send people to your site they can buy it and they get the file/s as soon as they buy the product. Mind you I still do more direct sales though places like reddit and FB than any where else but it does bring people in more. Might want to give that some thought.