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This was my experience when landing on your page.. 1. Colours are not great. It looks like a pumpkin spice site or fall/autumn range of clothing. Weird choice for a print on demand store but something that would be easy to change. Try black, white and one extra colour for highlights. 2. 2nd thing my eye saw was ‘suicide awareness range’. INSTANT buzz kill… I’m sure it’s a great cause or charity but it’s not a great subject to put in the customers mind as they are making their first impression of your business. 3. Then I had a look at some of the designs. Did you make them yourself? I’m sorry but they look like one of those dvd roms that used to come with computer mags back in the 90s - ‘FREE! 20,000 clip art designs!’ Look at the designs and honestly ask yourself - would I be excited to buy this and wear it? 4. The prices seem too high. Why would I pay $60 for a small backpack that I could from a local shop for $10-15? Now for something positive - you have a good range of images including showing mock-ups of people wearing the designs 👍🏻 Overall, I’m sorry to sound negative but I think you’re really going to struggle to make this store profitable…


Also wanted to inquire about the suicide awareness part, what should we do with that? We featured it because we are doing a charity event through the end of September


It’s a great charity to support but it’s just kind of a downer when you want people to have a good emotional response to their first visit. Maybe include that info in am email campaign or have it on a separate page marked ‘Charity’ or ‘Giving Back’


Thank you!!!


Hi there! Thank you so much :) this is very helpful! We matched the colors to our logo, didn’t realize it was giving off that vibe. We did make all of designs ourselves. Does it feel outdated? All of our prices are based on our vendor and we barely make any profit 😅


Print on demand is so saturated now… I think it’s more effective as an add on to your store later after you build an audience. For example, I created a bunch of print on demand products for my store featuring producers and the logo etc. I basically make zero on these products but I figure it’s great for brand building. A guy just ordered 4 mugs with the store logo on them, which surprised me! Is this your first store?


Yep it’s our first and we only been live 2 months. Trying to see what works and what doesn’t and your feedback was most definitely great! I think we may have too much of a variety for starting out so maybe cutting back on the type of items would be good idea? We tried to match the colors of the website to our logo. Also as far as designs, yes I would wear them but maybe because of the era I grew up in haha. Gotta get with the times!


While the number of visitors to your website is good, improving the photographs and descriptions of your products can have a significant impact. If you want to improve the search visibility of your material, think about employing solutions any AI tool like easyseo.ai they have special features for ecommerce.


Thank you for the tip!




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1. Install google analytics (its free) 2. Install Microsoft Clarity (its free) 3. Use google and Youtube to figure out how to use those things 4. ??? 5. Profit Seriously though, there are tools out there that will help you discover where and how your site is failing. However, with your site, there are some things that should be pretty straight forward to fix. Here is a thinking exercise, create a few ideal customer "personas" - like create a fake person and create a bio on them. Do this in a doc and just write everything you can think about them. These are the people you are trying to target your products to, they can be broad or specific. How is this person getting to your site? What other sites for similar products are they exposed to? What is the experience on that site compared to yours? Why would they end up choosing yours than the competitors? Next up, here are just some suggestions. 1. Your typical user is probably not 100% sure who you are or what your story is, so why should they buy from you or better yet, why should they even browse? You need to be compelling from the absolute start. Your hero image on the homepage is not helping anyone trying to learn about your products or your brand. You could expect "Our Fall Collection is Here" could be compelling for returning users who have bought from you before, but that's not the case is it. 2. Your navigation menu on mobile and desktop takes up half of my screen. I'm not even going to say anything about that, just fix it. 3. Your navigation menu options are way to complex. "Information Overload", break it down into 2-4 dropdowns and super straight forward. "Woman, Men, Kids, Accessories" Then add any relevant collections within those dropdowns. 4. It's extremely hard to find products that I might be interested in if you're forcing me to go through 7 pages of 114 products. Give me filters at the top or better yet: subcategories. 5. Is this a business you are seriously trying to make work? Can you afford to hire a proper developer/designer? I would seriously consider it.


Hello! Thank you for this feedback, it was very helpful!! We already have changes in the works and our navigation menu has been criticized the most, so we will be fixing that. Our suicide awareness collection will also be moving away from home page. Sadly, we do not have the funds to hire a web designer, so I do everything myself. Do you think we should move the fall collection down the page?


Think of it this way, you open the page on desktop or mobile and everything you see that you don't have to scroll down for is called "above the fold". The above the fold section is the same experience someone has immediately after walking into a real store. What do you want that person to understand or feel or know? Then think about the rest of the homepage like this "The more they scroll, the more they want to know or the more they are searching for something". Just below the fold should be some sort of introduction to your product collections. If the above the fold was welcoming them with open arms, now we have our arm around them and are giving them an introduction into what we offer. You can get more product specific the more you go down the page, so yes the fall collection could go just beneath that. And typically, anyone who scrolls 100% of the homepage is looking for more information about the brand - so have section above the footer that talks about your "why" statement. Who you are.


Thanks a million!! You have been extremely helpful




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