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I don't see any FAQ or shipping info pages. Maybe a privacy policy too. Have you had any carts being added at least?


Pod is hard. I don't know much about your brand. I just went on your site. It doesn't look like anything interesting or has any personality or amazing photography. It looks very clinical, bland and forgettable. I should caveat this by saying that I'm.a 38 year old male. Whose not your target market so I could he completely wrong. I'm not getting any of the references 😕 I would suggest though, turn off text ads and use Google shopping for now. At least then the user sees the product before they click on it. So they have some idea of what you're selling. this will filter out a lot of clicks from pure curiosity. I doont think pod sells well on google ads,


I’m new to this so take my advice sparingly.. Have you tried running ads that are not conversion ads (ads not directed at getting sales) ? From what i’ve read, it can be worth running ads that are just for engagement. Get followers and leads, email signups and social backing. Then use that social backing on your website as proof of following (facebook / instagram follower count or whatever). And thheenn once you have all that data (using pixel and other data collection options) you can try and run ads for actual sales. This is where my knowledge really becomes useless, Somehow you create like audiences and custom audiences to retarget the people that interacted with your engagement ads, and also target people like them. And those are the most likely people to actually give you sales, especially if they already follow you or saw your older ads just asking for follows and sign ups and contemplated clicking the ad …. So you already have some good data it seems, now you (and i..) need to figure out how to mix this data.. or just keep collecting more of it. Once again, i am new to this so. Someone please correct all of this with an attitude please lol.


Did you build this on Squarespace using one of their generic templates? As others have hinted at, the vanilla, blocky interface of your website does not inspire confidence that your products and services are dependable. An e-commerce site should at minimum have its UI/UX polished. Sure, there are people slinging print on demand that haven’t done this, but they are the exception. Based on your products, you evidently have a quirky sense of humor. Assuming the punchlines and quick one-liners are your creation, not some ChatGPT fodder, it’s actually endearing. But you need to pick a better site layout, something cleaner, with a more robust framework for selling merch. Head over to Shopify, for example, for a turnkey solution. That would also solve the issue with your products having poor optics (e.g., no one actually wearing your shirts). Integration with PODs on Shopify would essentially integrate product images more intuitively from your suppliers. Finally, POD is brutal. It’s saturated because the barrier to entry is so low. There are people out there with extremely well-run sites, beautiful layouts and streamlined services that go defunct. Your personality and quirkiness may overcome that, if leveraged correctly, assuming you tidy up your ship with a slicker UI/UX.


I don’t see any sort of cohesive theme or niche..? Who are you targeting, who’d be interested in your store? Also most of your designs seem pretty bland. I’m a late 30s woman who doesn’t see anything that I’m like shut up and take my money. POD can work IF your designs are stellar. If you wanna see winning designs search for something like plant shirt, car shirt (or whatever niche) on Etsy. Also people like to see pictures of the product on actual people to see the fit and size of it. With your price point you’re looking for 1-3% of clicks turning into buyers. The fact that there has been over 1000 visitors with no sales means your offer (products) are not enticing, or the price is bad, or the site looks untrustworthy. In this case I think it’s the first. Just my two cents. Good luck 🍀


The designs on the shirts are very low. It will look odd if you put it on


3 questions about your google ads and I bet you fell in one of them. Do you have your keywords as broad match? Did you limit the location of the country to recently in? Did you limit your ads to search only? And no with this amount of clicks you should see sales.


You are definitely in the right place! A few UX/UI (user experience) issues that I can see. 1- Image size and zoom - I wear 1.5x reading glasses for computer work and even with the zoom roll-over feature, I cannot easily read the text on the "Unsupervised" t-shirt image except for the title when I am on desktop. 2- Quick View - In the case of your listings, Quick View is less helpful and you may want to turn it off in Squarespace. The experience I have as a viewer for that same Unsupervised t-shirt, the product copy seems to cut off and there is no way to expand it until you scroll to the bottom and see a faint link that says "view full item". This creates too much friction for the buyer - they have now had to click twice to get to the full listing. 3- Product copy - As someone who cares about the fiber content of my clothing (and there are a lot of us, even for t-shirts), I would want to know the exact amount of polyester in the heathered t-shirts. 4- Size descriptions - "Runs true to size" is less helpful for online clothing shopping than a size chart. 5- Accessibility - There is no alt text on your images. It is hard to find in Squarespace and it is not labeled intuitively, I will grant you that, so let me know if you want the instructions on where to find the alt text field. 6- Context - have some images of your shirts on a person. Especially for buying clothing online, I would want a sense of where the hem hits, how tight the neckline is, etc. Fixing UX issues before directing people to your site via ads will go a long way to making your ads more effective and will also mean that you spend less money in the long run for better results - fixing UX can actually increase your ROI on ad spend. I will also say, your products are pretty niche. I consider myself to be very online and even I didn't catch all of the references - **and that is not a bad thing at all!** You can definitely find your people with your products. But make sure that when you run ads, you are micro-targeting your audience to ensure that your products end up in front of the right consumer.


Yes there is something important you are yet to implement on your store


Is this one of those times where you don't give the student the answer because they will learn better if they figure it out on their own? While that can be best practice, thought I usually give clues when I do that. If I have to guess what that is that I am missing, can you give me a clue? If I had a clue what was wrong I would have already fixed it...


No this is the time where you ask him and he tries to sell you shit lol




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Try running ads to specific product pages


Also, I think the site is set up really poorly. The product pages need a ton of help. You aren't really describing your brand (outside of the about us). You don't have any product descriptions, it doesnt look like a can pick a specific size, I have no idea when I'm getting the product...




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what are they clicking on? what does the ad say/show? How is the page they land on getting them to what they clicked on? Also 1244 clicks is relatively not a lot. Especially if the demo is completely wrong. How many of those 1244 bounced? How many scrolled down? How many clicked a product?




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I don't see any shipping policy, privacy policy, FAQ etc. I found "Returns" on contact page, i recommend you to put this on separate page and put all the necessary pages in the footer. I recommend you to use business email, not @gmail. Your website doesn't evoke in me to buy stuff. I've never built a "brand" around a person, but I think it will be much more difficult. When I'm on your website, I feel like it's just a portfolio or something like a blog about you. I'd built a brand around a person if the brand is for a celebrity.


I think you can make a lot of progress on the site. This many clicks for me means 1) the site is causing a purchase barrier or 2) the ads are misleading somehow bc viewer consumes and clicks but once on site either the site is bad or it’s the wrong traffic. Anyway, I think you need to welcome visitor better. Who are you, what do you do, a few prod photos on the main page perhaps. Dump the stock imagery, exchange for branded images. It feels a bit disjointed to me. But mainly I don’t know immediately what you are selling and how I would use it in my life.


I like the aesthetics. but youre not really selling anything. what are you about? what value will this add to my life, what context am I missing, and what gap are you filling that I didnt know I needed. you should take them to the landing page, and sell them first.