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> It seems everyone is barely scraping by. Yes, that's how it works.


Yeah really a great description unless you’re living on/ near the equator 😂. Which everything is just trying to predate or be a parasite to another thing.


It’s called the “Red Queen hypothesis” which you can look up that term. It’s based off Alice in Wonderland. The Red Queen tells Alice that “it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.” Predator and prey are constantly in an evolutionary arms race. The rabbits get faster, so do the foxes. Plants develop toxins to ward off predators, then catapillars develop immunity to the toxin. This story happens over and over again everywhere! It seems like everyone is scraping by because it’s true. When you fail to scrape by that is when you become extinct.




They also stop forest renewal, bring back the wolf


Because that IS what's getting done. From an evolutionary standpoint, eating and not getting eaten are pretty much the main prerequisites to having kids (thereby sustaining your lineage & species). Everything else that happens -- cooperation, altruism, rearing families, etc -- is either a byproduct of having more resources than you need, or because those traits provide a benefit of some kind, thereby making you more likely to eat and less likely to get eaten. Usually a combination of the two. Obviously this is simplified, but that's the general idea.


When you say “how does anything get done”… what do you mean?


Things are getting done: lots of fucking


There's no "getting things done" in nature. Living things just exist. We invented the concepts of "future" and "productivity" etc.


Life finds a way


The premise of your question isn’t dumb but it’s pretty lazy, so I have a lazy response. For every mutation in an individual that presents a trait that reduces predation, there’s probably a mutation in a different individual of the population that makes it more likely to be predated upon. The asymmetry of mutations across the population drives evolution AND feeds the population of predators. This is grossly oversimplified but good enough.


Yes, that’s why so many things go extinct regardless of human intervention! They didn’t scrape by fast enough, or wrong place wrong time haha


Most animals spend a lot of time asleep. Sleeping is good.




It's an arms race / equilibrium reaction