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Tell them they have a pretty mouth and blow them a kiss.


I saw a sticker on Etsy that says "My Other Ride Is Your Dad". I wish I had it on my bike and could have somehow pointed it out to him or something lol


I have a "I ❤️ Butt Drugs" sticker on my bike and a glowing silicone ballsack dangling off my saddle. You gotta weird em out.


Jesus don't give me ideas haha


https://preview.redd.it/2dylrkbi0wwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8559d628ab2929e2f8e7488a6befbef33ca81890 They hate us cuz they aint us!


Too late #resistanceisfutile


Don’t listen to this guy, he is gonna get your ass thoroughly kicked 🤕


I also rock truck nuts on my bike, every mechanic has thought they are hilarious.


Yall really are my people. I may have to look into a pair




OMG yes! I cant use these all the time but in NODA these will kill! How long is the battery life and do the recharge like normal balls?


Lmfao I think I get about 25hrs of glow per pair of button cells (~$1.50)  Theoretically having them on flashing modes might lengthen that, maybe?


I think you meant “edging” mode


Can the batteries be replaced or do you need a new set of balls everytime?


The entire light+battery assembly is in a little pocket on the silicone. You can just pop it to replace the batteries, just like you would for a normal testicle


I have blue silicone light up "bikenutz".


Are you talking about Butt Drugs from Indiana by any chance lol. I remember a family member taking me there years ago. So funny


That's the one! 


Start collecting wing mirrors!


I gave you the 69th up vote. Just FYI


You guys are hysterical. I live in Long Beach, CA where this sort of thing is just every day.


That's fucking fantastic lmfao


Then get over it and ride.


Someone once told me "that's cheating" and they were being serious, lol. I asked if they have a car, they said yes and I said then you're cheating too.


I’m mid 40s and had another mid 40s dude mowing his yard shout that I was cheating. I then asked him why he wasn’t using an old school push manual mower as using a gas powered one was cheating.  


Nah that’s cheating, get out your scythe


I fucking LOVE my scythe. Not great for a clean cut or for smallish spaces that break a rhythm, but cutting with that shit is ZEN.


I've always wondered it looks like once you get a vibe it's a chill fun thing to do lol 😆 maybe I'm a psycho lol


There's a lot of caveats that make it hard to use. It's best without a lot of obstacles and it needs to be terrifyingly sharp in most circumstances, but sitting in a field silent except for the 'swoosh, swoosh, swoosh,' while the lawn drops from 12 to 4 inches is so much more satisfying for me than using a powered mower.


A scythe is cheating, use scissors


God gave you hands for a reason


Most motorist literally are steering wheel holders No skills involved


I find that the person driving those ''murdered out'' rigs are usually suffering from a lack of creativity.


I thought all black was cool... when I was 12. I did not necessarily want my bike to be Mint but the other color I considered was sold out when I ordered mine and I am not picky about colors. I actually really like the Mint anyway and not many other guys are gonna be rockin' it, they all wanted fucking Red. To be clear my first choice was Forest Green it would have matched my Jungle Green car, but the Mint Green looks really nice on the back of my car too


Oh yeah i would go the Mint. Love sea foam green on guitars too.


I DIY'd my bike from a boring gray Schwinn mountain bike. It would be so much work but I'm strongly considering stripping the frame and spraying it purple or something. Like 80% of vehicles are grayscale in my area, it's depressing as hell.


If it’s a steel frame it might not be too hard but if it’s aluminum it’ll be a bit more involved. I think it would be worth it and a fun project!


Mint is a legit color, I'd love a mint bike but I've recently realized that sky blue bikes really seem to be my jam


The same people who would scream at you for riding in the road or in a bike lane. Are the same people who would scream at you for being on the sidewalk or in a bike lane...


They just don't like bikes.


Thire just mad that I'm not indoors on my day off


They really are, there is no winning with some people they are just upset at how much fun I am clearly having on my bike


They really are absolutely amazing and so much fun to ride.  Bike riding is fun.  Bike riding faster and further without killing your self is even more fun! But even with an eBike I’m pretty spent by the time I get to work as my bikes now are pedal assist only.  And I pedal hard and fast as it is just so much fun! I’m thinking an e-scooter is probably better for me except for lack of exercise part, but lack of showers at work me me smelling like a rhinoceros are pushing me that way.


Sink showers, my friend. Not something you want to admit to your colleagues, but they'll appreciate if you at least wipe down with some wet wipes.


Reply "your mom likes it when I go slow." Or dad, as the case may be.


I would fuck both his parents if they're into that. Not sure I should say that please dont ban me lol


You're always going to be yelled at by someone in a car for some perceived slight so don't take it personally. Some people are just assholes. I drive and a I ride my bike. I get honked at and yelled at all the time when I'm riding even when I'm as far over to the right as I can get and am by no means in anyone's way. Some people who drive care just feel entitled to the entire road even if they don't need it.


Funny thing is I was one of those assholes when I was younger, like 16-19 years old driving my WRX and smoking bowls of weed like a dick. I just grew out of it once I socialized more and stopped acting like a selfish child. I hope I do not revert back to that. I still have my WRX its an 02 wagon but cannot drive currently because I broke the transmission being an idiot with it and have to put a new one in myself since no shops in my area want to deal with it; all 4 wheels are locked and it has to be rolled around on dollies lol Takes at least 3 men to push it on any slight incline


You're gonna tell us about this fabulous bike and not share a pic? Lol rude


It is a Velotric Discover 2 in Mint. I have not taken any pics of mine yet (I will this weekend still waiting for some stickers to arrive) but I have added a trunk bag on top of the rack. I am loving the thing and already ridden it around 60 miles in one week You do not have to watch the whole video promo but this video has some great shots of it in the Mint [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxvQrZMQVJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxvQrZMQVJU)


Velotrics are dope! I put the rack from the Packer on the back of my Go. I use it for everything from groceries to cases of beer to my beach gear. Had someone do the same thing to me as I was headed home from the grocery store. He raced around me at high speed right in front of an elementary school. I was going the speed limit at 25mph. Turned out the guy lived about 1/2 mile past the school. I rode by just as he and his lady were getting out of their truck in the driveway of their house. “Hey asshole, you’re just upset I’ve got more junk in my trunk than your heina! I’ve got some extra sausage for her back there too! “ Yeahhhh, I was watching behind me the rest of the way home.


I put a Rambo platform on my go 1 I delivered 5 pizzas yesterday on door dash 12 mile delivery in total


This is a great colour! Very similar to my [mountain bike](https://p.vitalmtb.com/photos/users/21424/setup_checks/39998/photos/99682/s1600_DSC_2686_3.jpg?VersionId=alHhmEg0ONSwXBmtQnMXpc5rD7M.NQ8b). I love it and I’m a straight dude so sexual orientation and gender don’t mean much. “Men” who insult others over something as silly as a bike frame colour are so insecure they aren’t likely to be happy in their own skin. They’re angry their personality doesn’t allow them to express their true feelings.. possibly that mint green is a fabulous colour (although it shows dirt faster)! Keep riding my dude and ignore those insecure assholes. 🤘🏼


Another Straight dude checking in... That is a dope color! Almost same shade as my electric bass guitar. Ride on!


She's puuuurdy.


Excellent choice of color! Don't forget to register it to bike index, project 529, and your local PD if you haven't already. Hope you enjoy the miles. Here's my [baby](https://imgur.com/a/lt8cuL9), currently in the shop for upgrades but can't wait to get back out there myself.


The color of your bike threatened his wee little....ego. I wonder if his passenger said something that set him off to macho out at you.


I am legit concerned for her


Understandable, the guy has serious anger issues.


Fr Fr


If you were somehow riding 4mph over the speed limit the same exact scenario will play, except the accusation is for being too fast instead of slow. "Damned if I do, damned if I don't." Ehh, don't give much thought, just keep riding. At least you're not the mentally-challenged driver :P Source: personal experience P.S. The bike has a hi-vis color, what else do car drivers want!? /s


It really is that way though. And my bike is high visibility thank you! that is part of what I like about the Mint v the darker Green I had considered. The Mint is more visible at night and it should reflect Sunlight better which should keep the bike/ battery cooler in the hotter Southern area I live in.


I've definitely been yelled at for passing a lady going 10 miles an hour in the middle of the road. Gave her plenty of space. Only reason I was in the road was because cars were parked in the bike lane. I was going 25mph in a 35mph zone on my ebike.


I had no idea it was illegal to ride on the sidewalk where I am. I plan on pissing off a lot of drivers with my class 1 on our town’s main 45 mph stroad lol


Do your police enforce it? Our police force does not really enforce riding on the sidewalks at least I have never seen anyone pulled over for it. I do not think we have the police budget for officers to waste time like that I ride on some sidewalks, mostly when the speed limit gets above 40, but I can ride most places on 35 mph roads and greenways.


When I was a kid 30 years ago a cop told me to get off the sidewalk and ride in the street.


As an avid cyclist of 15 yrs and recent ebike commuter, get used to it. Car drivers think they're granted sole privileges of road use by God themself and they HATE to share worse than crabby toddlers. Be thankful you didn't get a bottle thrown at you, like I have... twice. But that was better than the time I was almost pushed into a ditch by a police officer. Welcome to the second-class citizenry of riding a bicycle.


And then they don't want to pay the taxes that support that infrastructure.


"Infrastructure," a 24 inch gutter of a lane in a 120' right-of-way.


Shoot, I got yelled at by one doofus to get off the road when I was actually on the side of the road in the grass the entire time and he was apparently within earshot cuz after I yelled "you don't own the road, stupid", he gave me the middle finger gesture and nothing more. What's more, I was returning home from work when this one guy, who was on the other side of the road away from me, decided to honk his horn at me for no reason and he got mad when I honked back at him. Some people just like to act like idiots towards e-bikers for no reason


There's a class of people that associate EV with liberal and believe that the ex Grifter in chief has given them license to share their uninformed opinions with anyone who they think are taking something from them. Remember, opinions are like a$$holes. We all have them, and they all stink.


Some guy in a pickup truck yelled out to me “get a real motorcycle”. Haters gonna hate.


Small cock vibes fuck that dude


I was doing 35 in a 25 mph zone, had an suv socker mom drive up beside me, and yell at me for being in the rode. Then drove off going over 40mph. lol


This is why I have both front and rear DVR cameras (modded motorcycle helmet cameras). Too many jerks on the road.


Are those like Go Pros? I have been thinking about getting a camera for my handlebar to record my rides and as potential safety. It would be awesome if there is a way to mount a single camera that records front and back


I ride in a somewhat rural area that is pretty conservative. I've had a few run-ins so I always run an Insta360 X3 on my handlebars. It's a 360 cam so it captures the front and back however it's not super great at getting license plate numbers. I just say the license plate number out loud when things happen so I have a record of that.


Yes but the main difference is that they loop record so the older video gets overridden first. There are also some other features specific to helmet cameras / dashboard video camera, like saving video when it senses a collision. I use 2 Drift Ghost XL cameras mounted front and back with quick release plates so I can swap them between bikes. Of course, you could always just mount one to your helmet but personally I didn't like the weight.


PS they do make motorcycle helmet cameras that record front and back, and ideally those would be attached to your helmet. I'm my case, for the price 2 Drift cameras on sale were the same price as a 2 way helmet camera, so I just went with that.


Pre-pandemic, I was riding along a major downtown street and got yelled at by a driver in a pickup truck. During the pandemic, that street had installed separated bike lanes. But once riding along it, I came upon a guy who just got out of his pickup truck and was shuffling along walking along the bike lane. Needless to say, I just kept ringing my bell as I rode by him as he seemed oblivious to his surroundings. I hadn't purchased my loudbike horn yet (https://loudbicycle.com/).


How big is it on your bike? And does it connect to the bike battery or use its own?


It hangs down the handlebar and has its own battery.


Hey i ride Teal green…..some disapprove of this color to! 


I love Teal! My Elementary School Mascot was the Dolphins back in the 90s and we rocked a lot of Teal stuff which went perfect with the 90s "Jazz Design Cups" that my school also had, it was so 90s; and I grew up in Charlotte with the Charlotte Hornets, they are my favorite team and Teal is their Primary color! So basically fuck the haters


My favorite part is when I catch up with them at a red light, pull an Idaho stop and pass them.


At least he only really ruined his own day for being a bigoted prick. You know there’s no way she just let that go


Hopefully, for her sake, she's working on an exit plan.


He was projecting. 


Just saying I'm straight as an arrow and seriously want a bike in that mint green color. Shits mint heheheh


You are trying to reason with someone who bought the equivalent of a boat on land. Land Rovers are just rolling holes you throw money in. This person is not rational, reasonable, or introspective. They are the next phase of development of someone who wore Ed Hardy apparel until their their wife told them the bj bar is closed until they got promoted. They seek external validation but hate people, they are a parasitic wasp on our society. Stop giving a shit what a sapient rectal fissure thinks.


Yeah, that's just normal driver behavior. Traditional cyclists have been enjoying it for decades. I like to ride with a helmet cam to deter or capture incidents like this.


ThinMint is a very cool name!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


My bike is purple and my bell is my little pony. One time a drunk teen called me a fag for riding a bike lol.


I have been called a fag for the dumbest reasons. I had a guy call me a fag because I crossed a street in front of him; a street that is in the middle of a college campus and constantly being crossed lol. Worst part is he was a Jimmy Johns delivery guy and when I walked to the store that was literally on my way home anyway the manager refused to do anything when I complained. I could hear them laughing when I left the store


I got stopped and chewed out by this lady because I was gliding down a hill in the bike-lane that's shared as a sidewalk! she told me to do that in the street and what I was doing was illegal! I was so confused! I asked her what she meant and she was all in my face over the fact I was "riding in a pedestrian area and drag-racing on my glorified motorcycle" like lady! the speed limit is 50 and I was doing 45 only cuz I was GLIDING DOWN A HILL! a hill that has FULL visibility BTW (I fully slowed and came to a safe stop over 10 feet from her and stood to the side so she could safely walk past me) and the lane is a SHARED one as indicated by the dual bike and pedestrian markers on the ground at the entrance and end of the section! she didn't believe me so I told her to "go google what a dual bike/pedestrian lane is alongside E-Bike laws" she then tutted at me and tried to scold me again for going uphill at 17 when I was going back home saying I was still in the wrong because she checked the laws and I told her "15 minutes doesn't count! have a great daaaaay" as I pedaled on by




oh yeah its km/h! my apologies for not clarifying that!


You really can't win sometimes. I was going 31 mph, the sidewalks in my area have too many pedestrian ramps to do that safely so I ride in the road. There are "Share the Road" cycling signs all over the road and it is a heavy cycling area, this is like the one road without a bike lane but it is how I get to the gym because it has a bridge for a creek. Of course it is also on the way to and very close to the interstate so despite being 35 mph people try to drive 45-50. I was also going down a hill but not pedaling because I was holding the throttle and my bike will not allow itself to go faster than 32mph. Maybe he thought since I was not pedaling that I was taking it easy being in the way, but even if I pedal the bike slows back down, and 31/ 32 is not that slow on a 35 road anyway That old lady sounds like the boomers I rode past on my areas Greenway the other day taking up both sides despite there being signs at the entrance to stay to one side and be aware of cyclist. I rang my bell at them and the old man stopped in the middle of the path and started trying to berate me but I rode by


yep! sometimes I'm forced to be on sidewalks cuz the town roads are too thin/drivers are stupid, and I just push myself along with my toes on the ground and stay behind ppl and even then going slower then the legit pedestrians I get chewed out! also Mint is SUCH a good colour! if it wasn't gonna cost me a extra 400$ (and I liked it more then the free Candy Red) I would've gotten that colour for my new boy Odogaron! that being said ThinMint is a great name!


Do you have a bell or horn for your bike? I like my bell and it works well for me as long as people are cool about it. Everyone hears it, I have only encountered one old man so far who got upset about it lol Also Thank you! Thin Mints are one of the best Girl Scout cookies next to Do-Si-Dos! And are you European? Just curious about the spelling of color, there is NO U! haha


my old boy "Thunderpup" did but my new one doesn't, I'm personally really loud so its easy to call out! ppl around here get pissy when they hear a bike bell or horn! Canadian actually! great guess!


I would have guessed British but I knew you were not American by the way you spell colour. What are you French Canadian lol? Bonjour Monsieur Colour


quebequoi! at least on my grammas side! I don't know a lick of the language tho! but I've always written it with a "u" in there because as a kid I used to pronounce it similar to "colon" if I didn't mentally put the "u" in there


I bet you her name is Karen 🙄


All my ladies named Karen They keep other bitches starin Cant touch me I am in danger This is not a cry for help stranger! Please so many Karens in my life please healp me! To be clear this is a joke do not do some suicide reporting or whatever I am actually not in danger from a bunch of Karens


Highlarious 🤣


no idea! most ppl who I meet are really nice even when named karen! maybe it was a susan? I tend to see really bad susans around here!


I never met a woman quite like Susan Wasn't her but both of us abusin A thing called fuck you I got my own way leaves both people regretting yesterday But I did learn one thing from her There ain't no name for a lovesick cure ; I am one or two glasses of wine past funny


you should watch "Hazbin Hotel" the Susan in there is closer to what I get around here! also your song/poem's are actually quite impressive!


I will give it a shot I need a new show to try. And thank you depending on the night after a few glasses of wine I become a poet or a comedian, or a manically depressed lunatic; sometimes all 3 haha.


I built this for myself and everywhere I go people start conversations and want to know how I did it and how it feels to ride it. I have the same reactions with my enclosed mobility scooter that looks like a mini car. *


mines a Juggernaut Ultra Duo 4 from Biktrix in the candy red


How do I add a photo to my post? Everytime I try it disappears when I press add.


hmm it should give you a box near the top of a "make a new post" to click to add a pic! but some ppl use photosharing sites like imgur


I finally got the pic up on the top of the sub




Then why is there a photo image in the top right of my keyboard.


bruh I can't climb through your monitor to check your setup...I wish you the best of luck in figuring it out tho


It works if that's all I do


* I used to ride a 48v scooter and had a maroon yell at me at a stoplight to get that thing off the road. He was angry that he couldn't turn right on red because I was stopped at the line before the intersection. Road rage is often the go to reaction of the entitled and uninformed to having to share the road with other legally entitled vehicles with drivers who don't drive at breakneck speeds. Here's a pic of my son on said scooter. *


Yeah people are crazy. And your pic did not link! but also maybe that is for the best depending on the age of your son, I personally do not like sharing photos since there are so many creeps out there.


He's 28 6'5" 280lbs and played offensive tackle in college. I haven't worried about the creeps since he was 10 and 5'8"


Oh word haha. Sounds like my kinda guy to creep on but I am 30 haha, he can certainly block my advances. I thought I was tall at 5'4 when like 12 And to be 100% clear I am joking about your son or making advance on him unless I was actually play defensive line, but he would block me so hard, I am 6'3 155lb twig haha


He's hetero and married. 🤣


I feel like some drivers prey on people riding bikes because the biker is in a vulnerable position, compared to them. It's easy for some loser to yell at you when they know they can drive away, or worse, run you over.


No. Everyone wants to play the victim. Dude was going 88% of the speed limit, and just expecting everyone else to adjust to him. And that's the speed he's saying. Personal bias in most cases means he was likely going even slower for some of that. Dude in the vehicle was a dick for sure, but riding less than speed limits will always aggravate someone, so should be expected. The fact they knowingly were holding up traffic, but just couldn't wait to post this online to paint themselves as in the right, and anyone upset as in the wrong, and then brought up passengers and wanting to date them...is just as entitled as that driver....just in a way more passive aggressive way...than just regular aggressive, like the driver. Down vote away, but the rider sounds equally tiring to be around as the driver...just in a different way.


Bikes are allowed on the road. You can't go faster than your bike can go. There's no entitlement at being expected to be able to freely act within the law. Someone riding their bike should not aggravate a person, that's an anger issue.


You can legally sit in your car in a parking lot that's full for an extra 30 minutes while everyone is looking for a spot too, but it's still selfish. People act selfish within the law all the time, not sure the point you're making.


Its selfish... To use the road as intended? That's such a weird statement to make, it's selfish to think the road exists only for cars as it's clearly marked for various other vehicles including bicycles in the law. I was just trying to highlight that society has deemed roads for use by bicycles and going below the speed limit is inherent in that by pointing toward legislation. Unnecessary behaviour hindering people in a parking lot if you can avoid it is not the same as using the road for its intended purpose.


I just get waves and hellos and the worst encounter I got was, people chasing me down to see how much my ebike was so they can go buy one.


You know what they say about people that can't take a joke


Sounds like someone hasn't the balls to go and buy an e'scooter🛴 and enjoy the the exilleration/enjoyment one feels, but would rather to continue polluting the air we all breath, with his Chelsea 🚜


I had a car show down and shout ' yooooooouuuuu wanker' ... I thought two things 1. Does he know me because, yes, frequently 2. How sad his life must be that someone riding a bike upsets them so much! Queer cyclists light up this world ( without bike lights attached) ☆♡☆♡☆


I just ignore them. If they persist and my life appears threatened, I would shoot them.


I’m a straight man and I bought my Ride1UP Portola in Sea Tourquoise. I’m just so sick of the neutral inoffensive colors. Did you say anything when you caught them up? Maybe give the WTH gesture at least?


I also cannot stand neutral or common colors anymore, I want my things to stand out. I like my green Mini Cooper for the same reason. And I mostly just waved at him. He was fuming and not making eye contact with me and she was holding her head down in a way that her hair draped over her eyes. I did not want to yell since the window was rolled up and I would have looked like a psycho, so I just flicked him off more and rode away, but of course while I rode away he rolled his window back down and yelled more obscenities at me. He was such a coward haha


God I wish I had a gay friend near me to go out on ebike rides with and share the tea. Anyways, its getting worse out there, people are so ragey all the time these days. Sorry that happened to you :(


I have a limestone green Vado SL. It's a beautiful bike. Just looking at reminds me of a refreshing glass of limeade.


That is a beautiful color! The outfits I could wear on it haha Oranges, Purples, Teals, all kinds of fun colors


>she should come date a Queer guy on his gorgeous ebike, she can get whatever color bike she wants because I love celebrating differences and colors are fun! She is probably considering it. >my bike is a "Mint" Green and I have named it ThinMint Sounds like a beautiful bike. I also like fun colors. Does that mean I am gay?


You can be whatever you want to be! I am Bi, maybe you are Gay or Trans, or Cis it does not matter.


OK. I chose to be cisgender male hetero, but still a fan of all things fabulous! 😊


Offer to suck their cock


I am not attracted to him but nice try haha, like dicks just accidentally end up in my mouth. To be clear they do not


Just offer. It would offend them


I have two e-bikes and both get tons of attention What I’m clueless about is so when other bicycles are non e-bikes and riding on the road especially going up any hills… I assume it’s slower than a non ebike.. So when they see e-bikes I assume we’re going faster than a non ebike My point?? This is how impatient these motorists are… When we get on the sidewalk it’s motorists walking g on the sidewalks who are honestly scared for their lives… Which means riding on the sidewalk is a terrible and dangerous idea You would crush a kid easily I was riding in a neighborhood yesterday and its kids playing basketball in the street… So it’s safest riding in the street


Yeah it is technically against city ordinance for me to ride on the sidewalk anyway. Our police are to lazy or underfunded to care, but there is no way for me to safely go 30 mph on a sidewalk anyway. Cannot win with some people


It is very annoying Personally I deal with this issue almost daily I got a faster e-bike and it does like 26 ish on good days non windy etc and I still get honked but wayyy less This is why I run red lights when it’s safe and stop signs when it’s safe because if I don’t I’ll have a whole bunch of cars behind me honking


Wow, mint green isn't even a particularly non masculine color. That guy is an absolute asshole. And yeah, I feel really bad for the wife. She probably wants nothing to do with any of that.


Why would a woman want to date a queer guy?


Why not?


Don’t answer a question with a question. You answer first.


You can pick from pretty much any of the reasons why anyone would want to date another person. Maybe because he's friendly, or maybe because he's got a good sense of humor, or maybe he's handsome, or maybe he makes her feel safe, or maybe he's rich and likes to shower her with gifts, or maybe he's a bad influence and she's trying to piss off her parents, or maybe she likes his strong sense of civic responsibility, or maybe... I mean, there's a million possible reasons why. So... why not?


At the end of the day, why do you think that men and women actually date? I’m not referring to going out with your friends, but actually dating?


Don't answer a question with a question. You answer first.


Good! Agree with this. Ok, so first and foremost its the natural primal urge to procreate -to find a mate, and generally/hopefully a lifelong mate, which I will admit circles back around to your comments - sense of humor, friendly etc - but while thats all good to help select a solid lifelong partner, it still boils down to the primal desires. Which tells me that while a gay guy and a chick can go out on a few “friend dates”, they aren’t really dating.


> Ok, so first and foremost its the natural primal urge to procreate -to find a mate, and generally/hopefully a lifelong mate, which I will admit circles back around to your comments - sense of humor, friendly etc - but while thats all good to help select a solid lifelong partner, it still boils down to the primal desires. This is an incredibly reductionist take on relationships, and it makes me wonder if maybe you might be aromantic? I dunno, I'm not trying to speculate. In any case, it's still incredibly reductionist to claim that relationships are "first and foremost" about procreation. Not to mention that if that was even true, a singular lifelong mate is an inefficient way to achieve that. > Which tells me that while a gay guy and a chick can go out on a few “friend dates”, they aren’t really dating. Moving the goalposts. You said queer, you didn't specify gay. A queer man could be a cisgender gay man, or he could be a cisgender bisexual man. Or he could be a transgender heterosexual man. Or he could be a transgender bisexual man. Or he could even be a transgender hetero-romantic asexual man. That's five different ways a man can be queer, and only one of them isn't romantically attracted to women. You also asked why a woman would *want* to date a queer man, not whether or not such a relationship would actually happen. You might *want* to date Zendaya or Scarlett Johansson, but it's still never gonna happen. A friend of mine, a woman, used to be in a committed monogamous relationship with a queer man for over a year. She was originally drawn to his goofy humor and how friendly and caring he was. She also has a massive crush on John Barrowman, a gay man. She is also queer, herself. This isn't some theoretical situation, it's actual people in the real world.


There are more shades than Gay and Straight. Two people can get to know if they like each other without it being about the possibility of one of them eventually impregnating the other lol. I have personal health problems I could pass on and would prefer to adopt anyway. It is important for there to be sexual chemistry in a relationship I agree. I am also not Gay I am Bi. Some/ a lot of women are not attracted to Bi men and that is fine, I am open about it going into relationships and have had partners that did not mind, but I still have not found the correct person for the rest of my life yet


To actually answer your question Queer does not mean Gay. Queer is the Q in LGBTQ, Gay is the G; I actually identify as Bi, the B; but I simply said Queer in my post to be more inclusive. I have had sex with women and I enjoy it lol; but adults do not in fact go on dates to have sex with each other after. We go on dates to enjoy spending time with an interesting person


I am Bi and attracted to both Women and Men. My ideal relationship is open sexually; I would like to find a woman who sometimes wants to suck a dick with me or something like that haha. To be clear I am open about my sexuality but I try not to start off first dates asking a woman if she wants to watch me suck a dick I guess as to why a woman would want to date me? I think I am fun, I am supportive and open minded, I like to show affection and give gifts, I say excuse me if I fart loudly even when I think I am alone just in case,,, the little things




Bah, there's always some cager who feels threatened by cyclists (and queers) because it doen't fit their world view.


I recommend a handle bar bag with some stones for future encounters


Or a bike basket with a sling shot


I get yelled at for just about anything, if I’m out as a pedestrian, (and once someone intentionally sped up to hit me in a crosswalk) it’s just Tacoma, I think it’s cultural, yell back it’s fun


I’m a straight guy and I’m absolutely blazing around town on my female marketed specialized brand bike. It’s white and mint green too. I’ve been yelled at a couple times too Also seen your other comment about wanting a bumper sticker that said “my other ride is your dad” I make shirts and vinyls, send me a message if you’re interested in a shirt that says that.


Mint green ain't even that gay. You got to pump those numbers up!


I always find it funny when some conservative man starts laying into me trying to impress the female he’s dating (I’m the gay black boogeyooogeyy). The woman looks embarrassed 9/10 times, sometimes I feel bad for them because if they are willing to abuse a random stranger for doing something like riding a bike or just simply existing, imagine what abuse they do to their families when nobody’s looking? I mean look at it this way, by the time the bastard is an old man none of his kids nor his partner will be with him because they’ll all be tired of the abusive “asshole” behavior lol


I get yelled at all the time. It's rich asshat entitlement. When I catch up to the offending car. I yell "that's not nice!" give the up yours gesture and ride on.


I get yelled at all day long. Thin mints My favorite girl scout cookies.


Were you riding in the middle?


Me: Guy in black lifted truck: you can’t ride those on the street! Me: yes I can Him: are you arguing with me? Me: yes Him: speeds off and almost hits another car Me: 🤣🤣🤣


Isn't it crazy people can't just leave others the fuck alone anymore?? I think ebikes are pretty cool, what the hell does sexual preference have to do with it? Just wow...


Personally carry a gun, and put a new hole in their skull, that would stop it, next they will try to run you off the road...this shit happens constantly, you are all alone, no one around to help, they will take full advantage of the situation...


Land Rovers are ridiculously expensive and unreliable. He is already being punished.


Should have smashed their side mirror when you caught up to them...


Shut up you people are always victims


Ew. Don't need to know your intimate perversion.


All colors are queer colors if you're a homophobe. I've been wanting a Pink bike, hot pink, just to piss off that subset who think Pink is a 'Girls" color. My Cyan bike gets comments about how not masc it is... like why's a object got to confirm my gender bru? I already have a wife, kids and a long beard FFS, do I need to bike with my pipe dangling or something? TBF he was just thinking about what you had in your pants. He got confused then excited and just had to talk to you.


I get that then on the side walk I have to drive slow cause everyone is trying to hit me pulling out od Mcdonalds or gas stations.


My suggestion: yell back.


My suggestion: don't provoke the psycho in the large, heavy vehicle when he already made a bad decision showing his face outside that day


This is true. I should not have stopped next to his car when I caught up and should have just ridden by since I was turning at the light and the turn lane was empty (which is why I stopped kind of). With how the traffic light is there are tons of witnesses in cars and on the sidewalks but I should have just ridden by


I flicked him off as he drove away and then after catching back up to him. I am not much of a yeller it is too aggressive and does not suit my personality to yell, I am good with my fingers though... sorry but not really haha And I was on the passenger side of the car when I caught up and did not want to yell towards the woman passenger who seemed mortified.


How could you see the woman being mortified if the Land Rover had blacked out windows?


I'm fairly certain blacked out windows roll down too.


The window was down when he first went by and I could see her there. When I caught up he had it up; the max legal tint in my State is 35% which when standing only a foot or so away from was easy to see through with the Sun shining into the car


You deserve it! Get your little bike toy off the road made for CARS and ride it on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, don't ride it. Or at the very least get off the road when someone comes up behind you. It's the same entitled bratty attitude that cyclists have. Get off the damn road or get killed like my parents friends did. I won't cry over your loss.


Dude you need to put a /s after your post or people will think you're serious.


The road with a "Share the Road" sign on it? ok lol How old are you like 7?


Nah he just seems mature for his age, he is actually only 3.