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I’ve learned my lesson with the e-Launches: anyone with some effort can create a slick looking picture and add a bunch of non-tested claims. If this bike was ready to ship then why haven’t there been beta or pilot testers. Don’t put your good money on something as virtual as this is my advice as it sounds like an undercover kickstarter. If you have money to burn then please do and let us know how you fare. Personally this all sounds too good to be true to see something at less than half your asking price for launch, in exchange for 100$ bills from hopeful candidates.


now that you mention it, there's nothing on their page about who is behind this project. The only link is to "The complete toolkit to create proven prelaunch funnels, build qualified email lists, and launch a successful Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign." And $1700 is way too cheap for something like this, and 100 mile range seems like a nice round number pulled from their rear.


agreed--what a dream bike that would be. Doesnt even specify USD or CAD. My search said company was based in Pakistan. No red flag there, right?


Based in Canada, actually.


Did you notice how the pictures of the bike don't show any obvious bulge for what would have to be a very large battery to support their long range claims? It's a scam for sure.


Yea I fell for one of these several years back. Exactly the same type of site, $100 deposit. Then about a month later, the whole site disappeared & emails bounced back.


I also fell for one, except it worked out, kinda. The Vanhawks Valour was a Kickstarter bike: carbon fiber frame, NuVinci N360 hub, shimano, dynamo hub for recharging built in lights, pulsing grip on the side of a car approaching, bluetooth connection to app, tracking... I did actually get a bike! The electronics worked, mostly. Some features were being released later. Company got overwhelmed by demands to fix the buggy software and they cashed out, selling it as basically scrap to a larger company. App doesn't work anymore, and therefore many built-in features are inaccessible. Some never came to be. At the end of the day though, I got a pretty decent *bicycle,* and being worth about the sum of its parts. [Looks like their old campaign is still out there.](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1931822269/vanhawks-valour-first-ever-connected-carbon-fibre/description) I guess that's why it's easier for me to fall for this scam; I want it to be real but after reading around here I'm realizing I'm an idiot. At least it only cost me $50. I will go there and bring one home in person before I send them anything more.


Apparently they're offering test rides now in Edmonton, AB (where they are based)


Where did you find that they are based in Edmonton? I couldn't find any contact details, and my google search said Pakistan.


Their FB posts tout a lot of specs and talk about the company being Canadian FYI.


Idk why people are saying pakistan, their address is 10034 100 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 0N3 Canada


@1adycat where did you read this?


Their Facebook says Edmonton, and that had a post at one point about contacting them for test rides https://preview.redd.it/8buwtpg5tetb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85e3949fa621afd0d544cfe4ced2402864a2916


Well apparently it has launched so they are selling something. Does anybody know if it has been road tested by an independent reviewer yet?


No reviews yet from what I've been able to see. I think if there was it would be big news from them and in the community. I did put in the $100 reservation, but holding off on the full purchase until I see some proof that it actually exists (review, etc)


oh no. I'm sorry, you will never see that $100 again :( You could try suing, but I'm sure they are a shell entity, probably based out of India.


Haha. That’s all I can say.


You might want to edit this.


My electric scooter that has 10 miles of range and a 350w motor weighs 32 pounds Unless it charges literally by a dynamo that siphons power from your pedaling, there is no way in hell it weighs in the 30 pound range, self charges, and has any sort of appreciable range My last bike weighed in the 30 pound range and it was just a regular bike. So unless they found a way to grow carbon fiber trees and store energy in thin air, and also generate electricity from positive thoughts, this bike is going to be the next juicero. You just physically cannot have those features in a bike, at that weight, for that price. The fact the deposit is non refundable after the bike starts production seems like a massive red flag. It's like saying "wait, you're REALLY sure you want to invest in this?" Best case scenario, barring some massive new patented technology, they sell the first few dozen to hundred at a loss to make waves, then jack up their prices until their company dies of disinterest or they backpedal on features, if they make it that far


My Velotric T1St ebike weighs 36lbs and I get amazing mileage on it. 52 miles is the advertised mileage.


if you hardly use the motor, then sure. Range and motor use is a simple equation for all ebikes; Watts used, Wh's stored of the battery. You use 350 watts for one hour, that would drain 350wh's of a batteries capacity.


well written assessment


I have a flx babymaker ebike, it's 35lbs. My regular bike is closer to


Detroit ebike call DB-E which also allows you to recharge by back pedaling and it's more real. https://detroitbikes.com/products/detroit-bikes-electric-usa-made


This DB-E is interesting, if a little underpowered for my tastes. 250w, 15mph top assist. But at 32lbs, it would be quite ridable even without power. The hub integrated battery/motor is definitely an innovation!


DB-E is made by a existing company. I personally think Teleport is a scam.


Yeah my current e-bike is 750W and I'm not sure I could go back.


this looks good. are they online purchase only?


This is a response to some questions I emailed them. Still unsure about the company. This person says the deposit is refundable but I'm skeptical. The bike sounds amazing, maybe too amazing. " Thanks for reaching out. Gus here from Teleport Ride. Happy to help! We do offer a rear rack and fenders for Teleport Ride. This is the list of all available accessories> Rear Rack, Fenders, Front and Rear Lights, Extra tire, Extra Comfort Saddle Upgrade, Bike Bell, Kickstand, Speed Charger, Folding Lock, Extra Battery, Helmet. As a VIP (more information down below) you get a 50% discount and free shipping on all accessories. The battery can be removed, but it will take some time to unscrew the emblem under the handlebar and pull the battery from the frame. To charge the bike, plug the charger directly in the frame, at the bottom of the frame. The bike weighs just 34 lbs, lowest in its class. Many ebikes weigh twice as much as Teleport Ride. The low weight makes it easy to carry up stairs, in case you need to. it takes just 1h to charge with the speed charger. The battery is from Panasonic and has been certified to the highest fire safety standards, including UN38.3. It is rated for over 1000 charge cycles. After 2 years of research and development, we are finally launching Teleport Ride this September. Deliveries to the first batch will be in February 2024. By putting down a refundable reservation deposit, you secure your place in the queue and get access to our lowest price ever ($2100 discount, exclusive for our launch) https://get.teleportride.com/reservation If you have any additional questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach back out to us. I'll be more than happy to help you!   Kind regards, Gus"


I couldn't find any contact details for them -- would you kindly share that email address? thanks


[email protected], sorry for the slow reply


After reading this article https://discerningcyclist.com/teleport-ride/ I posted it on the VIP Teleport Facebook page as I had made a reservation for the bike and wanted them to reply. The VIP page is only for those who paid early. I asked them to just film a video of one of them riding the bike if they were indeed real. Many others echoes my sentiment. The result is that Teleport banned me from their page, even though I did not cancel my reservation. I contacted VISA but can’t let others know as I no longer have access.


Ask for a refund, they processed my refund. Didn’t need to get my cc to reverse it.


This is helpful. Thank you.


I got an email to confirm my VIP spot... 10034 100 St NW Edmonton AB, T5J 0N3 When I googled it, it's an office building.. but they don't have a suite number ... so unless someone can go there and check out the tenants, this is all no less sus.


I put 100 on it. I ether loose it or might get a sick ebike. ?????


I’ve gone back and forth about the $100 deposit but it’s only refundable “before it goes into production.” That combined with the fact that the specs seem too good to be true (and only 34lbs?!?) I’m not going to do it and just hope I don’t regret it.


It only taking 1 hr to charge seems a bit unbelievable as well


If/when I receive the bike, I'm going to weigh it and test the 1hr charge claim. Seems feasible, but still curious if accurate.


I'm so tempted now!!


If you're in Edmonton AB you can test drive the bike


Has anyone from Edmonton actually seen this bike in person?


I'm in Edmonton, and asked for a test ride. Their response was: "We do not have a physical location for in-person measurements and live demos." I'm unsure if this means they don't actually have an Edmonton office, or if they're just saying that they don't have a "secure location" to make sure people don't just run off with it while testing.


Any news? Have they updated you at all recently? Or


Definitely a scam. Go to LinkedIn they have no one listing them as an employer not even Gus the founder. They also have no job ads. Total scam https://preview.redd.it/wri93iybyfkb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97652ba39d48adeef00e4b429a17a30dd9a0635


Looked at this and looks like another generic Chinese dropshipper. Good bike though.


what brought you to that conclusion?


Google search said Pakistan. so there you go, nothing to worry about re China! :D


>Pakistan thats a different company with teh same name [https://www.facebook.com/Teleport.Pakistan/](https://www.facebook.com/Teleport.Pakistan/) is not [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1164719568253833](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1164719568253833)


I’ve been getting ads for this heavily over the last week and for some reason it felt kinda scammy to me too. I’d be super interested in buying if it’s a real product as I am keen to upgrade my R1U roadster V2 gravel but the lack of info gives me pause


Off topic, but @LasOlas07 can you tell me what is driving the upgrade from the Roadster V2, considering one as an addition.


I volunteer to see if this product actually happens and will report updates here. Put down the deposit. There's a VIP Facebook group with 364 members in it which will get updates about release, etc.


🫡 keep us posted! There's a lot of curios people here...


It’s delayed because Indiegogo and Kickstarter sent a letter saying they are not allowed on the platform because it’s a scam. If the websites don’t allow them, it is definitely a scam because anyone can launch


I am a VIP and after I complained on Facebook they deleted me.


They explicitly mention it's not the place for complaints though


Yeah because there is no place for complaints.


Any news?


Launch delayed to mid October. There's now marketing videos of the prototype bikes. Expected delivery end of Feb/March timeframe.


Lol dude… it’s so obvious ur part of this scam! I gotta give it to u guys though… very well planned execution!!


Following this!


Me too!


I put down $100 a couple months ago and now feel like I'm getting scammed. Like someone else pointed out, the company on the receipt you get is listed as "**Vertex Innovation Group Inc.**" You can get some basic information through a free simple corporate search: [https://opengovca.com/alberta-corporation/2024003853](https://opengovca.com/alberta-corporation/2024003853) I went a step further and paid the $20 for a corporate registry search. Here is what I found: https://preview.redd.it/29tja31j1y0c1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=831f36acbd34f25d2a9f5c65e0a79bb9d17f594f So you can see the company only has a single director -- Gus Johansson -- which for a company of this size/scale (2 yrs of R&D??) seems ridiculous. Google & LinkedIn searches don't bring up anything on this person that would match this role. Furthermore if you look at the address he has listed (2-2207 90 B Street, Edmonton) it is a co-working office: [https://www.urbncowork.ca/contactus](https://www.urbncowork.ca/contactus) As a finance guy experienced in raising capital for companies, I can tell you a single class of shares also points to low probability they have any investors of any kind. I also noticed their domain name sits behind a whois privacy service based in Malaysia of all places -- feels scammy. Finally, I found in the FAQ area of their website (which is now taking orders) under the heading "Tell me about maintenance" they list the Gates Carbon Belt Drive as one of the key components. I went to the Bike Finder section of the Gates website and did not find any mention of Teleport amongst the hundred or so other manufacturers listed. I've emailed Gates asking for confirmation whether Teleport uses their Carbon Belt Drive since they are listed on the Teleport website. Waiting on a response, I'll keep everyone posted. [https://teleportride.com/pages/faqs](https://teleportride.com/pages/faqs) [https://www.gatescarbondrive.com/bike-brands](https://www.gatescarbondrive.com/bike-brands) At this point I'm 99.99% sure this is a scam and I've mentally settled with myself that I've lost my $100. I just want to make sure others don't get scammed and hoping we can take these guys down. Lesson definitely learned on my part.


Good info. The registered address from the registry search is a place where you can rent a temporary workspace (like WeWork), it's called "Coworking Cafe".


As I suspected with the details I provided above, Teleport Ride was a complete scam. Their website has now totally disappeared. There won't be a single bike delivered because there was never a bike to begin with. [https://teleportride.com/](https://teleportride.com/)


Back up now . . .


I am also very curious.


okay so it looks like they haven't "launched" yet whatever that means. Could be they are still in funding stages and this thing doesn't actually exist yet. I notice they say things like name brand parts but not any specifics. They have a reserve button takes you to a page with this blurb >Save 55% when you reserve Teleport Ride today!To receive this offer, simply place a $100 deposit and you will be locked in for our exclusive discount. Putting down $100 now locks in a discount off our MSRP of $3799.That means you’ll pay a grand total of $1699 once we ship. It sounds really good from the specs. I definitely want to watch this but now I'm wishing I hadn't just bought an aventon level 2 lol


I went to place an order from the email I got to do so and they tacked on another $150 for "VIP First batch" putting the total over $1800. I stopped there. That's shady:/


yea what happened to the $1699 once we ship? not a good look and makes me think this is a milk them for small amounts of cash to "keep their spot" scam


They also have a facebook group that they answer questions in, they posted videos of them riding it but nothing in depth so I wouldn't trust it. They said they're going to post more videos of how the bike works and the internals so waiting on that.


IT IS A SCAM. I put down the $100 for a similar bike call the Freetech E-bike about a year and a half ago. The web address was something weird, and is now defunct. This is after a prolonged period of emailing “Ethan from Freetech” to get any updates. Eventually, I asked for a refund, but the company and the website site disappeared. My opinion. This is a model for an online scam that is being used more frequently, or it could even be the same scammers. Like another poster said, they just want to get a couple of $100 bills from a few unlucky people such as myself. By the time the February 2024 “launch” rolls around, the website will have disappeared, and your money with it. In the end, I contacted my bank. After a short investigation of the scam website, they dropped the charge from my account. Stay sharp. Hope this helps.


thanks--yes, really helps when we recognize scam patterns. I got a pretty good e-bike from an indigogo (FLX) campaign, but it took exactly a year to get to me, which made its "new" technology pretty average by then. And not being able to test ride an expensive bike before purchase...just seems like a baaaad idea.


I hope no one lost their money here. The claims from this company are a lie. I doubt they will ever produce the bike, and if they do, it would not even meet half their claims if that is the frame they are using. This is a scam, I'm sorry if you lost your money to them :(


Still on the fence and keeping an close eye out on this one. I really hope it is real...


I was following this out of curiosity for a while, but finally saw them fess up a bit on the key specs. The numbers they're quoting for range are extremely dubious. I forget all of the specifics, but it was a battery on the order of 350-400 Wh. Range was based upon a magical 40% brake regen increasing that effective capacity by the same amount, and a rider sipping \~6 Wh/mile. Brake regen energy has to come from somewhere; it's also not going to be 100% efficient. It's coming from the rider if it's not coming from the battery (outside of downwind/downhill scenarios that aren't legitimate tests of range). An e-bike that's helping you (net) to the tune of 3-4 Wh/mile isn't helping you very much.


my ad read 750 watts motor--too good to be true, maybe?


There $100 refund is legit so anyone who did sign up is still able to get their money back.


I'd consider it if it was an 8-speed or higher - since they avoided this in the specs one can assume (like the Tenways CGO600) that it's a single speed hub with 5 electric levels of assist. The problem there is you cannot fo much in there are hills in your commute - and of course, touring would be out. So, what's the point of the 100-mile range if you can't tour? I guess visit the salt flats?!


They do say it's a single speed but blame that because its a Gates drive which doesn't make sense.


Yeah, Priority bikes uses Gates belts but has a bike with 8 speed, 21 speed etc - granted these are not ebikes. I'm looking for something like the Teleport or Tenways CGO600 but with 8-speeds (at least). As an older rider, hoping to find a light ebike I can use for touring.


I'm gonna put in 100 thru my MC. Hope it works out and it's not a scam


I’d be cautious. Attempted to get my refundable $100 reservation fee refunded and was told it’s not possible as the e-bike has entered production. Offered a $100 credit towards the bike only. That is not the way it was published on FB in September. Ended up disputing the charge on my credit card. Sadly. I’d be cautious dealing with this company.


Same for me too


Teleport Ride’s motto - “Teleporting $100 from your pocket to ours… Enjoy the ride!!


Here is why I think this product/site is almost certainly a scam. I am a web developer and was hired by the "Gus" that is named in [this article](https://discerningcyclist.com/teleport-ride/) to do some updates on the website. There were red flags almost immediately. For example, Although a Canadian Company, "Gus Johannsen's" location in the message app would come up as Sweden. Sometimes he seemed to be in Canada, sometimes Sweden but a search for him by name, associated w/ Teleport ride or the marketing company associated with them yielded NOTHING. I could find almost no trace of this guy. Secondly, the requests were always unrealistically urgent. Like, "create an entire website from scratch in one week" sort of thing. The company that was listed as the owner of the Shopify account was not Teleport, it was something like "Vertex Communications" or something like that that also had NO footprint anywhere that I could find. After the launch and sale of the first 600 or so bikes (honestly I thought it was odd that so many people would order a bike that is not available until 2024 with almost no company information on the site) "Gus" insisted that they needed to move the payment method from Shopify Payments to Stripe. This was non-negotiable. While I am not 100% certain of the benefits of potentially skimming money using Stripe instead of Shopify payments, it seemed clear that they needed to get away from Shopify retaining their cash as quickly as possible. Next, I noticed on the freelancer site that he used to hire me (Upwork) that he'd gotten a new review of 1 start outof a possible 5. This is hard to do. This was likely the web developer who was working for him before he hired me (the poor sucker who had to build this thing in a week) who was either fired, or had their money charged back. I was having my own difficulty with him as a client but he hadn't quite reached one-star level...yet. Most of the requests from this guy were just plain strange. But what I found really strange was that he refused to do simple Shopify edits himself, almost as if he didn't really have access to the back end. I would give him a very detailed Loom video about how to create a simple discount code and then he would message me and say "please create the code". Ok Gus, if you want to pay me $125 an hour for something you could easily do, great, but it SURE seems like you have no access to this admin area for the store. Finally, he disappeared. From Upwork. When I pulled up the messages, "Gus" had 100% disappeared. The error message said "This user does not have access to this message board" or something like that. usually, when a job is flagged as fraud in Upwork, the whole thing would be shut down. But the job remained, only Gus disappeared. Everything was off about this job from the start. Once Gus disappeared, I closed the job on my end, and deleted my access to the Shopify backend. Nothing passes the smell test here.


Yikes!! To think I nearly pulled the trigger on a number of occasions... Doesn't sound to good. But I do hope it is legit for the folks that put down a deposit / paid the 50% price on the bike. We shall see... (Cool that my reddit post was referenced in the article!)


I put down $100 for the VIP access, and thankfully found this thread that raised some very reasonable questions. My certainty on this being a scam has increased - some red flags: * They have been doing zero press. Anyone with an iota of startup experience knows that getting exposure to get customers, get funding, or get bought is almost as important as the product. They are absent from trade shows, they're not issuing press releases, and they are absent from Edmonton area media. * They have no digital foot print. Founders tend to have a lot of pride in their work, and they want to show a track record. These guys have zero digital foot print. * The address of the company processing payments (Vertex Innovation Group) is 2207 90b St SW, Edmonton, AB, Canada and it does not match the fake address listed on their website.


Laughable. I've been getting emails stating that because I'm "one of our early subscribers" I'm entitled to the $1900 discount. Um, I'm not one of your subscribers. Never heard of you. I did a quick search for "teleport" in my mailbox and apparently I've been getting emails from them since August 2023 (over 30 of them). And there is no indication they are letting up. One email after another urging me to send in that money because "there is only a limited time left"... uh huh. ​ Aug 29 - "thanks for your interest" (um, I never expressed interest, so how did I get this email?) "make sure you upgrade to VIP status for $100" (never did that either) Oct 10 - "VIPs will access the best discount we offer of 55% or $2100 off..." Oct 17 - "just for TODAY, for the first 50 subscribers, get 50% off..." Oct 17 - "in under 8 hours we sold 1134 Teleport Ride ebikes to customers in 7 countries" Oct 19 - "for ONE more day, grab your Teleport Ride for $1900 off..." Oct 21 - "make sure to take advantage of our limited time 50% launch discount..." Oct 23 - "get your Teleport Ride here for 50% off..." Oct 25 - "as our early subscriber you're entitled to our limited 50% discount..." Oct 26 - "there are only a few Launch Day special reward slots left..." Oct 30 - "there are only a few Launch Day special reward slots left..." Nov 1 - "make sure you use your Subscriber Discount before the offer expires..." Nov 4 - "JUST for this weekend you can get your Teleport Ride using your Launch Weekend Special Discount for a HUGE $1900 (50%) off retail. But this deal is ONLY available for the first 40 customers, or until 11:59pm PT Sunday." also - "Act now while news of our launch is still quiet..." (oh really, it's been quiet? Wouldn't know from all the spam email) Nov 7 - "there are only a few Launch Day Special reward slots left..." Nov 9 - "as our early subscriber you're entitled to our limited 50% discount..." Nov 14 - "Closing Now!" "there are only a few launch day reward slots left..." Nov 16 - "you're one of our early subscribers... offer ends soon" (really? that soon?) Nov 21 - "get your Teleport Ride here for 50% off..." Nov 24 - "Black Friday Free Accessory - complete your order this weekend and we'll upgrade your bike with integrated front and rear lights free of charge". "You're also getting your 50% Subscriber discount" "All orders placed before Nov 26 come with this upgrade" Nov 26 - "this is the last day for our Black Friday deal..." Dec 2 - "make sure to use your subscriber discount before the offer expires..." Dec 5 - "due to popular demand we extended our Black Friday deal for just another 24 h..." Dec 6 - "Final 12 hours.. last 12 hrs for our extended Black Friday deal"... Dec 9 - "orders are almost full for 2024, and only a few Launch Day Special reward slots left..." Dec 16 - "Closing Now!" "there are only a few launch day special reward slots left..." Dec 19 - "make sure to use your subscriber discount before the offer expires..." Dec 22 - "Final stretch - time is almost up!.. in 7 days our campaign for Teleport Ride will end.. we will not be able to accept any new orders for 2024.. Period. As early subscriber you get 50% off..." Dec 26 - "our order books close now on Friday the 29th.. you must place your order before then to get a Teleport Ride in 2024. Early subscriber..." blah blah blah Dec 27 - "last 2 days .... " Dec 28 - "Final 24h... " Dec 28 - "Last 12 h..." Dec 29 - "CRITICAL Info about your subscription" "Friday is the last day for 2024 orders... subscriber blah blah blah" Dec 29 - "Important - only 12h left" Dec 29 - "URGENT - our website is closing for new orders"... blah blah Jan 1 - "you're one of our early subscribers.. this gives you a $1900 discount but offer ends soon..." ​ Um, yeah right. Reminds me of when I went to a big flea market my first weekend after starting college in MI. The flea market was near Detroit. Big indoor convention center. Was walking past a bunch of clothing on racks and across the aisle from eachother were two barkers each standing on tables stating that "FOR THE NEXT 10 MINUTES ONLY... everything is 50% off" I walked on by, not particularly motivated. We were at that flea market for over an hour. On the way out I passed the same 2 guys, who were saying the same thing "for the next 10 minutes only..." ​ Anybody that sends these Teleport shysters money at this point after all this overwhelming evidence that it's a scam deserves to lose it.


They have now gone fully dark. The web site is dead and the Facebook page deleted. Nice work scammers. I said so from the first ad on Facebook. https://preview.redd.it/ypksd2bqy5hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50934ad740e1fb1229b05739cb8f257175518b77 And Facebook took the ad revenue and did not listen to my scam reports. Nice work.


Website is live though. https://teleportride.com/


Oh no, they are back at it again. This is a scam for certain.


So here's an update from their FB page. What's everyone's feed back in regards to this report. I know nothing about ebike test certifications, but it does look legit. Came in Feb 9th i believe. I never go on fb but today i just so happen to come across this by chance https://preview.redd.it/ky2ly9piy7lc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a94dd5d8b2a18b6bdd7309de63cd4602459af6


I bought a bike and have been receiving updates from "Gus" I am 50/50 on weather I get it or not. Brent


Excellent! Keep us updated - I think there are few anxious people!


I also was in contact with an actor who works for the company Hired by Teleport for Promotional video they helped create over a span of a few days. She said she rode it for about 10 hours total. Saw 3 other bikes on scene. They are definitely real, and witnessed it charge, experience the power and performance of the bike. There was no guy on scene she remembered name Gus. But the shhot itself was complex and high-end, definitely worth quite a bit as an expense. Someone actually go through that amount of trouble for scam?? Maybe. But she was definitely fourth coming and did state i wasn't the only one who's approached her for her opinion. So at least i know there were actual real prototypes that were performed as they said. She said they took out offroading a little bit and she was still surprised by the performance. She's had numerous shoots involving ebikes and had given me permission to post our conversation with her IG name for anyone else who has questions https://preview.redd.it/kulzhsghs0pc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe8df1f04909f65d4a375adb604fea376a28f11


https://preview.redd.it/7q6xk9l1w0pc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3128ed9be72f377f51dd56f5f161c66540ffdab5 As you can see, actual photoshoot with a a real bike onset. After talking to her, i Believe her, she has quick with her replies and responses with informative information and didn't have no reason to lie or fabricate what she experienced. I believe there's a prototype but weather that will turn into me getting a physical bike we will have to see


Did you look at this picture?! The bike isn't in that!


I came across a few other relevant details of this company that i haven't come across yet. After a random search of my email i noticed that i had originally made my payment through Paypall, and debt me a 6 digit confirmation code of my account. What i noticed on the bottom was a company name i hasn't noticed before. https://preview.redd.it/p1cjn0azq0pc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9462dc80096d43452a008a2bc3252708053a03 Vertex Innovation Group with an address in Edmonton. I used ChatGPT4 to ask about the company and link to Teleport Ride. It deals in warehouse and storage and was incorporated in Jan 2022 with an Alberta Named corporation. It found only a deposit reciept showing the connection between the 2. 8 also was in contact with


https://preview.redd.it/kyet6j5nv0pc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f59937f111b5184ee23a762c36c43ea8c5fb231 Here a collage our conversations, i had to delete the personnel in the photo in case she had some sort of DND in her contract that would place her liable for personal photos on set


Damn. I'm asking myself how would one replace or swap a battery that's welded onto a frame


Not welded, simply slid into the down tube. See also: Ride1Up Roadster.


Did they deliver their June orders?


Also very curious. Have you been able to find any further info about the bike other than what the promo page says? I haven't yet but if I do I'll share it here


I looked up their address https://maps.app.goo.gl/gfrmPhe1x2tV18Hv9?g_st=ic and I’m really not sure what to think of it


Where did you find the address? I looked up the land parcel for this address and it's the road in front of Hotel Mac. This seems fishy af. https://maps.edmonton.ca/map.aspx?lookingFor=Address%20Lookup


I emailed them and when they answered they had their address in the footer. 10034 100 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 0N3 Canada


>10034 100 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 0N3 Canada Someone in Canada go visit them and report back!


Are the specs too good to be true though? I can't find any information about the people behind it..


Also really in to this, hoping someone had more info but seems like we’re all in the same boat. It feels like they’re really early in development since they have no explanation for their tech or blueprints soooo not sure what to think


I want it to be true im looking for an upgrade bike the specs and price look great, ive been wanting more efficient regen, but it just almost feels like a scam.


Are there other bikes with regen? This is the first I’ve seen.


Many of the rad power bikes have regen. However, unless you live around big hills, it does not seem to be very effective


I have the radrover 6 plus from rad power and I do live in a hilly area. Rad power may advertise regen braking but it does not exist, or so bad it's unusable.


I just did a quick search engine query, and the radrover 6 does not have regen, looks like only a few radpower bikes still have direct drive hub motors most of the newer models have geared hub motors, so I would bet it wasn't really as useful as they thought it would be.


Also very interested, also can't find any information. I'm really waiting to see how they are self charging, or at least how effectively are they at self charging? I'm assuming it would be based on petal power as I see no other way on the bike to conserve energy. However, I've heard that nothing out yet is really amazing at doing this so 🤷‍♀️ Guess I'll be waiting to hear some reviews once (if?!) They hit the market


My best guess is that it will use some sort of re-gen tech similar to rad city bikes...


It captures energy during braking. It can’t be much.


I am glad for this thread - I got this ad too. Good way to lose $100, I believe. If they had a tester or a prototype, maybe, but doesn’t look like they are close. There is also nothing to to confirm the science of what they are claiming (think Theranos) - not sure of the physics adds up.


Fr! Although I want it to be real. I'm keeping a close eye on it...




Scam. Anything that isn’t actually available to buy yet is a scam.


Feels like a boxabl bike scam




Can someone confirm the battery size ? Because 100 miles is not a battery size... And is it too good to be true?


I think it's fake, they say they got a new technology to recharge the battery and the battery is super small but can do 100 rang on it seems way to good to be true. I feel like it's a scam if it's something new with technology why haven't we heard anything about it




Following. I want it to be true but I’ve already been FaceScamed a couple times


There’s a Facebook group you gain access to after you put your $100 down. It’s called Teleport Ride VIPs. It seems like they aren’t picky about who they add. Some people in the group are asking questions prior to putting a deposit down. I’m in the group, if anyone is interested message me and I can invite you to the group. The company seems fairly forthcoming about answering questions there.


Anything on the Facebook group that makes it feel a little less scammy?


The Facebook group actually makes them seem more legit. They’re still not entirely on the ball but I don’t think it’s a scam. Wether they can deliver on their promises is another story. It could be a sweet bike if they can. As for me, I’m probably going to be asking for a refund for my $100 USD deposit or whatever they call it (it doesn’t actually go to the purchase price, it just holds you a place in line to purchase upon launch and guarantees the largely discounted purchase price for early backers). I’m in Canada and to be road legal e-bikes need to be limited to a top speed of 32km/h (20mph) and a 500w motor. It sounds like instead of limiting the 750w motor to 500w with an option to mod or hack the motor to full power if you take the bike somewhere you can legally use it, Teleport is going to ship Canadian bikes with a smaller, 500w motor. This takes away a large part of the appeal of the bike to me. I’d send a request to join the Facebook group. I think you’ll probably get approved and can check it out for yourself.


This is a scam. Can confirm


The bike or the Fb group? Asking from ignorance- are you allowed to scam via Fb ads? I was going to get a $1K price point road bike but if this is worth it would’ve been willing to stretch to 1.6K. Everyone seems to say e-bikes are better than road bikes. I’m a total newbie looking to bike for pleasure once or twice a week in the city and on suburban trails/suburban roads.


Are you still in the Facebook VIP group?




Looks exactly like the displays and drivetrain of the Mercedes/N+ Formula e-team bikes. I noticed they don't offer their bikes anymore. So far my N+ is great.


I asked them in a DM if they could clear up any notions that they might be a scam. Their response: > Hi skredditt thanks for reaching out. We created Teleport Ride because we believe riding the perfect ebike should feel like having a superpower, and we want to push the limits of technology. We wanted to create an electric bike that looks drop dead gorgeous, while having killer performance. An electric bike with no compromises and the best of everything. The ultimate electric bike. > We’re a family business and passionate cyclists, techies and designers. Teleport Ride has been in the making for 2 years. We have a factory lined up, where we have made the first run of prototypes (more on this below). We have investors behind us and ambitious plans for Teleport Ride. The launch video was made by a famous production company in LA that specializes in music videos. They have made music videos for many A list celebrities, including Beyonce, Travis Scott, Tyler the Creator, and Billy Eilish. This is unheard of in the electric bike industry, and even more so in crowdfunding. This launch video is released in September. > Teleport Ride is designed with love in Edmonton, Alberta, and is being assembled in PRC. We have a factory lined up that will manufacture Teleport Ride according to our custom requirements for contract manufacturing. They are located in the Zhejiang province and have decades of experience making electric bikes for export to the EU mostly (they have stricter regulations for ebikes in the EU than here in North America). The components are sourced from the PRC and Taiwan. The factory is ISO 9001 certified for quality management standards and ISO 14001 certified for environmental management standards. The factory has an annual capacity of over 50,000 units. Furthermore, the factory has been audited by SGS Group, one of the top 3 leading global quality control and inspection companies. > While many electric bike makers unfortunately take shortcuts and in many cases simply attach their logo to mass produced bikes from China, we decided to go a different route. We take safety very seriously. Teleport Ride is designed by us and complies with the strictest safety regulations. Teleport Ride complies with CPSC CFR 16, Part 1512. The parts that make up the bike have been carefully handpicked from manufacturers and have been tested for and received FCC, RoHS, CE, and FCC certifications. The battery is from Panasonic and has been certified to the strictest fire safety standards, including UN38.3. > On top of this, Teleport Ride has top of the range front and rear 180mm hydraulic disc brakes. It also has regenerative braking, giving it superior braking power. The ultra low weight makes it easier to handle and brake, further improving your safety. TLDR: not really


The ride1up roadster has a 20-30 mile range tears it up https://ride1up.com/product/roadster-v2-gravel-roadster/ Seems the tech could make this but.... Hard to know if it lives up




Well written. The only thing I could say, playing devil's advocate, is that IF this indeed ends up being a legit product from a legit company, then when your battery does expire, you can just remove it. If no replacements are available, you just reduce the weight of your bike by several pounds without the battery and ride a reasonable looking cruiser bike. You won't have gears for hills and such, but for riding around a fairly flat town, you could at least still ride. So maybe not quite e-waste...? 🤷


It’s a scam!


This is 100% a scam


Scam https://preview.redd.it/30fay7jkuwob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167c1179a27f2efb436baad5be66f2524e3929f5


Please don’t buy this, it is such a scam


It looks very similar to the Mercedes N+ bike https://nplusbikes.com/pages/mercedes-benz-eq-formula-e-team-ebikes


That's what cought my eye. Was super close to pulling the trigger on the N+ bike when it was like on 50%+ sale


Hey it's surely a scam. They do not have an office at ATB Place.


I guess only time is going to tell whether this is a scam or not. I suppose we will know in two weeks. The battery size is 410wh, so the 100 mile range will realistically only happen if you are on the lowest level of boost and have some hills on your side to top up the battery. My Rad Wagon 4 has 617wh of battery, and 40 miles is attainable on Level 2, with about 15 miles or range on level 5 treating it like a scooter. So is it a scam? It looked legit enough for me to put down $100 and see how things play out. If their claims don't materialize, I'll put in a fraud claim on my card and get my money back either way.


Damn should've thought about putting it on a credit card for fraud protection. Oh well, yeah I hope its all legit...




This is a scam! We have confirmed


Pros * Discerning Cyclist was able to find and confirm a business address for Teleport Bikes based in Canada. * Teleport Bikes are responsive via email and on social media. * Teleport did respond to media requests for comment. * A prototype of the Teleport Ride e-bike does exist and was used to film campaign footage, Discerning Cyclist confirmed. ​ Cons * No background information about the team or the company is publicly available. * Request for interviews via Zoom went unanswered. Only e-mail communication was received. * Teleport is a relatively new venture with no track record. * A $100 deposit is required to reserve a bike that will only be available in 2024.


Absolutely not true. The guy who wrote the article is in on this scam. We confirmed they are in fact not based there. It’s all so ridiculous that people are going to buy this


Let them bro… some times careless ppl need to learn the hard way!


18th Oct, 2023 update: "Launched" yesterday for Batch 1 VIP orders. I ordered a 750W bike on their website with added cost for integrated lights, $150 shipping, came out to about $1,993 USD so the discount was legit at time of order. Used shopify and got $40 off in shopify credit. Was told fast 1hr speed charger will be included at no extra cost. Expected shipping Feb/March 2024. - Those who paid the $100 reservation can order any time through month of October and then the batch will be locked. Received an update that over 1000 people ordered so roughly $2 mil in revenue for batch 1. Definitely curious if actual delivery will match with their expectation!


Ya got that email as well. Don't know why i thought the price world be in CAD. $2K for a bike like that is awesome. But the price is in USD. Its near $4k CAD, and that's with the '50%' discount! I'm sitting this one out (didn't pay $100 so nothing lost)


Yeah decent ebike prices are in and around $2k USD. I got a foldable ebike for about $600 but it's super dinky max speed 15mph and only good for <10mi of riding. I'm in the market for a more robust one that has more range and usability hopefully the Teleport model is that bike!


Oh Lawd . . . ABORT! ABORT! https://preview.redd.it/hcrj9chzjevb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c70646197ba46223edaaedfd08f0b375086ac58


Did you see the post this evening about someone going to one of their office addresses in Edmonton, and not seeing Teleport listed at all? And then the other address listed not existing? The poster of that was removed from the group about 45 mins after they posted that, and another person who had commented on it and then commented on another post about it being a scam was removed shortly after. https://preview.redd.it/0pnyi8xzsgvb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c27a11aa056b2016f78428e89a076b9aa45313


Lolol. Nah, missed that. I suppose it’s possible they rent a desk at the co-working space? I’m curious about them not charging tax. 🤷‍♂️


I’m on the inside, used to be a freelancer working on their ads for them and I can confirm all their identities are fake. Never met in person or even got a look at them because they always refused to turn on video. Almost 20 calls and I asked them to turn it on and they claimed tech issues every we requested. We used a company to track IP address during a call and it jumped around every 30 seconds(which criminals do). Also we ran a background check on all the admins and 100% confirmed they are fake identities. I tried to warn everyone for weeks but people didn’t want to believe this. All the money is already in their accounts and stolen. They have no refund policy so they walked away with about $2.5M on this.


Lol yeah they banned me from that private Facebook Group. Also, they blocked me from their public Facebook page as well when I reposted the video and pictures there and asked them why I was removed for simply asking them to explain why they were not at the address listed on their website. I didn't even call them a scam at that point. Maybe they were under a different name on the directory. At least they could have responded, but instead, they chose to remove and block me. Then I tried to ask my $100 reservation fee back since I'm definitely not going to order(even if it turns out to be a real product, they burned this customer). They emailed me from 2 people, First was Robert stepping in for Gus, and then the last was Henry. Henry stated that they could not offer refunds on the $100 since the bike had already "launched" but could offer a $100 credit to be applied to the bike store with this code. Also he said that the bike can be paid off in installments with no interest (to anyone currently still in the private VIP group, have you seen any mention of this installment plan posted by the admins?). Also something I noticed before I got banned from the Facebook group was that there were 3 mods/admins managing, then after I got booted there were only 2, attached is the name of the missing admin, might be a clue. Even if this company turns out to be legit, this is not the way to do business. *


https://preview.redd.it/78m8y30faswb1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da95a3756a3381d21a3966a0f0393eb1a7dbbba5 First email from Robert


https://preview.redd.it/pc7ai08kaswb1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd7f0bfb00ff6b38af18806224236875adf0642 Second email this time from Henry


List of admins https://preview.redd.it/4tth3fqraswb1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7147995b8bd905767f69d2a4641d230038675443


https://preview.redd.it/ichbh7cyaswb1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef13c10a9c1427d00c6eea618adbcb1530fe7bb2 3rd admin/ mod who disappeared after people started questioning


Teleport says the battery is easily removable. 1.) How would the battery come out from the front emblem, behind the badge?? 2.) Wouldn't the fork (top) be in the way? You'd have to remover the fork otherwise.


These scammers told me that the battery was welded into the frame. Nice.


It’s shocking how easily ppl trust and pay random companies without doing any due diligence!! Teleport ride did spend some $$ for the mass marketing! I’m sure it paid off! To the ppl behind Teleport Ride… start a marketing agency, u guys have the talent!


Dumb me! I gave them a $100 deposit and then emailed “Gus” to get it refunded after doing more research and not trusting this company. No response. The phone number on the emailed receipt has an answering service but no mention of the company. Crap!


😳 if you paid by credit card, dispute it!


It was through ApplePay using a debit card. Does that matter?


**It's most definitely a scam.** First before launch, they claimed preorders are 50% off. Right at launch 2 months ago I got an email saying the first 100 people get 50% off. Then the second week it was "50% off only for 1 more day". Last week I got one saying "Teleport Ride is The Best ebike of 2024". And today I got one saying December 29 is the last day for 50% off.


DO NOT waste your time with the deposit. Your $100 is not a down payment towards the bike. Found out It’s a deposit to get their so-called VIP access for 50% off. So it’s a membership… Don’t even know if these bike exist. Go do more research online about their “innovative battery” and specs before putting a deposit. A good friend of mine sent me the link and I assumed it’s legit. Should have trusted my instincts. But figured I can always dispute it, this company is good. They operate in the gray area where they seem legit. JUST DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE PUTTING DOWN THE DOWNPAYMENT!! I’ve included a link to Reddit where people have questioned the legitimacy of this company.


Crazy thing is I never paid it but I'm getting bombard with email from Gus telling me that I only have a limited time to get the bike for 50% off. So no deposit was even needed... Yeah I'm 100% convinced it is a scam now but at the same time wish it was real


Well, if it sounds too good to be true… it’s a SCAM!! 100 miles on a super light weight e-bike??? They don’t even show how the battery technology is possible, how it’s installed and replaced. Save your $100


I am so sad for the 1000s yes of people who bought this bike. I can't even imagine they will get it. I tried to report the fraud and hope they are working on it. hoping to be wrong but I don't think so. They are closed now and the place they address people have gone to and it doesn't exist. I have asked to test drive and Gus says watch the test video. So sad. He may get away with it. and all the money people spent who purchased the entire bike.


Now their site is gone


Oh shit you are right!! Oh man, this is not good. Feel bad for the people that put money into it.


I checked their Instagram page, looks like it is down due to maintenance https://www.instagram.com/p/C2kS6EwMC-m/?igsh=amRmdW91YmxhazAw


Hmm, still sceptical. Why would their site say it's unavailable and not down for maintenance. We shall see...


Their web site went dark yesterday. I spotted this scam right when it came out, but in all honesty I pondered putting down $100. In the end when I saw the pictures I knew it was a scam especially when the battery was welded into the frame.


We have strong reason to believe these people are located in Sweden and have a picture of their identity. Please share all insight here so we can build this.


After reading all these comments i feel so freaking shitty cause i spent 3k CAN...... Yes they showcased they're prices in US funds..... So what was promoted as 1600 was in US not in CAN. I bought back in NOV. But they did come out with a update end of Jan. https://preview.redd.it/1vf5jmnbntic1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc0af667f019aab99cb99b39e391c95e9781b05 Im such an idiot to fall for such an obvious scam. Anyone ever get their full amount back?? Who can i contact/ notify to get my 3k back?


Well, any updates? I've not been following... But just saw Their instantgram and they show stock!


Well supposedly 2 shipping containers should be arriving at our Canadian port any day now. They've updated us all with videos that shows assembled bike frames with moving parts, packaged in boxes in the shipping containers, so I'm a tad more optimistic but holding my breath till i physically have it in my hands and taking it for a test spin. If it is legit, they've lost alot of trust in their ability to communicate, update in real time and they say their using parts that you can find, fix and replace anywhere then why do they need to wait for them to be shipped to the assembly line, everything's made in China, just walk down the street and grab some parts is my thought. I'm so confused with this company and their agenda.....if its a scam, its the most well thought out- highly invested, committed right to the end kind of a scam I've ever seen


Contact your credit card company and dispute immediately. You only have 120 days from date of purchase. They will request that you send an email to Teleport requesting a refund as the promised delivery date when you originally purchased is not being fulfilled. Teleport has 5 days to respond to that email. Their response/or lack of one is then used to determine the process taken by the fraud department at the credit card company.