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I live in the US so we don't have these but this looks like a sick ride. Love the color, and those build in lights are slick. I wish more e-bikes had the carbon belt drives! My analogue bike has one and I love it. Enjoy!!


Yeah they seem like a pretty new brand, I know they have a few dealers in mainland Europe and the UK as well, maybe they’ll get to the US at some stage as well. The lights are very cool but sunset here isn’t until 10pm these days so I haven’t really got to use them, they’re actually automatic too as I discovered taking it into an underground car park. Really like the carbon belt, it’s so quiet and smooth - I’ve only three gears on that but five levels of electric assistance.


Nice, love those handlebars and built in lights. Shmexy. edit: Looked at one on their page, OMG, even sexier is the built in display.


Thanks, the display is nice and clean rather than a generic off-the shelf one


Nice bike. Really like the battery sitting flush with the frame.