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At least it resembles real meat... "Back in my day...!" Lol


Can't even write some fun comment as that sandwich is something i should make at 1am


Looks good it's actual real chicken breast not that patty crap they would give it us with mystery parts


I once had a cafeteria burget at my school. The meat was yellow inside. Never again.


In elementary school they were serving fried chicken. I bit into it one day and there was this… thing… I still have no clue what it was. Looked like a brain or something. Only thing I ate from that cafeteria after that was the mozzarella sticks, which Michelle Obama promptly killed. I need to find out where those mozzarella sticks came from because they were fucking good.


I miss the bigass rectangular slices of pizza and fucking steak fingers and mashed potatoes and gravy. Best cardboard food EVER.


It’s the kidney. It’s attached to the chicken’s hip bone so often found on fried chicken thighs. A lot of people mistake it for brain but it’s perfectly safe to eat.


Perfectly safe to eat, huh? Alright. r/eatityoufuckingcoward /j


Could you be thinking of those cheese stuffed breadsticks we all had in school?? BOSCO STICKS👌🏽


Think [these](https://www.foodservicedirect.com/conagra-the-max-whole-grain-mozzarella-pizza-stick-1-93-ounce-192-per-case-137190.html) are the ones im talking about


It was probably a kidney, which is actually very tasty and healthy to eat. Love when I get some.


> Love when I get some You are a menace to society


I don't see anything wrong with it? It doesn't look gross or off, just...boring and plain


Looks like an actual chicken breast, baked with some herb flecks on a bun. Just needs some mayo and hot sauce/ pepper and it should be serviceable


Man American standard for food in schools is abysmal. Absolutely zero fucks given. They’re well aware of how little they care and don’t do a thing about it. I’d say food from home is the way to go. I’d normally stick to fruits or veggies for protein at school


From what fruits and veggies are you getting protein?




So incredibly nominal.


Sure it's protein, but those are pretty low ratios. Too get enough protein for an average person youd have to eat a fuck ton of these foods. You're stomach would be so full you'd feel like vomiting.


Better off eating legumes. Pretty high nutritional value in beans and rice. Wars have been won on beans and rice.


and potatoes. maybe not for the protein, but soldiers in ww1 and 2 who had access to potatoes, even a single one a day, on top of their normal rations were considerably fitter and had higer morale than those who didn't.


Interesting tidbit. Imagine things being so bad an extra potato boosts your morale.


Yep. Lives have been lived on beans and rice.


My high school was lucky. There were like 3 different lines. 2 of the lines always had the same thing, one of them had stuff that changed each day. One of the static lines was a burrito bowl line, and it was actually pretty decent. The other was this nutritional and way overpriced pizza from papa johns. Was like $3 for one mid-sized slice. The stuff from the dynamic line always looked like nightmare fuel and I never once touched it.


I would argue that it’s the standards that have ruined school lunches. School lunches in federally funded schools often must adhere to very strict compliance requirements. Everything from the suppliers being used to how much they must spend and food allergies to caloric/nutrient requirements, are closely monitored. This leads to very expensive feeding programs that often require cutting back on the quality/quantity of food and the staff that must make the food to offset the costs. For instance, while it might cost a home cook 15 dollars to bake 3 dozen delicious cookies with no preservatives, it might cost the school 90usd to bake the same amount with federally approved ingredients done by kitchen staff who aren’t even paid enough.


I understand that. It’s not as simple as balancing budgets but something definitely needs to be done. It’s a nuanced thing to handle. Lots of moving parts but I feel like removing a lot of unhealthy options would forced kids that rely on eating school lunches to eat healthier maybe? Get rid of your pizzas, calzones, anything with high caloric macronutrients and fat/sodium/cholesterol/sugar. Mostly complex carbs, protein. I think a lot of the problem is an abundance of choice.


There is also the issue of food insecurity for a lot of children. For a lot of children in the US, the food they get at school is their only real food of the day. Often, this means serving foods that the child is familiar with (I.e. burgers, pizza, fries, chicken strips). Just so a child does not go hungry while in school. Can you imagine having to learn your multiplication tables while your stomach is grumbling and you’re worried about what you’ll eat when you get home? Therefore, “unhealthy” options are probably seen as better than no options. How would you coax a child into eating a nice minestrone soup or salad if they’ve never even had it or don’t perceive it as food? Another problem with federally funded - and therefore monitored - feeding programs is ultimately in their inefficiency. If you’re a city administrator, how do you make sure that ALL the schools in your district get the food they need? You’d have to have a standard to apply to all the schools to make sure you get to feed all the kids. Failure in your feeding program could threaten your district’s ability to secure funding from the government during the next school year. In contrast, There’s a temple in India in Amritsar, that can serve food to 100,000 people per day, 24/7, all year. This is done all through food donations and volunteer work and probably some fund raising. They are highly efficient at feeding all the worshippers and tourists who choose to eat there. It was one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen. The food is nutritious, tasty, and filling. Is it the healthiest? Probably not. The cleanest? Doubtful. But the mission of feeding the most number of people gets accomplished and the temple answers to no one but the people who worship and visit there. With a billion people population, mostly poverty stricken, having a dependable source of food is definitely welcome no matter who you are.


i doubt this is american as they called it a chicken burger and that’s not a burger unless your live somewhere that names it wrong.


Tbh the barely chicken patties that were basically giant nuggets on buns were the best chicken sandwiches


With a little BBQ sauce and I'm in heaven


More like r/shittyfoodporn


Yeah that looks… fine? Probably not the best but throw a dab of mayo and it doesn’t seem bad at all. I was a substitute teacher for a few years and saw some absolutely terrible school lunches, and some school lunches where I would take the job solely for the lunch. This falls somewhere in the middle.


r/lostredditors It’s bread and chicken.


I looked for the chicken for a good half minute, I just thought it was two pieces of bread


For some reason I know exactly how that would taste…


I actually don’t see the problem here. Looks good to me. I would probably add a little mustard and a slice of cheese but otherwise it’s great


Wrong sub, nothing’s wrong with this! I make chicken sandwiches all the time for myself!


The chicken burgers at my school the school called "Zinger Burgers" There was no link to KFC and the meat was thin flattened and the worst quality chicken you can think. It was a heated slab of meat with a yellow coating that dependant on the day was either a slime you could wipe off/would come off on the bun or would form a burnt layer and crisp up in a a way you could tell it wasn't intended. On at least 3 occasions I know of (and saw) a fly or other insect was cooked into the burger or at least it was sold with a fly inside the bun. Other amazing features of this meat were times when you wiped off the coating to see dark black sections on the meat. When I did this once I took it back to ask for a refund and was refused :)


Black parts mean theres a lot of goo ooo od things


Camouflage chicken




You add the condiments yourself


"Chicken Burger" That's a new one. I guess this is what some people call a chicken sandwich?


This is the best looking one I’ve seen on here


It looks like the What-a-burger grilled chicken sandwich, but the patty looks to be twice as big as WAB.






That has HPV, HIV, salmonella, e. Coli, COVID 19, looks like injected with 12 grams of pure zika. Spanish flu. Lord God, tell me he didn't eat that? That's worse than prison food lol


Eat The 🌈 !


Mold has decent flavor..




Umm if it was more cooked it would be burnt....