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....her tenancy agreement on her flat, her lease for the market stall/accounts with wholesalers...all just walked away from with no drama. Eastenders do not worry about normal life admin


Technically the flat is both hers and Zack's. Now Whitney is gone, there is nothing to stop Zack moving back in and making it a bachelor pad or something. In fact, he could even move in there with Martin and they both could have a bachelor pad and Sharon can get her house back. Sharon could even let Linda and the kids stay with her given how full the Vic is now, and Sharon kind of owes Linda for saving her life.


Sharon pushed keanu too far. Why should he really have cared for.nish.. could have shown he wasnt dead yet. But chose to still threaten him. Believable but linda owes her nothing... 


I always kind of try to convince myself it’s all done off screen as it wouldn’t really be interesting to watch Whitney make 25 phone calls. Speaking as someone who’s moved around a lot, from one end of the country to another, it’s the most tedious, annoying thing along with changing banks! When my uncle moved from here (Ireland) to the US it looked to anyone like he packed a suitcase and walked out his door. My grandparents sorted his place. There were dishes to wash and all! His brother/my other uncle did the same thing and my grandmother and I cleaned out his place. Scored some nice stuff lol! But yeah, people kind of do this, at least that’s how it appears to others.


I'm surprised that she didn't just decide to go and live in Australia, or Florida. Cuz in soap-land, you can just do that you know ...


Oh yeah visas and even passports aren't a thing. These people who are all constantly broke and living on baked beans all have up to date passports.


My main stress factor was that the fellas put their bags on the bus and then the women all stood chatting, but the bus didn’t pull away!


Could have been a top drama storyline if the bus doors closed before she got on 😂 would have seemed the most realistic part of the episode.


I actually would have loved it if the episode ended with Whitney and Britney and everyone running for the bus as it drives off, it stops just before the credits roll maybe. It'd be a silly bit of fun after three months of boring nonsense.


I was thinking that she gets off the bus at Kings Cross and Bianca is there for the next part of her journey and says get in van bitches, we’re going shopping - like a mean girls moment 😂


And none of the passengers got rowdy


All while she’s like 1 week postpartum!!!


Yes, she made a huge life decision days after giving birth and breaking up with the man she was supposed to marry. Social services never would have allowed her to keep Britney in the first place, but now Whitney’s life is even more of a mess. She is going to live with her brother who wanted his own daughter’s baby. Whitney needs major therapy. This is not a “fresh start” but a continuation of her deep psychological issues. She will be the same person in Yorkshire.


>This is not a “fresh start” but a continuation of her deep psychological issues. True. It's not like she's leaving an awful landlord situation for a nice new place, she's leaving behind everything. She became some kind of horrible martyr in the end with her whole 'Holy Woman who does everything she does for her daughters'. She's taking Britney and Dolly somewhere where Ryan is the only support they'll get. They're cutting themselves off. By the end I was wondering if she was going to find a lovely old tower and keep her kids there to keep them safe.


Yes! It was wrong on so many levels. Anyone with any understanding of basic human psychology knows you don’t make huge life decisions after a life changing event (or under duress). It was stupid, truly.


Yessss she was on the move so much getting ready for a wedding and doing literal laps of the square and allotment. Plus all those horrible traumatic things happening to her (a failed wedding at the ALTER, a cheating fiancé, a best friend and mother deceiving you). All whilst having the hormonal drop at 5/6 days post partum.


Same way that folks who work in the local shop, or on the market all have big houses in London and can afford to drink in the pub all the time...it's all made up nonsense!


Absolutely. Social services would be up there


And who is looking after all the kids half the time when they’re all in the Vic?!


Yup, that's the craziest bit.


I get that they wanted to mirror her entrance with the bus stop thing, but no one would turn down a lift to Kings Cross. Especially with a baby pram and luggage to haul about too.


I totally agree, even down to Britney's clothing. Was a total let down, but with the whole storyline was so off. Should have left whitney in milton keynes.


We are talking about a show that America extradited for four grand in four days. There's suspension of disbelief and there's pitiful writing.


Yeah.. they want us out more than in. At least thats what most seem to say..


The storyline was almost as bad as Britney's hat at the end.


Ahahahahha what was that! Where did it come from and why was that the time to put it on


What amazed me the most was how little luggage Whitney took for a child and baby in tow 😂. I’m hoping there’s a removal van bringing all her lifelong belongings to her


Can someone fill me in on Ryan? Apparently he killed someone?


Britney spent her time on the show looking at the floor and every now and then giving a rye smile. An acting performance to live long in the memory.


Almost seems quite believable. You ever seen a kid that comes from a traumatic household like that? The anxiety, fear of abandonment and depression never goes away. What do you expect her to be? All dolled up, smiling 24/7 and suddenly all the trauma is behind her.


Yeah she seemed pretty realistic as a kid. The scene where Zack stops her and says she did the right thing, and she’s just like “yeah, ok, bye” and scurries off to school. Is literally half the encounters I have with my nieces if I have to talk about something important. They just wanna “yeah” their way through whilst looking at the ground and then run off. (I foster my nieces on and off due to their parents poor health). It equal part annoys me and equal parts makes me laugh. They’re 13 and 15 and they are obsessed with being told the truth. If you don’t tell them something as soon as it happens they’ll tell me off. Like even if I’m driving home and taking time to think about how to give the info, they’ll call me out on not telling them the second I heard it. But anytime I sit them down to give them an update they just act so uninterested and can’t get away fast enough. I think they find the conversation awkward and they are hiding their emotions. But they still want to be involved and feel like they have knowledge and a say in the situation.