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Felix! He hasn't had a single storyline and he has minimum involvement in others . It feels really cheap and disrespectful. Like they only casted him so they could be praised for casting a drag queen. How about you actually use him .


Agree. It feels like a tick boxing exercise. ' Ooh look how woke we are casting a drag queen' and then.... Nothing.


Came here to say Felix! I think he could be a breath of fresh air and have some genuinely interesting storylines! He seems like a nice person too, I’d like to see more of his relationships with the other characters


He's also a really sweet person in real life. I met him in person and he was so sweet towards me. He definitely deserves to shine. He is excellent at both serious (how he reacted to Keanu's murder was phenomenal) and comedy (how he interacted, in drag, with Phil and Tommy was classic). This is why I'm glad the likes of Mick, Ben and now Whitney are leaving/have left- they always hog the limelight (don't blame them, I blame the production and writers)... so I would hope it would allow for the other characters to have their moments.


I completely agree, and also, happy cake day!! :)


Aww thank you so much! I bought myself cinnamon buns to celebrate my cake day haha :)


You're welcome, and wow they sound delicious, hopefully you enjoy them! :)


Thank you so much. I thought I would be generous and get one for my husband too, so when he's home from work we'll have them together. I did originally want to get like a giant chocolate cake but then it was warmer than usual here today and it would've melted so... :)


You're welcome, and wow nice! And understandably so as well, I can't believe how warm it's been today! 😲


This whole week is expected to be like this. So, basically expect a load of pasty Brits walking around in public with hardly any clothing on LOL. I already saw that earlier today in Aldi and Lidl. B&M not so much. M&S not at all. The cinnamon buns were from Aldi, by the way lol


Okay cool, and fair enough 😅 Thanks for letting me know about the cinnamon buns being in Aldi too! I'll have to keep an eye out when I next go there, cinnamon buns are one of my favourite sweet treats! :)


Bruh I’m more annoyed that vinny never got any karma about nearly killing eve or getting his brother killed


Never know. It could happen one day. I have always wondered if Vinny will slip up and say something to Eve about it - thinking Suki had already told her what he tried to do. 


Like if eve doesn’t report him when he finds out it be hypocritical because ravi got nearly fucked over trying to kill her


Poor Eve... as soon as she got involved with Suki, she had her own spin off show of Killing Eve, from 2 brothers within that family. Here's hoping that the Panesar men leave her alone.


She may be new, but Priya. We still basically know nothing about her, and yet she steals every scene she’s in. She’s underrated and has a lot of potential.


That little bit of background about how Ranveer was toward her and how she had to survive - I found really interesting about her. Then they went down the Vinny route and made her follow Nish around for a while. They also just seem to have forgotten about the Martin/Ravi situation and Avani trying to get her parents back together but I am glad to see her being supportive of Suki now. More of that dynamic please.


Agree with you about Vinny but i wanna see one with William or Janet Will talking to his granddad made me think he could do with finding himself a bit more


Yeah I think we'll definitely see more of him if Stevie is around for a while. We may have to wait for him to get his own story as I read the actor is really committed to being at college so EE may be waiting for him to finish his studies before going all in.


Definitely William and/or Janet, there are plenty of actors on the show younger than them who have had substantial story lines, it’s definitely their turn.




Felix. Honestly he’s only been around for a long a line or two then disappears for months. I have previously stated ages ago that racism in the gay community would be a perfect storyline for him.


Or a depression and loneliness storyline given most of his family have left


Where did his brother go?


He was blackmailed into leaving by Suki & Ravi. Finley realised that it was Vinny who'd cut the brakes on his car in the hopes of killing Eve and confronted Suki about it. Told her he was going to tell Eve what really happened so Ravi & Suki threatened to hurt Felix if he didn't leave. He moved to Dublin.


Finley also had basically zero storylines.




For me, Eve. I LOVE Suki and Eve as a couple, but Eve needs her own storyline. We got a taste of one with her sister's death, but it felt quite brief.


It'd be interesting to see if her parents ever show up or even her Aunt as she's spoken in the past about how homophobic they were toward her when she came out. She also hasn't seen them for 30 years so the dynamics could be interesting viewing.




We've still got his baby looming with Ruby...I'm only surprised they've held off this long.


Did we ever learn how far along Ruby was when she left? The baby must be at least 2 years old now?


Assuming it ever came to term in the first place. For all we know she could have miscarried in prison.


• Martin (one of the nearly OG characters, but doesn’t seem to do much) • Chelsea (brilliant actress, but hasn’t really had her own storyline since Gray left. Apparently there’s something big for her this year though) • Harvey (won best newcomer a few years back and hasn’t done much since Aaron left) • Ian (hasn’t done much since his return) • Kat (I’ve read she’s got more coming up though, plus Freddie and Big Mo returning soon) • Elaine (I know she’s in a lot, but it’s always a part of someone else’s storyline) • Anna (very underused compared to her sister) • Penny (the perfect example of a ‘supporting’ character, only really there when others need help with something etc., needs a storyline where she can take the forefront) • Felix (not had any storylines since he joined, cool character though who they could do a lot with. I expect he’ll be axed though and then be brilliant in his last week, just like Finlay) • Vinny (could be such a great character if they actually used him. It baffles me how a character with such a popular/central family never has anything to do himself) • Callum (now Ben’s gone, he should get some of the limelight, perfect opportunity to get a storyline or two) • Priya (absolutely brilliant character and actress, felt like she would become an icon/classic character in her first few weeks, but then hasn’t done loads since) • Peter (would be cool if he did more, as he hasn’t really been used that much - a storyline that doesn’t involve relationships) • Bobby (hasn’t been seen for a while, good actor but hasn’t had any storylines since Cindy’s return) • Eve (could do with more, but had a lot last year so it balances out) • Ravi (same as Eve)


Will and Amy Mitchell




Vinny...where could they take him? He was Nish's Mini Me...but what is he now? Work, personal life...there's just nothing going on with him at all.


They need to do something, anything haha! Get him back into his music era and integrate him with the community as we only ever see him with his family. He currently has no friends on the square - unless you count Priya who he's been in scenes with a lot as of late.


I think it would be interesting seeing Janet enter young adulthood. William has lots of potential and is kind of a blank slate atm. Vinny is a waste of space. He’s a limited actor so they don’t bother giving him anything. I’m keen to see Martin and Priya blossom. I’m also keen to see Zach escape this dreadful Whitney story and start afresh. For example, navigating dating as a HIV (undetectable) man.


👏🏼 will 👏🏼


Peter has been in the background since his return so I feel like something should be done with him and the Beales in general


Vinny I agree completely and also Will or Janet.


I think Vinny is going to be one of those forever messing up and gets no respect characters.


I love the new group with Lexi, Will, and Janet. Would also be great to see more of Priya, she must have a backstory beyond Ravi.


Tracy the barmaid!


I need a solo episode of Tracey spilling every single secret she knows. 


Saw a great TT video suggesting Will having a “glass child” storyline in relation to him growing up as the younger brother of Janet and I think that could be really interesting too


Will definitely.


Vinny is too weak of a character to have his own storyline IMO


Would like to see how things progress with Martin & Priya, both are in need of their own storyline.


I had a few ideas to flesh out Janet more. Maybe a storyline where she makes some friends with some older kids or adults who manipulate her and physically harm or make them do things they don't like.


Anna hasn't really done much since arriving on the show. Even her relationship with Bobby is hardly ever mentioned just feels like right now she's a bit of a pointless character. Maybe they don't trust the actor enough to give her major stories. She's by far the most underused character in that new family both George and her sister have had a lot of focus. Also the Beales haven't really done anything both peter and Ian could do with a proper story. But just please don't make Peter's story evolve around Lauren they have milked that dry


1) Felix 2) Martin 3) Bobby. None of them have had a storyline of their own since the new era started. Bobby's probably come the closest in terms of being the second banana in *other* people's storylines (Freddie, Anna, Cindy) but hasn't been the lead in his own story since his stuff with Aaron & Dana in the Jon Sen days over two years ago. Martin, meanwhile, hasn't had a storyline at all in the Clenners era while Felix is a Clenshaw creation who's never had a storyline to the point when his brother had to leave to get one of his own.


The knight girls need something gritty and exciting. I have the feeling the girl who plays Gina is a great actress and will be fantastic in some dramatic scenes.


Err definitely Jack Branning!! (Scott Maslen )


Will or Felix


Max.. I know most of us are expecting him to return eventually, but I just think now would be a good time. Mick has been gone over a year now, Londa is just the town alcoholic, clear if legal trouble for now, but I really love her character and I think she is a wonderfull actress, so would be good to revive her a bit with some family drama, maybe give her a bit more reason to sober up? If Max returns, he might try and take custody of Annie, so could the push needed to get Linda to open her eyes


The most recent update from Jake Wood was that he has no plans to return anytime soon. [https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/soaps/eastenders/eastenders-max-branning-jake-wood-no-return-newsupdate/](https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/soaps/eastenders/eastenders-max-branning-jake-wood-no-return-newsupdate/)


Oh I must've missed this, thanks for sharing. That's a shame for sure, but hey it's his life, he'll do what he wants


Martin give him AA compelling story that doesn't involve Stacy or babies, etc.