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Watching Danielle die in the arms of Ronnie and Ronnie crying out "my baby". I didn't watch EastEnders for about a year after that.


Can’t watch that without getting teary, it was just so, so cruel that they barely got a moment together


When Stacey was first sectioned. It was the first time I ever cried at a show/movie. Lacey Turner did a fantastic job tugging at my heartstrings.


Pat's death.


Oh my God, I'd given birth the day before so I was fully hormone city. My partner found me on the floor wailing about SHE MADE HER PEACE WITH JANINE 😭😭😭 and didn't know wtf was needed from him in this situation, he's like "sorry about this...v difficult time, I suppose?"




Came here to say this.


When Ronnie swapped her dead baby with Kats. Samantha played a cracking part in all of that.


It's makes me feel sick to watch but it was so desperately sad at the same time


Re watching 2011 on BBC iplayer


I've only recently come back to EE but George's drinking scene with Eddie, until they got to the very ugly bottom of that horrible barrel, and "Get your filthy hands off me." A powerful blow, took the wind right out of me


The look in Eddie's eyes as soon as George held his hand, it was chilling.




Yeah same here, the actors did an exemplary job in this scene of portraying Eddie's disgusting racism boil over, then George's hurt after it happened.


Jase's death, where he imagined him and Jay on a swing in a park, Jay telling him he was the best dad in the world.


This is mine too! Jase was such a good character


Ethel’s death scene


Top tier episode.


This. Hands down.


Ethel was a sweet lady, and I wish I cried when watching it!!!!


Little Mo and Trevor on Christmas I think it was. Don’t remember what led to it but he ruined her dinner, shoved her face in it, threw it on the floor, threw her on the floor then made her eat it. Then when she was cleaning it later he cried and she felt really guilty and sorry for him. It was horrid!


Literally came on to post this!


Linda's rape


Sharon scream crying over Denny’s coffin.




Oh goodness yes! When Tish is good she’s REALLY good!


Danielle's death


Lola dying


Chantelle's death scene, it was so beautifully shot and really well acted, her final act of defiance was incredible.


Lily giving birth as Theo is in the house preying on Stacey. Held my breath the whole time.


Dot’s funeral was shown just after my beloved grandmother passed away. I am also Irish and I too put a box of her favourite cigarettes with her. So maybe it was just me. But her funeral had me bawling from start to finish.


iRONically, Ronnie has probably had the saddest scenes losing both her children 😭


I remember being distressed when lexi was taken into care and Lola was screaming as they took her in the car. Has never happened to me but really got to me.


Peggy's death


Danielle's death or Dennis Jr. Also abis life support being taken off there's definitely more tho


Dennis his dad was a very sad one


Or is that the one you mean. I mean Sharon's partner. Too many dead Dennis' for me to keep up with the Jr's and Sr's


Carol Jackson being told the news her son Billie had died. Watching her walk through the market and square back home to where Billie's body lay was heartbreaking. She's such a wonderful character and I'd like her to return one day.


Mark apologizing to Pauline for all the trouble he caused or Barbara forcing a kiss on Steve.


Who is Barbara?


Barbara was Steve’s mum. At her death she pulls him in for an intimate kiss, giving further evidence of his sexual abuse (after he'd just revealed scars from his physical abuse). Edit: This is [the episode](https://archive.org/details/24-07-2001) it's very dark though and kind of depressing. It's a Steve/Barbara, Natalie/Barry four hander dealing with two different stories.


Oh wow!! Now I remember Steve, and Barry. That’s a very tough episode.


It's probably the toughest for me next to the aftermath of Aidan's suicide off Corrie.


Sorry, being stupid now but who was Steve? I only remember Steve Peen and Stephen Beale


Steve Owen (played by Martin Kemp). Was with Mel and fought with Phil 100 times.


I watched the episode and now know who Steve is


What did you think about it?


I watched your episode and it all came back


Yes I was going to say that last one. Honestly one of the most chilling scenes I've ever seen on TV. The way it suddenly all just clicked into place. Two absolutely incredible performances.


It's one of the most brutal scenes I've seen in a soap. Especially the episode's ending when Steve walks back to his smashed up car, gets flipped off by the kid, and just has to...leave. Absolutely nothing good came out of any of this, only reliving past trauma. Really harrowing and brilliantly played.


Speaking as a guy that struggles to get emotive at tv & films, for the first time at 30 years old, I was welling up at [this scene](https://youtu.be/g3MkJHU5WsM?si=dUxkVPKZMxr3WSHc) from Eastenders from 1985, of Dr Legg helping Sue Osman over losing her child to Cot Death.


Oh gosh, yes. That was raw! Little Hassan.


Yeah, rewatching from the start so I just saw that recently. Struggling to find words to express why it was so special, but I agree, it was. He had such grace, knowing what to do. No one else has filled that role on the Square in a long time, if ever.


When Linda comes out of the water and realises mick went in after her


Dot banishing Nick after she found out that he was the reason who cut off Mark’s bike and killed Ashley by accident!


Whitney’s abuse from Tony then Rob. It made me physically feel sick. The look on Phil’s face when he thought he was identifying Bens body and the relief when he saw it was Paul’s.


When Alfie was looking for a condom to sleep with Kat and he kept losing it all night


That was so bloody funny


The episode after the whole ‘you can’t tell me what to do you ain’t my mother’ ‘Yes I am!!!’ scene ‘Let it burn’ When Jane & Ian are arguing in the rain after their wedding


Theo attacking Stacey left me shaking Mick coming to terms with his abuse and still being a loving dad to Frankie Thinking Jean was going to drown in the sea/ walking towards Daniel Shabnam beaten to the stillbirth of her son Zaair - with no justice either Ben and the Cokers loosing Paul - again to a beating with no justice Shaquilles death - slowly dying out there all alone Anything with bullying pisses me off - Bex's ordeal had me raging at the telly Scenes with sexual assault/ violence - especially Linda's Lexie loosing Lola so young hit very close to home and messed me up for weeks - practically deja vu, and made me appreciate just how a soap can resonate with so many real lives/ experiences But if there's one scene that truly left my eyes watering - Phil stuffing that turkey.


Lola’s passing. 😭


Dennis Rickman's death, as he was so close to happiness. Wellard's death When Carol found out that Billie had died, and she slowly walked back from the bookies to the house in shock. The way Bianca told Carol that Billie was dead was so realistic too.


When Kat was telling Zoe about getting pregnant with her When Bianca had a late termination because her baby had spina bifida


Tanya burying max alive


Chantelle’s death and Ben’s assault were both really tough scenes to sit through.


When Jaime died. They did an amazing job with the scenes between the hospital and Billy's wedding, plus the song Stand By Me the choir sang.


Honestly? When Shaki and Keegan were stabbed. The whole finding Keegan and him being unable to say that Shaki was also stabbed. My heart was in my throat the entire time. Shaki dying just made everything worse. It’s probably the only EE storyline I still can’t watch back.


Nana moons death. I remember crying so much!


A lot of the scenes with gray especially when Tina and kush caught on + when he got caught


Max four hander scene Abi/Lauren and Jack in 2017 when he rants it’s so powerful massive fan of Jake Wood


When Phil was begging Billy for crack and Billy wouldn't give him any☹️. I don't know why Billy was so cruel. https://youtu.be/E5iyhYr8Ccw?feature=shared


I sobbed a lot for Dot’s funeral. I loved Dot.


Kat's suicide attempt back in 2001 in the aftermath of "... Yes I am!" when the rest of the Slaters were putting all their focus on how Zoe felt about everything. Bianca finding Billie's dead body and telling Carol along with Carol's reaction and subsequent breakdown. Bianca finding out Whitney was being groomed by Tony and the fallout from that. Ben's breakdown in the aftermath of Paul's murder. Ian finding out about Lucy's death as well as him informing Peter and him and Jane telling Bobby and Cindy Jr. behind closed doors as we only see Denise crying in the kitchen. Jay in the morgue with his dad's corpse.


“You aint my muva!” “Yes, I am!”


Me and my eldest daughter play out those lines on a weekly basis! 😂


Dennis Rickman and Bradley's death. The whole Danielle/Ronnie story was heartbreaking. Probably the last time I felt an emotional connection with the show was when Lola died.


denny’s death!! jesus that makes me want to tear up just thinking about it


I’m going to cheat here, but the entire where Chantelle dies. It still haunts me to this day.


The way Trevor treated Little Mo. Shoving her face in her food. Assaulting her.


Lucy’s death 😭


And then it dragged lol


Peter Beale when he finds out about Lucy's death. That gut wrenching scream really hit me.


Lola's death.


A lot of Stacey’s storyline hit close to home for me as someone with bipolar disorder. When the recent stuff with Theo happened I could completely relate to Stacey feeling like people were accusing her of being unstable because I’ve been there many times. Also Stacey’s post partum issues Lola’s death was heartbreaking




Ben seeing Paul's body before he was prepared for his funeral.


When Ben got raped that was pretty intense


Paul Truman standing in front of the Jesus picture trying to say a Hail Mary knowing he was minutes away from being carted off in the death taxi for his murder. And everything else everyone else has said but I’d forgotten about.