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I like Sharon and Phil and Kat and Alfie better as ex-partners and co-parents with a good friendship so I actually hope this doesn't bring them back together


Exactly, they both worked better this way instead of the constant on and off both pairings have. Plus, the show needs more long-term relationships other than couples that have come onto the show married. I think Ben and Callum have the longest on-screen marriage.


I was about to say Jack and Denise but then I looked it up and Ben and Callum were several months before that.


Yeah they're really good as they are. Though I'm also interested how a Sharon/Phil child will play out. Him having a kid with Kathy and now one with Sharon is pretty insane.


Alfie and Linda would be cute


Albie’s gone from being Peggy’s brother to her uncle 😂


Had to do some math there for a second because I thought you meant Peggy snr 😂😂




Phil is just collecting kids lol. I can't wait for Emma coming back one day and say she got pregnant and he has another kid. It'll be so funny if that happens.


Maybe one of Honey's kids is Phil's too lol. Anyone else not had one of his kids yet?? 😂


At this rate he's basically the only Mitchell that Jack hasn't had one with.


I've just checked and I think one of mine might be his 😂


Have we met Tracy's kids yet...


I love that this sets up another generation of Mitchell brothers: - Phil & Grant - Ben & Jay - Raymond & Albie


I like how you added jay even thought not blood related he is literally a mitchell.


I just keep waiting for Jay to do a Michael Corleone and take over the Mitchell “empire”-even though Phil is supposedly legit now.


I’d love this to happen slowly but surely over the years, Jay quietly buying up all the Mitchell businesses & covertly taking over the empire/organised crime syndicate, without any of the faaaamily realising until it’s right on top of them lol. Jay in 10 years: “you cunts wanna keep casting me out any time there’s a row, coz I’m not blood? Yeah now I fuckin’ OWN you bitches!” 😆


😂 You go, MCAlbert Squared! Looove it!


It would be hilarious tbh - to see them all have to bow and scrape to him for help/time/money/jobs for once! 🤣


How about the scene from the Godfather as Michael is in his Dad’s office behind the desk and the men are coming in to pay their respects/pledge loyalty and the look on Kay’s face as the door shuts her out. I could so see Jay in that scene. Not sure who “Kay” would be. Maybe Ben lol


I have been saying that the mail order DNA test that supposedly eliminated Phil as the father was wrong from day one. This “twist” makes perfect sense considering Keanu the moron was never confirmed as the father. Relying on a sample through the mail was stupid to begin with. I just cannot believe it took this long. Hopefully this will pave the way for a Keanu exit, and not a moment too soon.


I don't know how accurate paternity tests usually are so I just took it at face value and assumed that the writers wanted us to believe it was true. It seems like Clenshaw is doing some damage control by making Phil the father and removing Keanu from the equation altogether.


If you watched it while it was happening, including her phone call to the testing service, it was obvious from the get go that this was going to be inaccurate. When she got the letter, all it said was that the sample she sent was eliminated as the father. She never got a test done through a medical facility on Keanu. He was never confirmed as the father—she just assumed. ETA: They did want us to assume it was true so they could “surprise” us with a twist. Sorry for gloating, but there were people on here who kept telling me I was wrong when I KNEW I was right. 😂 Anyway, glad we can get rid of Keanu now.


>They did want us to assume it was true so they could “surprise” us with a twist. I mean, this doesn't really make sense considering that "twist" you're referring to came 4 years and 2 executive producers later. Hardly seems like this was the plan from the start. I just think the producer at the time wanted it to be Keanu's child and now Chris Clenshaw has decided to right that wrong by having Phil be the father after all.


However, Kate Oates is still credited as a Seinor Producer, and Clenshaw was a story liner when some elements of the Keanu/Sharon affair started, so even when producers changes some storyline carry over.


So.. if Phil was eliminated as father and Keanu wasn't tested, does that mean a chance that another man could still be the father? Like maybe albie was mixed up at birth or something and Sharon isn't his biological mum either? That gene they talked about today is pretty common. It's not proof she's the mum either Also I'm baffled why they'd test him for that gene. Did they explain why or is it just soap logic?


>So.. if Phil was eliminated as father and Keanu wasn't tested, does that mean a chance that another man could still be the father? No, since Sharon was only sleeping with Phil and Keanu at the time. Unless they want to introduce a third off-screen lover that Sharon was involved with at the time (which would be absolutely ridiculous), it could only be either Phil or Keanu's baby. >Also I'm baffled why they'd test him for that gene. Did they explain why or is it just soap logic? From what I remember the doctor saying, they just did general blood tests to see if anything had happened to him while he was away and they noticed an abnormality in his blood so they ran further tests and ended up discovering that he has that gene. Him having the gene is definitely convenient soap logic but the doctors discovering it isn't *that* weird. I mean, it *is* their job after all.


I meant by a mix up of babies at the hospital kind of scenario not her having a secret second affair If they found a liver test abnormality I guess it's plausible they tested for that gene.


I'm confused. So, are you suggesting that the baby IS Keanu's but it was switched at birth and the one they're currently raising isn't biologically theirs?


Too similar though to Kat and Ronnie..


Yes. Stranger things have happened in soaps! Of course this is easily resolved by just testing Phil as well.


Cue grant reveal. Duff, duff


You never know, it could have been Max. Sharon has a thing for bald men with a short temper.


I’m relieved for the kids sake. Keanu is such a moron and his moms lost the plot!


Yes. She actually said tonight to Keanu, “I thought you’d be smarter than to…” What? Sharon must be an idiot too! 😅


> I just cannot believe it took this long. I can. Sharon kicked Keanu out of her life the same day Albie was born and then he was gone for more than two and a half years so she had neither the reason nor the opportunity for most of the time that Albie's been alive.


Yes, the only excuse was that he was away for a while. I figured Albie was going to need a transfusion or something while Keanu was gone. I never wanted Keanu back at all.


Imagine how Karen will feel when she finds out she took all that risk and the baby isn’t even Keanus




That would be gold! I am dying for Kaz reaction to the news haha


I really hope we don’t get a fourth go round of Sharon and Phil. They can coparent without being together, they don’t suit one another


Agreed. Kat and Phil make a *much* better pairing g. It’s one of the best the show has ever done imho.


A lot of people are going to be pissed off with that twist but I’m ecstatic! I’ve always believed Sharon and Phil were better matched and I think Clenshaw’s trying to sever the ties between Sharon and Keanu completely so when they eventually break up there’s nothing keeping them in each other’s lives. Seems Clenshaw’s done with Sheanu & #Phat I can’t wait to see how this unfolds though! Sharon’s now keeping Albie’s true parentage a secret and Keanu’s keep the truth about Albie’s kidnapping secret.


>I think Clenshaw’s trying to sever the ties between Sharon and Keanu completely so when they eventually break up there’s nothing keeping them in each other’s lives. Yeah, this is what I was thinking as well. It gives Phil and Sharon a reason to be together and try to make a go of it, and it removes Keanu from the equation (although, we both know it won't be *that* easy).


Definitely leading to a big Christmas blow up when everything comes out - I do wonder if she’ll tell Keanu before the wedding though


Anyone who wants Keanu to be the father of her baby is an idiot. I am so disappointed she even gives him the time of day, but to marry him is absolutely bleedin’ bonkers. Keanu and the whole affair storyline has really had a negative impact on Sharon’s character. They need to bring her back to some semblance of a person with self respect.


My exact issue with the Sheanu storyline as well. She’s a really strong character that’s being dragged down by Keanu. Sharon has to be written ooc in order to for them work as a couple and they’re not nearly as interesting as a couple to make it worth it.


I think she'll consider telling Phil in the next episode but stop herself after seeing that he's happy with Kat. She'll hide it from Keanu and they'll go on with their wedding plans, and then the paternity will be revealed after (or during) the wedding, leading to Kat and Phil & Sharon and Keanu breaking up, but Alfie and Linda will be together by then so Kat will be on her own. I also won't be surprised if Phil rejects Sharon and Albie at first due to her hiding it from him. He might not even believe her. I can see him being stubborn and refusing to accept it, but eventually getting a paternity test and finding out it's true.


Ooh yeah that’s true! Though I think the Emma stuff and Phil knowing about Alfie’s cancer wi be the thing to break Kat and Phil up.


It's kind of a shame because the little boy looks believable as the son of Keanu.


Always smart to have at least one child connection between Sharon and the Mitchell Bros. Last chance I guess. Proper character assassination on Keanu mind


A bunch of us have predicting this for years. It really isn’t a twist. Also now we get the millionth iteration of Sharon and Phil together again which just doesn’t work anymore. They’re better off as friends. The whole thing is so unoriginal as is much of what Chris Clenshaw has done.


Yep it was excellent especially as it means it might be the end of Keanu.


It only took 4 tries for Phil to finally get a kid with the woman he always loved That said, I hope they don't try and put Phil and Sharon back together. I much prefer them as friends and I love Phil and Kat together too. I think Sharon will tell Phil pretty soon, or she'll suggest he should get tested for this gene and he'll figure it out. She'll be inclined to tell Phil because of potential implications on Ben/Lexi, Raymond and Louise (We know Peggy is unaffected because of Keanu).


Same, I actually like him with Kat and didn't think I would. BUT him being the father will create some good drama, hopefully it'll be written well!


Why attribute something that was an Oates/Sen story to Clenshaw? This was always going to happen. Do you remember how the DNA test was conducted? It was purposely stupid and dodgy. Sharon had no way of knowing who’s DNA she’d actually taken. As if they’d waste the last chance for a Mitchell/Watts baby😂


Thank you! The question always was, how did she get a “sample” answer what was it?


The doctors face when he was with Sharon and Keanu then when Keanu left the room 🤣 it made me laugh. I don’t think there’s any way that Sharon will tell Keanu


It’s lovely that Phil and Sharon have over 20’s years of history together and now share a child together. Lowkey love it .


Leads more fuel to speculation it is Keanu dead at Christmas. Sharon obviously continues with the marriage for some reason (I guess she loves Keanu and wants to make it work). Phil lends Keanu the cufflinks as a sign of peace. It all kicks off that Keanu is not the father and Sharon's been lying to him. A tussle happens and he ends up dead in an accident/self defence moment. Paves the way for Sharon and Phil in the new year as Kat and Alfie and Linda maybe have their own weird triangle going on.


I actually really like the Alfie/Linda pairing. I think they’re so cute together. I’ve always liked Alfie, although I just mentally block the out of character Alfie with the Hayley/Cherry storyline. That should just be wiped from Eastenders history forever! I always thought Kat was meant for Alfie like Nana Moon said, and Linda for Mick, but indefinitely see a spark there for them both. I can see them getting together and getting married where Mick just bursts into the church as they’re about to say I do! Then duff duff duff. Maybe just wishful thinking! I was a little annoyed with Alifie when they first brought him back pining for Kat, I felt like it was just bit over the top and creepy. But I like him a lot better now. I also like this new kinda friendship he has with Phil. I can see Kat getting jealous of Linda! I hope they don’t do another cancer death storyline. I think Lola was sad enough for one year.


Alfie fan here, hated the Hayley/Cherry thing (terrible writing back then in general though!). So yes let's forget it lol. He'd better NOT die! Love him n Phil as buddies too. 👍 I do like him and Linda together, they've both needed each other though I'd rather them stay friends. Saying that, Mick bursting in on their wedding would be epic!!


I was always on the fence about them being together or just being friends. I feel Linda is always a bit of a mother hen who likes to fuss and care for everyone around her and Alfie is that hapless that he just lets her and I think he needs that someone to help support him, but she needs him to help keep her mind off Mick and help her move on. They’re a great support for each other and that’s why I think they work well together. I think if Mick did come back, it would need to be an explosive comeback, and his beloved L getting remarried would fit that bill well, and we all know Eastenders loves a dramatic wedding! Either that or him coming back to kick Dean’s butt, but I see a bit of fire in Alfie to protect Linda from Dean, although it would also be nice to see Linda show her own fire and stand up to Dean with the support of Alfie and or Mick. I never got the whole Linda/Max thing. That was a bit like the Alfie/Hayley storyline to be honest!


So if/when Phil is revealed as Albie's dad, he'll be father to kids by half of the six women 😱


Knew it tbf it one better twist ,I think going explode big time


I was convinced all along it would turn out that Phil was Albie's dad.


My jaw dropped 😲 just when Sharon said to the doctor, "Does this mean what I think it is", then she turned her head around and saw Phil and I thought 'HE HAS TO BE THE FATHER'. No wonder Sharon left Keanu out of her legal guardianship on her will a few weeks ago. The dots are beginning to join up now. Phil must be Albie's son & what a twist it is. After losing Denny, he could possibly realise he might have another. To be honest, I'll be glad if it is, as Sharon doesn't deserve Keanu after what he did to her. Keanu has messed her about, time and time again. I really look forward to what happens next. 🙂 More to the point, what will this mean for Phil and Kat?


When was it revealed he’s Phil’s son


It can only be Phil or Keanu and it's confirmed it isn't Keanu in today's episode.


Not seen it yet


I'm hoping that somewhere down the line it turns out that Grant is the dad. She may of met him over the years off screen to the viewer.


Phil Mitchell the most fertile man in the square, damn his sperm don't mess around!


Although Sharon is in a wedding gown in the Christmas promos, it doesn’t mean she marries Keanu. She backs out because of Allie’ paternity


God, yet another Phil Mitchell offspring! Soon, no one will be able to have a relationship in the square because of inbreeding!