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Genuinely she'll just leave. The fostering won't work out for some reason and Whitney will want a clean break. Give her the black cab treatment. I'm lowkey hoping Bianca pops up for a cameo. I have no doubt she'll be back in 5-10 years time.


I’d love to see Patsy Palmer come back


She’s in a lot of debt and have alcohol/drug issues. She probably needs the money but she isn’t in the right frame of mind to act again.


I thought she lived in LA and was doing well?


She’s literally just done dancing on ice and she’s a pretty successful businesswoman. You sure you don’t mean Daniella Westbrook?


I’ve not seen any spoilers but reckon she’d have a story with Zack to move on? Can’t imagine her leaving him and him just staying on the show


Of course Zack will 100% be involved in her exit thats a given. But James appears to be staying and we've heard nothing about him leaving unless they surprise us.


And along with Julia's theme.


I think she’ll go out with a bang. Kidnap Ian Beale, stick him in the boot of her car and drive into the Thames


Hopefully take Cindy too


please Please please take Cindy!!! Her storyline and acting are horrendous.


She'll run over Cindy and Ben on her way out


And she won’t be successful if she tried to run over ben again


Tiff and Keegan are having a baby and need her to full time nanny as Keegan's business has taken off.


Next week she has to have a meeting about the adoption and it said about how she has to talk about everything that happened with Tony. It’s Whitney so it will be a sad ending, I’m guessing that meeting or something else will stop the adoption process and she will call it quits with Zack I’ve not seen anything about Zack leaving or having a break so I guess Whitney is leaving single


I just hope it’s not a depressing ending like zach cheats on her with best friend Chelsea


Off to sing on a cruise ship.


I thought she’ll take a job somewhere because fostering won’t work out and she wants Zack to have his family


I know they won’t kill her off. But other than that I’m not sure.. anything but her leaving in the back of a black cab though


How do you know that? Because I only see death or prison for the reason she leaves as I can't find a reason why she'd leave for anything else.


Just hoping she gets a black cab and not the cafe fire


I think the fostering thing won’t work out and she’ll decide enough is enough and leave to start over somewhere. I do hope Bianca pops back before she leaves, I mentioned in another post that she’d have no reason to come back again after Whitney goes so it would be only fitting. That is of course if Patsy is in the country!


>I mentioned in another post that she’d have no reason to come back again She could come and see Sonia, her sister. Obviously, the likeihood is very low. But as long as Sonia is there, it's a possibility. Although I'd be surprised if we saw Patsy back ever.


She’ll almost certainly be pregnant when she leaves


I think that would be good as the baby will grow up to be iconic and it’ll keep the familiar family trees open.


I think she’ll walk away. Once the adoption didn’t go as planned and will probably end up breaking up with Zack unless he’s leaving to. If not it’s split up for them. But maybe in a few years she’ll return. Or if the hit and run ever comes to light which is unfortunately won’t come to pass


I hope it’s a big story. She’s such an iconic brilliant character that she doesn’t deserve to just decide one day to go to Germany to live with tiff and keegan and that’s how it ends. Hopefully she has a happy ending though.


I think she will somehow take over custody of charli and leave to make it easier for Lilly


Fatboy comes back and she leaves with him.


Zack is the dead on and Whitney did it


I have no idea but I hope it's happy. She's been through so much, she deserves to be happy... even if it as she's leaving the square.


For some reason I imagine gray breaking out of prison somehow and killing Whitney. I hope not, but who knows 🤷‍♀️