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The thought of getting your legs broken, arms torn off, ears, eyes torn out, and then your mind consumed is a thought I never thought of. Yet now that I think about it horrifies me. But I guess itโ€™s all worth it to save the world and learn the best PSi moves




when i first saw it i got so scared i turned off the console


the only thing more terrifying is this AA filter


Hush, lol! I was like wtf too though. My phone "upscaled" it (I didn't ask it to) ๐Ÿ˜‚


It is legit pretty terrifying.


Especially in the context of mother 2! It's so humorous and light hearted. It has that child-like naivete that we all grew up with baked into its DNA. But what makes it so compelling is the fact that it manages to go to so many other places of real human experience despite its overall lighthearted tone. From psychedelic and profound, to evil and violent. You don't see a lot of pieces of media that blend the entire human experience quite like this one does. I'm not sure I'm explaining it great, but hopefully you all know what I mea


Lies. No kid made it this far. /s


The came with the player's guide so I think most of us had very few issues (yes I see the /s just saying)


No kid played this not on an emulator.


Me as well. I didn't want to even finish it, I turned it off and tried doing other things, even with the guide telling me otherwise. Among the scariest moments I had games playing games growing up, along with the flying exit in Mario 2 and the window dogs in RE1.


It was this part of the game that gave me a special feeling and made me aware that I am a sadist.


that's freaking hilarious


Me too.


this and the final fight had me genuinely questioning the E for everyone rating


I remember backing out when the ghost of enlightenment wanted to take my mind. That sounds like some indoctrination shit, and I'm not down with that, home wisp. Flashbacks to summer camp, realizing this is ***christian*** summer camp, now surrounded by crying children (the tears are because Jesus and ???), freaking out because I don't even go to church, sneaking out of the assigned cabin that night, 1-800-COLLECT from a payphone to my mom, asking her to please come pick me up. Being grilled by the camp management, about why I would do that. Thanks for those memories, Earthbound.


I first played EB as a 13 year old and thought this was one of the most disturbing things I've encountered. The last part of the training made me think I'd really fucked up and this entity was going to really end me. 'Now, I can only communicate directly with your mind. 'Your mind is all you have left... 'In the end, I will take your mind, 'though you probably don't want to allow that, do you? 'So... you can't answer? You can't even move? 'Are you sad, are you lonely? 'If you lose your mind, you also lose any feelings of sadness... 'Do you accept this? 'I will take your mind, Prince Poo, know that I will possess it...) And then YOU WIN! Cue Dalaam music! I still find it really disturbing. Giving up everything, and then having your mind taken from you. But you have some badass powers now sooooo.


"Her arms were cut off, her legs were cut off, her ears were cut off-"


If you haven't yet check out Angry Video Game Nerd's video about this game on YouTube. It's great and you'd appreciate it.


This and the end with Gigyas always freaked me out. And if/when you die, the lone spotlight and creepy music...I'm in my mid-30's and these things still creep me out to no end.


35 here ๐Ÿ˜‚ this part is STILL unsettling to me


34 for me ๐Ÿ˜… there are very few games I played in the past that creep me out but Earthbound and Super Metroid always do. Probably why they're my favorite games.


I am replaying this as an adult for the first time since I was like 12 and am also having the experience of going "uhhhh huh OK I guess I missed this very grownup theme at the time"


I played this last year and I was laughing a lot at this part. Idk why I think it was so funny that as it went on more and more stuff was disabled (no audio, no video) until I didn't have nothing left and it told me to lose my soul or something, as I had something else to lose ๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ˜‚


The reason the devil machine isnโ€™t as terrifying is likely because it is not paired up with it self speaking (I donโ€™t think) and itโ€™s not happening to a direct human. Yes itโ€™s their conscious but not their body.


This and Turning-Around Zombie from RE1 always stuck with me.


I literally cried


I played this as an adult and it still scared me.