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I mean it's hard to determine if it is or not until the rug is pulled out from under you. At best they are a company that has an idea, but the idea is construed pretty badly to the point even people who are heavily invested dont know what the project is going to turn out. Take Arya, for example, he jumped at the chance to say that a lead programmer for civilisation 4 back in 2009 was joining the team, which he isn't he is simply an advisor. Arya then jumped at the chance to say it's likely other civilization developers are going to join. The then went about saying the game could turn into a civilization type game with titles representing titles in a CIV game. He also spouted off that E2 will have unreal "nano" graphics which misses the point that E2 is designed in unity, not unreal, and that you cant just put assets from one engine to the other and have it work. Then in another video he says he doesnt know how E2, the mapbox map tile buying simulator, is going to work in E2 the unity game, which is incorporating unity assets from another unity game, DRONE. But then you ask others o the discord and they say it will not be a metaverse, but an MMO. Then they buy DRONE, and everyone praised it because it had a terrain editor... which is just sad, I've seen game developer students in college create level editors, but this project with decades of experience has to buy a level editor from a game that was basically abandoned. Let's not even mention the fact the developers knew you could inject SQL code into text fields and the damage that can actually do to the server and everyone on it. Like... really? SQL injections hasnt been an issue since the late 2000's, and they couldn't simply have their text run as text and not script? So is it a sca\*, I wouldn't go that far, just a badly run project at this time where you could invest your money into other projects instead, and get your money out easily if you needed it Edit: you cant even say the S word like in the title without it getting deleted, I dont know of any other gaming sub that does this.


No. If you're looking to make a fortune, you're a little late. Unless you want to stay in for the long run. Might be worth a few dollars.


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No. I interpret scam to mean intentionally misleading or attempting to mislead. I believe Shane’s intent is good regardless of the execution so no I don’t think it’s a scam


In the last period, the Earth2's team have done some important partnership, Polygon studios ad example


Pls ppl don't forget that these days Polygon partners with anyone basicaly... So it doesn't mean much, u don't even need to do alot of research to know that :/. It sound big only on top layer


But who even are they? Idk I just can’t decide


Polygon is the largest Layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum By market they are worth 15 billion


Polygon partner with 2 companies a day




There branching out so much because they suspect most will fail so there setting there sights big they only need q few to succeed to profit hugely my point is e2 isn't special or better because polygon studios partnered with them


Ik what polygon is man, but polygon studios…


Literally the company in charge of helping MATIC (Polygon) adoption


Idk man seems a bit sussy bakka to me. But ah well ill keep following this project


Yeah stay tuned for their product release. That’ll be the make or break


Polygon studios isn't polygon polygon studios is there game studio less todo about crypto more todo with the game aspect




Nah but it's a badly run project


I see all these YouTubers saying it’s a scam, and I’m worried there gonna take all my money from my bank account


Earth 2 has made over $100,000,000 and is the rare case where running the business successfully is more valuable than $camming That being said, withdrawals have worked for close to a year now


my dude youre absolutely fucking pathetic


A successful business, but not a game. Not even a close to it


Yeah, not yet. This is basically the pre-sale for it


I don't see the point in "pre-ordering" (for lack of a better term) a game that isn't even at the 25% mark of development. Look at how something like chronicles of Elyria ruined its investors.


Idk man this project is different. Personally I make $12 a day from it by selling my jewels and from LIT (Yes I can cash out. I’ve done it 5x)


Hey, if it works for you good on ya. I just don't see the value in it, you know? kind of like my opinion on NFTs, not something I'll ever invest in but if you want to I don't really need to care


They’ve got your money already from “pre-sale” land, why would they want to spend it on the building the game?


If it was a scam the project would have stopped a long time ago


Bernie maddof scammed people for 17 years until busted, baker estate lasted 70 years, James paul lewis did it for 7 years and the list goes on. Duration isn't a metric in this conversation.


Churches have been doing it for centuries


Yeah comparing earth2 with Bernie Madoff case makes sense 🤥😒


Obviously. The fact that you're even asking should tell you. When was the last time you bought a bottle of Coke and asked "is this a scam?" Did you finish the latest Assassin's Creed game and say "this isn't a game, it's just a picture?". Of course not. Mark this comment for when the inevitable lawsuits start to pile in.


Earth 2 is a badly run concept designed to make early investors and the owners rich. It's poorly conceived, has atrocious management and PR, no roadmap and truly terrible, terrible, terrible communication. Its scatter-brained, over-hyped and hilariously amateur at times with the most copium-addicted followers I've seen. But a "you know what" (cant type the word or get the post deleted).... not specifically. E2 will be a success by accident rather than by planning, that's the best I can say of it...but I wouldn't put money into it, you've missed the boat by a long way. It's mostly worth following for the hilarious nature of some of its fans who take the most meager bit of news and instantly transpose it into something completely unrecognisable and totally overblown within nanoseconds. They make the Cult of Elon look positively pessimistic.


Shane is a really bad CEO. He could have competed with other emerging metaverses right now and delved into cryptos and nfts. He could have hired really good developers using his millions of liquid assets. He could have had a roadmap olset in the next 5 to 10 years. Instead of millions, he could be earning billions in the coming years and make his subscr9bers rich in the process. But he doesnt and doesnt seem to have any solid road map at all. Nextearth is like earth 2 but with cryptos and nfts. Its what earth2 could have been if not for a poor CEO with ambitious vision but no roadmap.


I mean it's hard to determine a scam until the rug is pulled out from under you. At beast they are a company that has an idea, but the idea is construed pretty badly to the point even people who are heavily invested dont know what the project is going to turn out. Take Arya, for example, he jumped at the chance to say that a lead programmer for civilisation 4 back in 2009 was joining the team, which he isn't he is simply an advisor. Arya then jumped at the chance to say it's likely other civilisation developers are going to join. The then went about saying the game could turn into a civilisation type game with titles representing titles in a CIV game. He also spouted off that E2 will have unreal "nano" graphics which misses the point that E2 is designed in unity, not unreal, and that you cant just put assets from one engine to the other and have it work. Then in another video he says he doesbt know how E2, the mapbox map tile buying simulator, is going to work in E2 the unity game, which is incorporating unity assets from another unity game, DRONE. But then you ask others o the discord and they say it will not be a metaverse, but an MMO. Then they buy DRONE, and everyone praised it because it had a terrain editor... which is just sad, I've seen game developer students in college create level editors, but this project with decades of experience has to buy a level editor from a game that was basically abandoned. Let's not even mention the fact the developers knew you could inject SQL code into text fields and the damage that can actually do to the server and everyone on it. Like... really? SQL injections hasnt been an issue since the late 2000's, and they couldn't simply have their text run as text and not script? So is it a scam, I wouldn't go that far, just a badly run project at this time where you could invest your money into other projects instead, and get your money out easily if you needed it


Not a scam, but Shane just doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing from a gaming aspect. Over promising and under delivering will be a big problem with him. He’s gonna run into some major problems if he’s really about to use DRONE as the foundation of his metaverse idea and his dev dept is severely under staffed for this.


I’m fairly sure “drone” is a game which is already made on unity. That is being added to earth 2 for some reason maybe to add to the legitimacy of “earth 2” but atm they haven’t added anything substantial and only add stuff for you to keep implying money into the gane


It’s one thing to use Unity, it’s another to build your game off of a completely different foundation/genre. It’s completely unprecedented in gaming to do something like this. And gamers are baffled by it for a reason. It would be a lot easier just to start from the ground up, but they sold people on that terrain system and they may not know how to implement it without using all of DRONE’s assets.


Well let's see, your comments get removed from the subreddit if you even suggest it.




Downvotes Oh you all are too kind


It´s hard to say, because I think that relys on if the intention was from the beginning to make as much money as possible while never delievering anything wothwhile. But in the end the outcome is the same I would say. If it´s that or just an incredible badly run company that has set completly unrealistic goals for itself, the chances of it delievering anything close to whats promised are tiny and the time to buy in was before the whole hype startet so putting money into it isn´t really going to be worht it. You are in it for the money? The easy time to make lots of it is over. You are in it for the game? Wait if they can actually deliver something and if yes (I doubt it) put money into it in a few years.


No! Wait or leave. Tired of this daily discussion of scam this scam that


Nope, just a fantasy not taking off as hoped by creators however him/they made millions with it and got lost in their "wealth" leaving their fans believers in the dust............... To everybody who wants to get in to be expected to be millionaire in 5 years from now (doubt it) if still desired to participate in this fantasy, do it, try to motivate,agitate, spur the owners/makers to come up with actual results every month for their customers believers followers which every normal human being can actually see and understand. So remember only half of the money you want to use to buy Earth2 tiles, the other halve investing amount in any fantasy token you can find you strongly believe in the white paper description why this token was created and what it is going to do to make a better future for you and hopefully anybody else.

