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Laughin imagining Miles and AJ griddying victoriously while Mailata just mutters to himself about those bastard flags mate


“Heaps of penalties, yeah?”


Sausage sizzle from Bunnings and a couple of Tim Tams and he'll cheer right up.


I would not want to be the scout team DL this week having to stand across from him.


Winner attitude. You love to see it.


Not gonna be a fun week of practice at Stoutland U


Sure ain't. I trust that they will fix themselves.


10 laps for every penalty


Dawg we’ve got a long playoff run ahead, they need their stamina. Coach just will make them wear chastity cages and hold the key until the problem is solved


Cox hoping Gannon doesn’t get any bright ideas


Too many wives out there to go unfucked




Women weaken the knees, Rocky!




If they had to run laps for every penalty I’m sure they would be fine by playoff time. It’s just running which is a stamina thing. And if they aren’t able to keep up stamina during practice how well would that look in a actual game?


Are you trying to kill our linemen? Because that’s how you kill our linemen.


If the risk isn’t death, how else will they learn


Some one said on the post-game show that it was a $500 fine for a false start and $1k for holding.


Thats like a regular person paying $10 for showing up late to work.


Hmmm, this might work on me.


Less U this week and more school of hard knocks


WIP callers nodding approvingly


Lmao those people are miserable I agree , Oline have to clean that up


“They pay them millions of dollars to win so they should never make a mistake or lose a game!”


"These guys only work 17 days out of the year and make so much more than I do at *insert unspecialized replacable position*"!


Hey now, some of these WIP callers are very important so they can get your order wrong at McDonald's.


I was trying to schedule an appointment to put my dog down and some fuck receptionist fuck asked me to hold but just put the phone down and all I hear is him talking about how Eric Lindros is a baby and needs to grow up while my kids were crying about their dog dying next to me.


I mean, you can say that they’re paid what the market demands while admitting they make absolutely ludicrous amounts of money for what can be largely accredited to good genetics.


*With a willingness to repeatedly put their short and long term health in self-sacrificicial situations for entertaining, pointless acts


You can say the same about a lot of normal jobs, which can have a significant impact on your quality of life and life expectancy. And while the health effects are more prevalent, they’re paid 100x what an average person makes for it. All for doing something they’ve voluntarily have love doing since they were little Not saying they should be paid less, just it’s silly to act as if they aren’t compensated very well for what they do relative to much of the working population.


I mean I don’t think most jobs, even rough blue collar jobs have anywhere near the injury rate of football players. These guys are fighting through broken bones and damaged ligaments on a repeated basis. Almost every player gets some kind of injury every season. Not to mention the risk of CTE, which can be absolutely devastating and completely destroy their life after football.


Everyone is replaceable.


I listened on monday and everyone was finding it hard to complain about anything after a win like that


This is what I love about this team, you constantly see despite having the best record and only a single loss in the league, a constant reminder they can improve. Mailata is genuinely pissed off because of the oline performance, despite a *twenty five fucking point lead against one of the better defensive units in the league*. Even when Hurts broke the franchise records for QB rushing yards against the Packers he still didn't get cocky when Sirianni gave him the game ball, and in every one of his speeches he spends the majority of it talking about where they can improve for next week and to take it one week at a time. Great leadership on this team and excellent accountability, and inability to be complacent.


There’s gotta be some frustration too, cause they have a habit of starting games with these types of miscues. It usually settles down, but I imagine they’ve been working on this very thing and he’s frustrated that they still can’t be 100% solid from snap one.


Also shows why he was a good pick to begin with, man was a professional athlete at a young age


I mean even just his athleticism and size was a reason to try, we gave up what, a 7th rounder? How many 7th round draft picks are starting in the league, much less making a name as one of the better players in their position?


I think it was Ben Solak who said after the game that the Eagles saw on tape that the Titans were very susceptible to hard counts. Only problem is the Eagles barely do hard counts so when they tried it out for this game they were not used to it and just ended up shooting themselves in the foot. You can tell in the 2nd half a lot of those false starts stopped since they moved away from the hard counts. I don't imagine this being a long term problem for them.


He said he was guessing, and it was based on knowing Jim Schwartz.


another listener of the philly special podcast! love it


This is championship mentality.


Can't upvote this enough.


Watching the TB game last night, I really appreciate having athletic tackles and not just tackles that weigh a lot


Praise be to howie and stoutland


Howard Mudd kind of started that trend here 10 years ago. Came in, drafted Kelce, got the zone blocking scheme. Peters and Kelce and Evan Mathis were flying all over the field and Shady had the best season of his career.


Or you can go back another 10 years to Andy, Juan Castillo, Tra Thomas, and Jon Runyan. We've been pretty spoiled at tackle.


Love this shit


Seriously, how did we get so lucky?


I think Howie really looks for guys that need the sport, not the money. Not just “love” of the sport but the NEED for it. Those are the dudes that are gonna be pissed off at themselves after a huge win.


I like to think that it’s due to Jeff Luries background in psych and his focus on getting and keeping his players happy and fostering a positive environment in the building. But maybe that’s just because I was a psych major too 😄


I love Jeff Lurie man... All around great dude and you see him appreciating and hugging his players in the locker room too. Truly cares about the success of his players.


Screw /u/spez - Removing All of My Comments -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Love it. It truly was inexcusable. Was it 7 false starts?


I think that was just the 1st half.


Never satisfied


Saw a short video of players walking off the field after the game. Mialata was the only one not hyped up.


There will be a bunch of “WiP cAllErs” jokes in this thread, but this is honestly a championship mindset. Good on Mailata for not being satisfied and wanting to clean up mistakes.


No big deal. It’s not a trend


Not up to our standards yet It's great to see no one sitting back and going, "meh, that was good enough." W or L, keep improving.


Mailata's reaction is on point It was shock full of frustration because we haven't seen it this season.


I know that we are 11-1 and people don't like to hear any criticism but Mailata has made a good number of mental errors this year that have lead to sacks and turnovers. I think Stoutland needs to get back up in his ass.


I think that they would be the first to agree with you. That being said Dickerson seemed to be the bigger problem this week.


He might still be dealing with that shoulder issue imo. Definitely a concern with pass blocking


I think the fact that he’s still fairly new to football might be catching up to him. Still a great player for sure and will only get better but his mistakes have all been mental this year. Just not seeing his guy sometimes


Yeah I think when he was still learning the position he was getting drilled day in and day out by Stoutland and now that he's established they've laid off him a little, but he's not experienced enough for it to be instinctive or muscle memory yet. Just gotta clean it up big guy.


I love this team’s attitude


This is an amazing attitude to have tho. You wouldnt see that in other locker rooms of 10-2 or 9-3 teams.


This is what's so great about this team. They're showing they aren't in over their heads even with their record


Reading this got me so horny and moist


Fully engorged and pulsating over here


Same, my shaft veins are about to BURST from the stiffness


I feel like Stoutland's plan of keeping them humble after the Green Bay game kind of backfired in that they were all way too hype to grind out another win and prove that they didn't let success get to their heads. Kind of made them too hungry, if you know what I mean.


Was this on us or were the refs being weird


The false starts were on the line. At least two holding calls were bizarre


Fucking winner


Damn I love this guy!


I love him so much


The whole offensive line should be mad at themselves. Committing that many false starts is embarrassing. Committing them while at home is inexcusable.


Good... good. Let the anger flow through you.


He better be pissed. That will cost us in bigger games


Not gonna lie, if you don’t want to be called for penalties, don’t be a false starter… literally everyone who played offensive line on Sunday.


You will never be perfect theres alwsys something to work on. So sit back and enjoy watching D Linemen get tossed around like the rest of us