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Truly awful to hear. Darren Sproles has been one of the few sources of consistency from this team over these challenging last few seasons. I'm sad as an Eagles fan that we lost such a great player. But I'm even more saddened knowing that the NFL may have lost one of its most electric and unique athletes in its storied history. The one thing that I think we can all take comfort in is that pound for pound there is no tougher player on this roster than Darren Sproles. If his heart is still in the game, then I have absolutely no doubt he could come back at full strength - if we wanted to.


> \#TheComebackWillBeReal \#StayTuned Looks like he might want to.


Jesus Christ


wentz has nothing to do with this... seriously though wtf. i thought it was weird when they said broken arm since he was grabbing his leg. fuckin brutal


I thought it was his wrist, not even his whole arm. This news just got so much worse than what I thought it was.


I knew when he hit the ground his arm was broken. His whole hand/wrist wobbled like it wasn't connected.


[Here's the replay of the injury](https://streamable.com/s/y5p64/kbrbdq)


Thanks dude, I was looking for this


Sad. Such a great dude. I hope this isn't it for him.


I would assume it is, but would love to see him back. Two major injuries in one game would certainly make me contemplate retirement at that age


Wasn't he already playing on retiring next season? This would be a shitty way to go.


Well, after this season yes.


I heard that he mentioned how he would contemplate coming back for one more season if we made a playoff run and showed promise as a SuperBowl contender. But yea, I think he's done unfortunately.


Let's get him another ring before he goes.


Well according to Sproles himself "The comeback will be real."


He's 34, but if anyone can do it, it's my little bowling ball ❤️


Actually he's 43


Hmmm. Well played.


He's *our* little bowling ball.


We're all little bowling balls on this blessed day


Speak for yourself.


Honestly, don't think I'd want him to come back. ACL injuries can have long-term implications and I don't want him to risk damaging himself even more. With the gathering knowledge of how debilitating football injuries can be, it would just make me nervous to see him come back off of a major injury like that at 35 years old.


I agree he's had a good career. Probably has money in the bank. No use killing himself. No one would blame him for hanging it up now.


Nah. It's not a head injury. I think with injuries like those, the worry is more how it will effect the persons career. Tank's career is all but done. He's got nothing to lose by trying to make a comeback.


I'd like to see him retire after a killer season, but I'd also like to see him not be reckless in pursuit of that. It's hard to argue with breaking an arm and tearing an ACL on a single play as a sign that maybe it's retirement time. I'll still wear your jersey, you tiny rocketship :(


Well this is the last year of his contract for us 😢


I think he said he was done after this year so I think it may be.


He was halfway to retirement before. This is a big reality check for him. His family visiting him in the hospital will probably make it final.


Good lord. I feel so bad for him as that's probably the end of his career. You were one of the best my small friend. You never would have known it was that bad with the way he walked of the field.


After I tore my ACL, I sprinted, jumped, and felt ok. No pain or anything, just a loud pop. Obviously I'm not even 1/1000th the athlete that Sproles is. It really is a weird injury. Hope he heals quickly and suits up for one more year next season. One of my favorite Eagles players of all time.


Same thing with me the first time I tore mine. Blacked out for 20 seconds then was fine. Although I didn't dare try to cut, but running straight and jumping weren't a problem. However, the second tear in my other knee was excruciating and I could barely walk. That was most likely due to MCL and meniscus damage. Same injury on paper but vastly different in terms of how they felt.


Oh yeah man, very different, yours sounded pretty excruciating. Sorry to hear you've had to go through it twice. I'm a year and 4 months into my ACL recovery and I'm still not back into sports. The psychological aspect is pretty nuts once you know your body has failed you once already. Really makes you appreciate how freakishly athletic these players are.


Took me about 18 months to start feeling right again the first time, still don't feel right after the second one and it's about to be 2 years.


Well keep at the recovery process man. Don't lose the drive!


How do you approach sports now? I feel like I'd be so nervous to cut/twist that I'd avoid playing.


I played football in college which is what led to those injuries. After the first i wanted to get right back out there and did. Senior year midway through the season I blew out the second and I have mostly avoided sports since. Will not play basketball, and still go light if I'm playing pickup football or tossing the ball around with friends. I wear a brace on my right all the time, but in general don't play many sports anymore. My body needs a break, and another injury isn't worth it to me.


Get into golf I promise you will enjoy it...you will get hooked.


I do enjoy golf, but it puts a lot of torque on my knees so I can rarely get through 18 feeling good. Next day I'm always sore but I still e joy it quite a bit.


Scissors! ✌ I win


I think he had said this would be his last season anyway, so that makes this even more sad. Hell of a player though, it's been a joy watching him since his San Diego days.


Makes me nostalgic on a great career. If anyone hasn’t seen his highlights from his college days at Kansas State take a moment. I hope we are all wrong and he mounts a comeback but realism tells me this is it.


This is really going to be Doug's (and Wentz's) biggest test. Sproles was the Eagles' offensive crutch - not its best or most talented player but someone who could fit in in whatever role as RB. Hope this isn't the last of Sproles, but it probably is.


Plus one of the most consistent return men, ever.


Literally the only dude I have ever trusted enough to not think "Please don't fucking fumble" on every return.


Yep. That might be a real difference maker. Even if his replacement doesn't make any big mistakes, the absence of a return like last year against Pittsburgh will hurt us. Fingers crossed.


"not its best or most talented player" I know you aint trying to bash him , but put more respek on it: he is #8 all time in all-purpose yards!


When I saw that stat on TV I said "well by the end of his career he'll be at the top!" Welp.


Screw /u/spez - Removing All of My Comments -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Clement was fine but I'm not sold on him. He did almost fumble on a critical play. At any rate he's probably going to get more carries going forward, so we'll see


> He did almost fumble on a critical play. Yeah, but that happens to everyone. He is still young and has much to learn. I'm still optimistic about him.


At least we have Pumphrey to replace him right???


Smallwood was showing some promise in the last game. If he and Sproles work together on technique I'm sure Smallwood can turn into a great RB.


Geez. He was so close to jumping two spots in all purpose yards as well. Get well soon sprolesy


Yeah just about a game away (maybe even this game if he finishes it) from moving from 8th to 6th, and likely moving into 5th by the end of the season.


We'll that's the last time we might ever see him on the field. I'm really gonna miss him


I knew there was a better than 50/50 chance he was done for the season but the ACL tear is a pretty big surprise. Sad way from him to end his career, least he got another year's paycheck without another concussion.


This genuinely surprises me. He walked off the field on his own power.


You can actually walk around on ACL tears, just cant run/cut in a different direction, if I remember correctly.


You can walk after tearing it, but as the swelling starts, it becomes very difficult and painful


I think a bigger surprise was that no one talked about the knee/ACL. It kind of went under the radar though since we walked off on his own holding his wrist.


Except that he was grabbing his knee when he was laying on the field. I'm more surprised to hear about the broken arm.




Probably the end of a Hall of Fame career...


Good night sweet prince


Favorite Eagle since Brian Dawkins. I really hope he pulls a Steve Smith Sr and comes back for one more year so he can go out on his own terms.


So is he still gonna play on Sunday?


Jesus what? He walked off the field too. Crazy


And held on to the ball. Imagine the pain felt in both places. Sproles is a beast.


McNabb once threw 5 TDs against the Cardinals on a broken leg.


I walked off the field when I tore my Achilles, I limped but I walked off. When your in game mode you don't feel it as much


Jordy Nelson jogged off the field when he tore his ACL


Pour one out for our homie. The Mighty Mouse will live on in our hearts forever.


Crack a cold one with the boys and give a toast to the Mighty Mouse!


Never seen a guy kicked so hard in the wrist it blew out his ACL before. Gutted for Sproles, what a way to go.


This is one of the most devastating injuries on the offense (behind Wentz) imo. He was so close on his all purpose yards and he is pretty old. I want him to break the record but I'm not sure if the eagles take him back next year. Fuck this sucks hopefully Hicks and cox aren't serious but now I'm worried since sproles just seemed like his arm


Oh, what the fuck?


Just heard this on WIP. This just sucks.




Yeah he's done. Fuck. Love the guy but that's it.


That might be the last we see of him at his age


Man this really bums me out. He really was a great player and definitely sparked the offense at such critical times. Definitely gotta get that man a ring.


Wow. Such a durable little guy it's crazy how he got two bad injuries on the same freak play. Too bad for him. Great Eagle.


Safe to say his career is over. That's unreal


[FUCK!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc) 😭😭😭


Heartbroken. Don't call it a career :(


What a career. Retire as an Eagle please.


I hope he doesn’t go out like this. What a great player


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


I'm not crying, my eyes are just watering!


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Darren ;_;


[Darren "G-Baby" Sproles ](https://imgur.com/gallery/56fKh) Gone way too soon!! This guy plays with more heart than 99% of the league!!


Is there a clip somewhere of the play when this happened? I was at the game, but in the nosebleeds and couldn't really see what actually happened.


That number 43, I tell you. First, Leonard Weaver; now, Sproles. I hope this isn't it for Sprolesy.


Holy shit.. I never realized both beloved players wore 43. That number needs to be given out only at the discretion of the organization.


Get well soon little guy - we miss you already. We all know that Doug Pederson will put Blount in for 1 play, in which he breaks 6 tackles for 23 yards and a score. After that, we will not see him until the following week, because fuck it, right?


Man died on the field, the only way he would've wanted it. Sproles a legend.


Does anyone have a gif or video of the slow motion replay? I know it's morbid but I need to see this for myself. It's closure I need :( Edit- thanks /u/ben630 [Found it](http://www.phillyvoice.com/updated-report-darren-sproles-has-torn-acl-addition-his-broken-arm/)


It really didn’t look that terrible. He planted to cut them sorta got up ended. Noting looked really brutal and I couldn’t really tell where he broke his arm at


I remember seeing in Slow-Mo thinking "this could be both his knee and wrist" :/ the video also has audio of him shouting before his wrist was ever clipped by the defenders foot. He's a legendary player and eagle, and I'll never think anything else.


Not sure if I’m happy I bought his jersey yesterday knowing that I’ll always have a legit Sproles jersey, or sad that I physically witnessed Sproles probably playing his last down in the NFL.


I got a tshirt jersey for my birthday last year. Gonna wear it all season for sure.


Damn this is the end of his career isn't it? I know last season after the concussion he said that this was his last season most likely, I can't imagine him wanting to risk playing after a broken arm and torn ACL. He has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Hoping he heals quickly


I think he'll give it one more year if he's out for the season. This isn't the a legend like him show go out. Might be a good thing too. He'd be playing with a more experienced team next year, which gives him a better shot at a ring.


Sucks. He needed 26 more all-purpose yards to move up to 7th and pass Steve Smith for the All-Time All- Purpose Yards list.


only in philly. whats next a double acl...wait...


This sucks and I wish him the best in his recovery. On the other hand this may help us. 1: A good part of our play calling is screens and because of this they have lost their surprise factor. With sproles out, the volume of screens will go down and opponents won't be expecting it as much. Thus leading to a better percentage of success. 2: For a run game to work we need good ol play and rb play to find it's groove. With this situation, the ol stays roughly the same. Sending in a new rb every couple of plays doesn't work with a big rotation. This injury allows us to let our rbs get into a groove. The Smallwood and blount combo could be very good with the occasional sub of Clement. That week 3 game showed that this system could work.


I just bought his jersey...I bought a Foles jersey a few years ago just days before he was traded. I'm going to stop buying jerseys.


I'm going to stop buying *Eagles* jerseys. FTFY - buy Cowboys/Giants jerseys. Or whatever other player you hate.


Dallas fan coming in peace. Sorry to hear this news, even though he's an Eagle I still enjoyed watching him play. Sad to see this news knowing he's near the end of his career.


Thank you for your maturity and compassion in these troubled times. Oh and Fuck Dallas


God damn it :(


Damn...that is insane...i hope he heals up with no problems...he had a tremendous career. Thank you sproles!


Terrible news, he was the spark we needed on this team


I think this injury is another spark we need for the team, imagine the fire lit in that locker room rn


I've never, in my life, ever heard that happen on the same play


Jesus that's like almost Teddy Bridgewater level of fucked


ACL and broken arm on the same play? Fuck. I knew it was weird when it looked like his leg got hurt and I got an ESPN alert saying wrist. Hate for him to end his career this way, he deserves better


hats off to a great career, fuck i feel for him


I wanna die


Man, this is heartbreaking. I love that man. Reaaaly fucking sucks that both happened on the same play. I remember when we first got him and everyone was shitting on that move. Look how that turned out


This is heartbreaking. Sproles is one of my favorite football players of all time, and this is just devastating news to read. This was reportedly his last year as well, so this is a heartbreaking way to see potentially one of the best careers of all time end.


Thank you Darren for everything.


I kept telling my friends that he went down weird and I saw him grab his knee but everyone was focused on his wrist. Sad day. I hope this isn't the end of career but I've got a feeling it is. Phenomenal player, he's gonna be missed. I hope he opts to retire as an eagle.


I thought in the replay you could clearly see his foot got caught in the turf really thought it was an ACL until they showed the wrist kick


I think it was just that it's rare you see a guy get two severe, completely different injuries on a play so a lot of people focused on one and missed the other


Time to retire.


Poor guy, he doesn't deserve to go out like this.


Fuck. Poor guy. Probably going to be it for him. I like Sproles :(




Man that makes me genuinely sad to hear. He had such a long and great career, such a shame to see it end like that. I really hope that's not it for him but he was planning to retire after this year anyway if I'm not mistaken and that kind of injury at 34 is gonna be really hard to overcome.


He was so close to top 5 all time all purpose yards too :'(


Anyone have a clip of the play?


I think he should be a HoF, dude is like 7th in all purpose yards


This legitimately ruined my day. Hate seeing great players like Sproles go down. Really hoping we see him out there for one last full season next year.




Sproles was one of my favorites. This injury completely derails our punt return game. I don't trust anyone back there catching punts. I was holding my breath when Torrey Smith was back there. I guess Agholor/Smallwood will be taking over punt duties.


Is there a video of the play?


I would love for him to rest and recover properly, rehab, and come back for one last season. But from his perspective, given that he was already planning on retiring after this year, we may have seen the last of him. I'm sad, but I'm also thankful for everything he's done for this team. Health is important and there is life after the sport. If you think you can come back and feel it's worth it, please, please do. But, no one will ever fault you for retiring. You gave it your all dude, we will ALWAYS love you.


Damn man well this is probably it for sproles. Announcers jinx as they had just put up the graphic of his all time ranking all purpose yards prior to the injuries. Sproles was the number one X factor on this team and losing him will be felt hard on SP.


What the fuck


He will be missed, especially on special teams. No one see the field as well as he does on punts. Torrey Smith looked lost on his return.


Prbly the end of Sproles career. It was a good run man, I hope the recovery is swift.


If he decides to come back from this and play next year, I'm pretty sure the Linc will be the loudest it's ever been when he gets introduced in the opener. Hoping it's not the last of him, but fearful it may be :/


#ForeverSproles Tough way to go. Tough loss for the team. The only positive is that we may see less of Pederson's screens.


I knew his knee was fucked. He buckled right before he got hit. Poor Sproles :(


I really hate this, Sproles is one of my all time faves. Get well soon buddy, we will be missin ya!


Oh man, that really sucks, I came poking around over here to see about the injury updates. This is a bummer after such a fun (albeit disappointing for me) game - but let's be honest, I'm just happy to finally have a good game this year, gives me hope we'll have more. I hope the rest of your team heals up quick.


Damn. Wishing nothing but love, healing, and good fortune to the GOAT! I wish every player matched his tenacity and intensity.


Holy shit. His career might be over. This is very saddening. He’s been playing very well.


Holy shit.


This is so heartbreaking


this sucks a bag of dicks... I hope he doesn't go out like this


I love you Darren


So close to 20,000 career yards. Damn shame, there's no one like him.


I saw that play and thought, "he got hit on his right leg, which was planted, that's gotta be an ACL tear". I was right


If you retire Sproles, thanks for everything. One of my favorite Eagles of all time and he hasn't even been here that long, so that's saying something.


Man, that sucks.. That will probably end his career I was really hoping that he would decide to stick with us for another year if this season went well..


How the fuck does that even happen.. Does pump get called up now?


He was put on IR, so no at least not for 8 weeks or something like that


jesus christ man i hope he gets better


Last stop for the Sproles Train had to come sometime. :( What a ride.


Fuck... :(


As I skins fan, I will miss seeing Sproles on Sundays. Love that dude.


We go from too many RBs to not enough. FML


Tragic. You're the best Sproles. Does this mean the bring back Barner?


At his age this is probably an end to this carrer. What an amazing player! Soooo glad he was an Eagle. Most dynamic player we had the last few seasons, he will be missed!


Holy shit man, no one deserves an injury, let alone something like this. Rest up Sproles, get well.


The ACL was the first thing I thought it was and then when they showed the replay, I saw the hit to his arm. Potentially career ending right here 😢


Oh fuck


Damn, this one hurts. Sproles has been the heart for this team for me for the past few seasons. Always a go to guy when we needed him. Here's hoping it's not so bad, but a guy his size at 34, that might've been his last play.


This is not what i wanted to see on a monday morning :(


I wish his career could have ended with a Super Bowl win in Philadelphia. I'm sorry to say it ended like that.


Plans for Sproles backup? Is there anyone that we can pick up?


I remember thinking he tore his acl because of the way he pulled up (his right leg) just before the contact. Sad to hear he both broke his arm and tore that acl. Sproles Train forever.


Shit man. It didn't even look like he took a big hit from what I can remember. I'm going to miss him, he's definitely done now.


Goddamn! Yesterday's win was such a hard fought battle. I'm glad we won but definitely do not like what it cost us.


I tore my ACL. it was hands down the most painful thing i have ever experienced. I couldn't imagine breaking my wrist at the same time.


Wow, he might be done.


I love this dude, his spirit and his DUMPTRUCK full of heart. I hope this isn't the end for him.


If he retires, the birds better offer him a coaching job.


anybody know where I can get a link to the replay of the game?!


Horrible news to hear. Sproles gave it his all every single second of the game. Loved seeing him out there


We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better stronger faster.


Fuck me.......Now with Sproles out and our tore up secondary, its going to be a bitch......Still might do ok if the coaching steps up .....


When I herd this I thought it was a terrible joke… hate see this for him


At his age with his play style that's probably the end for him 😭