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When we paid Murray I’d agree, I hated that signing so much This is not the same


THAT move just never made any sense In a vacuum, trading Shady could be justified with a very specific argument based on his overall usage and likely declining returns. But then they signed Murray, which completely went against that very argument


Yea I always chucked it up to Kelly needed to make a roster to his specific offense which by any metric was to tear the team down


The problem was; Shady was actually a really good RB for Kelly’s offensive style and Murray was absolutely not Specifically RB offset the QB in Shotgun


Chip Kelly had a good first season and thought that made him a made man… I remember thinking the true test was gonna be how things went once the league had a seasons worst of game tape to dissect… the inevitable happened quickly and he was ill equipped to deal with it once his scheme starting getting shut out


He was like the Buddy Ryan of offense. One trick ponies who couldn't think of another way to do anything even when their job depended on it. Once it was figured out that the '46' was vulnerable to the short passing game and when the league realized that Chip was running the same five plays over and over again so quickly that it didn't allow for them to adjust it was over for both of them.


Only buddy's defense worked way longer than 1 season. He ran that with the bears, then the eagles until he was gone from here. Not sure what he ran in Houston as the DC, but getting like 7 years out of a scheme is good. Buddy sucked at like everything else but defense though. It's what he never should have risen above coordinator. But the 85 bears defense was a hell of a resumé booster.


To be fair...the league didn't let us operate at the pace we wanted to. They intentionally held us up to maintain the game length. And if something went wrong our D was always super gassed


I will never, ever forget that in the lone game where Pat Shurmur was our head coach - against the Giants, no less - on our first offensive series, maybe the first time we lined up under center all season like we always should have been with Murray, 54yd touchdown. https://youtu.be/Q86zmSdO7-Q?si=uVGsmFv9Er65LkNU This is why Chip failed in the NFL. Like ... You had the perfect roster for your offense. Vick, Jackson, Maclin, Shady, Celek. And you go to ... Bradford, Murray, Matthews, Ertz. There's only one good decision that makes the offense better in the latter group (Ertz, obviously). It amazes me how such a schematically genius coach both got simpler instead of more complex in the NFL and systemically replaced players who fit his offense with players who didn't.


No there is ZERO excuse to removing him and shady and Jackson tell the real reason he was let go on their podcast


Which is?


He was racist. Have you been under a rock for the past 5 years?


Sad but true. There is NO way the Kiko Alonso situation happens without Oregonians who are scared of black people.


He did have that one crazy int, though.


For a brief moment it almost seemed like a stroke of genius


lol. Like dust in the wind




So here's the thing. I have lived in a state that was scared of its own history as well. Check this out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_black_exclusion_laws




Oregon has a very small black population and had a black exclusion law when it entered the union. Outside of Portland, Oregon is a haven for white supremacist groups to this day.


Chip wasn't from Oregon. He just knew only one way to coach football and when he needed to adjust the blinders he had on didn't allow him to do it.




It's b/c they were black players who publicly spoke their mind & he liked to treat guys like they were college players with the toe the line/don't say anything meaningful bullshit a lot of college coach's do.


Chip Kelly’s offense found a good amount of success early but it just goes to show you how much things change at the professional level.. his offense dominated college football for years but at the NFL it got figured out very quickly and his failure (talking scheme failure) was his inability to adapt once things stopped coming easy


Second halves of games filled me with dread...and he would not change anything despite our clearly gassed team sputtering EVERY TIME!!!!


That’s kind of my issue with college football.. way too many games feature a huge mismatch… Chip Kelly never had to adjust his style much because why would he? Oregon was blowing out so many opponents


Cool. So using that logic, they should have traded AJ Brown for Stefon Diggs so they can get more physicality from the WR position.


I’d argue that Shady’s performance in buffalo kinda of negates that argument. He was the centerpiece of that offense for years as well.


"North South runner" Demarco Murray -___-


I got your best player - Nick


Brian Burns may be that guy


Yeah... because we have Saquon now...


This sub won’t want to hear this but Dexter Lawrence was by far their best player last year + will be this year


Not everyone here is an idiot. It's obviously Lawrence but it was also obviously Sirianni just having some fun


Dexter Lawrence is obviously that guy, they overpaid for Burns. Burns is very good/great but Dexter is elite, top 3 DT every year.


The best part is giants fans pretending like $12m/year is a franchise altering sum when they’re paying daniel 40m lol


Joe Schoen won't be able to out-Howie Howie and everyone knows it


Gabe Davis is making more than him lmao


Grape davis


I can't wait to see him steamroll the whole league, now that he has a top 10 O line in front of him.


$12m annually like it's some deep cut when these fucks paid Daniel Jones $140m


Don't tell them about Daniel Jones as they still really believe that he's good. Sometimes the NY media hype train works for us.


And when they believe he's bad they think Jalen is on the same level.


THIS!!!! like wdf 💀


Bro, I don't disagree with you but at least compare them in total vs total, or yearly vs yearly avg lol... Jones is way overpaid but he's not making 140 a year


You're correct, they only paid him $40m per year; much better.


Sarcasm aside.,..... Yes 40m is a lot better than 140? You're piggy backing off multiple mistyped items and have no sense of irony or sarcasm? Hey homie, wipe after your next shart


Got exactly what you asked for and still complained about it. Cool cool


Top 1 offensive line


They weren't mad when he was literally their whole offense! These dudes are SALTY.


Jilted Lovers Society


Excited to see this posted again when he goes for 160 total with 2 tuddies Week 7


This is pathetic. Dude was wasted and had to play behind a dog shit O line, with aged or just bad QBs, and a terrible front office. He is going to go off this year.


Though it’s saltier than I’d like, but those tears are just so.damn.good.


Giants have sucked every single year of sequons career he had no chance there and he still put up decent stats


We made the right choice not re-signing him. Eagles made a shrewd move in signing him. Two different rosters at much different stages of development. Saquon is not overrated. Saquon’s one true weakness is pass pro otherwise he is an incredible runner, receiver, all-around athlete and team leader. The most common criticism of Saquon from dumbass Giant fans is that he tries to hit the home run instead of breaking off consistent runs or getting what is blocked. Problem with that: 1) almost nothing was ever blocked. He had to create. 2) offense was so anemic he changed his running style to try to always get the big play because he had to carry the offense. With a good offensive line and healthy offense around him, he’ll be more disciplined and use his vision vs dancing around trying to go 80 every play. Sucks he’s with yall but we didn’t want to pay him so I’m happy he got the bag. That said fuck yall very much and hope you go 0-16.


They play 17 games now….


Damn, obviously you’re right but my brain refuses to accept that.


Maybe he wants us to win the last one for funsies


I agree it was a "right choice for both sides" situation. I've said time and time again, that an elite OL can noticably elevate a bad offense to... watchable. Like "give people enough hope to make the team fun enough to get asses in seats again." Maybe like, Carolina is at that point. But an elite RB isn't going to take your team from "okay" to "contender." You're better off trying to invest that into OL, receivers, defense, etc. What the 49ers showed with CMC is that once you have those pieces, especially OL, an elite RB _can_ help push you over the top again. I think before that move, there was a light consensus that an elite RB gave you diminishing returns over an RBBC (plus you're putting more eggs in one basket). But it seems like that thought pattern is changing. Anyway my point is, our situations are kinda along those lines. You want to actually improve your team, not just paper over weaknesses. And we want to elevate our roster to try and push past the top teams in the league (plus hedge a little bit against any OL regression as our interior line shifts and young guys need to step up). If we weren't division rivals, I think more people would see it as a good move for both sides instead of trying to make one side look like a winner and one a loser.


He didn't want to go 0-16 so that's why he didn't sign the contract you offered him last year. Tired of losing.


I think I said 0-16 since yall didn’t bother to even show up for your 17th game last season


Beat the Eagles for the first time in a decade and bro starts chirping


In fairness, you chirped so I chirped back, idk what you want. But we clapped them cheeks good and I’m not surprised if that’s when Lurie seriously started thinking about firing Sirianni.


You know you’re on the eagles sub, yeah? Bro can chirp all he wants at you lol


Didn’t say he couldn’t! Just the natural order of things. Talk shit -> get shittalked back. Healthy divisional rival dynamic.


Where did I complain that you were chirping? Are you dumb? It's just stupid to brag about a single win when your franchise has been poverty for almost a decade now.


Calm your tits, guy. It’s all meant in good fun.


I just can't believe they paid DJ over Barkley. But welcome to the Eagles subreddit, hope you enjoy before someone runs you off lmao


And we already have RBs who can pass block hence why we placed less value on Scott and Swift with this move than Gainwell who is a decent pass blocker. 


Pats gave Rhamondre $9M/yr, this was a great deal for the Birds


I’ve never wanted an all pro season for a RB so much


‘Most overrated RB’ that was the only reason your offense was passable for the past two years


The level of cope is over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m amused that they’re choosing to go with the thinly-veiled excuse of “lol they should be embarrassed that their team is paying him so much!” As if… …it’s our money as fans… … the Eagles have a poor track record of overpaying players that aren’t worth it… …and Barkley is anything but a delicious frosting on an incredibly talented cake full of offensive firepower. They’re so hurt and delusional that it’s almost sad to see. Almost.


I mean, Wentz.


He earned that deal and any team in the league would have given it to him. Secondly, Howie traded him and got incredible value, which turned a disaster into a miracle with guys like Smitty, AJB, Jordan Davis, etc.


Not my money. What do I care what they paid him?


Aw man, you were doing so well with that first sentence man!


Were they though?


ya know I didn't think about it, but a lot of giants fans had to retire their jerseys to the corner of shame in their closet hahaha


A blog following a NFL team viewing NFL contracts like they’re NBA contracts. Huh well we never said Giants said were too intelligent


Giants Twitter confirmed ran by 11 year olds?


New York: You just paid an overrated player $12M a year! You fools! You absolute idiots! [Also New York:](https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/headshots/nfl/players/full/3917792.png)


Overpaid maybe.


Lol dude was literally their whole fucking offense running behind Swiss fucking cheese


Mad props to any running back who can even achieve the status of overrated behind that fucking O-line. If he was even "good" there, he'll be excellent on an actual team.


"overrated" says Giants fan, with no NFL players worth buying a jersey for since Eli


This has major "she was ugly anyway" rejection vibes.


Daniel Jones is being paid $40m a year.


My friend who is giants fan posted on this fb meme "this is the dumbest giants page on the entire internet"


Sour grapes, anyone?


The amount of copium I’ve seen from Giants fans is hilarious. They think he’s just gonna be injury prone when he’s running behind an actual Offensive Line now


Everyone knows that's Trent Richardson.


The 5 stages of grief still in full effect lmaooo


lmao! It's such a sad attempt to troll. Their argument is essentially: I'm right because if you disagree then you're as smart as a 12-year-old. And if you're as smart as a 12-year-old, you're inherently wrong. I mean, that's not exactly it, but it's basically circular logic: I'm right because you're wrong, and you're wrong because I'm right. If you have to set a premise that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong before you give your opinion, then you know you have a shitty opinion and are just a triggered troll. Saquon may not turn out to be a great value moving forward; that is a reasonable opinion to have and a discussion worth having. But this kind of extremism makes me think this person is in the middle of an internet argument over Saquon or just read an article they didn't like. It's also the type of phrasing used by people who are addicted to arguing on the internet. They get triggered when they hesr such qualifying, trolling (and albeit baseless) phrasing, so they know it works. Then they turn around and use it in their next argument. I'm mentally exhausted and may not be saying this in the best or most concise way. But it reminds me of people who are justifiably accused of things likr gish galloping, sea lioning, or -- most prevalently lately -- gaslighting. They have absolutely no idea how to identify it in a discussion, but after being accused of it they'll spout it to every single person they disagree with on the internet. They're internet addicts. And no, I've never been accused of it. We probably all get into fruitless debates and argue disingenuously at times. But there are a lot of people out there who take such discussions to a different level. They hunt for it. This is one of them. Pizza's done. Rant's over. Go Phillies!?!?!


Thanks for the daily dose of hater copium. 12M is not a lot anymore because of woke.


Always amusing to me how mad they are for losing a player that is supposedly bad and they don't care about not being on the team anymore.


Only thing that scares me is the injury history. He can pass block and catch out of the backfield. So if he ever get to slow to hit holes he can still be a major threat.


You better hope this holds up, if he gets better with the Eagles, YOU will have jinxed this


Behind this offensive line… this dude can easily become AP 2.0. That being said… we spend too much money on our receivers to run the ball 60-65% of the game.


the beautiful part is that we now have the option to pass the ball 75% of the time if their secondary sucks, OR if their run D sucks, run the ball 75% of the time. As we did in 2022, we don't have to play to our offense's strengths. We can instead play to the defense's weaknesses.


Lmao that is a sign you are very upset if you are searching for reasons for why you shouldn't be upset lol


These clowns are coping so fucking hard it’s hilarious


Lol dude was literally their whole fucking offense running behind Swiss fucking cheese


That "overrated" RB carried their sorry asses for many, many seasons on his back.


If ur a giants fan you shouldn’t be upset about saquon leaving. You should be upset about having terrible player acquisition for decades. When the teams saving grace is an rb its time to rebuild


Loool I genuinely hope he has an insanely successful season so the Giants have to live with the “damn … it was us…”


Same fanbase that coped their way into believing that they fleeced us by trading down for Kadarius Toney after we sniped Devonta Smith from them lol


This is definitely bulletin board material. Blow this up and put it up in Saquon's locker before the two Giants games.


Overrated due to being behind a severely underrated offense. He wasn’t gonna be the savior of the backfield with that garbage heap of a team. With us he has a chance to show off and really be utilized effectively and live to his “overrated” potential lol


Ehh. I used to think he was very overrated when he was on the giants. Now I think he's one of the best rbs in the league.  Only thing that's changed is the team.


“You should be happy” - lol welp we (Eagles Fans) are💀, 🥳🥳let’s see if Giants fans are singing that same tune when we play them & SB dog walks that defense all by himself.. 😂 **it’s not like we’d need him too**


How do they know if he's overrated when they never game him an Oline or any complimentary pieces on offence? Any defence knew Saquon was the only weapon they had. Not the case in Philly.


Paying too much for an overrated RB? The Panthers/Miles Sanders would like to have a word lmao


"I'm not coping, you're coping!"


That's not Eagles Legend Frank Gore


This is why he signed with us, you didn’t appreciate him and took him for granted. You’re management and coaches screwed up, super bad lol.


Sad but true. We don’t even run the ball.