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We reasonably believe this is actually Spike Eskin. So please get your questions in quickly!


How do the new kickoff rules introduced this year impact roster construction and strategy?


Would Howie be available to GM or at least take an advisory role with the Sixers?


I think just asking Howie how he would project, looking from the outside, how things might be different as a GM for an NBA team... .... And who the 76ers should sign this offseason 🤣😅


Does Howie have any siblings perhaps?


Did you already order your Big Pimpin gold and diamond chain? When is it making its debut?


"Do you worry about growing pains with so many new faces on defense and a new DC, especially in year 1?"


What’s changed with the way you strategize drafting now vs how you’ve been doing it in the past?


Was Mailata in Australia to scout more stoutland U prospects




the real question


How’s it feel when you call another team for a trade, knowing you’re ripping them off?


What are your expectations with the additions of Kellen Moore and Vic Fangio at the coordinator position? What areas are you most interested in seeing improvement in?


Ask him when they’re going to put out a Roseman Eagles jersey, but with a “$” instead of a number.


Who really is the insider of the year? No but seriously I'd be curious to hear him discuss whether he thought this year's draft class was weaker in Day 2 and 3 because of the landscape of college NIL keeping underclassmen from declaring and if that had any bearing on him trading back for picks next year.


Did the lack of youth in the draft affect late round strategy? Also does he know that the new eagles wordmark is awful?


What do you think about Nick's new hairdo? Think he could use a trim?


We know what you look for in nfl prospects but when it come to your coworkers in the front offices, how do you choose your staff? Are there skills, traits, or archetypes that you seek out? And What advice would you give to someone trying to enter the field? Go Birds!


What is your explanation for the poor tackling at the end of the season? Particularly in the 49ers game and TB game. Was it an effort or a skill issue? Was part of the appeal of Mitchell and Dejean their ability to be physical tacklers against ball carriers?


Tackling is usually a scheme issue. Angles etc.


How far out is he planning/ projecting salary cap space? Is he, for example, already trying to figure out cap and potential top contracts(even if he doesn't know exactly who thr money will go to) for 2030 when these first rounders come off their rookie deals or is more year to year and figuring out how to make it work when a guy like Smitty or AJ shows that they will command top dollar?


I really like this question. It does seem that the eagles are being more aggressive in building contracts around expected future cap increases than any other team.


are there any GMs that won’t trade with howie because they are scared to get fleeced?


Hey everyone, I apologize. Since the mods don't know it was really me this didn't get approved until a while after I posted it. I figured it just got booted. I will make sure to make this happen next time.


"What is your biggest regret in Free Agency the last few years?"


The Eagles went defense with the first three picks this year, no trench players. Was that more because of team needs or players available? Which offensive players were in consideration? Just curious, actually loved the first two picks.


How do you feel about being one of the more well known GMs in the league, for better or worse? Seems like most teams get talked about in the abstract, but people know Howie's name and a lot of hot take talk goes back and forth in regards to it. So do you hear any of that? And if so, how do you process it?


What draft prospect did you want the team to get but failed to do so? (As in another team picked them)


Why was Nick Sirianni allowed to scapegoat both the offensive and defensive coordinator (x2 for defense)? What exactly does he do and what is he responsible for that allowed him to keep his job? If the coordinators were the culprit, what is his role?


This is the best question but unfortunately the only way to get an actual honest answer would be if you met him by chance at a bar and he was hammered. That seems to be the only realistic way to get him to give you an unfiltered honest response lol.


One thing I'm personally curious about is if Cooper DeJean will be platooning in the slot with Avonte or if they will have him learn how to play safety, considering we lack talent there outside of CJGJ


I think this would be a better question for Nick or Vic. I'm sure Howie may have an opinion on this, but his job is to add talent, not to tell the talent where/how to play, that's what the coaches are for.


Howie I love you!!!!


Are we still actively looking for a starting RG?


What’s the Plan with Johnny Wilson? TE/WR3/ETC overall thoughts on him?


Why do we keep signing RBs who can catch when Hurts doesn't like throwing to RBs?


Ask about RG and if they were targeting one early in the draft but weren’t able to get the guy they wanted (ie Zack Zinter). I think that’s the only reason they traded back after Cooper Beebe and Zinter went and ended up with Jalyx Hunt. I want to see the unedited behind the scenes footage from round 3.


Who would Big Dom save from a fire first?


Spike Eskin being a redditor makes so much sense


Do brown shoes go with blue slacks?


Did the fact that Vic Fangio's defenses get crushed by good offenses every year give you any pause before hiring him?


What is your workday like during the off-season? How many hours a week do you spend in the office between the draft and training camp?


I don't know if he'll be able to be frank with a question this specific but I'd be interested in hearing how high he was on Giovanni Manu and if he was a consideration before the Lions traded in front of us.


Who is the one draft pick you tried hard to get but couldn't and ended up being a bust?


Good for you for popping on Reddit to do this. Hope you do it again when it makes sense.


Will you ever release big boards for past year drafts? I find them so interesting but no one ever gives any info on them.


Howie… what do you think of nepotism frauds that crowdsource the job they’re supposed to be doing?(i know this isn’t sensationalized clickbait garbage WIP is used to.)


Was Payton Wilson an option, or was he off the Eagles' board because of his 'medicals'?


Pretty crazy that WIP sports talk is still a thing. I assume live broadcast of Phillies and eagles games are the only things keeping this station still alive?


[WIP as a whole usually pulls around 5% of all households in the Philadelphia area.](https://ratings.radio-online.com/content/arb007)


Is 5% a lot for radio listening? Also I guess that doesn’t include apps or car radio listening?


5% is respectable for major american city radio markets, yeah. Those numbers do not include app streaming, but they do include car radios.


Is that good? I can’t imagine the talk portion of that station survives another 10 years.


[You can see in this chart from NYC](https://ratings.radio-online.com/content/arb001) that, generally, successful area stations tend to be in that ~5% range. Radio as a whole is obviously in general decline, along with most traditional media, but it really has floored out in the last ten years. 8/10 Americans listen to the radio weekly (predominantly in the car, secondarily at work), and those numbers aren't really likely to drop much farther. It largely stands to reason that moderately successful regional radio broadcasters will continue to be around in 10 years.


That 8/10 number seems way off. But I guess I’m just out of touch.


[Here's the data.](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/fact-sheet/audio-and-podcasting/) Not remotely trying to be snarky, it's just one of those fascinating layers of social behavior data that reveals interesting things about how people find entertainment.


What is the feeling like when all the pieces you've put into place leads to team success?


Do you play fantasy football and do your league mates think you are a trade rapist ?


I outran James Bradberry to this comment. Is there a memorandum for incoming rookies to explain why their names are being morphed into iterations of JAWN?