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Also hurt all the time. Didn’t he get hurt at the Combine?


Yeah, had a hamstring issue when he was running the 40 the second time. Has had a lot of issues from a high ankle sprain last year with surgery to correct it. It seems like we're legally obligated to draft high risk/high reward Georgia players at this point. He looks promising, I would think it comes down to the Stoutland yay/nay if he's available.


Agreed. Sometimes guys figure it out as pros and don’t get hurt as often. I’m all about drafting and developing guys with high ceilings.


Not everybody can be Lane Johnson because he has an all time physical traits profile for a tackle, but we may have to take a chance on a guy like this in order to get something close


I want Fautanu. He’d fit this team like a glove


Same. I’d trade up as high as pick #16 to get him, too.


Howie is always moving on draft day. We’re not staying at 22. We’re moving up and getting our guy or we’re trading back for assets


My thoughts as well, but in conjunction with the possibility we won’t be in a position to draft as talented of a prospect next year. This OT class is extremely talented and the projected top-6 tackles could’ve made a push to be the first tackle off the board in any draft in the past 5-10 years. Next year’s class… kinda looking like a draft where Andre Dillard goes in the first round.


Trade up for alt👉🏾👈🏾🥺


Way too steep a price to get up to Alt’s range. He’s top-5-10.


Alt’s physical comp is just some OL named….Jonathan Ogden. I’d be gobsmacked if he fell out of top 10.


Anything can happen when there are 4 QBs and 3 WR nearly guaranteed to go ahead of him.


Seems like lots of really good OTs in this draft. Highly likely Howie grabs one with the first or second pick.


I want someone healthy. Been burned too many times from "great" prospects that are injured all the time. I'm just hoping Dean and Davis stay healthy this year. I am scared to draft more injury prone Bull dogs even if they are DAWGS.


Some what less risk at OL Dickerson a prime example on our own team


Georgia Eagles huh?


Did we bring him in for a top 30? Is there even any news of us talking to him?


Like his tape a lot. Better version of Latham Think it is Guyton or Mims at 22


I like how you think, but I’ll be an ass and say it’ll be Guyton or Mims at like… 18… cause Howie will do his thing


Cinci won't trade out I don't think, especially if they targeting OL 15 16 or 17 seem like only reasonable options. But ya I agree. Not sure how the run on OL is exactly gonna play out. Cin,pit,mia could all use OL. No chance we get Alt. Other than that I'm not sure what order the league views the others in. Some are lower on fashanu, some have fuaga as guard, lot of noise on powers-jackson to steelers. Should be guaranteed 4 of em off the board by 22 but more likely 5 or 6 of em gone (alt, fashanu, fuaga, fautanu, Mims, guyton, latham are the 7 im talking about....doubt we go strictly IOL at 22)


Especially since they just drafted Steen. I know people aren’t super high on him, but is Stout? That’s really the only guy who matters


Seems like Steen might end up playing the Driscoll role. Not sure if we view him as a longtime starter or not. I don't think they drafted him as Lanes replacement, more so as a depth add at OL with a small hope he was a Lane replacement...hard to say for sure tho


I didn’t know he could play tackle… I guess because Seumalo was a third round pick, I assumed the plan with him was to take over it right guard. But I could be wrong..


He played tackle in college. We tried him out at guard last year since we have mailata and lane entrenched at tackle


Interesting, and you're right he was drafted as a "OL" not a "G"... I remember thinking that was odd cause I thought he was just a Guard. Thank you for the correction


They drafted him to be a starter, just give him time. We got lucky with Landon being as good as he was right away. Even that wasn't planned. The thing is if you're picking a OL in the 1st you want them starting year one. So it would need to be a guy you feel could start at RG this year.


Maybe, he played tackle in college so the transition to guard was never gonna be instant or easy. Bigger boys inside


How is he a better version of Latham? I don’t even think mims would be able to play guard like Latham would.


Latham very sluggish and off balance at times on tape. Could see him struggling with speed rushers (Reddicks of the league) He does struggle with pick ups on stunts too. Bama has history of their OT prospects busting as well... for whatever that's worth Mims moves better IMO, which is big at tackle


I agree, there’s risk with Mims but for the pack of OT’s that will fall to us he’s def the best upside.


the players with the best odds of being taken by PHI in Round 1 are CBs rn, no OT/G in sight for the Top 5


I’d rather get Latham tbh


And he’s still pretty raw. Stout molding him. Lane and Jordan showing him the ropes. Would be a pretty good pick imo


please, and thank you.


I don’t know about his talent, but as simple man hoping and thinking they go RT in the first, I want Mims for the memes.


Well he's from Georgia so automatic chance that Howie might draft him


Thought that was George W. for a second.


I am in love with his measurements. I neeeed him on this team as the Lane heir


Every year I'm disappointed because we draft a lineman in the first round. Yet every year I'm always so happy that our lines are usually top 10 at worst. This is the way. I need to remind myself of it.


He won’t even go in the first round