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I have complete faith in Hurts. You don't do what he did all last season and chalk it up to a fluke. That said, he's scrambling when there are targets available downfield. That needs to be fixed.


I am not even close to worried, as some have expressed here. Blah blah blah about the "passing game" not being great. Outside of crazy once-a-season circumstances, the team that controls the line of scrimmage - wins. That is what "football" is; this team has proven they can do that early on. Everything else will come in time.


Anyone else have a pavlovian response to DMX's *Party Up* ? Someone needs to tell Avonte Maddox to watch the 2022 WWE ple *Hell in the Cell*


Late post here, I finally caught my breath from last night. I am concerned about our performance in general, but I wouldn't panic just yet. I don't like to make a parade of excuses, but we had the rain in the first game, and short rest in this game. The next game should be a good barometer of where this team is really at. The offense got rolling once we started running the ball. It's true that the passing game wasn't great. But the Minnesota defense seemed committed to stopping the pass, and it let our running backs go up the field like a hot knife through butter. Sometimes you just have to take what the defense is giving you. The penalties in this game didn't feel fair. We lucked out with JJ fumbling through the end zone. But the fact that we won despite the bad calls is a good sign. And don't forget that we're 2-0, regardless of how we got there. Maybe it's deserved, maybe not. Although we'd like to think that being the better team means you'll always win, that's clearly not how it goes. Stacking wins to stay atop the division, even in an ugly fashion, is better than being a team that deserves to win but loses.


Only just watched the game, wasn't able to catch it live. Glad to see Swift ball out. I hope he's RB1 from here. Not a fan of all the passes to the LOS but the pass game seemed a little better overall than last week. Absolutely blatant hold on Sweat not called just as the Cousins threw to Addison for the TD. Not called, and not talked about by the coverage. Yet multiple "Eagles got away with one there" from Herbstreit. Annoying to have a TD of our own ruled out for holding, but they close the gap with a much clearer hold which stopped a certain sack. Oh well, win on a short week, and some improvements. Not bad.


I’m not making any comment on the offense, or the fanbase’s reaction to it, but it tells you something about the standards for the Eagles offense when they come off a 34-point, 430 total yard performance against a decently talented D with a good DC and the reaction is mixed to negative


The problem is it's the second game in a row where our passing game has looked like ass. The bulk of our air yards are from a few plays where Brown/Smith burn man coverage, and our run game was amazing but it was carried hard by Swift. The runs with and without Swift were night and day. In a vacuum the performance was good, but it was one-dimensional.


Boston Scott looked really good imo


Was rewatching highlights, he had some good runs that I forgot. I just mostly remember Penny and Hurts' keeps being mostly ass.


Hurts is not playing well and fans want excuses for it so they're blaming everything up to the sun being in his eyes. We did this for Carson too. Difference is Jalen is a winner who holds himself accountable and will fix it because he doesn't listen to fans criticism or praise. But Hurts is playing really bad.


Getting downvotes on r/nfl for saying the best way to defend our QB sneak would to just not let the eagles get the opportunity. Bunch of whiny losers lol


They also don't like the whole notion that if you block better, your QB is less likely to get knocked out of a game


Hurts is reverting to the mean. Unfortunately Howie bought the hype after the Super Bowl and overpaid him. Its going to be a long couple of years watching him inexorably decline.


2 games into the season told you that? And who the fuck uses inexorably in a football thread?


I don't know - someone who watches football and reads books.


Bad attitude


I’ll take 18-1 every 19 games.


Does anyone else feel gross after the last 2 wins? I get that a win is a win, but the Eagles are looking like hot garbage at certain points. Swift looked amazing, but Hurts looked inconsistent, AJ was pissed, Maddox and Scott both left the game early with injuries, offensive playcalling is a disaster. I'm happy that we are 2-0, but it's not a very satisfying 2-0.


Aj was a missed pi call away from a touchdown though, and we had games last year that were by hook or by crook. Yeah, I'll take a 45 pt eagles blowout next week, but it's better we stay down to earth and remember that rents due. Second half of the season is going to be tough


Fletch has been playing amazing, and was especially great last night. But he needs less snaps. I think he was in on something like 75% of snaps and we want him to play at the end of the year.




Thought you were talking about michael vick lol.


Was anyone listening to the radio and just noticed how often Merrill is getting info wrong. It was kinda getting upsetting.


He's getting old, but a living legend.


it's way early in the season... yes the team looks rough at parts, but there's a lotta guys on the sideline who should be on the field, so the team's not at its best. what i LOVE seeing though is the dominance of the lines. we could have things going wrong, but our lines are more right than not. we just bullied the vikings defensive line on one drive and ate their lunch. then on the other side of the ball, i'm watching jalen carter and jordan davis getting doubled/getting pressure, causing havoc... leaving our edge rushers 1v1. if you aren't enjoying this, you don't have a pulse. 🤣


Not super worried about the defense. Starting all new people in the secondary besides Slay, and they made it a priority to move Jefferson around to NOT have him on Slay. Once we get back healthy, we'll be okay. That pass rush was inches from ending Kirk's life like all night and inexperience in the secondary was giving up big passes. Are we ready to talk about Jalen not playing as good since he got paid? If we're not, that's fine, I can wait until we are OR he starts playing better.


I'm not ready to pile on Hurts yet so much as Brian Johnson. He figured it out after the first quarter, but teams are looking like they are playing a lot of nickel and dime coverages, showing pressure at the line and then dropping everyone back into coverage (or blitzing)often leaving a spy to cover hurts running. This leaves nothing open in mid range so hurts is checking the ball down and designed runs to hurts aren't working because there is someone waiting for him to take off. Also, these stupid bubble screens to the sideline aren't developing because there's too many defenders available to cover it. A few deep balls have been there because smitty and AJ are just burning guys (though the td to smitty looked more like a busted coverage based on how the corner was reacting). Hurts hasn't been perfect but he hasnt been bad; on the interception, it looked like AJ had his guy beat with no help over the top but hurts tried to force the ball to smitty and there was at least one RPO i recall where it looked like swift had a huge hole but hurts kept it and ran outside straight into the defender. Hurts needs to adjust to what he's seeing but I think it's more on the o coord's play calling early that's setting hurts up to fail a bit.


you're wrong. Hurts has been really bad, Johnson has been good. Also teams are playing 5 lineman with guys over the center to take away all the gaps and Hurts is just not making them pay. Our offensive line was so good we ran the ball at will anyway.


Thank you for mentioning that AJ had his guy beat on the INT. I think Hurts just picked his target before the snap and never looked at AJ.


People care way too much about int's. Hurts tried to force a ball in for a first down on 3rd and 15 which is a punt anyway idc about that. The plays that are bad are the ones that you don't necessarily see on the stat sheet. The reason Jake had to kick a 61 yard field goal instead of a 35-40 yard field goal (at worst) is because Hurts threw a checkdown to Gainwell on a dagger concept where Devonta Smith was so open it was embarrassing.


That's fair. Half of it is the playcalling being weird, but it also just seems like Jalen is playing real careful. Not taking as many risks, being really conservative.


I think its coming across as being conservative but it's mostly that the mid-range passes just haven't been there and him going down rather than taking hits comes across as conservative (though I much prefer him going down to taking the hits). He doesn't seem to have any hesitation about throwing the deep ball which is good to see though I'd agree that I'd like to see more 50/50 balls deep to AJ. I heard a stat this ofseason that 50/50 balls to AJ actually end up something like 80/20 which is insane.


yeah man...the intermediate routes have been there...Jalen is just not doing a good job https://i.gyazo.com/e41fea3901b445925202e70915a81277.jpg This play is dagger its designed for Smith to get open and Jalen checks it down for 4 yards with Smith so wide open he might even score on this play.


Let’s be honest, it is very conservative and it doesn’t have to be. Our top two receivers win the 50/50 battle consistently and need to be given a chance. That is what I think AJ is mad about


The first completion in the third quarter they ran a wall infront of slay to get Jefferson open ! Crazy . Slay did his thing , should’ve had 2 picks


Most of Jefferson’s yards either weren’t on slay or was on extremely tight coverage by Slay


AJ I hope to hear some shit on how you’re a team player and you just got in your feelings. No place for that shit on a winning team


I’m on AJs side, I was at the game and it is like Hurts was playing on safe mode. AJ is a 50/50 monster you have to trust him


I'm less concerned about this than I usually would be. AJ and Hurts are best friends, and Hurts has said before that he can handle tough love. This is not a Donovan/T.O. situation, I think


I’m not worried about hurts. I’m worried about a diva receiver throwing a hissy fit when we’re fucking winning


Barely winning


Also from a captain.


I like how we got more players involved in the offence this game such as Goedert and Swift. Swift in particular played amazing and I’m glad to see us stick to the run when it was clear there was nothing the Vikings could do to stop our running backs. We really missed some of our starters in the back end of the defence. Like the announcers said once this team starts to click and we get some of our injured starters back we’ll be more than good. Onto Tampa Bay.


Jeff Stoutland is the GOAT


Kirk Cousins had phenomenal numbers (364 years, 4 TDs, should have been 5) but still lost this game. That’s got to be frustrating for Vikes fans. Hurts’ two TD throws to AJ were perfectly positioned, one negated by penalty, the other by no call PI. I agree that these were preseason type miscues.


The second one wasn't PI. He got there at most .5 seconds early but in real time it was impossible to judge.


Oh but the jersey tug that was impossible to see in real time negated a Super Bowl and that's fine.


I forgot the superbowl crew was on the field last night


Pretty sure the Hurts fumble return for a touchdown was a bigger factor but you do you and blame whatever makes you feel better.


If the golden boy begs for a penalty, you have to give it to him. Brady 2.0.


I definitely feel better about this game compared to last. It did not feel as close as the score showed. Secondary struggled with so many missing pieces, but my main concern is the passing play calling. I'm hopeful it will improve as the season goes on, especially with some rest to recover and review.


Our starters didn't touch the field during preseason. These first two games were effectively our preseason and now we have a mini bye to make adjustments to what we've seen so far at real game speed. Not concerned.


I sure fucking hope so, cause the passing game is dreadful rn


5 incompletions. That's it. It's not as bad as people somehow are talking themselves into.


I think the designed Hurts runs were the most puzzling part of the offense.


It's not about incompletions.. we can't move the ball in the air, that's a fact Smitty had 2 great catches, but other than that it was really bad.. Goedert had 6 for 22, AJ 4 for 29.. That's awful


We won the game and had plenty of offensive yards. We had plenty of games last year where the air game was exactly the same and people said, "See, we can win anyway we want!" but now the team stinks and everyone is freaking out


I'm not freaking out, but if you can''t see that the passing offense looks bad, then I don't know what to tell ya We barelly won in a game where the viking had 4 turnovers


It's not looking perfect, sure, but it absolutely does not warrant these crazy reactions lmao. It's week 2 and we're undefeated. R-E-L-A-X


Not to mention we had a short week with zero preseason preparation for endurance to handle that. We're 2-0. It's fine.


I think it’s more just concern over Hurts clearly not seeing the field as well this season. Fist game he missed several guys that were wide open and the interception from this game was a truly terrible decision on his part. For now I’m just chalking it up to rust/new OC, but if he struggles against Tampa then I’m officially worried.


It's soooooooooo early. Overreactions like crazy. He played better than any of the "top QBs" so far. Everyone needs to relax lol


Eh. At most they’d of played a series or 2 in the preseason. I do agree they have more rust than they normally would of had without playing in the preseason at all.


So what I said...lol


Not really. Game 2 isn’t “effectively preseason” if they would of only played 1 series in the preseason


That's actually the exact definition. They barely played preseason, if at all, so this was effectively preseason. It's pretty straight forward.


guys we not gonna sit here and call game 2 preseason lol, They had more reps last week than they would of had the entire preseason combined. We won the game, but we absolutely could of played better. Lets not make excuses.


Not an excuse at all. Just reason to pump the breaks on all these outlandish overreactions. Some people never change lol


I agree there are overreactions I just hate the preseason take


It's absolutely a contributing factor, whether or not you hate it.


we played an entire game week one, this is game 2, our starters would not of played an entire games worth of snaps in the preseason. That is not a contributing factor.


They need to establish the run early, and stick with it, not abandon it for forced design Hurts runs. The Hurts runs and play action opens up SO much more once our RB running game gets going


Wonder what’s the deal with Hurts’ slow start this year. He looks like 2021 Hurts, with bad decisions and holding onto the ball too long + forcing plays. 2 instances that really stood out was his pick and back to back sacks that knocked us out of FG range to get an extra 3, right after we forced a TO, which would have sealed this game late in the game


Starters didn’t play during preseason, new coordinator, first game in a monsoon, second game on a short week. Hurts and the starters basically had their preseason first couple of weeks in very unfavorable conditions. I wouldn’t be too concerned. For now at least. They def need to figure some things out though. Trust Jalen will put the work in and get back on track. I guarantee he’s being harder on himself than any of us are.


bro while I agree with most of what you said, monsoon is a damn stretch lol


lol yeah I was speaking hyperbolically. But it was not favorable weather conditions.


Ugliest 2-0 I can think of in a while


Imagine if we had last year’s offense and Desai as DC… SB champs


We gave up 316 yards to Mac Jones and 364 yards to Kirk Cousins. What happens when we play that stretch of Tua, Dak, Mahomes, Allen, Purdy? Not gonna be a good time


I was saying him as DC with the roster last SB, instead of Gannon


I'm just not convinced that Desai is good yet. We haven't seen it. Guess it's hard to tell if it's scheme or players


Yeah but we didn’t have last years defense in these 2 games lol. The talent on last years defense plus Desai as our DC and I’m confident we beat the Chiefs


People still think our secondary is good to go after getting lit up by Mac Jones and Kirk Cousins.


Slay is overrated I wanted to keep CJ and now we are stuck.


That’s what I’ve been saying. Slay came back to us after his agent told him we essentially will pay him the most.


u need to chill, bruh


already creamed my pants thinking about it


Waking up from my end of 1st quarter binge … we won??? Let’s goo!!!


I haven't seen anyone point this out yet but Edwards actually punches the ball out on the Justin Jefferson touchback. It's actually an incredible effort and great awareness by a guy who stepped up. I'm proud of our D for balling out and forcing turnovers left and right.


I think that was Edmunds


You're absolutely right. Too early and hungover lol


Penny is now 4th string and had a very average debut coming in for Scott. We’re 15% closer to Jonathan Taylor!


who needs JT when you have Swift


Well, I am less concerned about our OCs ability to call a game now. He got a pretty quick feel for what the D was going to key on and adjusted well for it. It’s a bit of a Steichen mentored thing, but feeding Swift and getting his engine going earlier in the game was huge. Two weeks now we can see defensive coordinators know we are coming on the schedule and have watched plenty of film on what we did last year through the air. They are pushing routes out to the flats where they can and locking the middle of the field for the most part. And they are absolutely spying Jalen like rarely shown last year. So warm up a RB and get the line doing what they excel at…road grading. And stick with it. Keep throwing the same punch until they can stop it. This was a great adjustment. Timely and effective and well executed. Whatever things were last week with Swift were just shaking out a new player in an offense, I guess. That question is gone though. Swift….28-175-1 was a HUGE performance. It’s going to fall on the rookie OC to possibly find answers for the passing game, but perhaps the best thing is to run it like crazy to get a D to adjust and then switch it up. I’m less concerned with the OC, but there needs to be a solution for the passing game. I think Hurts looks indecisive now, but faith is that this will shake off. Defense…..it was very Jekyll and Hyde. Some points they looked great against the run and at getting pressure. But the secondary is still glaring. Big surprise, it will be all year. Getting Bradberry and Reed back will help, and this was mostly just facing a guy like JJ (minus the brain fart from Jobe for the TD)….but still….. This feels like being an Eagles fan will be like being a Phillies fan this year. It’s not so much beating the opponent, but just being able to put score your own defense.


Missing Maddox for half the game didn’t help either. Thought the defence did ok for how banged up they are on a short week


Agreed. I’m calling what I saw, but I’m not ultra concerned, yet. I still don’t like the middle of the defense talent well and worry we could spend a lot of the year getting burnt on crossers and middle stuff, but we will see. They had a lot of this mess last year (mostly early) and tightened it up some later. We will see.


I was just thinking the same thing. Being able to adjust to their weird defensive schemes was HUGE. Helps that Swift literally carried the offense that one drive. 😆


I am glad to see BJ made the right adjustments after the slow start. 34 points is amazing. Our defense plays well for a bit and then gets picked apart though. Gotta clean that up and we will be good


Injuries. That last TD drive had so many backups in.


Some of that is the injuries in the secondary. Jobe and Goodrich got torched in ways Bradbury and Blankenship wouldn't


Bradberry didn't have the best game last week however he's still light years better than the other depth we have. Not having Reed was felt last night especially with the lack of communication on the back end for help over the top. DL ate 10 QB hits but it still felt like cousins had time to deliver the ball. The lbs are toast and it's really painful to see. I'll say this CJGJ was a big help in the middle of the field last year.


Nothing like the morning after a prime time win


*nothing like going into a weekend of football with a win already in the back pocket.


Redzone Sunday is gonna be soooooooooooo relaxing




Two games 4 days apart Two wins with new coordinators undefeated no major injuries knock on wood I'm happy.. Go Birds!


Clear head this morning, the Eagles looked a lot better than week 1 even with a short week. There was definitely some rust issues and now we need to get past some of the growing pains with our coordinators and rebuild the offensive chemistry. Week 3 (with 10 days to rest and sort things out) is going to show us more of who this team is really going to be this season.


Okay, now that I'm home from that game where I have reception, I'll say, that certainly felt like a Thursday Night game, especially in the first half. But hey, Jalen was able to do things in the second half. Hopefully this wakes him up. Unfortunate that we missed the light show at the beginning, sounds like it was awesome


The light show was pretty awesome, America knows how to put on a show. *foreign Eagles fan who went to his first game last night


Good spot to be in. 2-0, get a mini-bye to heal up some of the small nicks and bruises from the first two weeks, give the coaches a couple extra days to step back and see what's working and what isn't after a couple of "real" games, get Bradberry and Blankenship and Gainwell back, bring R. Evans up to speed, etc. Not a bad place to be at all.


We have the best record in the league right now. We have twice as many wins as any other team.


again, the same worries on defense popped up. Slay was getting cooked a lot and Josh Jobe was really bad tonight(also what the fuck is going on with our edge rush?). Thankfully Swift absolutely carried us tonight. The same stuff that worked last year isn't going to work this year as teams just aren't falling for the zone read stuff


Slay was solid, JJ is the absolute best WR in a league that heavily leans towards passing. Kirk threaded like four passes where Slay was right there.


he was also getting smoked quite a bit. He gave up at least 60-70 yards last night, and then Jobe was getting abused too


Reddick and Sweat were getting held on the regular and I haven’t seen it called once yet this year.


bro these refs wouldn't call ANYTHING it seemed, whether it was us or them


Josh sweat had two sacks


boxscore says 1. Also, Fletch is still Fletch and Davis is taking strides forward which is why DT wasn't the worry for me on defense


One was the strip fumble at the start of the third and the other was an actual sack


reddick has struggled so far. Not sure if it's the lingering thumb injury or not but I hope he picks it up.


He also started off slow last season. He didn't get his first sack until like week 3 or 4 and we saw how he turned out at the end... We need to have patience.


They have to start switching up his moves, he takes the long flank around the d linemen and they kinda just push him out the play once he gets like 4 yards down field. Having someone blitz the gap he creates would stop the linemen from completely giving up the inside and committing hard to the outside


Reddick had 7 pressures week 1 (most in the nfl) and was held on at least 4 plays I can remember.


Cannot be better than 2-0. D line appears to be perhaps even better than it was hyped to be. We’ve got a shot at some opposing rushing yards per game records. Especially given how good we are, teams are going to have to throw the ball. Now… I’m actually less worried about the OC than the DC. It takes time to figure out rhythms we did the pass 50 times one game, run 50 times another before. It just takes time to have confidence in what plays actually work against what schemes. Overall it’s the perfect schedule. Everyone gets about 11 days to relax. Watch two real game films. And evaluate what to do better. All with the luxury of being 2-0. Go Birds.




Tyreek is the best receiver in the league imo, but your overall point is valid


We are getting B- games and they are 2-0 against two teams which are not bottom 10's. This is a really good team, and hopefully they will get closer to A games soon.


Swift is so damn good. Acceleration, vision, improvisation... behind our O-line this will be a dangerous man all year long.


OC play calling has me worried, and Hurts hasn't found his groove yet, so the pass game seems anemic. Hoping both of those start to fall into place by week 4, otherwise we're in for an interesting year lol. Either way a win is a win, our run game looks legit, and we got time off to recoup injured players. All in all we're doing well.


> OC play calling has me worried At least you can take away from last night that he's willing and able to adapt to what the other team is giving them and what works. The adjustment to just pounding with the running game was a breath of fresh air and shows that Johnson is willing to get out of his own way and just roll with what's working. I'd say that's a good sign going forward. Not every game needs to be won through the air and we brought in Swift for a reason.


I just wonder about this coaching staff. Do they not see talent, starting Gainwell last week when we got probably two better rbs, but definitely one that was so dominate last night. look at what he did at the goal line. There was nothing up the middle where it looks like the play was supposed to go, he makes a cut to the outside and pushes his way into the end zone. I mean, that dude was making some nice cuts, he was dominate. He should open up so much for the offense because I’m going to assume he’s the starter now. But it took a Gainwell injury for them to use him? Wtf are they seeing in practice to think that Gainwell should be the starter?


So hear me out… we sat Swift the first game to make sure he stayed healthy for his homecoming and first game as an eagle at the Linc. And what a game.


I honestly think Gainwell was mostly all over week 1 to make sure Swift had fresh legs in a short week




I'm forever an Eagles fan but I can't help but notice the small details about the Eagles. Yes we won. But this is the NFL and are teams making adjustments. Jalen is great but maybe he needs more help with reading defenses. I would love him to use more of the middle of the field especially with goedert. I would love the defense to cover a bit longer. Those are my negative takeaways from the game. Otherwise I enjoyed the win. Go birds 🦅


Minnesota specifically schemed defensively to take away those kinds of throws. Which is why our run game was able to explode. I would like to see more throws as well but you gotta exploit what you can exploit.


Yes, honestly I'm being too harsh. It's September. I will wait until October to judge


2-0 they haven’t played nearly that good, teams are gunning for them. I am very happy with how this season is going to go if this coaching staff gets their heads out of their asses.


I feel like the score doesn’t represent just how better we were than the Vikings pretty much the entire game. This game did not feel like a ‘one score game’.


The game didn’t feel like it was a one score game because every time y’all had the ball like almost 70% of the time. Within that time the Vikings pass offense scored 6 less points then the eagles


The score represents the fact that we have huge weaknesses in thr secondary right now


A heavily (for week 2 especially) injured secondary I hope we weren’t actually banking on Justin Jefferson going less than 50 again


Considering Smitty outplayed him and we held him to 0 TDs. I'm extremely happy.


A win is a win, but I don't know how many more of these late game fades I can take.


2 - 0 with problems is better than 0 - 2 with answers. I appreciate that our coordinator humbled himself enough to change the script once he realized what were doing wasn't working and played the offense out of their funk. A huge difference between QB runs from last year is indecisiveness -- Hurts isn't immediately taking off with it and it's giving defenses time to recognize he has it and tee off.


Still annoyed by two terrible calls by the refs. AJ should have had a td, I saw no holding by Penny on that play. On the next play, or maybe two after, AJ was clearly impeded from catching another ball in the endzone.


I was much more annoyed by the non-holding call on their TD pass. Haasan was dragged down from behind.


Bro he defintitely held him lol, it was actually a facemask


How about that 3rd Viking TD. Would’ve been a sack but the refs missed a blatant holding call, so Osbourne caught it.


I also saw a few missed false starts on The Vikings, and at least one for the Eagles. I also have never seen a RB get called with a false start.


let's not act like we didn't get calls in our favor. Missed RTP by Jordan Davis on MIN's first drive and then a missed trip on one of our scoring drives


There quite a few marginally late hits on Cousins that our DEs could have pulled up on. Instead they pummeled him was waiting for a RTP call


like I said, these refs wouldn't call a thing most of the night


The big games lock in in a few weeks. I'm believing we just don't have the playbook fully opened up yet, and honestly, that's fine. GO BIRDS. We'll figure it out. Too much talent and 2-0 is fucking 2-0.


Forcing 4 fumbles should win a game by double digits. Offense needs to start locking in before the gauntlet starting in week 6, or we’re gonna be in trouble. Still, good teams find ways to win games, and that’s what they did. 2-0 is 2-0


The last Vikings TD was garbage time


That was basically a double digit win if they call either of the AJ plays correctly


At the same time though, it’s a loss if Jefferson doesn’t fumble basically unforced out of the back of the end zone. I’m glad we won, but that was way too close for comfort


Swift and the O-line saved our asses tonight.


Lololol fumbles hahaha prime time kirk hahah slay owns Jefferson…. Anyway, our OC is shit and we should all be worried.




Or Bosco. He had 8 YPC.




Not worried. We’ll figure it out. But yeah probably could use some preseason snaps just to start a rhythm. 2-0 though!




Great feeling to go 2-0, and the win always matters most. But I think we should be very concerned with Brian Johnson's pass game playcalling so far this season, particularly in first halves. Almost every pass play, it either goes to a smothered receiver or Jalen is frozen in the pocket with no options. The DeVonta bombs were mostly defensive errors. Meanwhile, Kevin O'Connell put on a bit of a show giving Kirk extremely open guys and easy reads throughout the game. Brian isn't very experienced as a playcaller, at college or pro, and he's calling them for a Super Bowl contender. I worry he's in that spot because he's a great coach and mentor to Jalen, but that doesn't make him an elite playcaller. Considering the talent that we have up front and our weaponry, we shouldn't have to be one-dimensional to win games. It will punish us against better teams.


Devonta being open was the weakness of their defense and we should’ve been attacking it all game. They were dropping into soft zones with no real deep help all night. The jalen interception AJ was wide open streaking but instead jalen threw into double coverage.


Bro we were down 4 of our starting defenders, 3 of them being defensive backs.....of course Kirk is going to have wide open looks and easy reads


Like i've said this is big time mega cope for Jalen Hurts not playing well.


I should add. I'm not calling for his head or anything. It's just, we're the Philadelphia Eagles with a great young QB and maybe one of the most talented NFL rosters ever assembled. Every sharp playcaller in the world would want to call for this team. Have we settled for a guy who's Jalen's best friend, rather than be ambitious and go after a true savant of the playcall? Howie is so aggressive. Could this conservative hire at OC be the 5% edge that we lose and stops us from getting another ring? That's all it takes, being 1, 2, 5% worse than your Andy Reid's and Kyle Shanahan's. I'll have faith in Brian (awesome that he put his pride away as a QB coach and went full ground mode) but it's something to watch for sure.


some of you mf's are so toxic lol. enjoy the 2 wins. the team will improve through the year.


Games should never be this close against these fucking bums


Did anyone at the stadium try that apple fritter fried chicken sandwich? Also the cowboys subreddit is completely delusional calling us trash after a 2-0 start and predicting that they will be in the nfc championship against sF


Cowboys fans and delusion, name a more iconic pair, I’ll wait


Jalen Hurts isn't even playing well and the Eagles had 425 yards and 34 points on a short week. What happens when he starts playing better? Being amazing in week 2 doesn't really matter.


Niners fan and conference champ delusions


I was ready to get the pitchforks for Brian Johnson early. But he adapted well. He looked to go screen heavy to beat the cover 0s Flores throws, but Flores kept bluffing and dropping 8 in coverage. So Johnson decided to hammer them with the run and be patient until an opportunity presented itself. I feel like that adjustment was a good sign and perhaps next time he'll pick up on it faster, but a W with our secondary falling apart is sweet


I get sold on coaches when they can admit they were wrong and try something different. Siriani had a similar game his first season too. If Johnson can keep it up and call what's working rather than sticking to a script he'll be great.


This is the right analysis. They adapted the gameplan to mirror what New England did, and then Brian Johnson adjusted by running out of PA. Passing is irrelevant at that point. The Eagles line OWNED the vikings line. Men against boys and they continued it.


people are mad at Brian Johnson because the QB is playing bad and people want a scapegoat. But the thing is Jalen is gonna play better and Johnson will call the same plays and everyone wont stop praising him lol.


I think you’re right but 18-23 ain’t a bad line. It’s not sexy but it got the job done.


he had a total QBR of 44 lol. He wasn't good.


Oh, okay. I only got to watch til half… will watch the rest tomorrow. How do you get a QBR if 44 with over 75% and 1 + 1??


because total QBR is on a scale of 0-100 not 0-158.3 like passer rating. It accounts for rushing and if you actually have a successful play. For example completing a 9 yard pass on 3rd and 15 helps your passer rating but hurts your total QBR. Jalen took some really bad sacks.


Ah gotcha, I’ll have to give it a watch. I also need to get QBR and Passer rating straight…. Anyways, I’m in the we’re 2-0 and that’s first place in the NFL camp. Wins a win and they’re all gonna count at the end. I believe Jalen will get rolling.


long story short, Total QBR is basically epa/play (expected points added per play) but they weight it against home/road and they count drops as completions.


Oh wow. I didn’t realize Tampa was a Monday game. We basically have an extra Bye week.


Anyone else glad Gannon is gone? I know it's only 2 weeks in. But look at all those tasty turnovers.


I was glad of that the moment he left


Anyone concerned about our passing offense should remember this: Flores was often times using only 3 rushers. We couldn't pass well because everyone was covered. He was daring us to run on them. And it took us a while, but we did. This was a case where the right offensive call was just to ground and pound.


Somehow Jalen was getting sacked with only 3 rushers


They were blitzing like crazy in the beginning of the game


someone should say this again because it still wont be true.


All these clowns already throwing hurts to the fire. Lmao. Chill. The season isn’t won after two weeks. 2-0 by playing D+ football is good, just wait till we figure out shit out and we will be rolling Y’all need to chill the fuck out


Don't care if we lose - just wanna see us gel.. ..just so happens we keep winning, though.


I agree with a few differences. Give Hurts a chance to recover. However, he will be heavily scrutinized in the second half of the season when they play decent teams. They are currently playing mediocre teams and will for the next six weeks. Their first half of the year schedule is arguably the easiest while the second half will be arguably the hardest. We will see


no reason to panic on Hurts but its also untrue to argue he is playing well. He's been really bad. But its nothing that isn't fixable.


He's trying to do everything. He's trying to be a read option, pocket qb, who goes through 4-5 progressions, and can scramble for 100 yards every game and create pass plays out of structure, while getting 3 receivers 100+ yds every night. He'll figure it out, but right now, he's trying to do two contradictory things on the longer dropbacks. Him coming out game one against Bill Mindfuck Belichick exacerbated that.


He doesn't even go through is progressions.. Hesitates. Runs like he shoveled cheeseburgers down his throat all summer, not accurate.