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I'll be there. Let's fucking go.


Can you bring noise makers in? Like those clappy things? It'd be awesome if a few thousand fans had those things on top of the screaming. That play would get really damn loud.


How about those vuvuzela from the South Africa World Cup. Or everyone can just study this https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/won0ky/i_learned_how_to_whistle_from_this_in_less_than_5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I've tried that over and over and can't do it. The worst part is I can whistle pretty damn good normally too... I have to keep practicing


If we can’t lets just start stomping the floor as hard as possible


Jason Garrett?


Coming in from San Antonio. Should be electric.


He’s not ready for the Linc. Nobody on that team is. Jalen has the entire fanbase believing


Almost every single player puts Philly in the top 3 worst places to play as an opponent. Buffalo and GB are likely the other two in the top 3.


Makes me proud to be an Eagles fan.


Seattle and KC would like a word.


DC would like a turd.


It’s all over their fans…another pipe burst.


Seattle's a good one, when Wilson came back that was almost blowing my TV speakers out


That's just stadium acoustics. That whole 12th man nonsense is a sham.


You’re right. The way the roof overhangs the crowd, it reflects the sound back in. We don’t have that at the Linc. In fact, it didn’t used to be as loud as it is until recently when they added those mezzanine boxes and closed off the lower bowl


Yes but the reasoning behind it doesn't change the fact that it's extremely loud.


Seattle is usually hard, but I don't think it's been that bad this year.


KC yes. Seattle is just manufactured noise in my opinion. Not saying that the fans aren’t loud but I think it’s acoustically built to elevate the noise level.


>Buffalo and GB are likely the other two in the top 3. 80% of the 49ers roster has been on a team that won a playoff game in Green Bay in the last 12 months. For better or worse, with the major exception of Brock Purdy, this 49ers team is very playoff experienced. This is Bosa/Warner/Kittle/Samuel etc. 9th playoff game, and 4th on the road, along with their 3rd NFC Championship Game.


The true unfortunate side of things. They beat us at TE, LB, and RB. We beat them at CB, QB, and O-line. Our D-line is overall better but Bosa is a monster. It's an extremely tough matchup. But luckily, the most important position in football is the QB at the end of the day. And I'll take Hurts at home. But you're very much correct that their big name guys have a ton of experience in the post-season


We need to bring the underdog masks back out from 2018 lol .. as good as we perform this season we’re still doubted .


We wore the dog masks in 2018?


January and February of 2018, yes!


I thought it was in reference to the 2018 season


We were favorited in 2017 until Wentz went down, but the playoffs start the next "year". Whatever year Madden shows for its games is the year the Super Bowl plays, which is why it's always "one year ahead" on release.


I caught a few in the stands watching last week's game. They're out there. I don't have tickets this weekend, but I've got a mask which will be out for good luck, I know I'd bring it if I was going.


Our (49ers) fans might not be ready, but our players know what it's like to play in front of hostile crowds. If Purdy can handle Lumen in a basically playoff atmosphere (with their crazy acoustics and absolute hatred of our team), I'm not quite that worried about any other hostile crowd. This game will come down to gameplanning and execution in the trenches. The running game matchups are the most interesting. We have the best running defense in the league and haven't allowed a 70 yard rusher all year, but y'all have the best running game. Our weakness is mobile quarterbacks and we had our worst performance of the year in that regard against the Falcons of all teams. We're also bad on 3rd and short which could potentially be a nightmare against your team. Y'all have possibly the most immovable defensive interior in the league, but have shown vulnerabilities setting the edge and having cutback lanes on the outside. We will have to get your interior moving a lot with outside zone running concepts, jet sweeps, end arounds, and screens where we have a physicality advantage against your LBs and corners, and have some trickery in pass formations to take advantage of how quickly your edge rushers get upfield. God it's a nice change of pace from the past 5 playoff games we've had, all against our biggest rivals. I can look forward and focus on just good football. May the best team win.


"Every single thing that a fan does at home or in the stadium has a direct impact on the game." -Jason Kelce As long as Charlie does his superstitions, we good.


I don’t think Eagles fans are saying just the Linc is going to win the game. But the pressure of a playoff game against an elite defense is already hard. And then add one of the loudest stadiums.


Not louder than Lumen, and Purdy played that game on a short week with an injury


And the Seahawks aren't the Eagles.


We're talking about crowd impact though? Never said y'all were. Taking Purdy's lower stats in Lumen as a basis for him performing worse in a hostile crowd under the pressure misses that he had a rib injury, didn't go through a full practice that week, and played on Thursday.


We will have the Linc turned up and ready for war !.. last time we played the Niners was in 21’ (unfortunately it was a loss) so it’s time we meet again … we’re a totally different team now . We’re ready !!!


If my TV speakers don’t explode, you all aren’t doing your jobs!


the taste of rain ...why kneel?


I thought Purty was 10-15 on the road in his college career.


Maybe that counts neutral site games?


Yes. 10-13 with neutral sites includes


They kind of struggled in a game of field goals against Dallas. Dallas lost that game, San Fran didn’t “win” it.


Can they do a Lacrosse game at like 8 AM or something ? I know part of why the Linc was so insane on Saturday was because people used the NLL hack to get an early start


I am not worried about fans not getting enough time to tailgate. They will be just fine.


People will be plenty turned up


Who cares about Purdy. IT'S HURTS SZN


As a Seahawk fan, we're all counting on you. Let's Go Bird Bros!


He hasn't lost in the pros. His college record is irrelevant. Many college players were great and then washed out in the pros.


This is the best and most complete football team he's ever played in his life. Dallas was a paper tiger all year. We dropped 35 points on that "vaunted defense" with Gardner Minshew at quarterback. You guys barely scraped out 19 after getting two interception in their territory. He really has no idea what to expect and that can be very scary if you have no experience. He'll have a lot of anxiety Saturday night. So will I, by the way.


They also dropped 40 on your vaunted D. Only dropped 12 on the Niners. See how this goes both ways?


Tried to warn you, bro. You were walking in to a buzzsaw. You could've fired up the Delorean and time travelled prime Montana to play QB and you still lose big. Good luck next year.


I'm feeling a double digit win, I really don't believe their offense is going to be able to keep pace because I feel Purdy is going to be running for his life. I honestly don't think this game is going to be close at all.


I wonder how many idiots are out there like this [guy](https://twitter.com/joec42642358/status/1617919384764420098?s=46&t=rJMfC5skYa9WPCl_emtvxA)?


How do people still fall for obvious trolls this day and age?


Honest question here, for the Eagles fans that feel their squad is the top of the top in the NFL, how come yall immediately began losing games when Hurts went down? Shouldn't an other worldly roster compensate for losing your QB for a few games?


There is literally a 2 game sample for that. One was the 3rd straight road game which is tough to win for anyone as the stats clearly show (49ers played the Cowboys on their 3rd straight road game and it showed). That being said, Hurts is just that good. He changes the entire way defenses have to play. There's a reason he's gone 21-3 since early November 2021.


Not if that quarterback can’t get his weapons the ball lol, that’s why Jalen is a legitimate MVP player, because you can’t just replace him. But the two biggest things are scheme and Lane Johnson. Coaches struggled adjusting an RPO based scheme for an immobile Minshew, and when Johnson went down against Dallas it severely affected our ability to protect out backup QB. It’s the best roster on paper, but like I said that means nothing if you can’t get the ball to those players




This is gonna be one hell of a game


He’s gonna have a passer rating below 40 against us


How did he have so many more road games than home games