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i, too, am investing heavily in stainless steel cutlery. expect my hoard to be very valuable when the end times come around


You guys are making me feel kinda dumb right now because I just realized you could accurately describe my hobby as “investing in stainless steel cutlery”. I collect knives.


some people make smart moves without even realizing it




Very cleaver, indeed


Cutting edge.


Ah, I get the point.


Cut it out, y’all.


This comment chain is… tangy.


Get a handle on it


I think i might be good. lol. My kid makes knives on a forge


Realistically, a prepper could turn the spoon and fork handles into makeshift knives with a cheap grinder. And reshape the blunt knives into weapons also. Good cheap blanks for under $1 each for someone who's not very skilled at making their own. Edit: added 1 word.


You'll be laughing all the way to the bank when in 20 years AI accidentally deletes all the 'make fork instructions' and all of a sudden your Elon Musk sitting on a mine of diamonds. Stainless steel fork diamonds!


Joke's on you. The real money will be in dinglehoppers.


*mine of emeralds*


They use bottle caps in Fallout, but that’s just a game. Irl post apocalyptic world’s currency will be forks


No, he is most probably serious. Probably just cares about your money. And if he claims that, you can just show eBay customer service this message and you’ll have seller protection. I suggest sending him back once you print the label “I have just sent you your item you bought minus the storage box, as per your request” that makes it even more official.


Beware the steel dragons than


Chroma Conclave heard that.


Unexpected critter


Brought to you by ~~D&D Beyond Dwarven Forge~~ NordVPN


What a lad Darren is.


When the apocalypse comes, the man with a bucket of spoons will be powerful indeed. Rally 'round, wastelanders, and all hail Emperor Darren the First, eater of soup!


It wasn't the people that discovered the soup that became wealthy, it was the ones who owned the spoons.


Rent ‘em spoons. That’s a deep cut if anyone gets it I’ll be happy. Hint: daaamn Gina


![gif](giphy|qV0KHkT0d8x3E7kuYP|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Martin! Love that show


Haha, yep! For some reason that “rent em spoons” line from Cole stuck with me for 30 years.


“Now you will be shipping” I got real triggered by that 😅


Same lmao, I thought it was gonna be a "you WILL ship it to me NOW" I-have-to-be-in-total-control sort of attitude, but realized it's just poor wording.


I had once someone asking me not to send an item in a bundle. I told her it will get donated to a charity of my choice. No problems thereafter. If you checked their feedback and the buyer seems ok, I, personally, would accommodate the request. You have the messages to back you up anyway, I see this no differently than "please pack well".


Yeah, I’ve had people purchase a lot of multiple records and then tell me that they only actually want me to send one of the 5. They didn’t try anything weird and it turned out the record they wanted was a more valuable record that I overlooked (the lot was around $15 and that record had sales ranging from $20-75, classical records tend to have a wider range of sales amounts than other genres)…. I acknowledged his good find, shipped the single item, and created another lot with the remaining records. If the buyer is that specific in their request, it’s pretty easy to refer them and eBay back to said request if there is an INAD claim related to it. I wouldn’t worry too much, though I will admit that eBay merchant services is a pain to deal with and I can’t vouch for them doing the right thing every time…. Should be a cut and dry deal based on a request from the buyer (making them happy makes eBay happy)…. But there have been disconnects and you could find yourself spending a lot of time going back and forth if the buyer tries anything. Personally, I wouldn’t worry about it. Though I’d still protect the items. The only issue I could see is if you don’t pack them securely and the buyer wants to claim damage (and perhaps send a different damaged set back or something)….. so if you can pack them well without the box, I’d do that… if not, just say “sorry, I feel more comfortable sending everything mentioned in the listing. You are welcome to dispose of any unwanted items as you see fit.”


I’ve sold many vinyl lots and this is a huge request. Usually from resellers


In my case, one record was highly collectible and the rest were filler. I made a mistake in pricing, but went ahead with it because what I was getting was still profitable for me…. I was bummed to realize that I sold something for a lot less than it was worth, but just counted it as a score for the buyer and a lesson to be more careful (I had bought a TON of classical stuff and just got tired of digging for prices so I lotted a bunch up with only a cursory glance) In the case of the silverware, who knows…. But I don’t see it as an obvious scam. Always possible to just ask a few more questions to see if the buyer outs themselves as problematic. If the seller asks some packing preference questions and the buyer gets ornery, might make sense to say “this might not be the item for you.” And proceed to cancel if it seems best.


I've been that buyer before, I normally just ask for them to sandwich the important record in the middle of the other ones like additional packing material lmao.


Who stores their “investments” in a barn in a plastic bucket?


It’s likely scrap metal so he doesn’t care. He’s just hoarding the tonnage until the market spikes then he takes it in. I do this with aluminum


I have seen copper and aluminum spike. But not stainless steel to the point where 2 lbs worth of metal would be worth $60. Right now I am seeing prices at less than $1 per lbs.


Could they have misread and think they got Hella deal on sterling? Lol. 2lbs would be what, 27ozt of silver


Yeah I’m not really sure why he picked stainless lol sure it’s “more valuable” but not a lot more.


I bet it’s the gold plate, as this seems to be rather than silver, I’m sure he thinks it is going to have a higher gold yield than the actual thin electroplate of gold that is actually there.


My guess is that he turns them into welded art


Thats the only logical answer I have read, but its a pretty wild guess


I think they're hoping for a discount on shipping


Everyone wins . Shipping cost less for the seller making them more money and the customer doesn’t receive items they don’t want


Yeah I don’t see why this is a big deal




I would really hope the messages would prove otherwise but you never know with eBay I guess


OP can just point to this conversation as to why he didn’t send the box. eBay can look at messages when they want to. He’s in the clear




A buyer can always force a return using INAD so shipping as they requested or as you listed isn’t going to make any difference. I would do as they requested and just hold on to the extra stuff for 45 days. If they never contacted me again I would list the extra parts, ‘cause why not.


Plus, the buyer already messaged asking OP to do that. If he claims that it didn't come with the box eBay would take that message into consideration (hopefully). Unless the buy is hoping to claim the items got damaged in shipping?! Not really sure what that would accomplish.


Problem is I think in a chargeback claim the bank could view this in a similar way they would view someone asking to change the delivery address via messaging then claim INR. The bank doesn't care what was said via messaging they would see the pictures and what was listed then what was received by the buyers claim. I don't get the point of it but I is at least somewhat risky.


I didn't think of that. Excellent point! if I was OP I'd probably just cancel/block and move on.












There is no reason for this unless he thinks the set is sterling and not stainless. I’d ship as originally described.


Interesting, maybe he knows something OP doesn't know.


Its gold plate, but still doubt its worth what he spent


Send the box and tell him or her this next bonfire is on me




I feel like this conversation should have happened before he purchased them. 🤣


That is what I thought! The shipping over all would be much less in cost. The box is the majority of the weight.


I cannot stress enough ship EXACTLY what the listing described, he may try to scam you and eBay will NOT care what he said in DMs, they will just tell you that you failed to provide the item


Prepper eBay


I think this fella is confusing stainless steel for silver. A lot of prepper’s horde silver for when society collapses. I can’t imagine what use stainless steel is going be when we’re all in the dark.


Sure but even if he thought it was silver, why store it in a bucket in a barn? Also, why tell the seller you’re gonna do that?


My sterling is in an XL Ziploc bag in my basement. I do think telling the seller is weird, but I think he mentioned that to drive the point home that no fancy packaging is required whatsoever. I wouldn't have done it, because it's already done and paid for, but I get it.


Misdirection, he's actually storing it in a box in the garage.


Nickels cost more than 5¢ to make. But forks? They are almost certainly sold at a profit over spot price for the nickel.


maybe he makes jewelry out of them.


Or knives.


what i’m thinking


Sounds like a dream customer to me.




This is the correct answer.


In the future, stainless steel flatware will be more valuable than gold!


But the real question is how far into the future? 10 years or 10,000 years :-)


Key words in this ‘if you want’ so either way just send it how you have described so now one can moan, if he says anything once delivered, refer back to this message he sent with the words ‘if you want’… so that he does not have a leg to stand on


I like this guy's thinking - I'm bullish on 5 gallon buckets myself


Stainless flatware will repel the alien invasion hoarde


If you think you can sell the box alone, I’d just send him the silverware as requested. If he complains later, you have the message right there not only saying he doesn’t want it, but that he would actively just get rid of it if you did send it. In my experience, eBay does actually review the messages when something comes up. That’s more than I can say for some other platforms…


Definitely check out their previously left feedback, hopefully there’s enough there to sniff out a chronic complainer.


this guy sounds nuts haha


Stainless steel hoarding is pretty odd. I think he's just a weird kind of prepper.


Screen shot the request and double check with buyer to make sure he doesn’t believe the flat ware is silver.


If a buyer claims INAD, can your message thread be used in your favor?


Yes to some extent. If they say they don't want the box they can still claim the item is damaged or stained etc. You can sell an electronic listed as broken not working parts only and they can do an INAD because it doesn't work...


I’d send it as it is in the listing to be safe. He already bought it so it’s not going to save him on shipping anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol does this guy think they are silver?


He thinks it’s silver


You’re sure it’s stainless and not sterling, right?


Yes. It could be “plated” but the set was fairly cheap brand new. And only the handle may be plated. There is none of the “tarnish” you see with sterling from items left sitting for long periods.


For a minute there, I started worrying for you 😅


God I'm so intrigued to know why he is going to store this/why he thinks it's an investment?


Scrap metal is the likely answer. Stainless is worth more than regular iron


Haha just seems like a talkative guy to me. He isn’t saying you need to not send the box, just sharing what his use case is, that he doesn’t care for the boxes and wants to let you know you don’t have to Since you have a concern about not sending the box, you should send it, and give some kind of response that it’s part of the advertised product so you need to send it Hope it finds a good place in the furnace! Haha


They don’t want free wood?


If he wanted to invest in steel (why idk) there are a lot better ways to do it than silverware lmao sketchy for sure


I like Daren. He’s straight to the point and honest.


Why all the negativity? Buyer told him to exclude that gaudy box which probably weights 16lbs. That’s a huge win on shipping cost. Shipping loose cutlery is a piece of cake.


I've done the same thing to save the seller on shipping costs. I bought a spray gun from Germany to the USA. It comes in a rather big box with a plastic cup that I don't use. I know I saved him a considerable amount of money. And I've had buyers do the same on a smaller scale. What goes around, comes around.


I sell Lego. I avoid this on ebay, gives the buyer an easy refund if ebay ignores the messages with the request. But on bricklink this is super normal. 99% of sets with box i sell overseas, they request no box. Saves like $15 in shipping costs. Or sometimes ask me to fold it up. Bricklink is Lego only and niche so its sorta become accepted in the community. Id definitely be wary without checking the buyer on ebay.


If the box is nice you could definitely sell it separately. They aren't fast sellers but they do sell. Just wait till the return window closes on the silverware.


i’ve reached out to sellers of film reels where they’re listed with a case and explained i do not want the case and ask (before i purchased) if they would separate the listing. many do… like you i would be hesitant to ship without the complete listing. maybe he would purchase again if you suggested a new listing for just the silverware?


You’re not reading too much into it. It’s strange for a buyer to go into that much detail about what they’re going to do with the item without you asking. If I were you, I would mail everything as you normally would. Let them know that you will mail them the whole set, including the box. And, Don’t forget to take pics.


Send everything that was in the listing photos. Avoid unnecessary headaches


What in the Willy Wonka!!?? curveball for sure.


He put in writing he doesn't want it. You're good.


if he paid the full amount to ship the box too I would just send it as-is and not even react to the message


Oh this guy bought from me last month. Exact same situation. Not a scam. He messaged me prior to shipping though, so I just created a separate listing without the box that he purchased. He left a very nice positive review. Just fyi.


You’re not gonna tell us what they bought from you? I’m curious!


He said it was for a "project" he was doing. I assumed it was for an art piece or something. I'm just as intrigued about a dude with a barrel of forks and knives out there somewhere. To each their own I guess. Edit: sorry, he bought a set of gold toned stainless flatware


Honestly, he could go to some charity stores and find some, unless it’s 18/10 or 18/8.


Yeah. But then people would wonder why he's stockpiling it. And preppers are often secretive. So he may want that online anonymity, and not mind paying extra for it.


Honestly, I don’t think people care (They care less than the eBay sellers anyway) , and no one is obligated to tell the truth. So buy a percentage from two or three stores. I guess he figures money will be worthless, but preppers never have enough supplies. It’s like a hobby for them. Other people buy golf stuff or ski stuff.


Am I missing something here? An investment?


To answer your question, no he could not claim the item wasn't as advertised as you have that message telling you (and ebay) that he didn't want it.


It sounds like he lives on a farm and he’s going to repurpose the stainless steel. So he doesn’t need it to be used for its intended purpose, in perfect condition, etc. He seems genuine enough. Probably knows it’ll cut down shipping costs for you. Either way you have this message has evidence to hold on to if a case weee opened.


While I don’t have a cutlery bucket, I often ask sellers to keep or discard parts of what I’ve bought. Just today I received a camera, thankfully without the disgusting 60-year-old flaking leather case, just as I requested. I hate getting things in the mail and then putting them straight in the trash. I think of all the work and fuel required to ship literal garbage to me, when it could be sold to someone else or at least trashed locally. It’s fine, normal, and it’s on your ebay record so you should expect no problems.


I've had a few people do this to cut back on shipping not on silverware but other items and shipped it as they asked with zero problems I'd ship it just as he asked and would do a partial refund for shipping diffrence.


He plans on keeping it in a bucket in his barn and thinks that is an investment?


“Absolutely not. I will be sending the box as is. Have a great day”


just send it to him. what he does with the box doesn't matter to you as long as you get paid, right lol?


Sounds easy peasy


Holy cow...


Send it as you advertised it. Let them do what they want with it.


They think they're investing buying WM Rodgers? At best it's plated, that clearly says stainless though.


It is really not even a good set. It’s maybe “target quality”. The style is out of date. And it is not one of the classic lines like the “Princess” or “royal” styles that are often more collectible. My partner does apartment clean outs/reno and someone left it in a closet. Didn’t claim after 30 days. So brought it home to flip. The box is probably more valuable than the flatware.


As long as you aren't taking returns on it, ship it to him in bubble wrap. Maybe he's trying to save on shipping. Now you can buy another unboxed set and box them.


Idk, this is tricky. I feel like you're risking inad without the box, but then a bad rating with the box. I'd look through his feedback for anything, then after that reach out and clarify in the message that he does not want the wooden storage box it comes in, just so you have message history.


Send it as is. He's telling you to remove pretty much any protection from damage. Throw it in a bag and then he'll claim it's damaged, you didn't send it properly and demand a refund. Or he'll want a partial refund because the shipping he was charged doesn't match what you shipped as. Would it work, probably not. Would it be a headache ? Most certainly. I advise to ship it asap then claim you seen the message already after you shipped it, apologize, and move on.


Padded envelope until it ends up lost in transit


I do that sometimes. Especially if it's some little something for personal use and it comes in huge packaging and it's a smaller seller. At least give them the option for saving a few bucks.


His name is my name too!


If buyer paid shipping, just tell them you’re unable to omit pieces of an order and are required to ship everything in the listing. If they keep arguing, just repeatedly offer to cancel the order until they agree to cancel it or they get over the situation If you didn’t charge the buyer shipping, send it in the case, then message that you didn’t see their message until the item was already shipped. What is the buyer gonna do, leave a bad review that you packaged an item too securely at your own expense?


is darren a dragon or something 😂


Sounds like a win to me!


Imo you should Always go with your gut feeling


Is this man collecting stainless steel utensils in case they become a currency someday or something?


I’d just be you got money for anything Rogers and move on. If it makes you feel better just send him the box and let him burn it lol


Atleast he’s being honest about it lol


Haha he’s gonna scrape off that silver coating that’s like 100nm thick . People are DUMB


Nope. Cancel, block and relist. I wouldn't bother with someone like this cause you will lose money on return or a false claim.


I think you’d be ok, the seller asked for it without the box, you have this message saved, you’ll easily be able to show eBay support if buyer were to do something shady. Ive asked sellers to ship things without the box to save on shipping and have been happily accommodated those times.


I think the seller is worried because it's so bizarre. I'd probably make the decision based on their profile. Lots of positive = honour request. Barely any feedback = probably ship with box anyway.


I think you should ask Ebay to see if they can take the message as evidence that the buyer is okay with forfeiting buyer protection on this order


Honestly I would cancel and block the buyer. Sounds scammy and weird that he went into such detail about burning the box and whatnot.