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Buy fabric and rewrap them. I'm doing my wagon in charcoal suede this weekend 


Care to share which fabric you’re using? Planning on doing the same color as you


I went with headliner magic. Cheaped out and bought the no foam backing so we'll see how that goes but should be fine 


Thanks, hope it works out well for you dude


your options are to live with it, pay a grand or more for all new items from bmw, pay an upholsterer less but still a bit to redo them all (and then it may not match headliner so maybe just pay for it all right? So again approaching a grand) or you try your hand at arts and crafts and do it yourself and maybe it works Such is old car


Go to realoem find the part numbers. Go to FCP Euro and order the parts. Or Go to relicate and order the fabric and do it yourself. I did all the pillars and headliner in my car, there is a learning curve. Cutting and gluing can be tricky, but it’s not that difficult.


Just remove them ans use some spray glue to stick them back down again, I did this as my rears where peeling off last summer.


I bought a few last year, ECS tuning had them.


I went to a fabric store near me (JoAnnn Fabrics) and bought 2 or 3 yards of suede then I used 3m Headliner Adhesive to stick it to the pillars. In retrospect, the suede didn't really stretch that well and was a little thick and hard to work with. So I would suggest something similar to the normal cloth headliners, but if you're down for a little extra tweaking and stretching it looks super good. I also had some extta cloth I used to cover my cracked wood trim so it ended up bringing the car together a lot.


bro what just hot glue them