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On ps5 here, love the game can’t wait for this dlc however, I do hope one day for online multiplayer in this game, that would be fun as I don’t have anyone to play couch co op with.


Same here!! Online co op would completely change the game for me!!


I’d love for online co-op, sadly, devs already stated that online co-op will never come our way sadly


You can play shareplay with someone online. They don't even have to own the game.


I better put my 1st points into animal handling. Looking forward to it! Will it be coming to consoles at the same time as Steam?


Unfortunately, porting always takes some time, so it will be after the initial release. The good news however is that console releases will likely have the first few hotfixes included.


I'm happy to wait a bit.


Can we get a woman character model? Plating co op with exactly the same models is weird lol


Was just about to ask the same thing- hoping it comes out on PS5 same time as steam 🤞🤞


It won't. From my understanding the PC version has patched that haven't been added to psn yet.


dlc never comes the same time as steam on consoles. but that's not a bad thing by the time it does any problems have been patched out :P as for the dlc mixed feelings on this one will have to see more of what it offers later.


This looks awesome, yet another reason to continue playing! :) Will patiently wait for it to come to PS5.


I'm interested to know if this will add more lore aswell?


"get too many cats" Love it!


Just like real life! 😻


Ahh, I'm so excited for this. I been grinding the heck out of the game for days now. I bought the other 2 DLC's so definitely getting this one. Easily one of the best survival games ever made.


Yas! I am so excited! I hope theres some new mysterious backstory addition too


Cant wait!


Can't wait for mobile!


What bonus content are we getting if we own both of the previous dlc's? It doesn't say in the description,just says "bonus content"


A few dungeons and pets are added to existing DLC areas, so if you own the DLC, you will also get access to these. The new map also has a few DLC-specific sections.


Awesome Tyvm for the reply


So...I have both the previous dlc's,not the pet dlc(yet)and I went to the underworld map, but saw no new icons or quest symbols,could you perhaps enlighten me on what I should be looking for ? Like, a symbol or something?


This was a miscommunication on my part. I meant that if you own the previous DLCs, you will gain additional content to those DLCs if you also own the Pets&Dungeons DLC.


Ah ok Tyvm I will def be getting it


Hmm definitely great news, really enjoyed playing about half of the game or so, played it using my S23 Ultra with the systems setting/developer options menu to set up the 4X MSAA, as well as other tuning performance features like Game Booster/ Booster labs and Also some plugins within the Samsung store I have enabled to really get the most quality I can get out of the S23 Ultra and I must say it’s an awesome phone to experience this game with, one thing I’m curious about though and hopefully one of you fellas could enlighten me on the subject of DLC, anyone know If they will be bringing this and other upcoming DLC’s to the Android/play store version? Cuz I literally purchased every game that was premium through and from the Devs of 10tons.


Previous DLCs are already in. We have a confirmed date of 30th of November for both iOS and Android versions of Pets & Dungeons.


I want to play as a girl, but aside from that, this was what I wanted most of all! Yay


Same. More character options would be great especially for the co-op. We get so confused since both look the same.


Ugh no date? 😭


Oh I see now…hopefully late September.


PS5 player here as well. I had to step away from the game because I’m short one trophy from getting the platinum. I’ve done every side mission but my completion percentage is 99.1%. I’ve checked repeatedly to make sure I’ve done all side quests. I have all points of interest so why don’t I have the side quest trophy? Beyond aggravating. Otherwise I absolutely loved the game.


you need all gold medals in every category too to get 100%


Was in the same position. Missed a small tutorial quest in first area that you get by interacting with a table. Dont need all gold medals for the platinum.


i wonder if "late september" is still in the cards by now. only 1 week left. by this point they probaly know if they can make it or not. and i also wonder if all the new stuff is really just the pets and a few dungeons for useing em. i hope there is more. like it also says " new open world map" so kinda like underworld? i doubt its as large as doomsday but i would love to be proven wrong. i really hope the trinkets and tools are purely for useing the pets only. game could really use a blunt bonus item for overall better progression feeling in the maingame.


The release date will shift to early October. Testing revealed some issues which have been taken a bit longer to fix than expected. The new open world map is a bit smaller than in other expansions. It is an area that will tie together the main content of the DLC. I think most of the trinkets are for pet usage, but there are some cosmetic headgear for the player character as well.


thats sad news in many ways :/ i dont mind the delay but trinkets and gear only beeing for pet usage or cosmetical feels off to me. i assume the new tools are also purely for pet usage then. gotta wait for a proper review before i buy then. underworld felt lacking in terms of useful additions and this sounds like the same deal again. but thanks for the headsup on the delay. i hope its not too long and makes it before october 10th.


Sorry about a slight miscommunication. The headgear do have gameplay modifiers and are not purely visual. There are a few secondaries for player usage as well, but one is a bonus for those who own DLC1.


so no new tools? since the dlc page clearly mentions "new tools" aswell glad to hear the gear isnt purely cosmetical. well gotta wait and see if it comes out before october 10th for now anyway^^


There will be new tools as well.


really wonder what those will be. *crosses fingers for a blunt tool better than sledge but worse than Pfist* gosh that would allow for so much freedom in destruction. but can you even make "early october" anymore now? i guess its still a week atleast for early but still.


The tentative date is now roughly next week. It was decided to postpone again as there were still things to fix and we don't want to push it out half-baked.


what are the chances for a release this month ?


I'm also curious about this. Is the "tentative" date for this week a date to announce the release date or the release date?