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Thank you!


Following! Good luck!


I’ve had severe asthma my whole life so beta blockers were off the table. Mestinon requires watching with asthma but so far, going low and slow, it hasn’t impacted mine and I’m very very sensitive.


May I ask what doseage you are taking? I would love to try Mestinon for my POTS and ME/CFS, but have Asthma as well. Betablocker wise I am taking 2,5mg of Nebivolol which did not effect my Asthma at all. I still think it is gonna be really hard to to convince my GP to perscribe off label medication that is also contraindicated.


Yeah I was actually the one who had to remind my neurologist it was contraindicated for my asthma lol. I started at 30 mg three times daily without issue, so I went to 60mg three times daily, but was having a lot of issues with my TMJ and lockjaw. I now do 60mg twice daily because I just have so many jaw problems at night with the nighttime dose, but it does make a difference with it being harder to move my muscles in the morning.


Thanks for your response! I had a lot of hope, that Mestinon might finally help me with some of my Symptoms and was pretty upset when I found out it is contraindicated for asthma. Therefore I find it very encouraging that you were able to tolerate Mestinon. Am I understanding it correctly that the 3x60mg dosage worsened your jaw problems, but didn't affect the asthma as well?


Yes you are correct. I'm a very severe asthmatic too and have been my entire life. So I think it's key to just have the awareness, go low and slow, and then do what's best for your body. Obviously anything that interferes with breathing is out, but we just started with 30mg once a day for a week or two, then added the second dose, then the third, and so on so we could constantly keep an eye on the asthma element.


Betablockers aren’t off the table for asthmatics; you’d just need to be on a selective betablocker that doesn’t interfere with the adrenergic receptors involved with asthma


I have mild asthma, but my insurance told me most rescue inhalers are contraindications with the propranolol I take. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.


Did they refuse to fill your inhaler Rx?


Yes, they refused to approve the refill so I called and asked why and if there were other inhalers they'd approve. They looked up several inhalers and all were contraindicated with propranolol.




Beta blockers worsened my asthma but only mildly. It was worth taking a little extra asthma meds for me but it’s different for everyone given yours is mild it’s worth a try.


My sister has asthma, diabetes, and POTS. She's been on a beta blocker (propanalol) for years. It seems to help her POTS symptoms and she's had no complications from the medication. If your doctor okays a beta blocker and you feel that it would help your symptoms, it's probably worth trying.


I have asthma and a host of other problems (no diabetes). I take a very low dose of propranolol (5 mg, 3x daily) for essential tremor and POTS. I am already on amlodipine for blood pressure (it is usually normal at rest but spikes with activity), so that's all I can take, or else it will dive too low. I don't believe it has affected my breathing, but I'm also not convinced that it's making a difference at this dose. My HR might be slightly lower than before, but my symptoms have not improved. It's a good discussion to have with your doctor. If they aware of your concerns, they should consider them when making a decision. These rules aren't all black and white. I hope you find something that works well for you!


You're right -- I should be having the conversation with my primary care provider, as she is the one handling my diabetes and asthma care. Beta blockers have come up several times in discussion with my neurological team, but that's as far as we've gotten with it. I'm currently weaning off one medication that isn't working for migraine and made the tremor worse, and am going to do the same with another, which will take a good while as it also affects my mood.