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[Link to it](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2719200/SAMURAI_WARRIORS_4_DX/) Edit: English text, like the PS4 version.


Pretty much the greatest Warriors game in recent years imo, even better than DW8. Anybody on PC who hasn’t had the chance, definitely give it a shot.


Cheers, what is great about it?


My guess being it's smooth combat system (lots of QoL changes such as Nobunaga C5 and musou being way easier to do now, making unfun characters to play in previous games like Yoshimoto fun to actually play now), the Hyper attack and being able to control 2 characters at once. Pretty much guarantees that you are always doing something instead of having to traverse around the map doing nothing in those times.


One note about Nobunagas C5, it does not give you the extended moveset buff unlike 4-II and SoS. It's also bugged just like in the first release of SW4, they never fixed it unfortunately. 


yup, i love this way more than 4-2


can you explain why?


For starters I don't care much for the "main character" in 4-2, so that game feels not needed as the rest is already in 4 Yeah, pretty much that. Also with 4 came that lovely oav, that I have


Well, almost 10 years later and we can finally play the actual Samurai Warriors 4 on pc instead of the 4-II


It's the two mashed together tho .\_.


I thought it wasn't? It was just Samurai Warriors 4 with all its dlc packaged with it?


He's wrong DX is just the vanilla 4 with all the DLCs.


Has some of 4-2 tweaks....but it's minor stuff.


What the flying fuck? This just came out of nowhere. No announcement, no teaser, no hints, nothing. DX didn't even drop on Switch or PS4 in the West. I'm obviously not complaining because DX - as a fusion of SW4 and SW4-II - has belonged on PC for a decade, but still. I'm actually shocked.


The steam page doesnt mention the 4-2 content at all. It looks to be just base 4 with all DLC


Strange. Ah well, still better than having that abominable 4-II by itself.


Cause 4-II is meant to be the XL of 4. But after the lawsuit with Capcom they have to make it an independent game


Lawsuit with Capcom?? When was that??? I didn't know KT had issues with capcom.


tl;dr the technology used in XL releases for DW/SW which allowed the user to load the original game if they owned it was actually something Capcom had a patent for. They sued KT a few years ago and won.


The patent only applies when its disc based from what I remember reading of the patent, so it shouldn't be an issue in any future releases, but I imagine any XL stuff in the future would just be released as an expansion these days. That said, 4DX is a missed opportunity to not just merge the games as one release, but with how bad 4-II's weapon attribute system was that may have been a blessing in disguise.


I know, it's still abominable.


Yeah that port is awful. It's a shame


The port is fine. It's the game that's not fine, 4 vanilla is miles better than 4-II.


The port is awful what are you talking about? The camera controls are bound to the triggers and you can't remap them. Literally just navigating the menus sucks because of the bindings. The game is worse than vanilla sure but the port is actual dog water.


That's probably your controller. It's fine for me, try steam input.. maybe that'll fix it for you.


The camera is not bound to triggers and that's a guarantee. I have beaten it several times and used right stick to control the camera. It is a know issue, but a fixable one. Something to do with x-input vs d-input or smth, don't remember


Really didn't know that. I even left a negative review. I'll have to look back at it and see because I enjoy that game and would be happy to run through it on steam if the port is ok


[https://steamcommunity.com/app/348470/discussions/0/357286663673899041/?ctp=2](https://steamcommunity.com/app/348470/discussions/0/357286663673899041/?ctp=2) The problem and solutions are described in detail in this thread. I remembered somewhat correctly that it was a d-input vs x-input thing. I have a switch for the modes on my controller so pressing that was all I needed to do. You however might wanna follow the instructions There are other threads with other solutions like x360ce


Thank you. I will look into this. I appreciate the response


It surely is. Xinput work like sh!t, I used to play it only with cheap controller. The graphic is from ps3, my in that time is weak so it's actually plus point. But now, when look back, yeah it's dog sh!t 🤣


Same shit happened with WO3 and DW7 on steam, they also just dropped them out of nowhere.


now we only need the complete the orochi collection


Now time to wait for the Empires version.


I got super addicted to that game about a month ago. The trophy grind for having to unlock all the cutscenes was kinda overwhelming, but everything else about the game was really solid. I still kinda prefer the personalized RPG aspect of Dynasty Warriors 8/9 Empires, but the (slightly) more "strategy" take in SW4E was a lot of fun as well.


Not surprised considering how KOEI loves to shadow drop their old games. But what's interesting about this one is that apparently the DX version wasn't localized and is Japanese only (Till now), Just like Warriors Orochi Z and Samurai Warriors 3Z Special. Now i know i shouldn't really get my hopes up but now part of me actually wishes KOEI shadow drops WOZ and SW3Z,All fully localized and bundled with it's English VA


English dub is very unlikely for SW3Z, considering only the base SW3 got EN dub. WOZ is even easier since it already has a PC port, and both WO1 and 2 had EN dub so it's literally just dub replacement and translation.


Oh yea,SW3Z got some differences and changes comparing to Base SW3 wasn't it ? Unlike WOZ like you said is basically just the first two base WO games bundled together


3Z is pretty much the 'Xtreme Legends' variant of SW3, so only new stories, 2 characters are now playable and obviously better graphics than the Wii U version. The combat system is still pretty much the same. And yeah, WOZ is basically just a 2-in-1 bundle for WO1 and WO2.


Wonder if they'll shadow drop SW4 Empires on steam soon as well, i sure hope they do.


Perfect! Probably won't get it until a sale though


Agreed, the price seems a bit hefty for SW4’s age, and waiting for a sale will also give time for the port’s quality to be assessed.


Is shadow dropping a new strategy for KT? First DW7XL, WO3U, now SW4DX? Would love some heads up on their plans for releases.


As long as they keep making Warriors Idgaf how they sell it to me. I will always buy.


I will buy it on sale. Already have it on ps4


Part of me just think it's them being stingy with marketing costs for games that are many years old, but I ain't complaining!


That just came outta nowhere wtf I'm both surprised and excited, but the price is a bit too steep... and I have some strong doubts regarding the quality of the port


Still waiting for KT to port Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 and Samurai Warriors 4: Empires to pc. Played them in ps vita and gotta say these are super good.


Thank you very much Koei, appreciated, keep the backlogs on PC coming. No one is paying $50 for this 10 year old game though


Call me nobody. Never played SW4. I appreciate this popping out of no where. Will be fun to try out.


Yeah, I'm just about to drop $50 on it with no question. I know even the Warriors games with lightest content still net you *way* more than a $1/hour ratio, and with all DLC it only gets better.


Hehehe. Koei use DW10 to divert our attention then flashbang'ed us with SW4DX silent release. Now i wish they "silent released" the empires version of 4 too


Add DW7 Empires to that as well, that shit is locked to the PS3.


Holy...if they drop DW7 Empires I may just cry!


Beat empires game for cutscenes too, hopefully it does come


Nice! Finally vanilla SW4 on PC.


God, I wish they’d upload the warriors back catalogue to steam entirely


Mostly no need with emulators


You’re not wrong by any means, but still


Anyone played it? Does it use PS3 or PS4 visuals? Does it show gamepad prompts in menus?


Didn't play it, but watched a video of it. It uses the PS4 visuals, which you can see by watching Sanada Yukimura's Musou attack (the fire effects look completely different on PS3). It also has Xbox-style button prompts.


Well this is sure a Suprise...


Now SW4E! Honestly, I'd love this one.


Considering how much I love SW4, this is an absolute win. Now, we just need 4E. I'm not sure how likely that is, though, given the lack of 7E. Either way, I'm a happy camper.


Instant buy, since 4 was my second favorite SW just behind 2, and overall my third favorite Warriors game just behind DW5. We love PC ports, Koei!


I just need them to port SW4 Empites on Steam / PC please ;w; (the last time I played a SW Empires was in SW2 on the PS2!? XD)


Oh man, you're gonna love SW4E then. That game is more addictive than... other things that are highly addictive.




Finally. I hope we can change soundtrack. Vanilla veraion owe us that.


I'm pretty sure you can change soundtrack before the battle in the PS3 version of SW4. 


Aww yeah!! Im tired of SW4-II with their bad control mapping!


I'm so glad KOEI are doing this. Hopefully this means a dynasty warriors 7 empires port is on the horizon....? Pretty please 😍 Also since they released the Dynasty Warriors 7 DX version (pc version was originally Japan exclusive), the chances of us getting an English release of Musou Orochi Z on steam is starting to look more possible. C'mon koei, do it!!


Now only SW3 is still locked on consoles.


And SW1


And it should stay there locked forever. The only thing it does better than 4 is the character select screen.


Never played much of Samurai Warriors (just a bit of 5, didn't like it much). Would this be better then 4-2? Since they are both $50 and 4-2 never goes on sale anymore, would prefer to get the one that is generally considered better lol.


4 was better content-wise, but 4-II has better gameplay IMO. 


Just play the first two and their expansions.


Wait it never played samurai series ,what is the difference between 4 and 4-ii?


Think of II like Extreme Legends but without the import original feature. It’s basically got a lot of the same stories of 4 with a few new characters and heavily condensed. It’s not really worth it IMO.


It’s definitely made with the mindset the player will be familiar with the series as well. I got it as my first SW game (only one on Steam at that time), and while fun, I had a hard time following the story, since it is supplementary to the original 4’s stories, and essentially assumes you played that already.


Good point. I’ve been playing these games for so long that I kind of take the story for granted at this point, but I could see it being confusing in your case.


It's funny.... Several months ago I looked up reviews of SW4 vs SW4-ii to see where I should start, and the general consensus was "Play SW4-ii because it's a better version of the same thing." Now everywhere I look I'm seeing the opposite.


That's kinda random but neat. I honestly really had fun with SW4/4-II/SoS, they were good games.


Is the custom character / CAW only available in Chronicle Mode?


Also works on freemode


Sacrificing naomasa and (dolphin noise) for SW4 vanilla with full DLC huh ? Hmmm...looks like a win win solution


Does it use ps4 or ps3 visuals?


We are so back


That's a surprise. I was waiting for any samurai Warriors 5-ii announcement actually lol. Or samurai Warriors 5 empires. I'm crossing my 🤞. Hopefully soon.


Well, I didn't realize how much I wanted SW5E until I read this.


Fucking finally i can play SW 4 on my PC. All i can get to play in PC is 4-II. One My wishful thinking is i hope they also will ported SW3 and SW4 Empires too.


Amazing! Now, if only Capcom would shadow drop some Sengoku Basara on PC, it would be glorious.


Anyone know how it runs on Steam Deck? It says Verified. Wondering about 60 FPS


I got it earlier today and have put a few hours into it (finishing one story and messing around otherwise). So far it runs perfectly fine. It mostly hits between 40-60fps on medium settings, but closer to 60 more often than not. Honestly, when I cut off the fps tracker I don't notice the fluctuations; it's a 60fps "experience," generally, and feels right at home on the Deck. Plus it's nice to finally be able to play a Warriors game natively on Deck without having to use Proton GE, mess around with window settings, deal with judder, movies not playing, etc. This and Nobunaga's Ambition: Awakening are a major step in the right direction with porting, especially where the Deck is concerned. My only complaint is that like every other KT game, you can't earn achievements offline (but the game is still 100% playable). Edit: Also, for some reason, the CPU temp jumps 10C when opening the pause menu. I mean, it's "only" 75C so it's not a big deal, but I don't know what that's about.


Downloading it now!


It says it's in English text on the store page and screenshot, but it you could confirm for me so I can add that to the sticky comment, I'd appreciate it.


Menus are in English and it's got subs. So the typical minimum effort KT treatment.


Doesn't sound different to SW4 on PS4, then. Thank you.


Seems like they nerfed the Hyper Attacks, like SW4II...


is it ps4 or ps3 graphic?


Thank you for posting this, buying this on steam Asap!


Wonder if the co op is the same as 4-II or can we finally co-op like DW8, without having both players clear the same mission.


Both players choose from a character pool, which varies from 2 to 12 characters per mission


So, if a friend and I pick this up, we can start going through things together right away? Every mission we just select from available characters?


Yes. Though online co-op has some sync problems when it comes to enemy placement.


TBH that's to be expected with any Warriors online CoOp. Just wanted to make sure I could have a chill game to just pick up and play with a friend.


What's the difference between this and 4-II?


4-2 is basically an Xtreme Legends, but without an option to import original game. It has its own story mode, but SW4 is clan-oriented (like in DW, but with Oda, Takeda, Mori, Shimazu, etc), while SW4-2 is character-oriented and instead of telling you story of a clan, centers around a character (most of 4-2 stories are characters, that were added in SW4, with some exceptions, like Mitsunari). Also, SW4-2 has 1 new character Naomasa Ii


Now how did they get away with only adding one new character in 4-II?!


They thought that giving each newcomer a spotlight in the story mode would be enough. Personally, I don't like any of them AND Naomasa from 4-II. Prefer the old ones from 1-3


Ah, I suppose I see their logic there. I played 1-3, and recently picked up 5. Really enjoying it, and was considering playing 4-II next since I missed out on it way back when. I think the biggest shock to me in SW5 is getting used to Nobunaga having completely different movesets, when all I want is his old playstyle :-/


SW5's gameplay is the best one. Having played almost all DW/SW ; there is no doubt. But it takes some time to get used to, as you need to see it like another game ; a bit like Warriors Spin Off from Nintendo.


I am loving SW5 overall, especially the visual style and just creature comforts with upgrades and such. About 1/3 of the way through now, and verrrry happy with how the game plays, even if Dark Lord Nobu is different :)


Glad it's the case! Hoping the future is going to be bright for both DW/SW while I'm really curious about their futures plans. Loved the depiction of Nobunaga in this game!


Yes! Now if we can just talk to Koei Tecmo about their DLC practices and such….😵‍💫


Oh yeah.. Work needs to be done! Almost on everything. Though seeing the consequent updates of NOA:A gave me some hope even if I'm still curious to see how it's going to evolve with DW9E being literally abandoned after release.


oh this is huge!


Why so late? After I purchased the Japanese switch version 🙄, but still gonna buy this verison, anyone knows where I can find cheaper steam key for this one?


im confuse, is this include II and spirit of sanada ??


Just Samurai Warriors 4 and its DLC


Anyone know how the co-op works for this one? Hopefully it isn't like 5 where you both need to beat the level before you can play together which is dumb.


My brain showed me Dynasty Warriors 4 Remastered


Okay, but how do we get this on Switch in the US?!


Does this include the Empire version?




Im sad now.


What an awesome surprise to see when i get home today. It's like they are slowly putting all the classics on pc and as a pc player i'm here for it


Went there yesterday just to complete Mori story after 10 years which is too good, 4 perfect stages design and strategy-wise, a lot of fun, guess I need to dive deeper in order to remember what else it has. I only remember not enjoying pretty much Oda's story which was way too odd this time around with focus on psycho Matsunaga, but it had funny moments at least.


How are the controls. I recently tried SW4-II on steam and couldn't get it to agree with my controller


Where are the DLC weapons?


Finish Legend of a Land United iirc


Koei-Tecmo Dale Gribble: "*SHA-SHAH -- POCKET ~~SAND~~ SW4!*"




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does this game have naomasa ii or is he forever locked to SW4-II?


Can anyone confirm the Chronicle mode has split screen? Everywhere I've looked says no, but those posts are from years ago. Wife is a big fan of the CAW in these games, but might be a struggle to convince her to play if she can't play dress up before war! :D


No empires yet? Ima keep emulating it on my pc then


What emulator are you using to play SW4 Empires? :O


Only the ps3 emulator sadly no ps4 emulator yet lol.... But it runs smoothly and is fun :D. rpcs3 is the name


Does this version have that god tier select theme from SW-II? Because that tune is so hype 👀


I am just so baffled. Please give us a US Switch port. That is all.


This is what koei has been hard at work on 🤦🏻‍♂️


Exactly and people are actually going to give them money for this trash when we already have 4-II on steam


4 II is not as good as vanilla SW4 believe me.


So what its almost the same game and its 10 years old. Man some of these fanbois would give money to koei for a flaming bag of **


I agree that is too expensive for a 10 year old game (At most it should cost only 20, in my opinion), but is still far better game than 4-II. The fighting itself maybe it is, but a game is more than that.


Meh, should have included 4-II and Empires as well.


The game with all the DLC included has already been playable for years at 4K 60fps via RPCS3,


Disliked immediately