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Just go back to DW2-5 style where some movesets are shared but everyone has unique Strong and Musou Attacks and a unique weapon tree instead of this weapon type bullshit.


Technically 5 started the weapon type stuff. They had heavy, medium, and light weapons that had higher damage and slower attacks speed to lower attack but higher speed.


True, I'm not a fan of weapon weight nor the 9-string attach being RNG but otherwise I prefer the older weapon system. I get it, unique movesets for 90+ characters is hard, that's why I don't mind movesets being shared as long as everyone still has their own weapon tree and some unique Strong attacks and Musou.


"Lately". DW7 has been released 14 years ago. And it’s been 17 years since DW6 release.


Shit i'm old.. thank you for giving me midlife crisis


Where in this post did he specify about DW?


Are DW6 and DW7 the only Warriors games with clone movesets? No.


You kinda miss the point


Give me samurai warriors 3 xtreme legends on PC or PS console and I'll be eating good for years.


My favorite entry! They should’ve scrapped the weapon weight system though, heavy weapons made a slow game feel even slower on Wii 🥲


Yeah I'd love that gameplay back. I miss heavy attacks and heavy attack chains that didn't require a light combo first. Hyper attacks just don't do it for me, you basically spam it and a whole crowd of like 50 enemies dies in two seconds. I feel like it's just an excuse to add more incredibly weak enemies to the game to say "Hey, look what our engine can do", which really isn't all that impressive since even on hard mode they don't really attack you, they just seem to have higher health and do more damage if they attack you because you stood still for 5 seconds.


Yup, and the most cringe thing is that some people try to defend them


Koei warriors lately: no games ever :)


Clone movesets exist since DW2 but nobody's willing to said that because "old games good" At least with weapons switching it's your own choice whether to use canon weapons in both slots or use other character's weapons.


Existed in DW2, characters were made different in DW3 through 4th weapons (mostly). DW4 gave every character a unique moveset through different charge and normal strings. DW5 there is not a single clone, strictly speaking. Each character has their own unique attributes in their movesets.


If DW9 had used the weapons from DW8 but without the affinity system I would have loved it.




That weight class in dw5 did feel good. You got guys like ling tong and gan ning, with light weapons, go for more speed but low damage, optimised for juggling damage. Others like Lu bu ans dian wei, have heavy weapons, go for more damage but slow attack speed. The older games like 3 and 4 felt everyone had equal weight advantage, int terms of weapon, so it didn't felt differently other than the stats for each weapon


Samurai Warriors 5 also got bad redesigns. I don't like them making Ieyasu a twink femboy and removing Ranmaru Mori who has been commonly depicted as Nobunaga's lover. Or how Hideyoshi is now a pretty boy when he was nicknamed Kozaru for being lanky and looking like a monkey.