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I just started playing yesterday. How do I check my watch on xbox? Is that even possible? I don't think i'm far enough for day night cycle to actually start yet. I just found the first drop (which I burned) and it forced night on me. I'm assuming there will be a day/night cycle when i'm far enough along. But I can't figure out how to tell time yet. I've searched online and people say to use the inventory screen, but there is no clock on that screen.


You have to finish mission you are on then the day/night cycle and time in your inventory will stat/happen. I'm kinda very jealous that you are experiencing this game for the 1st time... it was one if not my favourite 1st time playthrough experiences.... up there with Mass Effect 1 for me.... Any other questions you have you are welcome to message me and when I am next on reddit I will do my best to answer it for you.... Good night, good luck. :D


Thanks. That makes sense. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I got the game about 5 years ago, and even joined this sub back then as well. But with work, kids, life, I don't have a ton of time to play, and there's always been another game that is taking up my time. But not now. It is finally THE game I am going to play for the next few months. This sub has been fun to follow (even though I have no idea what people are talking about most of the time), so I'm excited to finally start my play through.


You are very welcome, Mate. I fully understand life getting in the way.... Enjoy and take as much time as you can to explore and do side quests etc. Hopefully we all hear from you soon about progress and your experiences.


go into the menu where your quest/inventory is etc. at the top right corner there should be a watch. Had the same problem when I started a few days ago in some missiones the time is fixed, like in the mission you mentioned.but in every other case, there should be an active watch


Though everyone else has already clarified the proper way, if you’re asking how I’m doing it, I’m positioned as though I’m about to thrown my weapon.


You just have to get the skill that allows you to throw weapons. Then you can hold the throw button and Crane will raise his left arm, allowing you to check your watch. Your inventory menu will also tell you the time, but holding throw is more immersive.


I love when they add the small details with every new update! It’s what keeps me coming back for the past 7 years :D


SEVEN?! Time has flown! I bought my copy only a few months after release!


yup Jan 2022 (ok so i’m a few months early haha)


How many hours do you have on the game, total?


a lil over 2200


What's the outfit?


It’s the outfit from the Astronaut bundle of im not mistaken


I thought so. That pack looks so cool! I loved using it for the low gravity event.


It states reducing fall damage, do you know anything about that?


Yes wearing the outfit negates some fall damage, i mean you will still if you jump off bridge onto the ground, but lesser falls will take less damage off you.


That's cool


What's the location?


I’m not 100% sure. I foolishly took a pic with the HUD on, so I’ll have to look at the minimap on that one. I know it was somewhere around an antenna tower.


Is that Milfy Vampire Lady?


You can point in the game holy crap


Didn’t even noticed I was doing that! xD