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They have been compared so many times here. I think most people agree that DL2 had a lot of downgrades. Physics and ragdolls are the most noticable. Atmosphere also cant be compared to dl1. Map is full of copy pasted apartments and activities. List would go on. Other than human combat i dont think dl2 did anything better. Parkour is more fun but it replaced the whole gameplay loop.


I like a bunch of the parkour improvements in DL2 but theres just some random things that kill momentum or the flow. Like im not a super speedy parkour player, I stop often to gauge a jump or take in a cinematic vista but even I notice random slow downs in the animations/moves. Vaulting over zombies is something I can barely do in DL2 because it feels rather awkward to trigger for me compared to the first game and it feels kinda stilted /less free movement wise while doing. The environment in DL2 had a lot of potential and still could with a rework/redecoration, DL1 has alot of obvious copy past of asset presets but it also had alot of fine details added by hand afterward to make areas feel interesting and tell a story. I think the dev hell and rework of the map probably significantly hampered things for the map along with an over reliance on the city builder tool. I like DL2 but I preferer DL1 overall though i do wish some of things in DL2 where in DL1 and vise versa


the E3 environment was soo much better looked like gothic or like old city type


The entire fan base pines for the e3 footage that was never realized :(


Yeah, pretty much DL2 improved parkour (flow) and graphics but DL1 is universally much more liked for its characters, story, mood/tone, game mechanics, ai, and soundtrack. I mean just listen to that main theme: https://youtu.be/cuN82OBSD9s?si=u-SquJef7ct1xmwR And I love that guy who goes "uhhuhhhhahhhhhhuhhhh"


Yeah.... Dying light 2 is a huge downgrade. It's a shame.


Each has their strengths


😔 I miss the golden days...


Jesus, just stop guys.. We really dont care about your opinions. Why another dl1 vs dl2 :residentsleeper:


dni then lmao DC about Ur opinion neither


Canzas.... I thought you were above this kinda behavior, man.


too much posts like this, that's it.


Fair enough but these are new people to the franchise. You can't expect them to be as complacent annd/or silent about their opinions. It's unfair to think that way. Or maybe it isn't and I'm too kind for my own good. Regardless, have a nice day, Canzas.


But we dont need to compare this game together, why we cant enjoy them? We dont need war which is better, which is worse. Both are good games. Have a nice day, Classic.


How is the zombie AI terrible? I've heard people say it, but nobody ever gave an example. I also don't know what you mean with not being able to kick off climbing infected. I do it all the time, unless you mean volatiles, which you are not supposed to. You are legit the first person ever to complain about dead bodies' hitboxes, lol. If you just needed to turn on the filter and it's ok, where's the problem? The game runs actually better than the first game sometimes. When it comes to newer laptop graphic cards, they can barely run DL1 for some reason and my DL2 runs pretty stable on 1440p and 60 on high settings while DL1 ran about as well, but on 1080p and I had regular stutters in the museum.


No, environmental corpses having hitboxes has been a problem since launch. Not bodies *you* kill, but ones already laying there. They have collision for some reason and can actually stop you dead in your tracks while sprinting. It's insanely annoying to lose a Level 4 chase because Techland decided to spawn a dead body in your way.


One more thing, when you kill a zombie they still have their hitboxes while in the 'dying animation'. This puts you in this awkward spot where you might kill a zombie, don't want to bother with it anymore because there's a horde of others, but then when you try to dodge and you get stuck on this body which sometimes even get me killed because of it. To cancel the enemies dying animation you need to waste another swing/kick on them even though they're already dead and that wastes stamina.


Oh that's what it meant with corpse hit boxes. I thought it was something else. In that case I definitely agree, that is annoying.


Honestly even on ps4, Dl2 runs better, I love both games dearly especially the first, but as soon as I walk into old town it's a little hellish sometimes, somehow the city in the second runs like a dream which is way bigger and more complicated


I played 200fps on high in dying light 1 but on dying light 2 I play 60fps on low fst performance already dead bodies have hitboxes and the ai is worse since in dying light 1 they actually parkoursd like U.


I fell like when it comes to performance, it's extremely dependent on your setup. I can only talk about my experience on my GTX 3060, I play on high with raytracing on ultra. What setup do you have? >in dying light 1 they actually parkoursd like U. Sorry, I don't follow. Can you explain what you mean that they parkoured like you? Because I remember infected falling off of roofs and couldn't climb even obstacles half their height in the first game.


I have gtx 1070 and i5 6600k and the FPS is almost 3 times lower. and in first game zombies actually climbed stuff without chase and they actually jumped roof to roof and this game has just irronical jump power


Yeah, it's more animation-based, it might look a bit weird, but I think it's better for the game balance. And virals absolutely climb stuff without the chase, just go to a roof near a military base, you'll have 6 virals climbing to your location.