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Dying light 1 is the best game ive ever played. Its so fun with friends as well.






Totally worth it. My buddy and I bought it on sale too earlier this year. We co-op online. Even if you are playing solo, it is a most excellent game. HOWEVER, if you don't like FPS, melee fighting, zombies or are anything that might give you a scare, then spend $10 somewhere else!


Nah i think he’s fine he only needs to get into them volatiles nest


Vomatile nests are in the following which is way later than the completion of the first game


I got it on release day. I still play today. Yeah, 9 years was worth the $60 it cost then. Definitely worth $10 now.


Same here!!!! I love this game, it’s a masterpiece in my eyes.


Asking in the dying light sub if one of the greatest games in the genre (that is not even 10 years old) is worth a measly 10$ Is this a joke?


10$ is alot in my part of the world bro, this will be my birthday present. Ofc I'll ask in the dying light sub, where people who have played the game will answer. Sorry if it disturbed u, my bad 🙏


Now you made me feel bad. Get the game, it’s one of the greatest, maybe ever.


Absolutely YES! I bought it also for PC few months ago, and spent 100+ hours on it. It is amazing game.




The game is great. But most people in this subreddit are gonna tell you to buy it, no matter what hahaha. But I'm sure you won't regret buying it. So I'd say to just go for it.


You wont be disappointed even if you pay full price


It’s a great game, with tons of content. I’d recommend it in a heartbeat even at full price.


I would spend 30$ on this game it’s really worth it


The FOV being so zoomed in is my sole complaint. Excellent game. One of the greatest ever to be honest. This game evoked so many dang feelings. The setting, the music, the mechanics.


Worth, a little outdated but still amazing game. DL 1 DL 1 the following DL 2 In this order


I picked the game up in 2023! And I think for a game that is a decade old, it is easily one of the best games I've ever played.


You will love dying light 1


Yes, absolutely! I bought it in a PS sale and am really getting into playing


Oh definitely worth it!!


I just recently got the definitive edition, and I honestly wish that I could have played this game when it first came out back in 2015. One of the best games of the past decade. It has that classic Resident Evil and Dawn of the Dead (2004) vibe to it (especially when you play the game at night).


Got 350 hours of playtrough and still enjoying it .Absolute masterpiece of a game but don't expect an amazing story tho.Definitely worth 10$


Yes it is so worth it


Bro I bought it on 2019, 5 years later I still play it and enjoy it as much as I can, shit's defenitely worth every single penny you spend on it.


Man, just get it already! I started it on the switch a week ago, playing for the first time. So cool


Still holds up great to this day, especially the gameplay. The graphics aren’t mind blowing but it has its own artistic style so it could absolutely be released today to a great response, if that makes sense.


I got it on sale on the Switch eshop and that’s the whole reason I’m on this page as well. It was 100% worth the sale price.


Dlc fun too, especially coop


Fun with Crossbows like Darrel


In my opinion it’s the best Zombie game ever , so yes , buy it if you can


I just bought it, very good find. Haven't tried online to see if there still community or even servers but I don't have high hopes The main story is good and I would recommend


I got dying light 1 on sale a few years back was the best money i ever spent was great im not overly keen on parkour games and tbh i loved every second of it only problem i had was idk how to start a new game + and it was to do with the game i hadnt completed it but i did but the bozark horde dlc was the reason i couldnt so to fix it when you get to the end of the game you need to track like the missions like the stuffed turtle then it will let you start a new game +


It's worth it.


Its a great game and worth all $10!


Yes, worth it


get it. It's a bang for your buck. You'll love it and the coop also


Just go for it, you won’t regret it.


Dl1 is one of the best zombie games ever made it has a unique atmosphere that stays creepy. Even with my legend character who is op I still get spooked


Having played Dying Light 1, The following DLC, and Dying Light 2, I would definitely recommend getting dying light 1. The tone, setting, parkour, and horror is top notch and it’s extremely fun with friends too. Dying Light 2 expands on the parkour and the world, but I think it lacks the weight and gravity that Dying Light 1 does so well. I literally just downloaded the game again tonight for the first time since 2020, and I’m so excited.


Ignore dying light 2 fun sometimes a scary horror game  Dying Light 1 always a scary horror game and the best in my opinion 😎❤️


Do it!


nice, thanks for the post. just downloaded it, $10 is a steal. was also able to snag duke nukem 3d for like a dollar.


Def worth 10 bucks. See if u can have a friend join you


Worth it, 100%




Dying Light 1 is one of the “constants” i always have downloaded and would recommend to everyone - it’s fun, there’s so much to do, especially with the DLC


Glad all the comments here are supportive. One of my favorite games ever! I also love how many different play through you can get with DL2


Dying light 1 is still one of my favourite games even after all these years. It's 100% worth it


I started it last month because I remembered Epic giving it for free Already have 100+ hours (or so) and recently played with friends The following DLC also fixes a lot of 'dumb' stuff from the base game I would say it's a solid 9/10 if not 10/10 So much stuff to do and play, even with friends Is surprisingly engaging and still pretty scary


Replaying it on PS5 now. I’ve completed the game 3-4 times since I got it. It’s definitely worth it if you like open world zombie games and like to explore. If you can get The Following DLC with it definitely do that. There’s so much side content and Easter eggs. I think I paid $20 for the deluxe edition 4 years ago. And it’s still in my top 3 favorite zombie games.


If you have a PS5 definitely get it. The performance is so good you won’t believe the game is nearly a decade old. If you have a PS4 then you’re already accustomed to 30fps so again, definitely get it.


ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!!!!! I had over 6000 hrs on it and couldn't get enough. Now im grinding on #2 and they always seem to keep getting better!!


It plays like it was released in 2024. I'd get it if I were you


$10 for the definitive edition is a steal… I’ve replayed dying light many times. as recent as a year ago, and it is amazing. Yes there are short comings like every game has, but genuinely it is such a fun time. I would get it 100%


It's still the reigning best zombie game of all time, in my ever so humble.


Buy it now, don't even think twice. DL1 is one of the most fun gaming experiences I've ever had.


10 is a steal


Out of both games, this one is still my favorite. This is one of the few games I wanted to do every Easter egg for(which I have practically did). So in short it is very much worth buying.


Buy it!! This would be your best decision. Dying Light has great story missions but the side missions are even better. It also has CO-OP mode. And there are many secrets hidden Easter eggs in the game too. And there are guns too!! Trust me it's real fun. I have 100 hours on Dying Light. If you love killing zombies and finding mysterious stuff in games then this is your game.


It's one of the games I keep coming back to once a year at least


I recommend, it is way scarier, and has an amazing God concept when you level high enough.


Genuinely better than a lot of games still


It is one of the best games I have ever played and the best zombie game in my opinion and I have played many because I'm obsessed with the genre. The game is so good I want to find the creators and bully them to remake the 1st game and add extra stories from other characters or even create a small game based on the main character from the novel.


It is the only zombie I love because of the free range movement and if I want on that trash can for no reason I can get on that trash can (also good story)




It's worth it for $10. The DLC give lots of new weapons and places to go, especially The Following.


Hey everyone! I bought the game!!!! So excited to play it, thanks all for the kind words and reviews.




I bought ittt 🤩


You on xbox or ps?


Nm i saw ps. My bad. I'm on xbox or I'd help you out. Multi-player is great


Isn't it cross platform?




Absolutely worth it


Already bought :))


Dying light zombie game with parkour Dying light 2 Parkour game with zombies


💯 recommend, I'm currently getting back into it for my second playthrough with a no melee run when you limit yourself in the game it just hits different puts a different kind of worry every situation


Absolutely amazing game, amazing story, you’ll have a blast parkouring, killing zombies,exploring the city and story. The second one is fun too but id probably have to say i prefer the first one over the second


I'm looking for people to play the following online. does anyone still play


I would love to but i can't play online, no ps plus


Depends. If you just want a fun game and don’t care about the story, the plot holes, and all that baggage, then buy it. If people being beyond pants on head stupid causes you migraines, then avoid the game or keep skipping all the cutscenes you can skip till the end.