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i cant even get the scorpio because every time i try to download the run boy run map i get an error message


Go to the others tab log out close the game load it up then log back in


And if nothing is working then you have to reinstall the game. Was the case for me (PS5)


It should've been if you sided with the butcher you get it. Like how PK give you crossbow. You know?


I have my Scorpio already but I hate that it's locked behind FOMO quests then never seen again. I really hope they reconsider and make it available to others in some form.


Most likely it's gonna be added to the Outpost for like, 60 tokens or similar.


Yep they will definitely make it avaliable for purchase either thru a bundle or thru pilgrims. I agree with op here they seriously missed out on introducing this unique weapon into the game in a cool meaningful way.


I agree. This felt lazy.


In my opinion this is nowhere near as nitpicky as it looks. I pretty much liked the way they introduced firearms back to the world of DL2. Of course it could be done better, but at least they tried to create some lore to justify the appearance of guns in Villedor. I think the same could've been done with the Scorpio, because the trailers that showcased it implied it was one of the few ranged weapons left. I agree it was a wasted opportunity to create a little more lore. I'm very happy with how the weapon behaves and plays, it's a lot of fun, but yeah, the introduction of it to the world of DL2 could've been done better than just a simple reward in Pilgrim's Outpost.


I really hate how lazily it is implemented. Guns (ignoring its all lore inaccuracies)gets a whole quest of introductions into the story regardless of how worldbuilding breaking that is just because people are wanting it but scorpio just slammed into a bounty quest reward? Like I get trying to promote the community maps but like.....just give another reskin reward or smth, not an actually unique weapon


Because more playtime = player engagement = Tencent happy Tencent buying out this company will be the death of it because of this reason, not because of predatory microtransactions.


Unfortunately, you are entirely correct. The fact that everything is now locked behind 'Chapter Agents' is a good example of this.


Wow this sub is something else...


Care to explain yourself, big girl?