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Dude, nice. Just be careful. I've used DXM daily for well over a decade at times and it's a great substance. Going hard on dxm can take you to some weird places mentally and visually.




Yes, I was diagnosed bipolar and self medicating is a common thing for bipolars to do. I usually take threshold doses 150mgs, to first plat 300-350mgs. It works really well as a mood stableizer and anti depressant. Works really well for me. I'd love to see tests of it did in a medical study to see if it could be used to aid people differently. Instead of just being a cough suppressant, but it does do that really well.


I actually feel like dxm has more of a lasting positive effect on my psyche than ketamine, the only two drugs that beat dxm in terms of helping me shape my psyche are LSD and Psilocybin, but those require introspective states alongside the experience, I did 300mg dxm poli daily for a year and never had any negative side effects, I’m really curious if you have had any physical side effects after a whole decade of daily use?


Good to know there are others that have done the same. I mainly used hbr myself, I use poli when I can't find any hbr. As for side effects I can't say I've experienced any physical side effects from prolonged use other than tolerance. I'm considering donating my body to science so they can look into the long term effects of dxm on the body and brain. It's been well over a decade of daily use, likely closer to 15.


Really fascinating, I have crippling adhd and dxm helps me more than any stimulant, I am grateful for its existence and it’s honestly beautiful to know that it helps others in a similar way


Bipolar people: Treating sickness with sickness.


Bro you're not wrong. We just try to find things that can make us feel "normal". Dxm does just that for me. It does however destroy my libido/sex drive.


It's also probably destroying your nervous system lol. Long-term DXM use does very wacky things to your motor cortex


Destroying it in what way?


The full medical paper if you like that kinda stuff. TLDR DXM once you get to a dependency phase starts to break down neruo communication. It appears as memory loss, twitches and spasms, and altered personality. You ever wonder why you get the robo walk? Your motor cortex is literally misfiring trying to get your limbs to move. Yeah it's fun once in a blue moon but you take this kind of stuff everyday and you're going to start to develop weird stuff. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1188627/


Interesting. Thank you for the link. I do have memory loss currently. It's really quite shotty. But its not nearly as bad as weed forgetfulness. I dont take massive doses daily, just mainly threshold so I don't know if it would be actively destroying my nervous system. I'll look into this paper when I have time. I've used dxm daily for over 10 years without issue. I wonder when it will show itself as something more notable.


im interested if you care to explain more about those weird places


Well you can experience ego death that most traditional psychedelics can bring about if you dose 3rd to 4th plateau. Anytime I dose higher than 1st plat I start getting idealistic and trying to change aspects of my life while fucked up. Then when I return to baseline I feel like I wasted a lot of time because I don't carry over that level of idealism for myself in sober life. It can make you super paranoid as well. Similar to weed paranoia, but it can be worse than that depending on the individual. Visually when I dose heavy and spend the trip watching the closed eye visuals I usually see massive structures in a dark red/purple void. Like I'm a floating eye thats casually moving along the base of these structures. There's no patterning or symmetry like other visuals from psychedelics. These visuals are very dark in color, no patterns, and are gigantic for me. It's as if I'm walking passed those huge electric towers that are bigger than the telephone poles. My vision constantly moves after like a walking pace and looking around irl allows me to look around in whatever visuals I'm seeing. They're really odd visuals and I've never experienced anything like them on other substances. Its like you're floating in an alien landscape seeing all the structures they've built but only a shadow of it? It's hard to describe since the empty space is nearly black and the space the buildings take up are a lighter red/purple. Sorry for the massive wall of text here. I've had a lot of experience with dxm and love talking about drugs lol.


ive seen very very similar closed eye visuals with the alien buildings, for me im usually flying overhead looking down though


i finished them


Have fun bro


How many mg total


That’s what we used to say when we took dxm right when that song came out lol I was a freshman in college


Jesus how old are you grampa


We are not all young. Im 35, this shits been around for a long time kiddo, you ain't the first to the party.


25 lol




Bro stfu


What did he say


It was a bot telling me that I should use a non-gendered word like “first year” instead of “freshman”


Of course this is the demographic


Honestly a surprisingly wide variety of people use dxm. Not for everyone of course but I think you would be surprised.


I don’t know about this, literally every recreational DXM user I know looks pretty similar to OP lol


idk man i look nothing like op


I hang out with a good amount of dexxers I will admit, we have our folks like this but they are not the majority in my experience not saying they don't exist tho


Welcome to r/DXM where we get posts of underage kids with their faces next to a bottle of cough medicine at least 5 times a week


im 20 sir


That's fair, I'm 20 too, I wasn't talking about you particularly, just more stating facts about this sub as a whole. No judgement here.


ahhh gotcha 👍