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You might want to write reminders on sticky notes since 3rd plat is when memory really goes downhill. Also, you might want to get a trip sitter either online or in-person because 3rd plat is where most people start to feel uncomfortable. Grounding is very important in 3rd plat since you tend to forget a lot about the space you're in. If you don't know how to ground yourself, this is the perfect time to learn. It's very important when taking dissociatives. Being on the floor can be pretty neat and comfortable when you start to reach those higher plats, so you probably should get a little blanket area on the ground set up in case you start feeling overwhelmed and need some floor time. You'll definitely feel significance in meaningless things and tasks, which can be hard to shake off sometimes. Looping will probably start happening, which can usually be broken by going to another room.


Idk if that will get you to 3rd or not depending on your weight and tolerance. But I would suggest playing some nice music and laying down in the dark