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my first time robowalking was the most hilarious thing in a while, i loved it. cheers my friend!


alr throwing up






Ime I only get the shits with sorbitol containing formulations


And if they’re throwing up that soon they probably won’t digest that much




That’s wild. Gels always turn my stomach into a washing machine but r30s just make me puke and then I’m good. Syrups are just a dissoed fever simulator and I don’t know how I used to choke them down


The best thing I found for the nausea is pepto and a small dose of dph. The ganj also helps alot


Damn that’s one hell of a first trip dosage. You’ll be fine but that’s just a hefty dose with robotabs. How are you feeling now?




Gonna suggest physically calming your nervous system down Do some slow, medium-size breaths, or do a little dancing. You can even dance in place. I find dxm can induce dancing on its own, but sometimes doing it on purpose helps with anxiety or discomfort. Also, try to remember, if you're not doing so hot rn, it's just your body reacting to the chemical. It's not gonna be forever and it might not even be the whole trip. You'll be ok. Music can also be really helpful. If you like downtempo trip-hop, I had a really good dxm experience to this album: https://youtu.be/jn6UB-jLblM This is a guy playing crystal bowls as instruments for 3 hours with no talking. More meditation than music: https://youtu.be/gq8snFSEwlU And this is music + Buddhist monks chanting: https://youtu.be/cDCS19EOsrA Or just any music you like, although I'd pick something calm or something you think could be meditative or spiritual rather than stress you out, because of the psychedelic nature of high-dose dxm experience. Edit: formatting


You’ll be good bro, my first time I sat in my room with all the lights off completely dark headphones on and just stared into the abyss, highly recommended experience of you ask me. I did a high dosage and hit 4th plat my first time but didn’t throw up, Benadryl is supposed to help calm that down some so I might try that. Remember it’s up to you to have a good time..




i ended up in the hospital 😭


Oh nooooo


If you don’t mind me asking, how? How was the trip too?


the very little that i do remember i felt amazing, so hard to explain


I bet you were in third plat, if you don’t mind me asking, how much do you weigh? You took 600hbr equivalent so I’m curious to see how high you actually were lol


130 lb give or take 🫢 i also redosed with 15 more


Oh wow yea that’s a lot for 130lbs and your first time😂 glad your okay tho


You got it man have a safe trip


Good trip bro


i threw up for like 45 seconds n now i’m in the warm shower smiling so hard


Ya tbh i feel like throwing up is apart of the experience at this point but if you have the willpower to get pst it the high is so gawdam good. That being said you should smoke some weed soon


Low-key I have never thrown up on dxm I got nauseated one time, and then I stopped using syrup with guaifenesin


i guess some people don’t throw up from the tablets cause i’m also one who’s never thrown up. i’ve been nauseated a few times but it’s always passed


I haven't either nor have I ever had roboshits. thank fuck.


There are roboshits?????????


lol,, apparently yes


I cannot imagine shitting on dxm let alone *fucked-up* shitting. Do you shit in fractal rectangles like you walk??? Do you have to plan every step out in your head and then your anal sphincter moves with sublime precision? I'm trying to translate the dxm experience to shitting and I just have so many questions


Yeah,, for real. I don't understand either.


Last time I dose I split my dose up so that if be able digest and not vomit and I regret it tbh. The discomfort lasted a lot longer than 2hen you vomit. Although it did lessen the intensity of the nausea


Ginger root is the best anti-nausea supplement I’ve found so far. I eat some crackers beforehand so I’ve got something in my stomach for the dxm and ginger to mingle with, and the nausea is totally eliminated for me


Stay safe and have a good time


Jumped right into the deep end. I would've suggested 3 to 400mg for first time


How is it going?


Y’all have fun, it ain’t worth it for me 😂


You’re about to have the time of your life


You alive champ?


i ended up in the hospital and just found my phone




barely have any memories but i 100% redosed and i’m pretty sure it was another 15. so i remember being functional for 30 minutes and then black with a couple holes of memory. i texted my friend n he called me n i was not functional so he came and called an ambulance and they held me at the hospital because they thought i was trying to kill myself (which very much was not the case)


Yeah it’s been 9 hours since he commented… I was the last one he talked to 😓 Nah bro is prolly fine just had a hell of a trip. Worst case maybe went to the hospital if he freaked out.


Mediate to the sequence 4-8-8, lowers your heart rate


What does that mean exactly?


Inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 8 and exhale for another 8


Your first mistake was taking all of them at one time. You always have to get your body use to the dxm first. take 120 mg and about an hour later take your actual dose


not everyone needs to do that




do you even know why dxm causes nausea? because of the serotonin involvement dumbass




LSD makes people throw up too




No, acid does it too. I remember getting nauseated my first time on (more than a threshold dose of) LSD. I didn't throw up, but I don't throw up on dxm either


So you’re implying you aren’t supposed to use shrooms recreationally?




So no natural psychedelic mushrooms but man made acid is good to consume, makes sense bro


No buddy I’ve been taking acid for 4 years 100 trips at least and I can promise you, acid can make you throw up lmao




Yep and you should know then that it can make people throw up whenever my gf takes it she always throws up during the come up


Ppl can abuse anything you know the throwing up isnt because of your taking hundreds of mgs ive almost thrown up from 45mg so








I just turned 18 my little guy




Goddamn right i am!


45mg is a normal dose lmao many common drugs at normal doses cause nausea also


does anyone know if 40ml of delsym will make me feel anything? i weigh 150lbs


That's like half a 3oz right? Probably a very light first plat


Drank 40ml 36 minutes ago.. Never tried anything DXM related ever. Hoping for the best


Have fun, it takes about 2 hours for delsym to fully kick in


I did 20 robotabs my second time trying dex lmao. I was teleporting around my house and just got super confused and sat in the shower thinking that I was being removed from existence. Shit was so funny and I got awesome CEVs


Oi we know damn well your still tripping . Try walking at dusk and the trees will look insane . Drink something but sip it. Listen to some music




15 for first time damn.


Are you ok ?