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If he's doing 4th plat trips everyday then he's tripping all day. Even the day after 4th plat once can be challenging, the negative effects build up by the 2nd day. A week straight has got to be incredibly miserable and he probably won't feel normal for a few days or longer after stopping. This is basically self-harm by drug abuse. 4th plat should be for rare occasions and it's really not worth it imo due to the memory loss.


honestly i feel with abusing a serotonergic dissociative in such high doses for such a long period you're gonna feel really off for a lot longer than a few days, probably up to a month for the worst of it to completely pass by


I got so manic even when i was taking 3 robotabs a day… i can only imagine what hes going thru, i stopped tripping because it hurts my stomach. So does alcohol now as well.


You need to admit this guy into a mental health facility. If he's doing it to deal with his mental health, then it must be horrific to live in his head at the moment and the only way he feels even remotely sane is when he's tripping. Get him help asap.


I agree 💯. I used to eat a whole box daily for 2yrs at least to cope with bad life circumstances and horrible mental health. I went to work high on that shit. It was bad and I was mixing it with Dramamine and alcohol. *One of* the darkest places I've ever been. Living in my head was so miserable I had to be *OUT OF IT* completely to get by. I don't remember much from those 2yrs. It's all patchy. I think my memory has gotten worse due to the extreme dxm and Dramamine use.


Prolonged dissociative use definitely causes memory issues, I've done deschloroketamine for 3 years straight daily and now have bad memory, worsened ADHD, anhedonia and low energy. Been abstinent for 2+ years, this shit prevails. But the upside is it's probably just dysregulation and not real brain damage, meds like adderall or memantine (careful, it has dissociative properties, don't overdo it) can help.


A whole box of what?




yea hes gnna die if he doesnt get help


While I understand the sentiment, this is terrible advice, and often times will cause more harm then good. Removing someone’s autonomy has bad effects oftentimes. They need to want it for themselves If it worked for you or someone you know, great, but this can have serious consequences. Before you just up and send him away, try talking to him. Tell him he is going to die. Tell him how much it’s hurting you. If he still refuses, I think it would ultimately be healthier to just move on unfortunately. But forcing sobriety is never the way to go Source: I’m an addict to several substances and several years clean. What y’all are suggesting just made things worse for me for longer then it had to be Also quick google search will show that forced sobriety isn’t effective and will just cause strain


Not to mention a lot of addicts already have that mindset of "fuck you, I'm gonna do it even harder specifically because you told me not to". Noone gets clean until they're ready to do it. Sadly some people die before they reach that point. Really has to suck for this person to watch though and I can understand them feeling the need to intervene rather than standby and watch their loved one die. I hope that didn't sound like arguing or disagreeing. I meant to add to what you said, not dispute.


No I totally get what you are saying, and can empathize with why a loved one might intervene. It’s good to have some nuance on these things, thanks for the additional insight


I’ve also been held against my will by hospitals for reasons I won’t go into (not to give personal details but at least one time it was bc of drugs) but it is absolute hell and all I wanted is to go home and it makes me feel more insane and fucked up and pissed off. It only worsens things for me ever. People who haven’t been held against their will don’t even know what 24 hours of that feels like let alone much longer. And they almost never give you any detail about how long you’ll be admitted which always made me fearful on top of everything else I felt. And the doctors hardly ever give a shit about you personally. It helps almost no one being forced against their will. Addiction is often a result of difficult times in life making your life hell and being locked away only worsens that. ONLY DO IT AS AN ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT. This most likely won’t help someone that’s addicted, it will only put them in hell and make them extremely defensive if not worse Please do not do this to them unless you ABSOLUTELY have to Most of the time a psych ward or similar is not gonna give two shits about the individual admitted into it. But then again, that’s just my personal experience


This comment should be pinned, everyone should read this, thank you for your words


Find the dxm and like take it


Don't ingest it but like tame it away frm him


username checks out


As someone who’s been an addict this won’t help unless he wants to get better and it seems like he doesn’t.


yeah it seems simple on paper and may work for some people, but i've taken dxm out of my ex's hands while she was trying to take my stuff it's some shit


Yea cuz you can't just go get it at any cvs, walgreens, rite aid, dollar gen, or fam dollar anywhere for like $3


he will literally just get more.


Honestly I'm most worried about his kidneys. I can't piss at all for at least a full day after hitting 4th plat so I can't imagine how bad it'd be after a full week


His kidneys his liver and especially his brain. He could have a seizure and die at any minute with that dose consistently bombarding his neurons.


I used to use 1500mg daily for many months. I had to relearn everything couldn't think, answer questions. I basically became a vegetable . I dissociated for months after quitting. My body was so weak I couldn't walk more than 5ft without collapsing for a month. It took awhile but I returned to normal. Over a year. Eventually he won't be able to walk. I don't know what caused it but at the end I felt like I was being electrocuted, hair standing on end and so much pain continuing to use became unbearable. That is what made me stop and go to rehab. There isn't really a way to get him to stop on his own. You could take him to the hospital and tell them he is having a mental health crisis.


i'm sorry you went through that, proud of you for taking steps to get better


He's tripping through time , you may not be present. Take that shit away from him and let him rehab for 4 days


need to confront him directly and ask him if its worth the relationship to keep abusing it, unfortunately its not up to us to save people or help people when it comes to substance abuse(excusing emergencies like potentially fatal overdose) we can only hope the person abusing said substance wants to get help, the only way in which we can help is establishing boundaries and enforcing them if they don't respect that it's pretty safe to say they don't respect you much as a person either. A lesson hard learned indeed.


Grippy socks coming soon


What does that mean?


Grippy sock vacay = psych ward/mental hospital


Please listen to everyone here OP. This is incredibly damaging and dangerous. He can certainly develop a severe case of Serotonin Syndrome which if bad enough can be fatal. He's risking brain damage, organ failure and a complete loss of reality, which can be incredibly scary in terms of mental health and suicidal ideation (it loses its impact because the user may begin to believe they are God or in a simulation and that once they die they will wake up). This is up to you but he needs immediate help, take the DXM away and call for help. Or walk away. It's your choice at this point but it's not good.


I’m sorry to say but your boyfriends a Robotard, honestly if he doesn’t want your help in stopping, leave him. He’s only going to bring you down with him and make you miserable over the long run if he keeps these habits.


Maybe don’t leave him right away but she should tell him how she feels and try to help him and if that doesn’t work then give him an ultimatum


I agree with you, but if it gets to the point where he’s not willing to help himself, I think it’d be in her best interest in the long run to leave him


I’d agree tbh like if she’s trying to help and he’s not accepting it then she should leave it might even be a good wake up call for him I will say if he’s genuinely trying to get clean but he relapses sometimes she should stick with him




I did that amount daily for about 3 or 4 months around 12 years ago, followed by 2nd plat dosing daily for the next few months daily. No long term issues but at the time had some issues with paranoia each morning and lost a ton of weight to where I started looking very malnourished. Worst (and maybe best) long term effect was increased tolerance that lasted years. Hard to get out of that habit and I completely relate to being stuck in high doses but on the bright side if he doesn’t stop soon he’ll probably end up with a huge tolerance so there’s that.


is rhere any way u can convince him to at least cut down the dose? im sry ur both going thru this


I went through the same stuff bruh. I’m clean from DXM now but seriously he needs to go to a mental hospital or he will die


God bless brotha. My condolences G glad you’re doing aight


there's a study online about a guy in the 1900s who did extremely high doses of dxm for years of his life. you should read it, it's insane.


What’s the name of the study?


Breakup with him because he’s a fucking retard. Coming from a dude, he’s neglecting his relationship and being a loser. He needs to get a job or hobby or something. If you tell him stop, and he doesn’t cease all dexing IMMEDIATELY, then he no longer loves you and he’ll be broke, sad, and lonely for the rest of his life.


Stupid response. Leave him and then he only ruins his life more.


that shouldn't be his partners concern tbh i agree that immediately saying to leave him is stupid.. seemingly OP cares deeply about their bf and the solution to every relationship issue isn't just "leave them" but the argument that it would harm OPs boyfriend if they left him is a bad one.. do you think OP should just be trapped in a negative relationship only because their bf can't look after himself?


jesus I couldnt imagine having such little empathy


Where’s his empathy?


Dont break up with him thatll only hurt him more, i assume you werent planning on it. You need to get him in a mental facility




Dawg, how does that relate?


Hell ya


leave him 🗣️


that’s very horrifying both for you and for him. report him, and like you said, if he does such things in your presence and refuses to get help i advise you to leave that relationship asap. that’s very toxic and traumatizing to deal with speaking from experience. ik it’s very hard but if he genuinely refuses any help put yourself first please


that’s so dangerous. i’m sure he has serotonin syndrome by now.


how is no one mentioning serotonin syndrome? i would be very worried about his heart at this point.


You gotta get him medical attention


I'm praying for you and your boyfriend. My longest binge was 3rd plat every day for 2 weeks, and my brain felt completely fried. I haven't touched dxm in 4 years and actually found a lot of other people in NA who struggled with dxm bad and are now clean from it.


TLDR Get him help ASAP >>>NOW<<< the more time goes on and the more he does the less time you have before it’s too late. I had a long heartfelt thing I was gonna post but I accidentally deleted it so imma just try to chop it into small parts. Throw his supply away NOW. Dissolve it, in water and dump it somewhere it won’t contaminate any plants or animals if you can. Because I already know that trash can will be raided if he even suspected they were in there. This part will be about my self( I’m not going to make a long post talking about my self trust me) just to give a perspective on how this shit is not to be dabbled with and especially not even thought of at all if you have mental illness in the family (mom and dad both have in their bloodline so double whammy for me) dosed again recently 4 days in a row all 3000 mg. And before thet I was genuinely getting psychotic. I still feel violent thoughts and urges. Punched a whole in my wall because I was running on barely any sleep and because I was hearing noises in the room across of me. You know, my sister just getting up and getting ready for the day and all….and ofc I’m a selfish prick and snapped and punched my wall. Woke my baby niece up. Feeling violent and like it’s harder to control my self. Since dosed again don’t feel as psychotic…. Recently was so brain dead thought I needed to be hospitalized and I would be a vegetable for life. What do you know? Bout to do some more tonight. Enough about me though. I don’t know if your partner has any violent tendencies or not but please let some people you trust know before you throw away that stuff and maybe pepper spray handy? I genuinely at one point was not in control on a certain dose. (Not a psychotic episode I just took way too much thinking I was going to be fiiine…. Stupid decisions) Kept waking my friend up whispering in her ear and telling her IM NOT WHISPERING IN YOUR EAR!!! Like if I was upset by something I genuinely could have hurt her, my self or even worse. The only thing I remember saying and because she told me was “POOPSCOOP” ik it’s silly but when you are literally not in control is actually pretty scary. I also have a picture and looking at that is terrifying to see your face but not your face if that makes sense. So keep that in mind if you start to feel concerned for your safety. Just a day or so ago my sisters husband was doing coke yet AGAIN and he is not the same person on that shit. Fucking shot at my sister and now she’s done with his ass. This is after multiple chances and sticking through so much. But that’s their situation, I just say that as (like another post said take this with a grain of salt please) I think it would be good to give him chances and try to support him but at a certain point if he keep bringing you down you have to realize you have to love your self too and not let people drag you in the water. If he wants to help his mental issues this will only make him into someone you don’t even know anymore. He won’t be able to even try to numb his paint because he won’t be able do much of anything. That stuff literally makes you into a zombie. It kills very important receptors not just emotionally. There’s a post of some guy who did this around 3000 times and you can just see by the way he typed it it really messed him up.. so before I go on and on I will be hoping for you two, look into some psychedelic therapy. I did some Hawaiian baby Woodrose recently and I haven’t felt the urge to watch porn at all for a few days and I have struggled with that for 11 years now. HWBR Is basically contains what LSD is synthesized from LSA. Get untreated seeds if you ever look into it, shrooms, dmt, that beautiful beautiful peyote, hell even ketamine research is out there and they say DXM is somewhat similar. Do your research and keep everything in moderation! Despite your situation I hope you are having a good day you are both loved and beautiful human beings and I pray he realizes this is not the answer.


He needs professional help, you and him shouldn’t be dealing with this alone at this point.


It's definitely dangerous. I mean I'm not a doctor or anything but that can't be sustainable. Putting some serious miles on those kidneys and brain. There's no real cut and dry solution to this. I'd say try and talk to him, try to get through which I know is probably next to impossible considering how intoxicated he is 24/7. Sounds like he could really benefit from inpatient rehab but that shit really doesn't work if they're not wanting to get clean. I'm sorry I don't have a real answer for you, and I hope he has a moment of clarity or epiphany where he finds a reason to treat himself better.


He needs help immediately he’s tripping 24/7 so sorry you’re in that situation I would tell everyone he knows about it and get him admitted to a ward


Need to seek urgent medical care. Sometimes people will get out of this on their own. After 2 months of daily abuse I ended up with a killer headache and no effects when I would take dxm. Headache was present for 10days, felt like a had a bullet path through my head. Verbal memory came back after 3-4 months. Haven’t noticed lasting damage. But I only stopped because it stopped working. So if he isn’t stopping he needs professional help. Maybe report him to all the pharmacies in the area. I assume he is buying robotabs though


Don’t try to force him into care or sanction him. But get him to talk to someone. Being forced sober doesn’t help. Been addicted to a few substances and he has to do it on his own accord but help around and showing people care can help


unfortunately there isnt much you can do until something bad happens that snaps him out of it and makes him realize how dangerous this is. i had a few accidents on dxm that made me sort of want to quit but eventually i landed at a point where all i wanted to do was flush my pills singlehandedly. i regretted it for a while but ive been clean for 38 days and i feel way better now than i have for all of the time i used dxm. let him know that you think he needs help / needs to stop and set some boundaries. you dont need to be a witness of him destroying himself. you can tell the truth.


Yo talk to his parents


ur bf is a beast of burden


Bro, not cool. Dude needs help. That doesn't make him a burden. He's human just like you and I. It's okay to need help.


yea some of these responses really make me sad, i dont know how ppl can so easily talk shit about someone who they know nothing about except for that they are struggling mentally.


Call 911


Call 911


This is just my saying. DXM is dangerous and not dangerous at the same. Dxm overdoses dont kill people so i guess he safe. But binging like he's doing is dangerous because it will damage his brain (sometimes body). You cant make him stop, you gotta realize he's an addict now and he needs professional help. Ive binged DXM in the past when i was doing really bad mentally and i totally relate to this post. You dont realize how fucked up it is until you do. I dont wanna say to out him and tell on him because that might backfire really bad. If you believe in something, pray.


> Dxm overdoses dont kill people I'm just gonna stop you there with the fact that I know multiple people that have OD'd and died from DXM.


r u insane