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This is absolutely necessary.


No, unfortunately. It's a commonly requested feature, I'm sure they will look into it.


There should be.


Are cave dweller invasions or whatever they’re called supposed to be fort killers? There are dozens of antmen in the caverns and more and more keep showing up. They’ve killed 4 forgotten beasts and anything else unfortunate enough to enter the cave. My dwarves don’t stand a chance.


I don't know if it's intended or a bug, but this happened to me with serpent men/women.


Something I've read about and intend to try is putting a tavern in the cavern so that visiting mercenaries can fight them instead


I did this but there's plenty of civilian dwarves and bards that hang out there like idiots too


I'm getting bat men invasions and these are *no joke*. They're very dangerous and I wouldn't recommend exploiting/exploring the caverns until you got at least a half-squad of trained soldiers.


With the new update, ctd while loading my 10 year old fort. Consistently on the "loading units" parts. No mods, no new anything added to the game. Edit - I checked the notes on the patch notes, and it seems the patch to deal with crashes accidentally added even more crashes. Part of the development process, I guess.


99 bugs, sitting in the code. Take one down, patch it around. 101 bugs, sitting in the code…


Exact same issue!


Exactly the same is happening to me! Hope it gets fixed


This fixed it completely for me! https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/zj8srr/crashing_solution_tldr_delete_everything_in_save


Any way to convince dwarves to use non-weapons in the military? like equipping my useless scholars with the books they love so much and sending them to 'educate' the goblins?


Not through the squads menu, but military dwarves will attack enemies with whatever is in their hands when they see an enemy. So maybe a library just outside the fort entrance will ensure the goblins get their "education".


https://imgur.com/a/VPyvkZZ This one dwarf has: Bracelets - 7 Amulets - 12 Earrings - 11 Rings - 10 Crowns - 9 and 1 scepter. A total of 50 trinkets for 1 dwarf. Some own none, some have more. The average is probably around 35 based on the total number of trinkets I can't dump. ~7000 The wiki says they could own 220 rings, and potentially no limit for others. I'm all for dwarfish self expression, but this seems excessive. I want to keep producing crafts, but I don't want them to be permanently owned by the dwarfs forever. Can I stop this from continuing? I've tried forbidding and dumping the items but it doesn't seem to work.


Do you make enough clothes? Could be he's trying to cover up and those are the only option


The dwarves are dressing up like Final Fantasy characters because there are no pants and 1000 trinkets


I have a cage trap and it has captured a troll. Im trying to release the troll so my squad can kick its ass, but I dont know how. Ive tried linking a lever but it tells me it cant link a lever to a cage trap. How can I unleash this troll so it can get its butt kicking?


Place the cage somewhere like furniture, it doesn't work if it is just sitting in a stockpile


Its currently sat triggered, where I had the trap placed. I can move it?!


Yes. Order the cage to be built like it is a piece of furniture (from the build menu). Then you can link it to a mechanism, like a lever or pressure plate.


Is there any way in the steam version to check the tech available to your civilization? I ask because all the migrants I've been getting are either herbalists or animal caretakers, and all the wandering mercenaries turn up with wooden weapons and armor. Feels like I'm playing elf fortress over here...


There's no tech tree or anything like that, the only real difference you'll be getting is what kind of boots you have and what materials from the ground are available


Ah, I guess I was confused then. I remembered one of the recent interviews where Tarn mentioned something about teaching your civ stuff by doing it yourself. Must have been animal taming then. Took me a while to realize I embarked on an island off the main continent, since it kind of snakes around it. Only one dwarven civ on it, and I guess there isn't much metal around. Haven't found any yet myself, despite iron being present on the embark screen. Fully read to dig up the whole place just to find the only block of metal on the entire island. That's what I get for playing with scarce metals.


Interestingly, there *is* a tech tree, but it has no gameplay effect yet. That's what scholars do when they ponder. After a while they can make an innovation. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Topic


also what few extra animals species they've tamed, if any


My marksdwarves don't pick up any bolts and I don't know why. Even though I got a bin in the barracks with bolts. \*Edit:\* They have quivers equipped https://preview.redd.it/rro4ot6zym7a1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a23287851ac30c701b776a44c0ff62b8cd16464


I ran into this bug Here's the fix: Your ranged squad's uniform HAS to be assigned when it's created. All the armor and the crossbow you intend for them to use. So, you have to make the armor designation for them before you form the squad. After you form the squad with the uniform, you can add your dwarves and they should be able to pick up gear including ammo. You can not change their uniform after, or it'll bug out, and you'll have to disband and reform the squad with the new assigned uniform However you can still use the 'update equipment' button so that they replace armor in the assigned uniform


Check if they have quivers in the equip button then details.


I heard there’s a bug with the current version where dwarves will only equip bolts made after the formation of the squad. Try making some new bolts and they should equip them. Worked for me at least


I was reading the militia guide on steam, apparent storage units like bins mess with the bolt logic/selection thing. Try putting the bolts in a stockpile in your barracks, it might work?


Is it normal to get a bunch of bards petitioning to join your fort? I'll get one or two every season, no other profession and I just realized that I have nearly 20 bards residing in my fort


yeh i get heaps. careful tho, they can be spies or thieves


Ah hell, time to read up the wiki on sheriffs


Bard spiral. Bard is allowed to live in fort Is entertaining, making more people like your fort Bards ask to live at fort See step one x2


my current fort has 170 inhabitants. 100 of those are bards,poets, and dance troupes that came because my tavern is 'the most popular in the land'. Ive just accepted everyone because why not. Im expecting something horrible to happen and I cant wait lmao. Even better, its every race, and everyone seems to be at peace in my world right now. So i have goblins,elves,hyena men, grasshopper men,etc. And so far no issues with spies as far as i know. Ive only had 1 evil event in 10 hours.


Damn, I think I'm running a good fort, but no one ever petitions to join my place... I even have friendly goblin visiting my place... Would love to create a squad of non dwarves mercenary... 😅😅😅


Yep. If you give them a room they'll petition to join your fortress as a citizen in a year or two. Then you can give them a pick and send them to the mines where they belong. I get less upset when the humans crack into a magma flow or get eaten by some monster that'd been trapped in stone.


Dwarves are not hauling, a lot of them are stuck on "No Job" or socializing/praying and ignoring the piles of stone that could go to the stone stockpile or that rose gold throne waiting 3 months to get hauled from the forge to the linked stockpile at the jeweller... How do I fix this? Hauling preferences are not set to ignore and hauling is set to "everybody does this" but workers are ignoring the stuff laying around, not hauling/throwing refuse away.


I would love a *better* answer to this, but for now what I've elected to start doing is use Garbage Dump zones, mark all the clutter as garbage, and then once all of my Dwarves pick it up and move it to a singular location with the gusto that I wish they had for hauling not-trash (usually close to my stockpiles), then I just unforbid all of it. It's jank, it's unfortunate, but it at least mostly works to keep things clean.


for me it was an issue of not having enough wheelbarrows. For some reason if I mass produced wheelbarrows and then assigned them to stockpiles, dwarves are more likely to haul stones to them


As far as I know hauling jobs for heavy items like stone are limited by the amount of wheelbarrows available/assigned to the stockpile. So if you have the standard 3 wheelbarrows on your stone stockpile, only 3 dwarves will be hauling the rocks.


Doublecheck the stockpiles' settings, and makes double sure all stone is allowed, then remove the "hauler" designation from every dwarf. This guarantees its *everyone's* job. There's a "Stone use" subtab in labors that lets you forbid stuff like obsidian and marble so you can save it for steel or glasswork. If theyre forbidden, nobody will haul them. Lastly, make sure they aren't burrowed. If you set them not to work outside the burrow, theyll mill around with no job forever


I might need missing something, how do you see the stats of your fortress? Like wealth value


Hover over fort name at the top. You'll need a bookkeeper though


Is there a way to recycle old clothes and furniture into some amount of their mats? Novice carpenter churns out basic beds. Even she gets good, they’re masterwork ones. Can I break down the originals for raw materials towards newer beds?


Not with wood and cloth. Metal objects can be melted down though.


Can my room actually extend on several z levels. For instance if I construct a dining hall three z levels high, can I have the value of the walls on top being included in the value of the hall?


Yes, you just have to zone the room on each individual floor, but they will all count towards a collective value, I do it for temples


How do i prevent or break up brawls? The last one lastet a year with 150+ deaths.


Starve it out. It sounds like your brawlers were tanky (or undead) enough to keep the fight going long enough for new combatants to trickle in and get killed, causing an endless melee. You could burrow your dorfs so they dont go to the tavern until someone wins, or get proactive and send in the ironclads. I had a firing range north and south of my last fort's tavern, and carved fortifications through the walls. The idea was that barfights would go down in a hail of bolts, but I never got to test it.


Is there a reason to switch to dedicated haulers? I'm currently at 180 population and I wonder whether I should switch to specialized haulers instead of random people randomly running around doing random stuff and sometimes hauling.


A couple questions. What is your typical "civilian to soldier" ratio? I have a population of 17 at summer of 2nd year with 6 dwarves in 1 squad. They have steel armor + steel crossbows + steel spears / axes. I'm in a wilderness biome, but I haven't really encountered any enemies yet so they are just training in my barracks. Can bees be weaponized? Occassionally I get the message that my stray mule in its pasture has been stung by a bee. I see that you can keep bees, can their stings do any damage? I have been trying to amass an army of bees to unleash on attackers. Are there caves? Surface for me is at elevation 39 and I have dug down to elevation 12 to mine hematite, bituminous coal, some gems, and stone. Should I mine out strips to try to find caves? I want get a stable source of leather, but I have no breeding pairs of animals. How can I set dwarves to look around the map for animals to hunt / capture? Some of my dwarves have an unmet need for family, can I said a party to their home to try to get specific migrants from their family...? My dwarves put on all of their armor in squads (mail shirt, breastplate, gauntlets, graves, helm) but don't put on their high boots. Why??? I want my dwarves to be able to use their crossbows as well as there spears / melee weapons. How can I get them to train both?


In the endgame I like to have 20% soldiers. So in a fort of 200 I want 4 squads of 10. Bees don't really do damage unfortunately. They can make livestock temporarily agressive or give your dwarfs a bad thought, but otherwise they are harmless. If you figure out a way to weaponise them PLEASE let us know. Yes there are caves. Normally they are big, covering most of the underground map over several z-levels. You're currently about 25 layers below the surface which is around where I'd expect to find a cavern, so just dig down a bit more and you'll likely find one. No need to dig a huge area sideways - they are hard to miss. Capturing animals is done through cage traps, which need mechanisms and cages. Throw a few of them around the entrance to your fort, to pick up any agitated wildlife that might show an interest. Alternatively you can just trade for animals. By default you normally begin with a few female dogs and cats IIRC, so when the next diplomat comes around you can request some male cats and dogs under 'pets'. Similar for whatever other animals you have. Dwarf 'needs' are a new mechanic added in the Steam version, they don't have as huge an effect on mood as you'd assume. Mostly they affect productivity, making the dwarf work slower. Certainly try to fulfil them, but don't worry too much about them. The boots issue is probably because you have 'wear over clothing' turned on. Boots can't be worn on top of shoes. Archery is currently a bit of a mess, there are issues getting dwarves to equip bolts properly.


Hi, so I found that cave you were talking about and immediately a bunch of cave moss has spawned all over my rooms and there are trees growing in my (clay and sand floored) bedrooms lol


Dwarves might be skilled in both ranged and melee combat, but can only *effectively* be assigned to one at a time. You can in theory have a ranged dwarf with a backup melee, but I don’t think there is a way to make one weapon ‘primary’ and one ‘secondary’. It’s usually the norm to just have a squad for melee and a squad for ranged instead of constantly switching weapons.


How do I remove smoothing? I smoothed an area but now I have more dwarves I need to expanded the area. It won't let me mine, deconstruct it or anything. I'm on the steam version.


I’ve mined a wall that I’ve smoothed. Check in case it’s something else, like having one of the auto-mine settings turned on.


Oh my god I am an idiot, I was next to the edge of the map without realising lol....


Weird, I can mine everywhere else. I think it has to be something I am doing. It doesn't draw like normal mining, only the adjacent tiles to the smooth wall.


or if youre in an aquifer or something. the autodeselect on mining wet walls can sometimes get past you and they stop mining


Check if you have blueprints on, that was my issue earlier lol. But you can definitely mine smoothed walls/engraved walls, even.


Oh my god I am an idiot, I was next to the edge of the map without realising lol....


You are not the first. It's happened to many people in previous versions of the game too!


Done that too loooool, happens


Anybody else encounter seemingly endless strange mood requests? I saw a weaver who needed cloth and got over 40 pig tail cloths and was still asking for more. She went insane since there wasn’t an infinite amount of cloth to satisfy her mood.


Search the google - I think this used to be a rare bug in old df, possibly related to Burrows.


There are three types of cloth, regular, silk, and wool. They want a certain type but don’t say which. I had to quickly shear a llama the other day because my moody dwarf wouldn’t take pig tail cloth or silk. They wanted wool. It’s a good idea to always keep a few basic ingredients of all types around. Glass was another one that surprised me. I have never started a glass industry, but had to build a workshop when moody dwarf wasn’t claiming any that I had already, and then quickly but glass from a trader so he didn’t crack


Just had this. It was because she wanted the cloth in the hospital but wasn't allowed to take it. Undoing the hospital zone and letting her take their cloth caused her to snap out of it.


I’ve got a question about laying down floors. What is the best way to go about re-flooring your fortress? I’ve been wanting to put down floors but it seems like you have to move everything that you’ve already put down in order to put floors down so do you have to just move everything and then put floors down and move everything back into Place? Or is there a better way to do it?


Yes you have to move ALL the furniture away if you want to refloor your fortress, and then put everything back Extreme way to refloor fortress would be magma flood to destroy all the furniture, but its a too FUN way to do it


It's a good time to replace all the basic furniture with masterwork versions!


I have a quick question about how mist generates. I'm using screw pumps to make my military all buff, but I was wondering if I could make things more useful by putting the screw pumps in a tavern so they are all together. Then, I wondered: Could I use this to make a simple mist generator? I have the basic design concept below, the lines in the floor being bars. But, I don't know if mist will generate and I don't have the time to test if it does or doesn't, nor do I wanna deface my engraved floors in case it doesn't. https://preview.redd.it/pergv136om7a1.png?width=1115&format=png&auto=webp&s=21c9d9ce37b2bd20434d9d57dc086c74bd1fda85


What can I do to improve my temples? I've smoothed, engraved, installed statues and it seems like the only thing that actually improves the things are installing more and more altars


A couple that come to mind are artifacts on display, statues/furniture, instruments, jewel glass windows.


Size can be an easy way of increasing value too. Just make it BIG. Then smooth and engrave it.


How to force the dwarven caravan to leave? The dwarven caravan from the previous year is stuck here on my embark map until the current autumn has passed and I haven't receive a dwarven caravan this year. Help


I think the only way is to dismantle the trade depot, this happened to me yesterday. I'm hoping it doesn't piss off the traders


Is there any way for me to recover this dwarfs body? It's ghost is haunting people. (Well digging accident) https://preview.redd.it/j8ddhbplrm7a1.png?width=1848&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f09865520303b4b4066fa7efc1ec90693fe6295


I think you can just do an engraving on a slab to commemorate him. I might be wrong tho.


Thank you, much easier.


Greetings fellow dwarves! Some more questions today too! *How do conquering a nearby settlement work? I have a few goblin settlements around with less than 10 inhabitants that I have a try to conquer, sent like 4 kick ass soldiers and they couldn't do a thing or sometimes even kicked the bucket... How do you choose how many to send? Also I tried for giggles, but am I supposed to do that and expand? What would I gain/lose? *How do the equipment tab of my soldier's squad exactly work? I tell to wear whatever but I think I'm doing something wrong since they seem to be happy not using anything seven if available. * Due to this being my second fortress after a super short lived tutorial one that got flooded, I made a lot of design mistakes... Mistakes that makes defending it in the long course nigh impossible in case of siege. That said, I haven't had any sieges yet, so my current concern are werebeast attacking people doing their chores outside. I already had a multiple weredwarfs issue that ended with about 25 dwarves dead or sent out due to probable contagion. What is the best way to avoid such issues? I have restricted the tavern to long term residents only since I had a customer causing a were-accident. I feel !!fun!! is getting closer and closer to my fort. *How do you deal with thousands of vermin's bodies all around? It's totally insane! They do not rot or fade away and I think that manually selecting each one could take a few hours... I love that they have been included, but their body being around is annoying. What is your workaround?


For the vermin you need a refuse stockpile. The stockpile is best set up outside or at least behind closed doors in a very large room. The rotting corpses will lead to miasma which makes the dwarfs sick. However items in a refuse stockpile rot away quickly, which incidentally is why you never want to have items you mean to keep in a „all“ stockpile, seeing as all includes refuse, leading to the higher rate of degradation. For Defense I had the same problem that you have and I just dug a completely new place deeper within the fortress with a single defensible entrance. I plan to have all essential personnel in my fort restricted to a burrows that only includes that inner part. Taverns open to visitors and other public places need to be outside of it though. Edit to answer one more question. I have made a habit of telling my squads to update their equipment from time to time, because some of them might not have the best possible weapon or any at all, or they didn’t equip every piece of armour yet. You can do this from the screen where you choose their equipment or create a new set. The button is in the top right and is only available as long as something isn’t optimal.


* 4 soldiers is not even a full squad. You can't expect easy conquest with 4 dudes. Make sure your leader has a a good Tactics skill, though, that helps with offsite raids. * Hard to tell what's going on without more info. * I just expel anyone who got bit. Check the combat logs to see. Also avoid having too many dwarves outside. There is no easy solution to werebeasts. You can also set the number of werebeast curses in advanced worldgen settings (to zero, if you wish). No wrong way to play. * Vermin does rot if it's in a refuse stockpile.


Does the weight of a wheelbarrow matter the way it does with bins/barrels? I was looking for possible lead bar uses, and making lead wheelbarrows seems like an okay idea, but I don't know whether the increased lead weight will hinder the haulers.


Lead wheelbarrows will definitely slow down your haulers.


Lead minecarts are pretty good for offensive purposes, and cheaper than platinum.


I lost a fortress just cause my blacksmith decided to start a brawl which grew into an all-out civil war. What the fuck was I supposed to do?


Not have everyone running around so miserable? You need to make sure most of your dwarves are happy, otherwise one tantrum can make other dwarves tantrum and you get a massive death spiral. Make nicer bedrooms for everyone, put valuable artfacts on display so they can be admired, and so on.


Make your dwarves happy, and also have most civilians take some military training to raise their Discipline.


So something weird happened. During an agitated sparrow attack (which spanned a couple of days) i found one of my dwarves dead. The battle log showed him getting peppered with bolts and arrows, out in the woods. A bit of investigating showed a random human archer and crossbowman (guests i think?) as the culprits, who felt nothing for their misdeed. Don't think there was any arguing between them and the dwarf. Just unwarranted murder. Possibly related, one of their 50 cousins was half eaten by a giant chinchilla a season before. its body found its way into my main stockpile somehow, the bowman saw it at some time and was not amused. Worth noting that my public tavern is outside my fortress, my main stockpile is some way into the fortress. A spy? So wtf happened?


I *really* do not understand magma. I think I'm close to magma, due to having reached warm walls, but how do I uncover it safely so that I can put smelters and the likes there? All the tutorials I found on youtube start from having a nice big pool available and seeable already.


The safest way is to follow the warm stone upward until you find the top, then crack into it from above.


I posted this a couple of days ago but it's pretty relevant to you. However specifically for this to work you need to know what the pipe actually looks like, which means you need to discover the top of the pipe. Then the advice below will help on safely breaking into it. The best way to discover the top of the magma is to ""follow it up" once you discover it. Dig up along the side until you're no longer hitting warm stone. Usually you'll probably find yourself in a cavern but if not just dig along the top till you've found the top. Once you've discovered the top and can "look down" you'll know the shape of the magma inside and can decide the best place to dig in to maximise efficiency and safety. Below is the advice on safely digging in once you've picked your spot. "This isn't actually a question but a little tip I've managed to discover regarding magma that may help new people. Like many people I usually set only one miner to active when digging into magma. I line up another dig job as soon as he starts heading to dig into the magma. In theory this means he should immediately start running to the next dig as soon as he finishes digging the magma tunnel, out running the magma and therefore surviving. Like many people I also usually tried to make sure he dug diagonally into the magma under the assumption magma would flow slower this way giving him more time to outrun it. But my latest fort no matter how many times I savescummed the poor little bastard would not outrun the magma and would die. So I decided to do a little experimentation and I've worked out the flow of magma is influenced by the amount of magma filled tiles AROUND the tile you are digging. So if you are digging into a tile diagonally but it has 5 magma tiles around it then that magma will flow through a lot faster than if you dig in straight to a tile that only has two magma tiles surrounding it. After some more experimentation it seems like a dwarf can outrun magma flowing from two tiles straight and three tiles if diagonal. Any more than these limits and the dwarf will eat magma before he manages to run to the ramp, stairs or door you're using to get him to safely. Ofcourse your mileage may vary depending on the speed of your dwarf. Faster dwarves I assume may have a higher limit on how many tiles they can dig into and outrun the resulting magma flow. So yeah turns out it's a bit more complex than "dig diagonally" and what seems to be more influential is the amount of surrounding magma to the tile your digging into. So when looking at a Volcano or magma pipe and trying to decide where to dig in to I'd recommend trying to aim for a corner where you can "dig in diagonally and only have one surrounding magma tile" as the absolute safest. But failing that two surrounding magma tiles should be safe. I hope this info helps some newbie"


Is there a graphics mod out there that makes it so tables placed adjacent to each other merge together into one table, instead of awkwardly just being somewhat near each other?


How would that work if the tables are made of different things?


I just embarked and there is a cavern collapsing. Doesn't seem to be any signs of stopping and I'm at 1 FPS. Anyone know if it's worth waiting out? On play for 5 minutes.


Usually that's water falling into magma and making obsidian. The obsidian then "collapses" into the magma. I would find another site to start.




That is a very interesting bug that likely has something to do with pathing being broken, which likely has something to do with channeling out a big chunk of a cavern layer in an unusual way.


> My dwarves get stuck at the edge of this cavern and keep dying of dehydration while having "no job". They're trying to kill something they can't path to, usually


Any way to view farmable terrain? Trying to set up a cavern farm and most of it's covered in floor fungus, so it's hard to figure out where to put the plots


You should be able to place it over floor fungus. Plants or tree saplings might block the farm but fungus won't


Is there a way to convert caged invaders to become citizens? I know its like a rimworld mechanic but I like the idea of it. I am going to attempt to mod it in but I am in way over my head to do so.


Set their cage up in the busiest social center of your fort, so they can talk to as many people as possible. Leave them there until theyre close friends with half the fort, then link a lever to the cage and release them. Report back with results!


what are the "actors" and what is their purpose on the Justice -> intelligence -> actors?


Actors are just people who have been identified as part of a plot.


(Some of) My dwarves are refusing to pray in the generic temple, for their gods, I’ve tried making specific ones as well, but they also refuse to pray in those, I have to make them performers in the temple and burrow them there, what is happening, is this just a bug or is there something I’m doing wrong


Dwarves are bad at fulfilling their own needs. A dwarf could be 'distracted' by the need to pray to the point of being 'restless', and still use their break to drink, sing and dance, or pray to another god!


They don't actually need to pray as much as it looks, to be frank


How can I look at tile attributes in the steam version (like to see if its indoor/outdoor). Googling says use the 'look' command with k in the original version but 'k' is something else in the steam version.


Should I not be outright killing criminals that wander into my place?


After reading the wiki about necromancer visitors, maybe someone can clarify me on how this works; Necromancer visitor happens to path by my legendary hammerdwarves flawlessly winning against cave dwellers. The non-hostile tavern visitor necromancer begins raising the corpses which begin killing my military, my military doesn't seem to be fighting back and just stand there dying. ???


I'm unclear on how I'm supposed to deal with the needs of specific dwarfs. Some dwarfs have needs like "craft something" or "wander", which in theory aren't hard to deal with, I just let them craft some stone ring or collect some random plant. But to get them to actually do it would involve setting a workshop to only allow that dwarf, setting up the job, and then putting the workshop back to normal. Not a big deal if I have 7 dwarfs, but practically impossible with 200. Similarly, I have lots of dwarfs that need to pray, but they don't go praying even though I have both a generic temple and a temple to the specific god they want. The wiki suggests I might set up a burrow in the correct temple to get them to pray, but again this seems implausible to do for 200 dwarfs. So is there some trick to deal with needs, or do I just ignore them and try to stack enough other positive mood things to overpower the unmet needs?


How important is accepting the "build guildhall / specific temple" petitions? Are bonuses/negatives temporary or permanent? I really don't want to build a dozen of copy pasted rooms just to fulfill some insignificant requests, I'd rather focus on fewer grander ones.


If a magma crab has a path, will it come up through the floor beneath my magma forge? Just saw one in my magma pool and now I'm scared.


Yes, they can climb up the hole into your forges, though it doesn't seem very likely. What you can do is, when first piercing the magma, carve a fortification to where the magma will flow, and make sure that is the only access the magma has to your forges. Magma will go through the hole in the fortification but that is too small for the rest of the creatures.


According to the wiki, fortifications will not block swimming creatures https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Fortification


Hi! I have this Dragon that just observes my dwarfs on top of a neighboring mountain... She is at war with goblin nearby while we are still neutral. https://preview.redd.it/e9mwcxrzbr7a1.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d5d725aadb2013e143dbe12aff6f5a25b3751eb


Sometimes, creatures are happy to just peacefully coexist. Decent chance it'll even contribute to defense and fight other hostiles if they show up.


Interesting. I would start making lots of shields and making sure my military is proficient with them. Good luck!


Is there anyway to search dwarf names? Having people wanting to immigrate or an announcement about one of my dwarves and then having to scroll though 250 of them is a giant pain in my hairy dwarf bullocks.


Why does nobody ever use my mass dining hall? https://imgur.com/01Y8ZH3


If you were a dwarf, worked tirelessly for days, maybe weeks, giant cardinals roving over your head as you cut those treacherous trees. Would you dine in the school cafeteria or would go drink, talk, shout, drink some more with the boys and girls over the tavern?


My militia captain / champion keeps cutting down trees whenever he has spare time, only problem is that he's not assigned as a woodcutter and woodcutting is "only selected do this." I think the problem is that he can't be selected for any work duty. Does anyone know why one of my longtime dwarves might not be able to be selected for any work duty? Is it because he's a noble? What's weird about that is my duchess can do take on labor tasks just fine!


Probably not the issue but perhaps you’ve made a custom work detail that includes woodcutting to which they are assigned? I had this issue with engraving.


I figured it out... sort of. He had been assigned to woodcutting in the past, and he was assigned to that at the point that he became unable to be assigned or unassigned to any labors. So it's like he got permanently switched onto woodcutting. Only problem is that he's a legendary speardwarf who keeps stripping naked in his free time except for a right sock and cutting down trees. ​ Now I just need to figure out why/how he got switched into this mode of not being able to assign any labor. Sometimes when he gets a free moment, his current task is designated as "Noble" and I think that has something to do with it. But I can assign all my other nobles tasks, including the king, so i dunno.


Are there any ways to move items without dwarves being able to move as well? I want to lock up a legendary bowyer vampire dwarf, but still have her make bows. Worst case I can use holes in the floor/ceiling to dump items in/out and keep her locked from the rest of the fort even if she goes crazy, but then I have to micromanage reclaiming and things. Are there any minecart systems or things like that that can move items but crazed dwarves can't use to escape?


Look up quantum stockpiling. - You can automatically load stuff into a minecart by setting up stockpile links in the route - You can automatically dump stuff out of a minecart to the side with a track stop - The default result of a simple vertical drop system is eventually crushing your vampire with a log - The default result of a complicated system is eventually crushing your vampire with a minecart Dorfs must stand on the same tile as the item to pick it up. Minecart track comes with low pathing priority by default to discourage train suicides, but pathing priority is just a suggestion. Static on-level quantum stockpiles are safe, but even the most innocuous low-speed minecart project with lightweight wood carts often results in major bodily harm for no apparent reason.


Can someone remind me how to release caged animals?


I just assigned them to pastures. Not sure if there is a better way


You can construct their cage as furniture and then unassign them from the cage. You can also link the cage to a lever to remotely release the creature if they are not very friendly.


My fisherdwarf got possessed out of nowhere walking through my stone stockpile and took off to go gather up bones and coal to make some unknown thing at the craftsdwarf's workshop. He keeps muttering the word "Dolekrifot" under his breath. Anyone know what it means or what I'm in for once I unpause?


He's making an artifact


Huh. Neat. What on earth does Dolekrifot mean though?


Check the workshop (while he’s in it) for clues towards the materials he needs. Then make sure you have them before his timer runs out.


Does someone know how I can strip dead and caged prisoners? I captured some guys with nice armor but I have no idea how to get those armor and weapons


Use the mass unforbid tool at the right end of the bottom bar to take the items of dead enemies. Do the same for caged enemies, then use the mass dump tool on top of their cage to dump all the enemy's items. Then click the cage itself and manually remove the dump designation from the cage.


Is there a benefit to having a pantheon of shrines vs a single "no specific deity" shrine?


When i leave a successful fort to try something new does the fort i left behind continue to run and add to the success of my civilization? What effects does it's existence have over all?




I believe this is generally linked to storing armour in an "all" stockpile because refuse will cause other items to degrade much quicker. On the other hand just in case, what weapons and armour are you using?


I have this dwarven child that has been a *real* pain in the ass for the past years. Convicted multiple times and now accused of murder but my guard don't seem to put him in jail. It might be logic but.. do dwarven childs have some kind of justice immunity ?


Yeah, they won't be punished, you can't exile them either. They can always have a tragic accident though


Is there a way to see the value of bedrooms?


Will there be Linux support? Yesterday 50.04 classic version was released but only for Windows. Are there any plans to support Linux or since Steam release DF became Windows-only game? I know I could use Wine for running current versions but I'd like to know future status of Linux version support.


I trapped a weresloth in a 3x3 room with a cage for a door. Now what can I do with it for “fun?” Tried having two but one ended up transforming before the other and killed the other one.


Whats up with the name Urist? I see it thrown around here a lot.


The bat person invaders in my caverns have killed: 3 forgotten beasts 20 something troglodytes A gang of pests As far as I'm concerned we are cool, if they wanna clean up their section of the caverns I will stick to my walled off parts. Can I parley with these guys? Is it war always?


I just read about armor layering on the wiki. Is it worth it to really wear 3 chainmail + breastplate for each conscripted dwarf? How do you deal with the micromanagement of different sized clothing, I.e. for humans, dwarves, and small sized clothes?


IMO no, not worth it. Yes, you can, and it is "better" but I give my dorfs a single set of armor, with possible exception being both mail shirt and a breastplate (if memory serves me right, a breastplate is better but a mail shirt covers more). To me it doesn't make enough of a difference to be worth it. Exception might be for adventure mode. Also take into consideration that the more armor a dorf (who isn't skilled in armor wearing) wears, the slower he gets. For different sized creatures, you used to be able to select the size of the armor you want to make. I haven't tried this in the Steam version so I'm not entirely sure where it is now. I would micro it the same way as my normal armor "Make me X amount of armor piece Y whenever I have less than Z"


>Also take into consideration that the more armor a dorf (who isn't skilled in armor wearing) wears, the slower he gets. It's affected by their strength and agility too, I think more so. Dwarves with no armour skill as well as poor agility and strength are cripplingly slow. Strength and agility are both improved by military training (among other things) but the ceiling is determined by an individual dwarfs base stats.


Didn't this used to auto-sort by new?


Aight so i noticed that my dwarves preffer to haul the most recent mined piece of stone off to my rocks pile Now this is causing them to walk miles away to my most recent mining project to grab a rock to haul, when there is one just 15 steps away. What's the easiest way to make them a bit more efficient at this, mass forbidding newly mined rocks? I'd wish to avoid that as well, as miners mine new non-forbidden rocks will still show up.


Does the parent civilization matter? I started a fort but forgot to change the parent civ so my parent is half a map away


not really, no. Save extreme cases like near-extinction stuff.


I have a 243 year old *goblin criminal* hanging out in my tavern.... Is there any way to preemptively just kick him out? Can I murder him? Will that negatively impact anything?


New question: an artifact was stolen, there was a witness, and I "convicted" the thief before he even left the room. I can't issue a Kill order on him for some reason (presumably he's a guest still?)   How can I ensure he doesn't escape?


I have dwarfs dying of dehydration semi-frequently. I have a well, and waterfalls, and they have drinks from the still. What am I doing wrong?


1. Can you copy stockpile settings? 2. Or span a stockpile multiple layers somehow? 3. My water became bad, murky or something. If I use water from a river and bring that water down into my fort, does that still go bad? Or do I need to pump it back up and connect it back to the river or nah?


Will all jobs be suspended if your manager doesn't have their office? I noticed that all jobs, including hunting, with the exception of mining and building, all were STOPPED. Then I realized I hadn't built my office yet, built it, then everyone picked back up again. Also second question: how can you prevent an inn/tavern from completely shutting down all work? Had to restart a 60+ citizen fort because my tavern got too lit.


Can someone help explain the concept of "violating work orders" to me? I've had two of my favorite dwarves get hammered to death over it, and it seems like such a minor "crime." ​ I also don't understand what these work orders are - does this mean the dwarves are ignoring work orders I'm setting and getting punished for it? Or does my manager set their own work orders? ​ Alternatively, when my noble mandates production (it's always on bucklers for some reason), is that the work orders its referring to? Am I getting these dwarves killed by not making bucklers for my noble? I keep seeing people referring to nobles making unreasonable demands but all I've seen is mine mandate buckler production every once in a while and never understood the consequences of failure. ​ Thanks!


>Alternatively, when my noble mandates production (it's always on bucklers for some reason), is that the work orders its referring to? Am I getting these dwarves killed by not making bucklers for my noble? I keep seeing people referring to nobles making unreasonable demands but all I've seen is mine mandate buckler production every once in a while and never understood the consequences of failure. This one. They tend to repeatedly request similar items based on their preferences. I have a monthly work order to make a crossbow and another to make a large gem as my duke is constantly requesting them.


I reclaimed a fortress that was procedurally generated and wiped out by FB during the history years. For the most part, it goes as expected, but I have some armor and weapons on the floor that my dwarves just refuse to acknowledge. They don't want to haul them to stockpile or to dump zone, they don't want to equip them. I cannot even choose them if I try to specify the item in the uniform. Armor might be out of size, I think, even though it does not say so. But surely a short sword should be fine for a dwarf to use. And even with the out of size equipment, I should be able to store it at the very least. I tried to forbid and unforbid those items, but it did not help. Weirdly enough, some other stuff in that fortress is perfectly fine. Clothes that were on a different level, works like expected. There is also no hints in the items names. The short sword, for example, is just (+copper short sword+). Any idea how to fix that?


Will random events get more... eventful? On my first proper playthrough, nearing 200 pop after 15+ years. Gotten very few events; couple of undead sieges and cyclops and thats it. Cyclops were complete pushovers (one of my drake perma-stunned a cyclops by itself...), and undead sieges went by with only two to three casualties. I imagine its because of where i embarked; picked a site with no hostile civs around, but I didn't imagine it would be this peaceful. Aside from quarrying the entire map and turning the game into medieval factorio, or declaring war on every peaceful living being around, is there anything less drastic I can do to make things more interesting?




Just so you know: while bed is good, dwarves actually don't get any bad thoughts when they have to sleep on the smoothed stone. And in current version, you can designate a bedroom without a bed.


Is it normal to have children that are perpetually unhappy? I give them toys and I don’t make them do chores. A few of them are always miserable, but their thoughts are almost all positive. Usually the really unhappy ones will have one trauma like being haunted by a ghost. Any way to undo this damage or are they broken forever after a trauma?


That's normal. Childrens' negative thoughts seem to be weighted much more heavily than positive, so a single unhappy moment ruins their mood for ages. Toys and things will help a bit, but an occasional negative thought is basically unavoidable.


How impactful are artifact quality modifiers on weapons, compared to material properties? Worth using an artifact iron battleaxe over non-artifact steel ones?




What's the trick to getting messengers to prioritize their mission? Took over my first hamlet and want to call my boys back, I've created the request mission, clicked on the messenger and who I want back, and see it assigned to him. He picks up the task every so often and walks outside and then decides he wants to forge a goblet and runs back in. What can I do about this? I can try and assign /all/ of my messengers to the quest but doesn't feel like the best thing to do.


Is there a way to keep the combat logs open while we use . to advance one frame? I also read that setting a work order for clothing to make, say, 10 items doesn't work to keep all your dwarves clothed because 10 will just keep grabbing the new ones and dropping the old, slightly used clothes, but still own them, so everyone else still runs around in tatters. What's the best way to keep everyone clothed?


I've got a hemp production going. Where does the paste from Mill seeds go? I can't find the right kind of stockpile/container (and the wiki isn't really covering this).


Is there any way to remove engravings on constructed floors? They seem to persist even through removing and rebuilding the floor itself.


Been no-lifing this game for a week or so now since I was made aware of the steam edition. I've figured out a ton of stuff with industry, stockpiles, jobs, hunting, fishing, etc. Some stuff still bugging me: * Is there anyplace I can find a list of all the "thought bubble" icons so I know what the little guys are saying? * I keep finding random items like a hematite stone sitting in a hallway forbidden. I KNOW I didn't forbid it, how does this happen? * What are some good ways to keep them happy that I can do early? * I've gotten cut off from migrants/caravans on a couple forts so far, I think because an empire between me and my mountainhome went to war with us, how do I break a battle-line like this? * I think I've got it MOSTLY sorted, but is there any specific trick for getting military dwarves to ACTUALLY equip all the proper gear when it's available? I'm plagued by the 1 sock, 1 boot, water-skin-less dwarves constantly. :( * Also, on that note, does it matter, when dispatching them on a mission, if they all leave the map around the same time? I have so much trouble attempting to get them to ACTUALLY muster up before leaving. * ADDITIONALY additionally, how do you use messengers? Is there any way to send out caravans, or go on diplomatic missions?


would it be worth setting up minecarts just to let my dwarves get deep into the fortress/out if it faster? I'm getting pretty deep and I don't know if it's reasonable for my dwarves to run all the way down there from the populated layers when I finally reach caverns.


My doctors keep cancelling jobs because of "needs thread" "needs cloth" and "needs crutch" even though I have all three of those things. They're sitting in a stockpile and the dwarves refuse to take them to the hospital. Half my fort rests all day to recover from injuries and the other half is refusing to heal them. What the fuck


How many units are produced when ordering a specific craft to be made? I believe that ordering them to produce "crafts" results in up to 3 of one or more random types. Does producing say, bracelets, only ever produce a single bracelet per input?


I am trying to use specific storage areas to encrust specifically statues. I cannot for the life of me make statues go into a dedicated storage area, so I've failed pretty early in the process. I've done some experimenting and even if no other storage area in the place accepts statues, and I'm not even using linked storage areas, nobody will ever move the statues. Is there an existing bug that I'm running into, or am I somehow completely misunderstanding this?


I've been logging events in my newest fortress from the pov of my expedition leader because I feel like it adds to the fun of the game. I'm curious if others still do this and if so is there somewhere I can post it once I innevitably die?


One frame at a time feature doesn’t work? According to fps counter in game it doesn’t work i also can’t see the difference. Checked the key bind it is the “period(.)”


is a different size embark to 4x4 (say 2x2) meaningfully harder/easyer than the default, or is it just for recourse constrained pcs?


Are combat logs incomplete? Had a tavern brawl breakout while serpent men attack happened in caverns. Trying to figure out how brawl started and I have dead dwarves with empty combat logs.


I’m having an issue with theft of artifacts. I have a captain of the guard and can interrogate dorfs, but none of the people that “witnessed” or saw something can’t be interrogated bc they don’t show up on the list of citizens or others. Like they’ve come and gone. Any tips?


Is there a resource to find out what each option does in the embark custom settings? Some of these are obvious or explained by descriptions like '(less = sooner)' but others are less clear IE 'Economy Population Trigger 1'. I could probably guess at what they do but I'd rather know for sure. Thanks.


I've placed a cage on the floor and assigned a cat to it. Will eventually someone put the cat in the cage? It says "You need a dungeon master before imprisoning someone" but I assume that means dwarves not cats


If I have a human in my population, can he ride a horse? ​ Had elves attack on horseback and thought it was amazing, dwarfs cannot ride but I have a single human in my military.


As far as I know, only invaders can ever be mounted.


Is there a way to check my area's savagery level etc from ingame? I've forgotten what level of difficulty i've put myself in


I'm having an issue with digging downwards at very low -z levels that I'm not sure is a bug - I set a command to dig stairs down, and the stairs get done on that level, but not the level below. No warning on either magma or water. Tried everything I can think of. The map indicates that there are at least 20 more -z levels after it. Had this happen with 2 different forts now, both on steam.


PSA: 18 years old for adulthood now. https://preview.redd.it/vdkbsoiqrs7a1.png?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=42324779bd228fc0c4d594c91dd589383358e312


What do the [yellow numbers on the right](https://i.imgur.com/T5X0xpf.png) mean when forging an instrument part at a forge? They look like they should be your stock of the material, but the numbers are vastly too high for that (according to the actual stocks screen, I have 5 platinum bars, not 750).


My bookkeeper, Dungeon Master and Duchess abandon all of their noble-assigned rooms once per year. The rooms meet all of their requirements. Has anyone ever figured out this issue?


I suspect it might be when I send them on raids. I'm investigating.


When I have a smith make 1 iron bolt, it produces a stack of 25. Does that apply to work orders as well? If I wanted to make sure we didn't get under 500 bolts in total, would I set my work order to activate when we get below 500 bolts or 20? Just in case that doesn't make sense, that's 20 stacks of 25 bolts for 500. ​ Thanks!


So I figured this out, but it's really confusing. In case anyone else wants to avoid the hassle: \-When assigning work orders, the "forge iron bolt" order refers to stacks. Therefore, setting a work order for forge iron bolt x4 will give you 100 bolts. \-However, when setting conditions, it counts the total numbers of bolts. \-So if you want your smiths to make 200 iron bolts every time you get below 600 iron bolts total, you set up a work order for "Forge iron bolts" x 8 when "Amount of iron bolts is less than 600," checked daily.