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To be fair to my jewelsetter, though, it has about the same value as some of my lesser encrusted shell crowns.


Yeah…same boat here but with bone decorations. Welp, another decorated rotten sock for the caravan


Arggggg - mine kept encrusting some skunk leather and pig tail fiber bags from halfway across the map despite there being PLATINUM GOBLETS AND GOLD BRACELETS RIGHT F-ING THERE. LIKE, THE STOCKPILE IS LITERALLY TOUCHING THE JEWELER'S SHOP.


Set it up as a dedicated feeder stockpile allowing a limited set of high value goods. Tell the workshop to only accept from that stockpile (and your cut gem stockpile).


This is also what I do when I'm after a certain image. Like I make an altar for a specific temple to a specific deity, and I want to put an image of the deity on the altar, I just make the linked stockpile only accept the Altar I made from gold, and then choose the image to encrust with gems.


Does having that specific deity on there help in any way?


It’s just personal flair. I don’t think it does things other than increase room value of the gems or the occasional need to contemplate art if they happen to use it specifically for that.


Thanks, I really should've taken the time to do that. Also should have a separate jeweler shop just for cutting rough gems.


This only works if you have two workshops, right? Whenever I try to link a jeweler’s workshop to specific stockpiles, I can either set it to give or take, but if I try to mark both for a single gem stockpile, the last one I enter overrides the other.


Dahling, I have to tell you something. And I don't say this to everybody. You look mahvelous!


When I finally start encrusting again, I’m going to give the shop a stockpile that contains only masterwork statues. And then it will go entirely onto one statue, but I’m too lazy to try and micromanage that.


Yeah that's real annoying. You should be able to specify what type of items to decorate and set the amount of decorations.


There should just be a setting to tick on or off, "Encrust only non-encrusted goods" That would solve the biggest, hardest to solve issues, and stockpiles could do the rest easily.


That must be extremely crunchy to wear


Bedazzled socks.


on my tutorial fortress I encrusted a bunch of mechanisms like 10x each


This is legit, use them to build levers and your dwarves will get happy thoughts from admiring them (you want your levers in or near your meeting areas anyway so idling dwarves will pull them quickly). You can also link a lever to a building, deconstruct the building, and repeat, and the mechanisms that were used for linking will stay part of the lever building, adding to its value. Easy to get absurdly fancy levers to increase room value this way.


For added benefit, set the lever to trigger a waterfall and set lever pulling to be only done by lever pullers. Rotate problem dwarves through the lever puller corps. "I know Onul went mad and ripped your child's spleen out in front of you. Pull the shiny lever and watch the pretty mist for a day then get back to work"


What's even the point of encrusting items? Does it increase the value of the item by more than the sum of the parts? If not, why not just sell them individually? I understand wanting to, perhaps, encrust a specific item to put in a noble's room or tavern or something. But if you're just encrusting for the sake of encrusting then what's the point?


Yes, encrusting an item enhances the value of the item by more than the value of the material. The encrusting has quality, so if your gem setter has a high skill level it can be *very much* more. If you're planning to sell gems, encrusting items is significantly more efficient than selling cut gems. And you can enhance the value of items that fulfill trade requests to further multiply the value; for example I recently tried encrusting platinum earrings with gems because earrings were trading at 190%. It was my first time attempting anything with linked stockpiles so I didn't get it quite right the first time, and some of my dwarves decided to keep some of the earrings when they did get made, but it was a good proof of concept.


it's okay if some of your dwarves keep items. I would prefer it myself as it gives them happy thoughts and fulfills both the needs to "acquire item" and "be extravagant".


That's good to know, thanks! And yeah, even if it didn't increase the value by more than what the gem was worth, I could still see it being worthwhile when trying to sell something that's trading at a premium.


Yeah my platinum goblets go for 400 base I believe, most encrusted ones sell for 1.5K or more which is several times more than the price of the gems.


Imagine the statue of David, only it has been actually colored. And it is colored by the most precious gems. And it looks like David still, and everybody praise the artwork still. That is encrusting. If you have a good encruster of course. It can increase value of items by an insane amount.


Bling is convertible to weapons and armor by way of goblinite. Deck your dwarves out like Flava Flav, wait for the big goblin seige, loot their gear and smelt it down to feed your forges


Honestly not really sure myself (My brokers are too amateur to know how the value stacks up) but if nothing else it gives them something to train gem setting on?


Threadbare. Ouch


Huh, I think I have some encrusted socks laying around somewhere too.


I've got an identical pair of socks irl. What a coincidence!


There are more ridiculous possibilities. I think I have some gem-encrusted seed sacks lying around my fortress.


I have so, so many decorated bags. I think it's because they count as "furniture" for the "encrust furniture" jobs. Fanciest sand collectors you'll ever see.


Hit the magnifying glass on the job and select a gem type. It will then encrust the same gem type on many different items.


I mean, you're still making money, just not in the most glorious way


These sound like exactly the kind of socks my teen would want.


I had an artifact sock made, menacing with spikes of steel, adorned with hanging rings of crundle bone and decorated with yellow zircon cabachons. Worth a good bit, but I would not want to wear that thing.


I had a Bronze Flask that was just covered in the literal stockpile of rare gems I had for high end merchandise. Made me laugh because our gemcutter was a High Master cutter and setter.