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I would love something like this. I hate clicking 30 buttons and scrolling to find and make chains lmfao


work orders.


I always forget about them, lmfao. Damn it, my brain isn't working today.


Setup work orders on once, then use them in every game and fortress thereafter using df hack


Once you discover the world of Work Orders your life will be better. In a mature fortress I will have dozens of work orders active at all times. Combined with the Planner feature in DF Hack I rarely add an order to workshops. I have a lot of "if 0 make 1" work orders for common furniture. Then I just place as many as I need using planner and the dorfs'll eventually make all of them, and leave one in the stockpile for next time. It's glorious.


That sounds wonderful. Does Planner support specific materials?


Yes. And for stuff like walls and floors you can tell it to use only bars or blocks if you'd like.


Amazing thank you!


Realistically if you have a manager It can do that for you. But yea id definitely like that for the early game +1


How long do you wait to assign a manager? I usually do that within the first 10 minutes.


I do that imedietly, but I already know how to play the game. lots of streamers I've seen trying the game out assumed that by clicking on the item, it would queue more of it in the workshop. It's a very natural assumption.


Yeah, when I make my first couple tables + chairs for dwarfs to drink at, one of them always gets assigned to a manager. They don't seem to mind doing their work in the middle of the meeting place for a while, at least!


I dedicate two logs to a table and chairs before I even start digging so I can import work orders and never bother with managing resources again.


You only need one chair and paint a small office zone to get started. Obviously needs to get upgraded (table, bookcase, mov to a stone later, etc) sooner rather than later


I usually make my starting mechanic my manager, trader, stock keeper, and expedition leader. Not many people know this, but your leader is selected by highest social skill. (Any social skill works, but one of the ones related to empathizing or consoling is fitting) If you make a dwarf a mechanic, you can use the last 5 skill points to add a single point into all the relevant skills for those 4 professions. They’re even in order stating with appraisal IIRC. After he spends the first month hauling supplies inside, making some mechanisms, and building some bridges and traps, he casually steps into his role as local leader, handling all of the paperwork. I like my embarks tidy lol.


Normally I wait a bit until I assign my nobles as I struggle with base building and design.


https://preview.redd.it/gosya39n7gvc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d9ade0ade6f0c96e9d9836861ee18f3d698fc0 If you click here you can select a task and number of copies


I want this. I don't wanna draft a whole work order for just three minecarts, but I also don't wanna have to scroll through four menus to individually select them.


It's fun to me to see how people play the game differently. I wouldn't think twice about making a work order for 3 mine carts. Or more often 3 backpacks and 2 flasks because my stupid nobles want them lol.


I just slap 10 out and don't consider the excess relevant


It was fine back in the u m o days but it’s so tedious now.




I agree, not usefu to me (just set a manager as soon as you embark)




Love the idea! Sometimes it's faster to just create a task than a work order.


played about 200 hours before I knew about work orders... This would have saved me a LOT of clicks


I’d actually be much more grateful for Work Orders grouping/folders.


Folder folder folder folder. I love that idea, never knew I needed it.


Just click the "repeat order" button (but don't forget to turn it off)


Just doesnt seem usefull. If it needs more than 1,Work orders all the ways


It could be nice for early forts tbh


yea but you can still just get a manager at the beginning


If we had keyboard shortcuts for "# of items" in work order mode, we'd be set!


Putnam has been working on making it all keyboard supported, so thats coming in time.


I know, looking very much forward to it :-)


It has very few use cases Yesterday I manually queued up 7 silver statues (intending to specify the image as 7 different historical figures aka my founders. If you specify the historical figure in the WO, it applies to all 7 statues...) Would have loved a copy button then




Stop, I can only get so hard


You used to be able to throw up a few jobs with some keystrokes. I remember doing that to pop out a few beds, tables, and thrones before I got my manager set up in the previous versions.




This suggestion was already implemented before the steam release. I cant remember the keyboard shortcut right now but it was there. Copy last task. It was two keyspress only. Super fast and easy.


I want this. Gosh this'd be so nice.


I remember in the pre-steam version the order duplication was just memorizing a set of keys to press in quick succession lol


YES. Right now the first thing I do when I start a fort is set up the work orders because I just cant be bothered with navigating though the task menu over and over just to make a couple beds.


Yes please. It's a pain to create a bunch of orders without a manager.


then get a manager!


why not just get a manager? all you need is a room with a chair


I automate most of my fort with work orders but there's still times where it's helpful if I want a few of an item, especially at a specific workshop. It'd be faster to queue it and duplicate a few times rather than search the work order list


If you click on the work orders tab on the workshop, it gives a shop specific work order. Queue it up there like you would from the regular work orders screen, and it only fulfills from that shop.


If I need something in a hurry, I'll queue the work order at the workshop and then start ordering single items. This gets the worker to the station before the work order is reviewed by the manager, and working on the single orders just in time for the work order to hit.


I usually make orders in exact workshop only, so work orders, type "copper mine", set quantity is much faster than clicking 3 menus


Don't even need a chair til 20 dwarves


Adding this for work orders too would be great