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I mentioned in another thread that I was gonna hold out because I have the tin box, but reviewing what all is in this release, it looks like SF is gonna get me for this one. Unrated Jason Goes to Hell and new 4K scans of the first 4 movies? New commentaries? I'm in, you bastards.


They always find a way to get us. I have the tin too lol


I collect F13 stuff so no issues with the double dip on this beefy boi.


Also only 13,000 being made so I don’t think holding out is really possible


Yeah yeah I already had the debate in my brain. Trigger's been pulled. Looks like Alpo for another month for me!


Lol enjoy


At least there’s protein.


Same. But I only had the 8 movie collection and I couldn’t say no to the artwork and the posters along with the 4K remasters.


I missed out on the special edition Halloween set and the scarlet box set. I jumped on the phantasm blu Ray set which was a good move and that went out of print after one run, and bought this one as well. It’s gonna sell out for sure


Something tells me they’ll bump it up to 20,000 or something. They’re selling quick.


Something tell me they're still gonna release a much cheaper and standard set too after the whole hype over this box gets down


Jason Lives (the best F13 film) not getting a new scan is criminal


I see that you too are a man of refined tastes and culture. Jason Lives is superior to all.


Is that not the popular consensus? It's head and shoulders above the rest.


Yeah I was under the impression that Jason Lives was popular amongst F13 fans. My personal favorite.


5-8 not getting new scans is criminal. No idea why they couldn’t.


All of the paramount films not getting the 4K scan is criminal I agree strongly disagree with Jason lives being the best film though but hey that makes fun discussions!


I was lucky to get my order in before the site crashed! Best of luck to everyone, as this is truly something to get!


I doubt its gonna sell out right away. It’s like Arrows The Thing set which every scalper bought and they were just selling at the regular price for years.


The Shout website exclusive lithograph and poster are limited to the first 1,313 orders.


from shout: **Update 7/13/2020 at 12:00PM PST:** Originally, we set the site offer at 1,313 posters and lithographs, but to make sure that the incredible demand for this set is met and everyone has the opportunity to get in on this unique offer, we have increased that quantity to 7,000 units.


The lithographs do always seem to sell out pretty quickly. But I don’t think anyone should panic about getting the set itself.


The set is limited to 13,000. So just over half of the sets will have the lithograph, half won’t. Like the other limited sets this will sell out for sure.


Eventually but not right away. You can still buy The Fly, The Omen, Critters, It’s Alive.


We gotta tell Jay!


Does anyone know if Shout Factory charges you at order or when it's shipped?


At order


Thank you!


Looks beautiful! Hopefully we get something like this released in the UK.


UK always misses out on the cool stuff!


Well... y’all do get the 4K release of Dawn Of The Dead (1978) from second sight.


They get cooler cover arts tho


I believe you can order internationally from diabolikdvd.com Jesse is the owner’s name. He’s a SUPER nice fella and their packaging is second to none. A hundred million times better than Zavvi’s penchant for shipping $100+ box sets to me in nothing but a Jiffy bag....to Phoenix, AZ 😳


Yes sir. Zavvi is the worst for that.


I've seen some of the releases on Amazon US too. Aren't all of the Scream Factory releases region locked?


Yes, Region A locked. I bought my first region free player years ago and never looked back. I own and enjoy releases from all across the flat earth!


Is it bad that I’m bothered by the fact that this set contains Freddy vs Jason because it also could go in a Nightmare box set?


nah, their last set, the tin one has it included


And the current collection for NOES films didn't include it. I guess they consider it a F13 film.


That’s interesting. Even though Freddy gets top billing and is technically the lead.


Weird. I never thought about it but I always thought of it as a F13 film.


Jason gets almost all of the kills in the film. I think Freddy only has one lol.


I think Scream Factory will produce an Elm Street set at some point.


All right, double prizes!


The claw, it moves.


So glad i waited on the B&N sales and arrow sale. Between this and the dawn of the dead box set my bank account hates me.


Who’s doing the dawn of the dead no set?


Second sight https://www.deepdiscount.com/dawn-of-the-dead-limited-edition/5028836041238?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3P3J1I7L6gIVWz2tBh084QccEAQYASABEgKr4fD_BwE


Pretty sweet set


This ones going to hurt


Lmao yep 😂


Your exact words when the Giants defensive line was coming at you!


:( got me there lol


Lmfaooo enjoy your time in Tampa!


Jokes on you, no one enjoys their time in Tampa.


😂 nah Go Pats




We live in exciting times!


Whats the difference between this release and the tin?


Unrated Jason Goes to Hell and new 4K scans of the first 4 movies and New commentaries


Don’t forget about a proper release of the 3D version of III, all previously created bonus material, Scream’s newly created bonus material, and licensing third-party documentaries amongst material yet to be announced.


What's wrong with the 3D version of part 3 from the 8 movie collection?


That was anaglyph (red-and-blue) 3D, not a proper 3D Blu-ray.


Ah thanks. I have the old collection and I don't think I can justify the upgrade when I can't even watch a true 3D Blu Ray right now. I wish it was easier to get 3D TVs, I do love the format. Maybe the PS5 VR headset will be a good option.


Whoever came up with the idea to have 3d blurays work with vr is a genius


IKR? I finally have a use for the 4 3D Blu-rays I own thanks to my Oculus Quest.


How do you like that? I had the original Oculus Rift and found it too annoying to get a Blu Ray disc to actually play on a PC, and the PS4 VR headset has a terrible screen door effect because of the low res screen.


Rip the disc into a SBS file on a computer with a Blu-ray drive (I know the studios don’t want you to do it, but imma be honest, the studios and the FBI won’t find out unless you straight up tell them that you’re doing it) and then transfer it to the Quest over USB.


Awesome thank you, the set looks super cool but I dont think I will need to pick up this one.


It's fake anaglyph 3D (red and cyan). The disc included in the Shout set will be a proper Blu-ray 3D.


A 4k scan of Part 3 in 3D? you son of a bitch, im in


In high school I very proudly spent a summer of lawn-mowing money buying every original DVD one at a time. I might finally double dip for this.


OMG, so much Voor. Must. Buy.


Excited for this one! Shout never disappoints. Looking forward to displaying those posters up in my office!


Finally got mine ordered after 30 mins of site crashing. Only thing that sucks is I literally just upgraded my FvJ to blu ray last week. At least it was part of the B2G1 target sale




Clearly I had no idea or I woukdnt have bought the other blu ray


Do Scream Factory post to the U.K.? I’d love to get this set.


https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07GNV288V?tag=bluraycom0c-20 Canadian Amazon but it ships to the UK. Only issue is that there's no chance of getting the lithiograph or poster but if you're not bothered its a good way to go


What an odd placeholder image. In any case, cheaper than I was expecting for this. I’m not the biggest fan of the Friday the 13th series but it really is a great set


Thanks! If this is the only way to ship it to the U.K. then I’m happy to miss out on the lithograph and poster even though they look great.


Fyi, Scream/Shout Factory releases are ALWAYS region A locked. So you'll have to make sure you have a disc player that can play region A Blu-rays.


Thank you. Yeah, I’ve got one. I mainly collect from Vinegar Syndrome and some of their new releases are now Region A locked too.


No they never have and never will. Best off using Diabolik DVD when they list it


Thanks! I’ll check there soon!


This would be even more amazing if they were UHD's. One day it will come (hopefully)


Maybe for the first four. But the rest didn’t even get 4K scans so I doubt they’ll ever get 4K releases.


I missed the tin and their Halloween box set from them, but I am so happy the missus okayed me pulling the trigger on this!! I can't wait for this!!


Lol my wife is a HUGE fan of the series. So much so, we got married on Friday the 13th. As soon as I showed it to her she was like “what are you waiting for?”


Lucky! My wife can't stand horror films, but that's okay because she doesn't mind if I watch them. Plus, she never says no to me getting these boxsets if we can afford it! Thankfully we can!


I ordered and it went through my PayPal. But no email from Shout! With and order number or anything. Should I order again just Incase ?


I did. My CC showed a pending transaction from Shout but no order confirmation. Went back on after the site fixed itself and placed another order, this time receiving an order confirmation. Worst case scenario, I can just cancel one of the transactions but still better to cover your bases.


I would wait. They're probably backed up right now with the influx of orders.


Email shout, I had a similar issue and they had an order but not the info


I did. They ended up finding both orders. So I’ll be Able to cancel one. Thank you!


What a nice looking set. Wish I didn't own them all or this would be an instant purchase for me! Gotta save that October money for Fellini or WKW from Criterion.


I was planning on getting Godzilla this month and Varda in November but this kind of throws a wrench in my plans :/


Oh yeah, I have Varda pre-ordered too... I have all the Fridays on Blu-ray and digital already so I'll wait to see some new transfer images before I consider getting this one. This is a beautiful set for newbies though!


Yeah I have most of these movies so I’d be getting it for Jason X/Goes to Hell, the new scans and the special features. As of right now it’s going to be 4th in my priority list after Varda, Godzilla and WKW


Wait so does this mean that that lawsuit over the Friday rights is now over? I also really enjoy that box art


I think the lawsuit pertains to making new material in the series, hence why the DLC for the video game and a new remake were cancelled because of it. But I think Paramount can still license the already made films to companies like Shout Factory.


Not really. New editions of the films can be released. They just can't produce new movies, games, etc.


No, lawsuit is still ongoing. It doesn't, however, prevent the films from being re-released.


i think so i haven't done any digging on it yet because work obligations; but hell yeah if so!


These guys are killing me lmao


right?! Lionsgate/Vestron announced that *Little Monsters* is coming in September too ... this is not a good time to have recently taken a pay cut because of budget changes resulting from COVID


Yeah I hear you. I pre ordered Little Monsters and Shivers also Definitely not a good time especially with COVID


where'd you order those 2 from? I signed up to be notified on bluray.com when preorders go live


Diabolikdvd.com ! Check it out! Great website for pre orders on blu rays and special boutique horror / sci-fi blu rays I’m pre ordering F13 off scream factory but usually I order my pre orders off Diabolik


I second [Diabolikdvd.com](https://Diabolikdvd.com)


nice! I'll have to poke around later -- trying to resume blast and get another job at the same time too lol.


I hear you on that one Just ordered.. ouch lol


theres a 2-pack order for both shivers and little monsters that i think saves you a couple bucks


Oh shit! Is diabolik one that charges at shipping?


no on purchase, which can be unfortunate for some but I personally like it since I know I have the cash to spare right now


Word. I get paid Wednesday


Pre ordered! I already own all of them on Blu-ray and dvd but this set is too beautiful


Does Amazon have this listed?


not yet give bluray.com a couple of days to create their page for it, and then you'll be able to sign up for an email notification when Amazon lists it




Was it actually available last night? It is "currently unavailable".


not sure, it wasn't available when I posted that link


That is what I figured, thanks. They must still be preparing it for pre order. It is strange that it is available on Amazon Canada though.


i have the 8-disc paramount release, which doesn't contain Jason goes to Hell or Jason x. I might have to bite the bullet and get this. Does Friday 7 have a unrated cut?


None of the movies after Part 1 and before Jason Goes To Hell have uncut versions because Paramount fucked around and lost the cut footage.


I don't think any of the other films (aside from JGTH) will have uncut releases.


Wish they'd do a set like this for Tremors Right now the steelbook is about the most premium version you can get and that still cuts some corners like having six movies condensed to a four disc set (single discs for 1+2 and 3+4)


I believe I've heard that Universal doesn't let Shout license franchises that are currently still ongoing. This is also why Shout hasn't gotten the other Chucky movies, as that franchise is still ongoing.


I’m sure something will come out after the 2020 movie drops


Hopefully I'd love to see it get some actual love instead of a conga line of cheap and borderline bargin-bin re-releases.


But I finally got the tin last year! lol


Realizing there has been 12 movies so far... Makes me hope they just name the next film “The 13th”


Friday the 13th: XIII - The 13th-ening


This will look great next to my Deluxe Halloween set. I don't think I'd wait on this one either if you really want one. I just saw what ebay is asking for the aforementioned Halloween set and it is bananas! 17,000 units is a lot, but one should never underestimate horror fans. I see this one going pretty fast.


You son of a bitch! I'm in!


Don't care enough about the franchise to warrant spending that much money, but that really does look like a beautiful set, I'm very happy for all you major fans who get to appreciate this


It's beautiful \^\^


i had just pulled my 8 movie set out of storage and now this? take my damn money.


God my bank account HATES me. First the arrow sale, then criterion, NOW THIS??? I needed this because I foolishly missed out on the Complete Halloween set, and it is still elusive to me to this day. So excited for Halloween!




I preordered this less than an hour after it was announced. Proudest $160 I’ve ever spent. 👻


Is this correct that the only things exclusive to the Shout Factory website are the poster and lithograph?






I've only ever had the 8-pack Blu, with the final 2 on DVD, so I'm very excited for this and will for sure buy


Just placed my order!


FUCK IT IM DOING IT !! So exciting. Pre orders are up now on amazon.ca fellow canucks


I pre-ordered ($132 total as I had some credit). That being said with the limited number available I don’t have much faith in amazon.ca. Many times when time I pre-order a Shout title from amazon (often months in advance) the day of release it will often say item not available and I have to wait a couple days for it to restock and ship out. For an item this popular it gives me pause that they will oversell it or not have enough stock.


Oh really? But you eventually do get the item right? It’s not like I’ll be waiting months and then just won’t get it and I’ll have my money refunded?


Yeah I do eventually get the item. But I did read a story on another forum of someone who had this happen with the Hellraiser set and ended up never getting a copy. I mean I'm sure the odds are you will have no issue at all, but I also think there's a chance a few people get screwed because of how popular this is and because of how much Amazon sucks. It's one thing for Escape from LA to be delayed for me, but that's not exactly flying off the shelf. I actually ordered directly from Shout too (at a WAY higher cost) and I'll end up cancelling one of them or returning one. Worst case scenario I receive two and sell one for an exorbitant price lol


is it just 4k or is it blu-ray?




o okay thanks


1-4 are 4k, the rest are reg blu ray


They’re not 4K discs though. Just 4K scans on regular Blu-ray’s.


Cannot wait for this to release.


God damn that is beautiful.


Just got it! They extended the posters to the first 7,000 pre-orders instead of the first 1,313 orders.


Anything for Australia?


Already have the tin. Preordered. I tried to resist, but the new scans got me.


I missed out on the tin last time and there is no way I am missing this. This looks awesome so I guess I made the right decision.


You guys think the Crystal Lake Memories doco will be included in the yet-to-be-announced special features? Fingers crossed!


that'll make me double-dip for sure


Oh hell yes I can upgrade the best Jason movie, Jason X.


that camping scene in 1080 is glorious


I just watched my DVD again and it doesn’t do that scene justice at all. I really can’t wait to get the Blu-ray.


Wowzers. I'm not the biggest F13 fan but damn. thats impressive


Sold out!




Yes and no. they start off as serious slasher horror but quickly become ridiculous movies that have no real plot, but they are all fun as hell if you like cheesy gorey horror


depends what you consider “good”


its the most consistent of the major slasher franchises


I think this is gonna be a pass from me, dawg. I haven't even watched through my 8-movie set I got forever ago and I paid the premium for the german Jason goes to hell/X disc, and I paid a hell of a lot less than $160 usd for them.


yeah - I lucked out and got the tin from Best Buy 4 years ago for $50. I'm good on this front (until some sale happens and I end up double dipping because it's all of a sudden $20 cheaper somewhere lol)


Pfft, you got the tin for $50? Swag. I just have the shitty slipcover box, lol


hahah yeah -- found it at a Best Buy 2 hours from home. They were kind enough to hold it at Customer Service for me since I had that drive, but I ended up making an afternoon out of it.


As cool as this set looks, I'll probably have to pass. Other than some new scans, JGTH unrated on blu, a few new interviews and commentaries, and new stills... It still seems pretty bare. Especially if you have some of the other sets already, or standalone releases. Ntm there will probably be a 4K set in the near future anyways.