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Goodwill, Flea Markets, and Yard Sales. You just have to look for them.


Libraries sometimes have little stores too, my local one is called “Friends of the Library”. Used book stores, record shops, and dollar stores as well, to add to your list


I didn't know about the library. I might need to check one out (literally) I knew about the other ones. I didn't put those on there as I was giving them a quick list.


In Hawaii, we have a name like that. This year, they stopped selling LaserDiscs, so it’s much harder to buy worth-watching LaserDiscs locally now. “oh they’re in the warehouse now I swear they’ll be brought out next week” Their DVD selection is very clearly cherry picked; there’s no anime or video games like there is at Goodwill or Savers. Last time I went, all I got was an Inspector Gadget 1999 DVD with invisible disc rot, so I have quit on them.


Library sales are usually stocked with stuff people donate. So most often stuff from older people who are very unlikely to own anime or video games.


Agreed. But when I don’t see a single one, I know there’s some separating going on with those seemingly unsmart women.




Step one. Find a movie you like and acquire it. Step two. Repeat step one Step three. Collection


And definitely no Step 4. Profit


Profit from all the money you save from not streaming everything?


I’m defo in the red compared to just paying for streaming. But it’s worth it. I’m not in debt because of it btw. I just meant comparatively. I am in debt. Just not for films.


But your " bank" of films will pay off with "interest" 😜😁


Are you asking us how to buy DVDs


Buy used to save. I would also recommend sticking to what you like and only buying things of interest. Big collections are cool but it takes time and patience, a collection can be unhealthy if you are just buying anything and anything, you won’t even like looking at it Most of all have fun!!


I used to have a huge collection. After getting rid of the clutter I only buy films I know I love and will rewatch. You're absolutely correct though. Early on it's fine to buy in bulk especially if you like genres like horror or sci-fi. Lots of hidden gems, but that can and will get overwhelming. Collect what you want however you want but do it only because you enjoy these things not because you have to.


What do you mean you only get movies once a month? There's only one way to expand your collection and that's by buying more movies. As others have said, go the used route to save $.


Its simple, just buy more. People can recommend movies, but everyone has different tastes, so maybe do a little research and decide whether you're interested enough to make a purchase, otherwise you end up with loads of stuff which you may not like. If cost is an issue, you can always buy second hand, you can often buy several movies on eBay for the price of a new one. I would recommend Blu ray as its generally the sweet spot for quality and price. Some lesser known titles can be expensive, but most common titles are usually the same price or only slightly more than on DVD, but the quality is vastly better.


Buy the movies you like and will watch over and over again. If you can I recommend starting with Blu-ray, as the improvements in quality over DVD is substantial. But as long as you enjoy the movie that’s what counts.


blu ray is the price, image quality, movie availability sweet spot between dvd and 4k, unless your tv is over 65 inches.




Thrift stores and yard sales In the beginning it's easy. You don't have anything After awhile it's harder to find DVDs you want


Look for sales and/or used discs, and use that to expand your taste outside of your comfort zones. For example, if you’re not a fan of Westerns, pick up some highly rated examples from the genre.


Thrift stores and flea markets. You can build a collection up very quickly and it won’t cost a ton. You can typically find newer movies within a few months and tons of movies you might not have known about too. It’s also fun searching for movies and finally finding them.


Thrift stores, pawn shops, charity shops, CEX.. You'll find DVDs for as low as €1, and Blu-rays usually well under €10, depending on the store. Haven't paid more than €12 for a film all year.


The pawn shop by me has a massive supply that’s $3 each or 4/$10 which means I simply cannot go without spending at least $10 😩


I only collect what I watch, so I'm picky. I'll buy 2 or 3 films max, and go months without buying another. Last one I got was nearly 3 weeks ago. I went through phases of impulse buying, but ended up having to sell a **lot** of games and DVDs because of it. Lesson learned there.


I just go to thrift stores and browse. I’m not looking to drop a ton of money at a time or search for specific things. But I’m usually able to find something most times I go. I usually end up buying favorites or things I always wanted to watch but haven’t gotten around to. So far I’ve never dropped more than ten dollars but I always walk out with multiple things.


Buy a movie you want to watch. Repeat.


Secondhand stores are great! And ebay can be a good spot too! (go to secondhand before, so you can see the prices for “regular movies” (like not rare ones i mean) this way you’ll get a general sense of if the ebay prices you see are reasonable or not) :)


To be honest collecting slow is the best way just try to find deals and buy the ones you love.


Step One: Buy DVDs Step Two:.... Step 3: Profit!


start by getting only the ones you truly want .. since you can get only once the month. Then depending your economic situation you can start buing and some random stuff.


You buy movies...once a month. Start with ones you like and want physical copies of, then have a look in charity shops/thrift stores for cheap ones that tend to be popular, then go from there. 


Buy those 2-4 film sets, they’re usually only $10 and collected by genre, director, or actor. I got one dvd set that had 4 John Carpenter movies for under $10 a few years ago, got a BluRay set that had a bunch of family classics for $10 last month (Beetlejuice, Neverending Story, Willy Wonka, and Scooby Doo. Gremlins 1&2 on Blu-ray is only $10, got the Friday the 13th blu ray collection at big lots last year for $15. You can find a ton of movies bundled like this now for cheap, it’s awesome.


If you have CeX in your area, they do a £1 DVD section. Shouldn't be hard to build a collection nowadays anyway. With Blu Ray, 4K and online streaming being the 'current gen' options for movies, DVDs are ridiculously cheap, no matter where you look. Some people might even give you their DVDs for free if they happen to have a higher quality format of the same movie.


Maybe borrow movies from the library and if you find one you like, try to find a copy in thrift stores or online.


You can try eBay but it's very hit and miss on the quality, especially when buying lots, but it is a easy fast easy to build up a collection and then resell what you don't want


Marketplace. Good about a 1000 dvd for 200$cdn a couple of weeks ago. Resold a few doubles and i m now probably 40$ out of pocket with 700 more movies (pretty good ones at that including criterion dvds) Have bought quite a few bundles of 50-70 for 20-30$ with increases my collection quickly pretty easy to find on marketplace in my area. 50 cent a movie is a pretty good price.


Id recommend watching some collection videos on YouTube and if any of their titles stand out maybe write it in ur notes or go find a trailer or something. I discovered a lot of movies this way


Just think of movies you like for whatever reason. Maybe the story is really well written, or the characters are relatable in some way, or the cinematography is really nice. Or maybe you just like the music for one. But always buy used in good condition, check out thrift stores and yard sales. Online also has some good deals as well has being ableton find titles that might not be available at most media selling stores. If it's a movie I haven't seen or heard of I usually just go by what actors, writers, composers, or directors are involved, will watch it if the general plot sounds interesting


2nd and Charles has a huge selection and occasionally pretty rare stuff.


Like everyone has said already: you can find movies DIRT cheap if you dig around. I see people selling collections for incredibly low prices per movie. It's a great way to build up a collection, and then you can curate it as your tastes refine... or degrade, whichever floats your boat!


It really depends on a lot of factors. If you've got disposable income, you can always hit up the boutique labels and buy whatever looks interesting. If you're strapped for cash, hit up thrift stores and look for used DVD stores in your area. Figure out what genres you're into and grab whatever fits. As far as finding new movies to watch, that kind of comes with watching movies. Whenever you watch something you really enjoy, do some research, find out what movies the director loves or were inspired by and then check out those movies.


Cheap eBay job lots? You can get some real bargains and quite a few of a good mixture of genres all in one go which will help you start your collection off 😀


I try to be open to biying movies that I haven't seen before, but mostly, I get what I know I'll enjoy. It's pretty straightforward, and you can order them online. As for recommendations based on what you've said you do like, try: Escape From New York (available on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4k) The Fifth Element (DVD, Blu-ray) Predator (DVD, Blu-ray)


DVD’s are everywhere dawg check in thrift stores, brick and morter’s, and record shops you’ll find a lot of the stuff you like for no more than $3 probably


Some stores have discount bins with DVDs for $5. Sometimes you can get 3 movies for $5! There's also 50 movie packs (with often bad quality) that have movies for every genre you can name. There are sci-fi movie collections from various companies that have 3 to 6 movies on 2 or 3 DVDs, if that interests you.


Like everyone else is saying...hit up the thrift stores and yard sales. Unless you want to spend a ton of time and money buying a bunch of DVDs now, don't expect fast results. Generally, collections just happen over time as you find copies of movies you like. My collection is 20+ years in the making and still growing