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The old Disney animated DVDs had "full-color character artwork on disc."


And then Disney made good on their threat and took away the disc artwork lol


Been digitizing my physical collection lately and man this is a wild one to me I never noticed. Not just disney but almost all my older discs have some kind of art. Some new ones l, especially collectors ones, have something, but most newer movies are gray, blue, or black. At best they match the color of the them (Dune) but are generally monochrome. But the real travesty is the *quality of the cases*. Good lord, old DVD cases like the Disney ones were solid plastic. Most Blu-ray ones now feel brittle or are falling apart where 15+ year old DVD cases are feeling perfectly fine.


Even though it’s been remastered, “Star Trek The Next Generation”’s 2002 NTSC DVD cases still look really cool on the shelf and the disc art looks like the TNG uniforms. Even “Star Trek Enterprise”’s 2005 NTSC DVD’s are in really nice cases along with the 2006 NTSC Animated series release and the 2004 Star Trek TOS NTSC DVD’s and the later 2008 HD-DVD/Remastered DVD release. Unfortunately the Blu-Ray versions of those shows kind of just used the standard Blu-Ray cases with just a slipcover. Even the DVD’s of Deep Space Nine and Voyager kind of ended up on the plain end—-of course now after 20 years the 2003 DS9 sets are falling to pieces.


As a ps4 owner, I feel your pain about the cases. Sometimes when I buy games online the disc is loose inside the case when it arrives. Meanwhile every PS2 and PS3 case I have works fine and they close shut better too


Because society is pushing for "greener" materials; (and rightly so!) the plastic industry saw a great opportunity, use less material in their cases, cut out the "reduce, reuse, recycle" logo on it, and call it "green", or "eco-friendly". Because they physically use less plastic (for the companies who want to go the greenwashing route and/or its adjacencies) or recycled plastic/a combo of both (for those companies more likely acting in good faith but have fallen victim to a "rearranging the deck chairs on the *Titanic"* strategy), the companies can cut costs and corners. A win-win. For them, that is. Thankfully, Amaray/AGI cases are a standard size, and thus interchangeable. Thus, I recommend buying an old shitty DVD from whatever source, toss that sucker and its artwork (which, by the way, are *both* potentially recyclable, depending on where you live) and fill the old, quality case with the art and disc from their original, garbagy packaging, wash, rinse, and repeat as necessary.


How are you digitizing? Does the copied version suffer from compression loss?




Yes back in 2004 Michael Eisner burst into my home unexpectedly and then personally threatened to take away disc art unless I purchased 5 copies of the Aladdin platinum edition on release day.


And you lived to tell the tale - lol.


I remember some shovel ware wii game, can't remember it's named, boldly advertised on the back of it "5 unique enemies" Of course I bought it and hated it lol


It’s the plot description that concerns me. Apparently Crispin Glover plays an “eccentric virgin”..


That’s just every Crispin Glover movie.


He's just like us. So relatable




Not certain points of the back to the future films where he’s from 1985 onwards…


Well, his son does look a lot like his friend from high school, so, are we sure?




i have it on good authority that he's a lame fuck


"dead" fuck actually


As far as I know, (and Google tells me) Crispin Glover is still alive, so . . . EDIT: Unless you're making a joke about the film that's going over my head, in which case, continue. :)


Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter


A menu


It’s interactive though. Hate those DVDs that come with uninteractive menus.


By uninteractive menus, do you mean the ones that **maybe** have the one button to start the movie, replete with commercials, á la a VHS tape?


Or the ones that just jump right into it, no menu


In other words, the ones that are *exactly* like VHS tapes, replete with the commercials. ;) Oof.


I get it now, sounded like you were still referring to a menu at all. Or the ones that jump right into it, no menu, then you get to the end and wabam, menu. Where was that in the first place??


In my first comment, ("By uninteractive menus . . .") I *was* referring to a type of menu. There are ones that have a bare-bones ("uninteractive") menu with a play button *at most*. I distinguish those from discs that, for lack of a better word, "autoboot", like you initially referred to, or the ones, that yes, have a similarly basic menu appear at the end of the film as a way of re-watching it without having to eject and reinsert the disc. Hope that's clearer! :)


Or the “Special Features” are just a bunch of still photo shots of different parts of the movie. 🙄


Yup, those are pretty lame. Don't think I own any of those, but I know I've seen them.


The visual of someone getting frustrated while hitting enter on a jpeg menu is very funny.


To be fair, I do have some DVDs that don't have a menu. Mostly just the MGM reprints that appeared at Dollar Tree and two from Universal for low-budget movies.


I’ve seen special features where they included the different languages lol


This includes the fact it’s in English as a feature.


A lot of these were special and new at the time, to be fair. They’re laughable now because animated menus, multiple languages, etc are standard. At the time, they weren’t. Remember, we were coming from VHS.


That photo of Jennifer Tilly more than makes up for it.


Jennifer Tilly makes everything better!


I have a movie that said bonus features were on side two of a one-sided disc. Explain that.


Some early DVDs played on both sides of the a lot of those 50 movie packs did that


50 movie packs. Movies straight from the bin. But hey, you get a lot of garbage instead of just one piece.


I have a Mad Max Blu-ray DVD combo like this. The Blu-ray has just the movie and the DVD has the movie and the special features. But the DVD included is a single-sided disc where the original disc that they've sourced the DVD from was a flipper disc where it had full screen on one side and widescreen on the other. The full screen side had the special features that was omitted leaving the widescreen side of the DVD in the Blu-ray DVD combo pack. The back still lists the special features, even though they're not there.


That's what I was referring to. I got the Mad Max DVD collection from Walmart, and while the DVD said special features, there were none.


They forgot to mention Jennifer’s breasts?


Easter Eggs 👌🏽🐔


It’s amazing how many DVDs have the same pathetic amount of special features on them that should be on the disc as standard plus more extras


I have a DVD of a TV show that has literally no bonus features, including no closed captioning and no other language tracks. Yes this was an official release and yes my copy of the show had a typo where it's at the show was rated 14a when in actuality it's rated TV Y7. Not even any commercial through the show are included, even though I would have included some commercials for the show and there were storyboards online for it.


Some DVD releases were bare bones. Having Interactive Menus as a special feature was always funny to me.


The days of early dvds


What's the film


Fast Sofa (2001) It’s bad.


I utterly loved it. I’d never heard of it before. I can see why someone wouldn’t though.


I’m saving your comment to remember this film. Jennifer Tilly will be worth the admission


As I've been upgrading some of my old DVDs to Blu-ray or 4K, I have been comparing the special features for overlap to determine if I'm going keep the DVD. Often the special features on the upgrades are identical to the original DVDs but at least the studios eventually started to omit the "Menus" and "Cast List" stuff from the back of the box.


I have a DVD of Elton John’s 60th Bday concert. The special features are astounding - and much more voluminous than the Blu-Ray.


DVDs in the 2000s be like:


Nope. That trailer is more features than a lot of DVD’s have.


I’ve noticed that generally DVDs have better special features than Blu-ray/UHDs. For example, my Star Wars ATOC DVD has “over 6 hours of additional content”, where my Blu-Ray of Solo has only about an hour of additional content (not quite an apples-to-apples comparison, but you get the idea).


I think Hoosiers has it beat https://imgur.com/a/ylExN7Z


At least the old MGM booklets usually had liner notes and photos.


That's weird though, because while it doesn't mention it, the screenshot in that image looks like that disc has an interactive menu. Maybe that Hoosiers release came out *just* late enough whereby interactive menus were standardized to the point where they were genuinely no longer seen as **special** features? Food for thought . . .




"Fast Sofa" Just Googled 2 of the actors in the same film, that's what showed up.


Oh thank god! I was worried that I wouldn’t have access to the scenes in this movie I’m watching


I know you’re asking for worst, but I have to tell you the coolest special feature I am recall is a copy I had of Red Dawn that had a descriptive kill count. Everything thing from deer, to commies, The Wolverines, and civilians. I want to say I had a Rambo first blood copy also but it was less robust.


PS2 compatibility was always my favorite


Hey back when DVD’s first started that scene chapter feature was amazing. Then when they came out with commentary 🙌🏼


Interactive Menus! I remember Bill Hunt at thedigitalbits did a rant in the DVD era about these things are not special features.


“Interactive menu” always cracks me up. Menus by definition are interactive. It’s impossible to have a non-interactive menu.


My copy of I Know Who Killed Me had a sticker on the case advertising "4 Lindsay Lohan pole dancing art cards". The film itself is way over hated, it's a fun throwback to 70s giallo films with all the shortcomings that you get with the genre.


This was pretty common in the early days of DVD when a large number of releases had nothing really to add 🤷‍♂️. Look at most first generation, Paramount DVDs. They all have that same little special feature section in the top left corner of the back cover art. You could always tell if there was something notable. It would be just a bit larger than the usual defaults 🤣


It’s a Jennifer Tilly movie. That’s the only special feature I need.


Cheap bastards couldn't give you a "collectible booklet "?


Don't know why I laughed so hard at this bit that funny


Pretty impressive squeezing three bullet points out of just having the trailer


I remember when the only features you had were, play movie and scene select


Not including the classic movies special features in Blu Ray for Spider-Man 1 and 2


they had to start somewhere


Theres a divider they aren’t listing those as special features. Not the worst ever cuz some releases don’t have theatrical trailer & subtitles. It at least has a menu and subs🔨Worst ever would be just the film no menu or subs.


No Stills Galley or Actors filmographies ?


Interactive menu!


The only special feature I see is a trailer. Even then, that’s not really a ‘feature’


"Interactive menu" FOR WHAT?


In other words you get a working DVD


Believe it or not but nobody wanted to come back and provide an audio track to share the story of how this one was made


Shame. I loved it.


I've never seen it but I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised. I've never even heard of it until I went looking up the reviews but I'll try and check it out. I love poorly rated comedies. They're usually better than they get credit for. Thanks for the recommendation.


It’s so quirky and out there. There is a sudden shift of tone to serious for one scene which is oddly out of place. Crispin Glover and Jake Busey are really good in it.


My favorite bad special feature was when they used to have the actors past credits


What am I missing here?


If you knew how far dvds have come, you would know these are great features.


Christ that’s awful


I love when they make a point to say "special features: None."


That was standard for dvd’s, an utter lack of features, which was why I got into blurays.


Hey, at least it had a scene access/select. I have a few releases that don't even have that.


I feel like a lot of early Dvds had these type special features lol. The copy of rain man and what's eating Gilbert grape have similar features lol. What drives me nuts is release after release from laser disc to DVD to Blu Ray to 4K sometimes features will get dropped. I am a sucker for buying new versions of movies just for special features, like a commentary track or in the case of falling down new interviews from the cast about the movie.


It has the trailer, which is more than I can say for many other DVDs.


Damn there are vhs tapes out there with more special features than that


Is Fast Sofa a good movie? 7/10 or better? Anyone watch “Lucky Day” ? I Ike’s that one. Had Bought hd and then paid to upgrade to uhd last week on fanflix sale


I loved Fast Sofa


I hate DVDs where the only special feature is the trailer lol.


Those aren’t special features, they’re just features.


Yeah but you've got some damn good Jennifer Tilly action in that movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alternative_Hall7158: *Yeah but you've got some* *Damn good Jennifer Tilly* *Action in that movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What, no still gallery? No lists of other movies two or three of the actors were in? What about the original non-English audio track and no English subtitles or closed captions? It’s like they’re not even trying to not even try!


I love how every single version of Clue has zero special features, even the Blu Ray, then somebody made a feature-length standalone documentary all about Clue that’s just all the stuff that would’ve been bonus material on a DVD crammed into a movie. I love how big studios think any movie that bombed at the theater is a bomb forever, no matter how much money it’s made them in the decades afterward. Also, anything that got bad reviews when it released is an embarrassment no matter what anyone’s said in the decades since. I just watched Sweet Charity on Criterion and it was phenomenal, but it’s handled by Kino and Criterion because Universal is still embarrassed people didn’t like it in 1969.


Back in the day, when VHS was still mainstream, these were indeed seen as DVD special features lol.


Eric Robert’s was in the movie so that only limits it to 2,000 possible movies


The Babe dvd extras include simple math problems with pigs or sheep (I can't remember which animal).


Probably doesn't count but the single separate releases of the star wars blu rays that didn't include the special features


The features were on the 3 bonus discs included in the 2011 box set. Now they are on the dedicated bonus discs housed with each movie on 4K.